The vital change in DotA 2 is that it will run on Valve's Source Engine which will remove all the Warcraft 3 limitations. All the heroes, items, terrain, buildings will be ported same as in current version of DotA. Anyone who plays Warcraft 3 - Dota will instantly recognize DotA 2. However, there are still some things which are new in DotA 2.
Following are some features Valve introduced about incoming DotA 2:

DotA 2 will have integrated voice chat feature which will allow players to communicate during game without using 3rd party software.
Leaver AI replacement:
Disconnected players will be replaced by AI bots which will take control over the hero. It will be available in unranked matches.
Heroes Voice:
DotA 2 will feature new voice work. You'll get amusing lines from heroes as they deny the enemy team last hits on creeps, and champions who have backstory connections will trade quips when nearby.
Rewards & Matchmaking System:
Valve is using it's traditional Steamworks as a matchmaking & community rewards system which will allow you to create in-game rewards for participating in community forums.
Coaching & Training System:
Once again, Valve is coming with a great innovation of coaching system which will be used to train a beginner to learn DotA 2 to sustain a respectable position in the community. It will allow veteran players to login as a coach. Coach can see beginner's screen and can get private voice chat during the game.
It is indeed a revolutionary & surprise step taken by Valve by entering in the world of MMO-RTS games with the help of IceFrog. Finally, DotA Fans had some relief after hearing some of the features of the upcoming DotA 2. The upgraded heroes are still looking remarkable in the images. It's good that Valve DotA 2 team revealed something but fans will still consider it as a drop in a ocean that IceFrog still refused to disclose his name in the community.
Stay tuned for the further updates, DotA-Utilities will be your final stop for all the news & updates for DotA 2.
Game Informer
681 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 681 Newer› Newest»dota utilities .... Bridge for "free dota2"
this is being made by dota-utilities...
and doubt dota2 will be free seeing as how its going to made through valve. DERP
hello to all the dota addicts and fans... hope that this new upgraded version of our favorite game will be release as early as what we have expected..this is a kind of fun that many pepz will be diverted to!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous is talking to himself
when u think of it its time for a new game that contain a nice graphics an good as dota
i just hope the key of the hero's spells would remain the same
an the people whos says HoN is better than dOTa , dude its the same only the style an graphics are not :P so DOTA 2 will rock
about the money thing
i would buy it ofc but i hope it will be a Permanent:P i mean come on it dota we are talkin about here :P
is dota 2 free?
Ice frog please Add the hotkey to the option for us to cuztomize it and please not an overacting grapics like HON it is really so hard to play. Hope its Dota 2 is free ^_^.
i like this game players are no morons
HoN is my favorite game
i don't care what kind of game is it.... ill test it when its come out, i just want to know if theres a date to release other then jus saying it will be on 2011!!
..coooooooooolllllllll...i wish it was better than HON...hehehe
OMG... i`m checking daily dota2.com for more info ... video, pics in game... but nothing :((
wow looks cool!!
im posotive abt one thing...... heros of newarth is going down
Everyone asking for this game to be free is wasting their breath. It will cost money, the only thing remains to be seen is how hard it will be to run. Essentially the same old DoTA with a new engine, I cant wait.
and what is the requirements of dota 2 ..is it 5 gigabytes??..^^
anesly i think this dota 2 will suck, and first part will be the best!
when it release??!!i wan ply...!!!
I hope Dota 2 include better 3D experience
its already 2011..where is the game...lot of people waiting for it since 2010...
when will it be finished? .. ^_^ im just exited...
blood seeker is like..total awesome...!!
it's so cool can't wait
I hope Dota is better than HON grapic
this will gonna be fun 100%
dota 2 will cost between 45$-65$ just for you to know that
i wanna kno what will be the minimun req to run the game if u can give a sneek peek of that please
$45 - $65 aud or usd
WoW!!!!!! its cool
Lina should be like in the anime...
Please! Is there a reconnect feature?
how am i supose to download this?
Wooooohoooooooooo !!!! nice im going to wait..IMBA
im so excited!!
Waiting for Dota2
Steam is like the best shit ever! I'll buy stuff from them even if it kills me
+ They sale like maniacs , $59 dollar games turns $15 on holidays and drops to $5 within a year.
now it's 2011... but what month?.....
