DotA 6.69 Development Update. Recently, IceFrog has blogged a quick update of DotA 6.69 to let us know that development has already been started and it will not take much time as DotA 6.68 took. As usual, he asked for the feedback for the upcoming changes in DotA 6.69. For e.g. Balancing, Items, Loading Screen etc.
IceFrog Blog: 6.69 - Quick Update:
Development is underway on the next patch. It won't take as long to release as the previous version did. Please send me your feedback on 6.68 along with what you'd like to see in DotA 6.69!
Make a comment in this blog post or send me an email with the feedback.
Glad to hear that we won't have to wait half an year for a map. By the way, DotA has a tradition of Hidden Quests (easter eggs) every 6.x9 versions. So, expect IceFrog to include a hidden quest in Dota 6.69. Also, Share your suggestions about this map via comments.
372 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 372 Newer› Newest»first blood!!
nice update
include bloodseeker in aghanims.. ^^ Firstblood..
plz make sceptre on nevermore and give some movement speeed to destroyer
Bloodseeker with aghanims? Nice idea bro
btw, I'd like to see a new loading screen. got bored with the current one
gj ICE
Gj, second blood
Will be Great to add a notifications like when Creeps Grown Up, Towers are on low HP and to add more Armon on the Throne Towers..
Roshan respawn message would be nice.
pls make a life and mana steal...haha pure pwnage....
who got chese message included better i think
and mana bar for fiends and enemies
mantap ilikeit
can't wait for it! :)
I think that they should put a hidden boss(quest).Although it has to be very difficult to be defeated so all the 10 players have to co-operate in order to kill it.They have to put a peace zone like lineage and when the boss reaches 10% of his life the peace zone goes off and the battle between the heroes begin!
roshan respawn is good idea but ilike to see a new boss that has an item drop
Make the load screen to have all the heroes that did not seen in previous load screen or make the load screen heroes beating roshan ^^.
New creeps looks and new items+ hero
I want Omniknight Return To frosmourne Sword,Uther Will be A new hero and Abaddon remove the horse
Please make aghanim with Omniknight and the hammer will change to frosmourne
What bout new hero using peasant/militia model? :D
Hoping for a new loading screen. :) -YS
change the design of dota map.,jz lyk on HoN.,
include PL with aghanims.,,
delete alchemist.,,^^
its nice if you can heal a tower.. :D even only the 3rd tower... :D and if possible re make treant or make another treant hero that his ultimate is "can burrow and do siege mode like siege tank in star craft.. great damage and range but immobilized.."
wheres the AI map? is the AI map developer cant keep up?hows that?
Please incorporate Invoker's resources to the new patch... this is to remove the lag whenever he's chosen... thanks
ICARUS a wanna See
New heroes ? 0.0 more heroes with scepter! and balancing heroes. some heroes are too imba :x
Aghanim on ancient?
wohooo! no more waiting about half of months...put a aghanism on all hero!!!! wuhahahahah
maybe you can make an item that requires the venom orb... ^_^
Copter wif aghanim !! interval between two rockets decrease !!! lmao ... enchantress wif aghanim !!new loadscreen as well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how about making changes in item...make change item look like treasure to other look
update on roshans respawn like "Roshan has been respawned" or something :)
New loading screen!!!
------MJ------ here,
.. we won't have to wait half a* year for a map.
Spelling mistake :P
i reckon u should make scepter upgrade for obsidian destroyer
Scepter for Thrall ?
yeah the loading screen should change.
it would be nice if chaos knight had aganims
the towers should improve more while the game
more dmg mb chaos dmg and more amore and more life
I would like to see sniper ulti with agha whatever agha gives him cd,range,dmg :D
Gj.....Looking forward for 6.69
plz make the graphics more COOL
I wish to have a new map not like the old map w/ trees lets make it different okay...
change the load screen??,,it really makes me bored..and um..change mirana's last skill...or put aghanims on her
make an upgraded item for "orb of venom".. please!.. for better use.. tnx
hy,how about removing the APSO pick's messages?.To make it more interesting.
give visual effect for every aghamin hero.....and change troll warlord,s 2nt power i.e blind...and give a more spammable and useful power
gyrocopter and centaur with aghanims..
it would be better if they add more towers so it will not ba so easy because 5v5 can be done in just 10 min. :\
I found rune bug in dota 6.68c!@@
aghanipms for banehallow would be nice too..
