DotA 6.68c AI is the upcoming DotA AI map which is under development process and expected to release very soon. Harreke & PleaseBugMeNot are currently working on DotA v6.68c AI Project. Harreke is developing his own AI script and PleaseBugMeNot is following BMP's AI script. So there may be two versions of 6.68c AI this time.
Update #5 Official Map :-
Update #4: Beta Map:The Official version of Dota 6.68c AI Map is released.
The 6.68c AI beta map is now out for a while. It's not an official release but it's still playable, thanks to the Armenian.Update #3: Quick Update (November 27, 2010):
DotA 6.68c AI Beta.rar (7.36 MB)
Note: This map will appear as "Dota 6.68c" in Warcraft 3 map list, so it is recommended that you put it in a separate folder.
Second BETA stage
After some testing, the most crucial bug is not appearing. Now i`m starting to make some AI changes and another BETA will be rolling. If no crucial BUGs appear... we can release 6.68c AI BETA map to the public. I also got 6.69`s changes and i`ll begin working on moving the 6.69`s AI map.
Update #2: Quick Update (October 27, 2010):
Hello, guys.
Just a quick update on the status of the AI map. The item builds for DotA 6.68c AI series are ready. The AITeam are testing them. As you know in 6.69 there are changes in some items and recipes and that will need another item build overhaul. There is a new mode called -ld (Low Dodge Mode). Some users complained how AI (Normal and Hard) are dodging almost always Pudge`s Hooks and some other skills. The mode will compensate that problem... it will be available as a command from the hosting player. Writing -old once will enable that mode and writing it again will disable it. You`ll see a message with the current status of the mode.
That mode affects Meat Hook but also Nerubian Assassin's Impale, Demon Witch's Impale, Fissure, and Ice Path.
There are some weird bugs which we will address. Also i started renaming and de-obfuscating a lot of functions and variables... i hope that will make the work on the script easier.
Update #1: PleaseBugMeNot:
And here is the test of the Eredar, Shadow Demon. All skills are working. Gyrocopter and Thrall are already working. I can say the waiting for 6.68 was worth it, very nice heroes. Congrats, IceFrog! The next work on the list, making item recipes work. Without that fix, the map will be unplayable. So, keep your fingers crossed.
Anyway, This post is created for DotA Allstars 6.68c AI Plus map. It will cover all the news and updates of this AI map.
Dota 6.69
343 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 343 of 343 Newer› Newest»Wow! Tought it was awesome,... but when i try to change my courier type, it changes to nothing. And When I pressed that, all of my items in my crow dissappeared. XD
When it Will be Posted?
I'm very excited with the DotA All-Stars 6.70b AI!
yey Dame!
Thanks a lot for posting this guys. Now that the AI team has to find the idiot who leaked the beta map, it'll take much longer before the official map comes out.
why doesnt -ld work on this??
aw! when i try gyrocopter last skill its become fatal error!!! why!!! fix it
everytime im using all new heroes it always become fatal error... why?
Thankyou Dota-Utilities for providing this map although there are some bugs in it. But i waited for it for along time.
Omg i can't believe that it is released
U ROck Dota Utilities
Still bugs are detected please fix and release the stable version
wth..better retire..develope one map take up few months..Annoying o0o =.= o0o
finnally can use the 4 new heroes to play with ai
Wow I'll be looking forward to this :)
Hey I've got an idea! Why don't you include the fun heroes hahaha :) Thanks 4 this release BTW
waaa...it's cool
i really hope they show more mirror link to download
this map isn't playable at all, bug here and there. don't bother testing it if you're not knowing anything about developing shit like this..
there are so many bugs in this map..
first example is..
the guardian wisp skills..
haizt... rushing things doesnt make sence!!..
haha,reading all the comments above made me laugh..u all r so childish.i can tell that by your words ."pls release it faster, i cant wait" etc.etc...anyway, good job for those putting their hardwork to create this AI map, appreciate it really much..
what the hell is this,i've played 3 games of BETA ai and my War 3 had a fatal error for each game,oh gosh!
This map is just too buggy...
November 30, 2010
When i was playing the DotA 6.68c AI Beta version.. I found a bug.. Its very irritating.. At the middle of the game, all of the sudden "fatal Error" appears all of the time.. CAnt practice properly my fave hero Gyrocopter..
Also i noted, i cant change my courier and everytime i change my courier type my items disappear..
