Blizzard DotA:
Wage war with the most powerful heroes from Blizzard Entertainment’s game universes in this explosive new multiplayer game.
Blizzard's greatest heroes have been drawn from their respective universes to do battle on a chess-themed battleground. You control a hero and must level up, buy items, and work together with your teammates to defeat waves of units and ultimately destroy the opposing team's King Tower.
Blizzard DotA map for StarCraft 2 will be released in near future via Battle.net. It will be free for everyone who owns a copy of StarCraft 2. Till now, We can predict that Blizzard's DotA is more likely to be a sci-fi oriented DotA. Blizzard is updating StarCraft 2 engine, map editor and continuously adding features so it can support the Blizzard DotA.

Blizzard has not announced any official StarCraft 2 DotA release date yet but it is expected be released in near future. Also, Valve is coming up with DotA 2 in 2011. Do you think that Blizzard DotA will be good enough to beat DotA2? Share your reviews via comments!
Stay tuned on Dota-Utilities for the latest updates!
291 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 291 of 291 Newer› Newest»Funny thing with all the people that talk shit about Blizzard cous they are making a DOTA map to SC2. I wanna play it. And besides, DOTA is based on the WC3, hero, items, units ide etc and most parts of the DOTA concept is made by Blizzard themself.
VALVE, S2 games and all other companies that is making a DOTA clone to is the real greedy bastards. Cous Blizzard made the major design of DOTA and put alot of money into making the map creator for maps like DOTA to come up. If it is any company at all that deserves to make a DOTA clone its Blizzard.
We should thank Blizzard cous making sutch a great game and map creator like WC3, else DOTA wouldnt even exist.
Enough said.
if starcraft 2 dota will support lan to lan then i will go to stardota, because dota is originated in warcraft 3 which is developed by blizzard they own the design of the heroes and characters in dota, blizzard will not allow valve to use dota hero designs
Even though Blizzard has Epic Artist, I think they should hire kunkka at deviant art for the loading screens... He only just made most of the loading screens in DotA...
He sounds really nervous ... like, really really nervous. I couldn't help but notice the constant quiver in his voice and ... oh. Blizzard DotA. That's cool, I guess, and definitely something designed to be fun rather than competitive.
And to all the people saying that Valve will sue Blizzard: Can it. As well as the fact that Blizzard DotA is (presumably) not going to cost anything, Blizzard and Valve actually have quite a healthy corporate relationship at the moment.
SC2 is the epic game of the moment, but DotA in it? thats a fail...
dont know of dota 2 or blizzard dota.. dota game is already a new game, blizzard dota is just a map following the old dota, just in a new game engine, blizzard can always release a new patch for better maps for starcraft,, icefrog didnt made warcraft 3(most popular game engine for dota), blizzard did not made dota (i love that map),,..
why does no one hire buffmeplease??? just saying
Dota 2 is already a new game. Blizzard dota is a map.
Blizzard did not made Dota, it was other people not ice frog, ice frog is the current editor of dota maps, blizzard made Warcraft 3, the most popular game engine for dota. ice frog did not made Warcraft 3,, it might be that in the near future that blizzard will release a game thats almost the same of Warcraft, with the same perks of Warcraft 3 like the editable maps and LAN connection and multi player. just saying.
if u know anything about warcraft lore, azeroth could very well exist in the same universe as starcraft, but yet undiscovered. I think when people defend dota by calling out the "ancients" part of it, you are too narrow minded thinking that A) thers only one planet in the universe, and B) ancient things are only relative to our current RL timeline
Whats worth the wait? dota 2 or blizzard dota...
The problem with blizzard is "Near future" could mean in the next 10 years, but usually its worth the wait
What's all this bitching and complaining about? It's free! This is awesome. If you don't like it, don't play it.
The people saying that DotA was made in blizzard map editor is actually wrong, most of the work done on dota is with 3rd party tools. Look it up if you don't believe me.
this guy should never talk again. doesnt know how to explain anything. not to mention this game looks like crap
Dota on WC4 would be better. BLIZZDOTA vs. DOTA2= missmatch
Jesus, DotA originated from and old Starcraft map called Aeon of Strife. Which is why the genre of these ''games'' are AoS, and the reason the guy is nervous is because it's the first time he is up there, sitting in front of thousands. And you all shouldnt forget Eul & Guinsoo. IceFrog really don't deserve credit for the ideas.