Can't wait to play
hon is good
steam= have to pay
League of legends for the win ( free to play and awsome gameplay)
Its Amazing!!
bloodseeker looks pewpew
AI replacement is good!
nc one!
i hope Dota 2 will compatible with my LP 1.4Ghz processor.@.@?
valfrog say Dota 2 will be out at mac 2011, now it is mac 2011, i wondering why it's still not going out!!! and i hope this Dota 2, will not make me disappointed like HoN and LoL have done to me, because HoN and LoL both can not play LAN with friend,all need online, so boring...valve is a clever "people" because they can make good game like cs, but they also can be unclever if they make the same mistake like the HoN and LoL have done...in Malaysia, 40% player only play dota online, 60% more..many of them play with ai or friend that's more fun..(play LAN with friend is more fun) even player that go play DotA at cc(ciber cafe) many of them also not using Garena or online service..they just play LAN in that cc..so the point is....make some game that just can play at online is very very unclever!!...IAM SORY IF I'AM GOT WRONG..maybe HoN and LoL actually can play with ai and friend without online..and i dont know it, so iam sory..for barking..sory also if my english look like India language..hmm its cute...hahaha...
for everyone that says it should be free should try making a game for years spending 1000s of hours and then at the end of all that hard work.. have little children like yourself get pissy because u have to pay $30 or whatever for endless hours of gaming.. granted if it provided like 5 hours of game play i would not buy it.. but dota has given me 1000s of hours of enjoyment over the years.. and it is about time the makers got their dues
and if you don't like it.. then don't play, we wont miss you at all
plsssss released it
Anonymous said...
asians won't pay that hella price for this game..
6:32 PM
I replied.
I wish it wouldnt be free to play. There should be a server for each country. There should be top ups like 100$ for a year(this is just only an example). Everything would be stable. No (sqautters,poor people, and stupid people that only knows to waste time playing while we experience QUIT RAGES).
i.ll download the game.. Then i.ll crack the game.. Then i.ll sell the same.
Thats bcoz i'm a Pirate. :-)
this is icefrog making revenge because HoN Stole his dota and now he wants to steal hon why dont u understand???
if AI replaces leaver hero then no reconnect feature, is this correct?
If I'm to replace my current PC setup, which ain't bad, I will do it for Dota2!
noobs shoulkd not use dota 2!!!!!! 2day i encoundered such noobs in dota n cs!!!!!! though luck but i m concerened about dis dota 2!!!yeah
Dota 2 > HoN
w8 how can i get dota 2?
Wating waitng plz tell the actual release Date
w0w!!! this is great!! i..cant wait !!!
is there any additional heroes?
this seems to be nice especially if there are leavers, it will be automatically replaced by an AI... Dota 2 will be the best !!! hope it's for free and NO GARENA required to play it online
What month will be the dota 2 release date
dota 2 should of been joined with roit games
first of all i would like to say that hon and lol are sucks! its not original at all, all the idea,platform,system and everything is came from dota. you guys who plays "heroes of newgays" and "league of lesbians" are sucks this one is for you ..l..
i agree that you better release this w/ the same date in us or europe. coz in asia is where you can find the real deal for dota players come here and fight us lets see what you got! i dont care if its free or not just think about it on how you can support the creator of this game for future upgrade and everything. on to those who said that most player are kids, come here and open your moutth adn lick my d**k i'll teach you on how to play adult games ayt.. get lost were all grown up here im 30yrs of age and all my officemates are fan of dota and all my friends..
is this released already?
what cool? valfrog say THIS DOTA 2 WILL OUT AT (MAC 2011) and now is 25 mac, 6 more day will turn to april!!!!! where the DOTA 2???!!!!!! ppl waiting from last year!!! if this dota 2 out in april...i think valfrog must go eat grass!!!
Dota 2 When u coming?
tnx for letting me post my msg the other day so Im here again. and again players of " heroes of newgays HON and league of lesbian LOL" you guys are really suck! dmn!there's bunch of moron kidos in this place i guess. c'mon think about it how will they going to get all the money that they'd spent so much just to polish this game w/o getting any profit? you can't just give all the time you need to work for it or else you'll get nothing. saying you can't afford it? stop fooling youselves guys enough of your childish statement if you dont want it then dont play it we dont need you at all! dota 2 will be the future of dota and we love it here in pinas! curse you all who cant understand the rules!
by the way in pinas you'll find all the best player of dota... there is only 1 place you can find all the best player of dota in the world and that is in pinas!