Hoping this bug will be fix, i love this map and cant wait 6.69ai to be release.. Thanks
thz for u
awesome!...i've download it!..thx!dota-utilities is the best!
i dont know why some people here blame icefrog while he does not working in creating Ai map...=="
wooooooooooooooooooo thx!! finaly its releas!! thx al lot!
thx alot!!! finaly i can play 6.68ai!
noob site that steal beta map n post it with noob ppl pressing for ai map to be released faster...if u r so good...y dun make urself...
whenever I use gycocopter, after a couple minutes, the game suddenly crush... crap
can you please give it to me other link?
i cant download it. it always says that i have parallel downloads but i dont have any downloads.
tnx. :)
Lo 2nd Skill cant use always , just 5 or times can use ,
it's ol second skill won't work ...sad )=
go go go harreke, more power....
theres a bug doood. IO's(WISP) second skill doesnt work on enemies(spirit) but instead on his teammates on this beta map. pls fix it.
nice map.. but ppl still want MH.. why MH still can DOWNLOAD.. CAN UR STOP THAT MH ! ! !
I like harreke in making AI maps.. he is better than BMP and PBMN... ai 67AI rev2 has a better ai Scripts, ex. ARROW type heroes make sidestep moves.. i like to see it.. but im still hoping to make this map scripted by harreke
thx u so much
i've waiting it for too long
Hey There Is A Bug,
When you have a flying courier and it has items when you click the change courier type icon its items is gone and it goes back to being a normal courier not a flying courier.
Hope you fix it THANKS,,,,.
i hope the 6.69 AI can be released b4 christmas.... :))
those people who keep saying that theyr slow at making it, i wana see you guys try to make the ai map. be thankful that someone is making it for us -.-
Bug Ios spirit can damage a team mate :(
Hello there,
Addressed to: DoTA 6.68c AI developer,:_ please check again on the special mode (-ld/-old) it's not actually working on the currently released version... when the host tries to type either "-ld or -old", nothing happens... Hope this will reach the developers so that there fans wil be enjoying DoTA+AI well,, tnx,,,
----------PHp.Lord Dark------------
hahahahaha,,,, first blood ko agad.... wew
lol, this map is leaked and still beta version.
this map got some problems with the courier...when u carry somethings and press button [c] the items will be disappear
perfect AI,, great arrow of mirana,,make a AI trashtalker saying "GODWEAK.....!!!!!"
i can't use comand -ld and -old ? nothing happened
Thank you so much for such a wonderful work.
Please help. Major bug with wisp skill. Also with shadow demon.
LoL iceFrog Sucks
wow beta map got leaked...now playdota forum staff are really mad of this leaked map.. XD
yesssssssssssssss 68ai is now available
Shit this Map bug !!!!!i use Io use his skill 2 (Spirits) cant hit mirana!!!!AI Io no using skill ..Shadow Demon skill simple open ulti at creeps far seer never use ulti ..only the grocopter is the Nice
FINALLY!!! .. tnx herreke and pbmn ... your the greatest
nice rocks...Dota Rocks...
why you people always cry for bugs when they appear on ai maps?
Interesting comments hmmm..
Oh yeah tHx !
low dodge mode dosent work sad
It's full of bugs,but still it can be helped..
1.Try to change courier type when item(s) are on it.
2.IF you have flying courier and try changing its type it would revert back to a normal courier.
3.Aghamims Scepter doesnt work on several heroes and it cant be dropped.
Thx dota AI-developers. Take your time, we can wait. Its rock already. Please don't mind with some freaking annoying noob that never learn to be patient.
~ 3}{-AbaSSy-on3
WORST MAP EVER MADE!!!! IT SHOWS ALMOST ALL TIMES I PLAY FATAL ERROR...OMG and the flying courier hasnt got courier shield!!!
hrmm ai heroes get scared and wont move forward if rooftrealen creates sentinel on the roads...
its so frustrating..
gyrocopter is making the game crash(fatal error)
I will post some bugs in 12/25/10
tiny - useless aga scepter. :(
how to change Rar to w3x
6.68AI so many bugs..
wah hard AI!!!
got bug.... when playing LAN without gg.... there is an fatal error.... but when playing gg..... there's no fatal error....
please rework lina's laguna blade it deals 2000 damage in dwarven sniper, slardar and some had bash
pls fix the AI's mana regeneration, even AI's dont have mana regeneration items, It can still cast a lot of spells...eg. Bounty Hunter, AI can cast Shuriken Toss almost every time the spell coolsdown.,w/o even having basilius,or bottle.. when i'm using him,i can only use 2 to 3 shurikens and it's all bye bye mana... i can only cast continually w/ bottle + crow, but AI's can cast continually w/ just vanguard and boots.. wtf??? AI's are only good when they are using casters, but they really suck in using carry heroes(like Mortred).. pls balance it
caster and carry AI heroes should be equal...