How about Icarus????? Is she/he coming out in 6.69?
DK with Scepter.. LMAO
how bout the AI maps? were is it?cant wait :D
throne towers attacking owuld be nice so it could defend itself even there's no hero......... and pls remove arcane ring or maybe arcane boots bec. no one will buy two of them lol........ its the same
pls update new version frozen thore...
so many damn mh now....
Improve Gyro Like Giving Him Aghanims More Spammable Skill :)
eredar base str 20 please even I have not played him with my friends..
wisp base armor 1 or 2 please.. %)
sorry bad grammar
aghanims viper's can make its ulti dmg more? that whould be nice.
dragon knight dmg more.
techies ulti colddown decreese.
meepo ulti all also have 6 item slot.
Include Shadow Fiend to use an Aghanims Scepter.
kaldr with aghanims would be nice and make venomancers snakes poison slow
it would be great if you can totally get rid of map-hack
new hero ^^
new loading screen.... please.. plus balance the new heroes first... specially shadow demon... so fast cooldown on poison... that hero can spam it like hell... anyway, nice updates... keep it up ice :D
how about aghanims to treant prot.
Plz add scepter to all heros...just seems like an item everyone needs to have and an ult of a hero is an ultimate spell that has to be the strongest it can be.
add visual effects on aghanims scepter to those heroes that dont have visuals XD
Eredar, farseer, gyrocppter, wisp with ahganims its cool....
Add more new items
add aghanims on meepo!
I'd like to lessen the Imba moves of the new heroes like:
Shadow Demon = powerful 3rd skill and very resilient.
Thrall = Fast cool down skills and Not much.
Wisp = No problem at all.
Gyro = Very stingy skills and powerful.
If you don't mind change some of it :D T.Y
P.S create a new loading screen with the new heroes :D
F: dalex12
add little more range on Nevermore first skill It would be nice ^_^ :)
manow pega ut troll e aumenta duraçao so pra ele,pode ser uma aghains,mas se for aghans acressenta alguns porcento de movspeed mas so pro troll
another carry hero maybe?
Nerf shadow demon 3rd skill too imba
add return damage to cheap something like a new mode ex -dc
maybe make roshan little tougher? add him some spells, or make him totally immune to magic, he is being raped these days with low levels, i mean roshan should be ultimate creep in dota so make him stronger :)
New Loading... Screen
yeah a new loading screen would be nice
scepter on all heroes!!! :D
Can u put throne attacking and more armor? too easy to end game otherwise...
Ultimete blood nice uplaod
add more orb effect items ^^
Put reconnection tool so that even if the player's got dc they can still reconnect and play.....
wow easter egg !!
add aghanims for enigma?..
can someone tell me when ai will release?
and reduce techies ulti cooldown plz with aganhim maybe.
and balance thrall by lessen kinetic shield from 4 secs to 3 secs.
hes like jakiro but with a longer stun (kinetic shield - 4secs and freeze-2secs)and same aoe dps.....
balance thrall alot.
add new loading screen with new heroes using their ulties and make more scepter visuals for venomancer. add better graphics and balance and make it awesome !!!! :D
scepter on motred. more critical XD
change some neutral creep
please arrange with the guys who have skills and not five fourth to make it more fun boat and a new screen know it might take a while but think in the case
Erm, new loading screen, add some new item and recipe, and pls rework doom bringer, he is overpower
Insert a new quest like in 6.59b
some bug here~Bloodseeker stay huge even the BKB end...!
give drow ranger aghanims scepter and please put icarus the phoenix in the 6.69 and please balance shadow demon his very imba thanks :)
change lucifer range he sucks and all the latest changes at him
fix the aganism for undying.....
Scpeter for ancient appartion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
make various type of map...which like counter strike map....so we can play with a lot of skills rather than use the current map that all already known the secret.
Plz give hack free gaming.....(Antihack)
more aghanim animation for hero ^^
Make the map better looking or change the graphics -_-
Btw the end is easy to reach change it.
A aghamin's in Centaur would be nice, the =)
before making Icarus or Pheonix, Icefrog needs to
make a hero that represents him.. a hero like ice + frog!!!