This will be goood. Blizzard can make new models it's easy for them :))IMPORT THINGS MAKE IT HD/HQ those who are saying blizzard is stealing from icefrog THINK AGAIN DUMBASSES
Oh people quit yappi'n and just play the game!!
be happy that there's a DotA version in SC2
yeah I gotta say that it will kill the SC2 classics.. but uhh
who cares? let's have fun!!
Well people, if you thinking that's it's killing DotA Warcraft or the classic of Starcraft 2.... it's already killed by the time they put and allowed Starcraft 2 Galaxy Editor Map...
Just like warcraft... before DotA came to fame... It's all about buildings and units...
Hope you read this but uhh...
The orc like characters sucks... it doesn't bring out the "Starcraftness" it's turning like into a 3000 year old Warcraft... not starcraft... but the tauren looks great...
Ze'Muro sucks... futuristic orcs....Well, let's the barbarousness of orcs transformed into a civilized futuristics? that's so not orcs... orcs just doesn't fit in sci-fi world... do you get my point?
it's really cool if you'll replace the orc race... I dunno maybe protoss? or some uhh... but just not orcs...I mean they're so common.. and old..
Thank you
Hope you read this but uhh...
The orc like characters sucks... it doesn't bring out the "Starcraftness" it's turning like into a 3000 year old Warcraft... not starcraft... but the tauren looks great...
Ze'Muro sucks... futuristic orcs....Well, let's the barbarousness of orcs transformed into a civilized futuristics? that's so not orcs... orcs just doesn't fit in sci-fi world... do you get my point?
it's really cool if you'll replace the orc race... I dunno maybe protoss? or some uhh... but just not orcs...I mean they're so common.. and old..
Thank you
One more thing...
About the stats
Replace "Dex" as "Agi"
cause Dex looks like it's a ranger
also Replace "Int" as "Psi"
to bring out the uniqueness of starcraft 2
that's all :)
hope you read this
pff flame wars, firstly all of the "blizz wants more money *noob face*" its kinda the goal of every gaming company in existance (including valve), judging from what we know atm about dota2 (meaning 2 or 3 concept arts) we cant possibly mark it as good or bad, i suggest sticking to the original or if you dont like the old graphics get LoL, its not that bad and it admits its an attempt at a improved dota (also the original dota allstars author Guinsoo made it, after all nothing beats the first one
Since DOTA was originally owned and designed by Blizzard, as you can read on the popular League of Legends website. They are a branch off of Blizzard and probably have a partnership with them.
its a starcraft 2 custom game that will probably be fun... if u dont want to play it on sc2 then dont.. damn
Love all the positive bs for Dota 2 when they haven't released any information what so ever for it. No one knows anything about Dota 2.
It will be cool.. Stay positive people, Blizzard never fail!.. Will be great with a sci-fi dota, a bit of change for once..!
You guys realise icefrog is employed by Valve and working on DOTA 2 right?!!! Blizzard was so late in their game to support the DOTA...they should've fully supported back in Warcraft 3 days and release like hi res, stand alone version...
YEAH !!!!
league of legends ftw ;) screw dota and hon
All of the people saying that dota needs to stay on warcraft 3 ....lol keep whining. who cares about the theme. its the game play that really matters. Warcraft 3's engine is out of date and SC2's engine will be way better. Who cares if some of the aesthetics are exactly how the original dota was.
its cool to see Dota with a face lift. Its a precursor for dota 2 from valve.
ROFL. Most people don't realize that first DotA map came from Starcraft. Google "Aion of Strife" if you think I'm wrong.
I think DoTA on WCIII is the best since its original...
If DOTA 2 does not have similar gameplay it will be a big letdown..
HoN died , not so long ago... blizzard dota.. nice old style new grahpic , to bad for the si fi ofcourse , riot will live on.. 15 million players.... dota 2? i got my doubts... we will see if it comes out , wanan try dota 2 frust though
DotA in sci-fi... That sure is going to be something interesting if done properly.
does it relle matter on the setting it takes place in? sci-fi or a sword and board world? i dont think it makes much of a diff as long as the game play is awesome idgaf wat setting its in
Awesome graphics
Keep it up blizz!