tiny's aganim didn't work!
you all dumbs this AI is still in BETA version,and please don't blame IceFrog you all farkshits,he is not working in AI maps.PlsBugMeNot also have work himself and he make AI maps is totally for fun!damn it if you all can't wait,why don't you make it yourself?Is that simple to make an AI map?You all brainless noobs.
its out guys
lol nice one
is there any link to download 6.68 ai exept for hotfile cause i always get the traffic
why is the low dodge mode not working??? no notification message appears after typing the -ld
Great. But how to activate the low dodge mode.
Great. But how to activate the low dodge mode. Help please.
How to activate the low dodge mode. Please help.
This is a leaked map from pbmn.
Just take a look on his blog...
low dodge??? why do you play dota f.... noobs
hey...dota here's goin down....icefrog, your really leaving the dota behind!!!...you'r forgetting the real dota,. dota 2 isn't a game, a real game is where all people can play, not a game that we must pay first...icefrog, for me, now you SUCK!!!
6.68 AI!!!
found some bug, buy aghanims to tiny lvl1 then lvl him up, you won't be able to use the ultimate of tiny...
to : ai map developers
you guys r too slow. cant u concentrate 100% on the map? i know it is very very very very hard to make 1, i tried once . but if u put in pure effort , the map shoulda been released by NOW!!! perhaps u guys should stop developing ai maps and get another job ..
From : your loving grandma
merry Christmas dudes ! all i want for Christmas is this fucking ai map... by the way, i am SANTA CLAWS...
SANTA sucks. why would anyone believe in santa anyway ? not that he can make ai map release date earlier..
No 6.68c ai map for the next 2 months, delays are expected after this "BETA" thing map came out from this SHIT site. Believed this map is stolen from PBMN and posted here without his blessing. A SHIT UNFINISHED STOLEN map in a SHIT SITE. AI map developers now busy looking for the culprit and are now counter-checking its beta map tester(it could extend months), tsk tsk tsk
Thank you Dota-Utilities for ruining my life!
how can i download this map?
Epic fAil..^^
after all there are weak ai
this ai map has a courier malfunction, right????
I have a BUG
1.buy a flying courier.
2.press ~collect all items~in roshan river
3.then press~go back home~
4. you will have a permanent SEEING on roshan....
why doesn't appear in my map list???
yeah! i hope so.
its name is also 6.68c you can't see the + ai
check this out..it's already out guys!!!!
So. you are telling me. there is no Ai of 6.68 yet. damn it
It's finally released d^_^b
the ai beta always error. :(
There's a BUG :) Use Morphling and create Ethereal's Blade. Activate Ethereal(to enemy hero) then use 2nd skill. [no damage] Very IRRITATING AS I CANNOT 3Hit combo the AI's -.-
It's not a bug. Morphling's 2nd skill in 6.68 is physical not magical... it became magical in 6.69 map..
there is another bug! use pugna buy ethereal blade then cast it on enemy heroes then decrepify them. it will send them to their base instantly !!
why i connot download dota
nice fb!
HEy hey!!!!there is a bug!!!!!!
in the Courier skill ....don't click the "change courier" type(when it is a courier)coz the items that held the courier will disappear!!!!!!trust me....
gyus are not you going to make 6.70AI
a little help here. i've downloaded the map but i cant play it.
where can i find the latst A.I?
Yes,,, Finally,,,
why i cant use the 68ai map?
released it
is this ai map already released?
HEY !!! NICE ONE How about OMG AI Can u build???
How can I download this map?
Warcraft or Dota is a very bad game, which will cause many people to become an idiot, cannot see things or Asperegs Syndrome due to this game. Do not play dota no more than 1 hour. I know it is fun and all, but this game will cause you to pay many postives things you've done, meaning that this game makes you become a negative person. So please becareful
My 6.68AI beta map doesn't work. HELP!!!!!!
I like playing this version so much . thank you all
Cool Man!!
do the computer players work?
I like the 4 new heroes Thrall, Rubick , Io and Eredar because they are really cool
Note There is a Bug with Enchantress can kill roshan easy by cutting trees from top then use Her ULT to Kill Roshan! Bug!!!!! Report Plz to Ice Frog Lol!
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