Also he needs to make recipe for group town portal (kinda like Pit Lord's ult)
Make for Never more Aghanim's scepter!!
change the ultimate of raijin the storm spirit...raijin can't be stop even with only malevolence on it's inventory...it sucks!!!
made aghanim sceptre for Ogre and change the 3rd on Nerubian Assasin
everytime someone posts... "first blood" in the first comment, I kill a kittie
Finish Reconnection Tool for Garena?
How about change the color team of the sntinel and scourge.the sentinel has green color and the scourge has purple color.so they will be looked as a true sentinel and scourge.and also add team glow to every hero to show that them is really hero
I don't think icarus is coming out in 6.69, if icarus is in 6.69, then there might be new heroes in 6.70 as well :D but...who knows?
And, stop asking icefrog to "Make it bla bla bla like in starcraft" or what shit, think an idea of your own, don't copy the ideas from other games. I believe what Icefrog wants is an original idea, not a copied idea, and what he wants is a game with different heroes and different skills, so stop asking him to make which hero's skill resemble which hero's skill, and so on, and stop asking IceFrog to put an item like which hero's skill, in this case, it will render the hero useless, so he WON'T put that item on sale. Please understand these before u even request him to include anything in the upcoming version of dota..
No offense, and thank you..
Aghanims scepter to BLOODSEEKER , TRAXEX , CENTAUR , and item to MANA STEAL and put in the NAIX aghanims scepter passive skill = cannibalism to eat corpse and heal him xDDD and to nevermore scepter = more damage or more AoE damage
im bay the imba in our country philippines i like to suggest dragon tail of davion has bonus movements speed!! :DD LOve u icefrog:DDDD
and alghanims on chaos knight..
can you pls tell the developer of the AI map..pls release the 6.68AI map we've been waiting for this long time... can you make it fast!
It would be good if Pudge hooks an enemy,he says ''Come here....'' just like Scorpion in Mortal Kombat..
make special effect to windrunner's aghanim
is the two heroes that are suppose on 6.68 will be in 6.69??
Could you make new hero, our burmese historical hero to dota, i am from Burma, thanks. We all like dota.
Could you make a little change about gurdian whips spell
make -disablehelp to -dh only...
its hard to type -disablehelp while playing..
is icarus the phoenix there?
haha ! first bLoOd ! :))
make scourge terrain more redish cuz its good vs evil
For shadow demon 3rd skill is totally IMBA! gr..
and new loading map! :) tnx
Do you want Troll Warlord is the only strong?
Will you fight for a battle of dota
fight me !!! fight me !!! are you scared
Where's the AI Map, a month already pass and still dont have the F*cking AI Map, go hire somebody else, harreke is too slow....
aghanims on ogre magi 10x multicast
every body saying shadow demon imba imba imba wtf ppl jst buy hood and his 3rd spell is useless so jst buy a hood and u r fine!!!
wow y can`t wait..xD
.... make some item that is good for bashes... blade mail or ghost scepter isnt so good in late and there is no way to kill heroes like void or troll...
I would like the throne and the world tree to be more powerful...its because it is very easy to be BD...like a summoning skill like forgoten one! XD
Aghanim's scepter on meepo to make it 5
equality among the heroes,,..
there are some instances that some of the players quit because they are afraid or no match with the opposing hero lineup,,,,
New loading screen,,,,,,
hey icefrog plz make icarus the pheonix and change the loading screen plz its too old put a nice cool other loading screen and plz dont let the valve take the update from u we love warcraft 3 as it is right now :D
it will be nice when there will be animation on scorp ulti
...new animation for different hero skills...that would so cool...
...LOADing ScReeN...
...new hero...
...scepter domination...
..include nevermore to those who can upgrade their last skill by aganims scepter.. :D
can u change the ulti of lifestealer its very useless....