Pooh DotA is a registered trade mark of blizzard and Blizzard dont have any need to show its domination over strategy gaming world blizzard is ruling and DotA 1 is much more powerful. now here the launch of valves DotA 2 shows the domination of Blizzard as valve is launching it and blizzard is not launching fucking counterstrike so here is the conclusion that "Blizzzard Wins"
crazy valve lovers should know that DotA is of blizzard so what valves making DotA2 is a cheaper idea to become revolutionary. crazy valve lovers dont try to compete fucking valve with blizzard because its not now blizzard its "ACTIVISION BLIZZARD" who does not only posses a PC gaming crown with WOW but now on XBOX-360 and PS3 with the title "Call of Duty" :D So "ACTIVISION BLIZZARD" WINS AND VALVE LOSES
Players are shiting with the issue why blizzard didnot release warcraft 4 or Dota's new version and i also thought the same thing and finally i have solved the puzzle Blizzared launched Warcraft 3 in 2003 and the very next year 2004 it launched the world biggest game of game industry "World of Warcraft" which was and is much more profitable for the Blizzard as compared to Dota just calculate how much Blizzard is earning from WOW 12 million i dont count 12 million we assume 10 million which is lesser and Blizzard charge fee of 15$ from each player and earns 1.5 billion dollar and its continues only one game is giving a tremendous amount so thats is the reason why Blizzard ignored DotA
THere will be no DotA if there was no Blizzard guys.
And dont be so dumb saying that Valve will rule!
I think BLizzard DOtA should be in Warcraft3.
"insert long unfounded QQ about a UMS SC2 game here"
dota 2 and LoL are f2p and sc2 isnt, i dont think that this map will be able to compete with them
do you guys know.. that in the eula of warcraft 3 map editor.. that every map created in the editor belongs to blizzard.. therefore "warcraft 3 dota" belongs to blizzard. the only thing that icefrog can claim is the hero names/items/skills bla bla bla and the idea ofc. the reason why blizzard isnt making this in a seperate game is because valve already made it.. it would be just a bonus game mode in sc2 and dont worry .. most of you dont like sc2.. most sc2 players dont like dota also :P
Blizzard shoud work with IceFrog his a brilliant desinger with dota skills balance and map
i cant wait for this! awsome! probobly the day i buy sc2.
Really cool... looking forward
geees.... to much complaints.... of course blizzard dota was made for starcraft fans that also like to play dota. blizzard is not forcing you to like it if you don't like starcraft. small brain people.
StarCraft2 "wings of the liberty" has received an IGN's award for the most competitive multiplayer game of the year 2010 so SC2 doesn't need to show its power of gameplay and also StarCraft2 has an honor of its being a part of curriculum for the student of Engineering of UCLA(University of California,LosAngeles) this show the power of StarCraft.
I already own SC2 so ill give it a try since its gonna be free and valve dota will probably be up to buy :)
If u wana the same succes as LoL have, u need dynamics, and for that u have to know that deny wasn't created for moba...
It's nice, I suppose, to have choice, but like the original DoTA, the interface will be a bit haphazard to fit with it's base game. That's why HoN and League work better ... although HoN doesn't really have enough content for the money.
Ah well, as far as I see it it isn't even an compitition. It's just an extra thing for sc2, just like dota was an extra map for warcraft 3. Only diffrence is that this one isn't made by players but by blizzard. It's not that people would actually buy sc2 JUST for the dota :P. Sc2 is just a great game, and this is a nice extra thingy ^^.
You morons do understand that this is just a side project by Blizzard? It is not being made to "compete" with dota2, hon, or lol. It is being made to promoto the new arcade, and as an homage to the original dota/aos.
Blizzard announced starcraft 2 dota was based on warcraft 3 dota by Icefrog? When was this? I don't remember them saying anything about icefrog. Dota was created by Pendragon and Guinsoo along with their friends, Icefrog had nothing to do with it. Hopefully they will sue icefrog for everything he has.
i dont like the interface of Starcraft 2 at all.. Blizzard DotA on SCI-FI look will be a big fail..
Valve Dota 2 will be much better
This is the next big thing ocf it will beat dota 2 and any other game LoL HoN u name it,heck if i find diablo 3 boring this is the game i'll stick around with
what i really wanna hear is an announcement for w4 being completed and on a shelf for my to purchase with each playable race in WoW as a playable race in w4.