I wanna See a New GOD iteM that the price is 20,000
aghanim's on DK = black dragon/golden dragon! ftw!! XD
It will be cool to see new screan on 6.69, and add some buff on Wisp, also would be nice to see aghanim's on more heroes like krobelus, enigma, nevermore, blodseeker, etc...
make a command.. no quit ..
new hero???ICARUS and "that marine dude"(the one in Starcraft) would be good...
it seems there is some popular hero which is always been use, like POTM, ES, and the other else which is very popular in every war.
please make all hero's choose rate the same, soo we can enjoy playing all various usefull hero, not just the popular hero, thx ice.
please continue the dota program =))
A c E
aghanim scepter on ogre magi x] balance shadow demon coz his skills didn't cost mana...(50-200) more visual effects for aghanims and something new ! ;P
add more cool music background thx,,,
if you are going to include icarus in 6.69, can u pls make it's ultimate a channeling slow skill with a rupture-like effect that as the enemy move, he will gain damage continously. also, make the slow of poison orb stacking.
make Ogar magi with scepter......imba 5x multicast....GG
make aghanim scepter to ogre magi :D maybe with aghanim grow up 3rd head :D dont know something fun ;d. New hero tank with hp and comand aura`s
Aghanim's Scepter to DK = Black Dragon (Green+Red+Blue Dragon) :D Poison, Splash, Slow.. ^_^
make ezalor more useful and stronger in late game. i really love that hero. his blinding light cant cancel teleport anymore. it sucks.
Visual effects on all heroes with aghanims scepter!!! include anti-mage, soul keeper, nerubian weaver, and treant protector!! a new hidden quest!!!!!!
LOl ags just for visual effects XD good one rofl
skeleton king suck big time in the latest release!
make -cl (close lane) command it will help a lot :) gj ice
traxex with agahnihms, hehehe, bow will shine like quincy bow,
balance up things. lycan with arghanim's would be nice!
new loading screen of roshan being angry at 10 heroes hitting him! make tiny toss after arghanim's by making him hitting the heroes up into the air with the club.
Love you icefrog!
I need an AI MAP! pls do it!!!
land mines of techies should be given an expiry time.. -_- too imba.
please lower cooldown of arcane boots... ^^~~~!!!
i think you should make less lag on invoker. People will scold if you uses invoker and thats why nobody use it. make all hero agiham scepter!! nice man!! more items please, getting tired of this old junks.
lols, magi grow 3 heads. nice, if can, it is very nice, make some cool nice animation for dr on scepter. it also be very nice!
Make an aghanims in Never more and Aghanmins to Bloodseeker :D
in 6.68 i think that yurnero's omnislash is glitched or bugged, cause when he used it, it was like seconds ago and he can already use it again is it a cooldown bug?
dont do more aghanims plz.....just fix balance
plz add a quest with gambler!!!! ololololololo
new items^_^
put a reconnection tool .. so if we accidentally disconnected from the game , we can go back to the game .. :D
New hero,, The "FIRE PANDA" =D
plss can you remove roshan and place other ancient. like in WARCRAFT III. and remove BATRIDER bug. pls pls pls XD.
put Jim Raynor, Kerrigan and Zeratul in Hero haha
make an item that has mana steal
pls returned the skill 6 of Ancient Apparition to 20sec if it is one lvl16 or have aghanims on it
put a shop that can indicate orb effects..so you can freely choose what orb effect you would like to stack/work..
it will be cost 1000g..
can you make this Icy? don't if this is a bad idea.. :)
make a ultimate hero like faceless void+ursa+traxex
a new quest is a good idea but it must be life five tyms more powerful than roshan so that all 10 players must make a peace treaty to kill him and he must be magic immune so that players dont use any skills!! and when hes near to die there must be a msg that hes about to die.... then the peace treaty ends and heros can attack each other from now to steal the dropped item...... the unit can drop 5 aegis for the whole team or a divine rapier would be nice..... hope u read this!!!
New Loading screen !!
Fuckyew! :3
your idea sucks!
aghanims for all heroes :))
aganim for far seer please
Give Helm Of Dominator Enchant like abilities i.e convert creeps n slow heroes. Also reduce cd to 100
yo....can you put astral trekker back on 6.69?
ey ice frog...
y is that ragnar is not on 6.68 dota in the phil?
its unfair you know dat...
make an item that combines
butterfly and the venom orb ^.^
change mirana's ulti with an offensive skill used by the tiger not mirana...maybe an active and a passive skill like slark ^^
add more modes.. like easy mode for more experience gained and normal mode for normal exp.. =)
Yeah... Thats a Go0d idea
1.Roshan respawn message.
2.Agahim for more heroes.
3.New loading screen with the new heroes.
4.Towers more healt.
6.68 is good, hoping for new hero and items on 6.69
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