I dislike.
we may never know either...
if it is successful or just a crap...
people will judge of how they interact with the game...
so blizzard jumps on the dota bandwagon. really not surprised...
Valve eats shit and is proof that you don't have to be a living thing to be born a mistake.
Blizzard does it better.
i think that blizzard dota some heroes look a lot better..on dota 2 they chancged them a lot....
Warcraft is work done Blizzard... so sorry folks... no sewing for you... if valve tries to sew blizzard for this i think they'll lose... LOL... but if its the other way around i think it'll happen cause Dota Started as a MAP in WARCRAFT... so i believe rights go to blizzard.. so its up to them how to use the concept....
I am expecting SC2 dota!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow...... Let's count all the fuck Blizzard gives about being sued by Valve, shall we? And this is going to be 10 times better than Dota2, cuz for fuck sake, it has all the BLIZZARD CHARS!
lolling at everyone saying "This'll kill HoN and LoL"
Not a chance, LoL has an enormous playerbase atm and it would require something truly catastrophic or unbelievably awesome to derail. HoN is the same, just on a smaller scale
Dota would not be around if it wasnt for blizzard remember that
I dont get it, how do you actually get the game, on a cd or via Sc2????
Dota 2 really blows in comparison to the original. It's like they took LoL and changed the heroes, items and landscape a little. I expected more. And istn't it logic that blizzard asks money if u want to play SC2? The dota will be free tough if u own it. It's not like valve will give dota 2 away for free.
damn complicated
Blazzard is the first owner of Dota and as you have known, Warcraft Dota is really popular, so i think Blazzard Dota might be cooler than Dota 2 which is the Dota genre........
Blizzard ftw love starcraft 2 nuff said sc2 dota will be great :)
I am really looking forward to blizzard DotA. It is a Blizzard game, so you know it is going to be good. Plus, they actually have good matchmaking, and with a more balanced, smaller game, the matchmaking could actually work. Also, Blizzard is one of the only companies that knows how to create a good community. Looking forward to 15-20 minute games rather than 40-60.
I never liked Dota anyway... but sc2 dota looks different. that's why I'm gonna play it. Dota 2 is just a copy of Dota 1 with better graphics, nothing special. sc2 one is more fun. besides when i play sc2 I don't play sc2 I play multiple maps, like I do in wc3... not just dota. ppl who don't like dota sc2 don't like it cause they don't wanna buy sc2, they think dota 2 will be cracked.
Just sooooooo so so crappy and cheap looking in SCII engine. I was so excited about this untill i saw how I´ts going to look. How can this in ANY way be more fun then Dota 2 or Heroes of Newerth?
dota 2 losing for league of legends just look the amount of players ,
Ok really people, all you saying that Blizzard Dota is going to be shit. You need to stfu until you play it. How in the hell do you know it will be shit. Just because you think it looks like shit now doesn't mean it will still look the same. Its not finished yet, so stop badmouthing the stuff. For the Dota name part. Yes its wrong for Blizzard to do that. I don't see anyone else on here badmouthing the other people coping DOTA play style. Also who cares if its Sci-fi. So all of you just need to stfu.
Your dumb. You dont like the dota dont play it. Easy fix. As with any fun game genre like dota, new spins are always welcome in my book. God bless Dota and god bless Blizzard!!!!!
for all these people saying that BlizzDOTA wil introduce heroes to SC2, I have news for you. their are already tons of maps for this. look up Storm of the Imperial Sanctum, Hero Attack, or just dota and you will find plenty of heroes. this is not new.
why we players havebeen focusing on dota and dota2 just look at the other titles of Activision- Blizzard post ruling the entire gaming world like Diablo 3 and Prototype 2 just follow the link
For the one who didnt even realised:
Dota was first started as a mod in Starcraft with the map "Aeon of Strife" So yes, why not? Let's make some Sci-fi again!
he should say " we will copy ( Leagus Of Legend ) and Paste to Blizzard DotA" ..
It can only beat dota 2 if will be free to play, but as we know Blizzard is not famous about things like this.
starcraft 2 lan: starfriend.. try it out ;)
people who say that defense of the ancients cant work in a sc2 game are stupid. "its gonna be shit, ancient in future, how?"
comon... i the future, shit is still gonna be ancient.. think about it.
and no hard feelings ;)
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