sadly there is not enouch resources and community who will support all the players and team here. but Lan games tournament is still going on now a days and it is more fun and exciting than anyhting else. long live icefrog hope youll do better w/ dota 2. hope disconnected players will be able to reconnect. and please do something w/ cheats theyre all suck specially map hack. dota is a good game but sometimes good players leave if the games is not that good anymore b'coz of cheats bugs. so goodluck w/ dota 2 icefrog we all support you here in pinas!
yea she is like a Gipsy :D
it will gonna be so bad game ,
blizzard based gamed it's very strong & i guess biggest mistake will be made by icefrog
OMG!!! i cant wait to play the dota 2!(:
This is 28 mac 2011, they said dota2 will out in mac 2011, 3 more day if still no out, we can teach them how to hold own word. iam sure they will spoil all people mood to play it.
PLS DUN DO THIS TO PLAYER IF U WAN DOTA TO BE FAMOUS LIKE WARCRAF DOTA..(((need to buy accounts in order to login..)))<-----This is spoiler
i think its not dota 2 why blood is look like bloodhunter in heroes of newearth why it a same hero ...waaa?
dota in 3D graphics, thats nice...
blood seeker lookalike antimage
I hope Chinese people do a pirate copy of this game as soon as it is released :D This game surely kicks ass. Hey do you have a pic of Mirana? Please post it, I want to see Mirana's new character model.
sounds great keep it up
Cant wait for this :))
hell yeah
Steam is the best not the game!! If u wonder how the game will be u can see that is on Good Hands(VALVE).
To the people who say (steam sucks) they have no idea about games,servers,support,friends and LIFE!!I will follow Steam ultil there will no electricity in World!!
We can trash talk at the game personaly wow haha this is a great feature.
Ok.....To all people writing here with no sense.I am not the one who knows everything but just to know people
1st u must have a steam account to play and the game will not be free(who says the 1st dota was?){original CD-key to play the dota SCENARIO}
2nd Dota2 will have Steam Cloud so that means personal rating,saved replays,saved configs will be online not saved in your pc(for the people who don't know that also means the game cannot be hacked and cracked if u do that forget online playing for sure,forget garena too)
3rd start looking forward for this epic upcoming awesome game because if steam working on that no need to see what the result will be!!STEAM 4EVER!!
Its already year 2011., but why it is still unreleased??? :-( can't Wait....
WoW guys first is Luna second plz dont change nothing to Sven is just very coool
i'm hope in dota 2 the mages have a away to his magic become more stong. Because in dota the mages get to much nerfed in end game.
i can't wait for DotA 2 my fellows but this AI replacement is both good and bad....who says that the AI will play like a pro or feed the other team...?it is a risky step...lets hope it plays like a pro in order to keep up with my clan if my buddies leave...
Icefrom is actually obama!
hayzz who one know the exact date releasing of DOTA 2 ?
anyone can predict? i can't wait ....
HA! eat that HoN when dota 2 is released it will be more awesome than LoL combined with HoN
i hope that A.I will attached in that game.. ^_^
For all you losers complaining about paying for Dota 2, you do realize that all those players who played Dota on WC3 had to buy frozen throne. If you can't afford to pay for Dota 2 you should use that time to get your broke ass a job.
omg cant wait for dota 2 :D
dam nice! xD
when will dota 2 be out>??
but somtimes you cant beat the classics
will be similar to Heroes of Newerth
I bet the people at HON are shitting their pants right now. I know me and my friends are going to quit hon and start this when it comes out.
when its coming out then?
yeah and league of legends gona be riped by dota2 blizzard ftw
Well stop complaining about the game costing money. They (Jack Lee) already answered on the Q&A on dota2.com that he will continue updating dota on WC3.
Q: Are you going to work on DotA after DotA 2 is released? (by Jack Lee)
A: I plan to keep DotA updated for as long as the community wants. That being said though, I think that DotA 2 represents the long term future for the game.
You can't expect a company to spend so much money on a game to make it free. It will cost money, and if you are complaining about that you shoulnd't be able to afford internet, or a computer to begin with ^^/
My only concern is that it may cost monthly to play. Now THAT really would suck xD
-Pro Invoker-
i like morphling here...
The game isn't free for sure don't beg like retards.
I mean cmon lol Valve+Stean+IceFrog there is no way it will be free.
You can still hope that some patch like standlone and cracks etc will be created.
when this year is it coming out
The strong-nest of the AI replacement should depend on the level of garena of the players who quit if there is still a garena for the Dota 2. It is because to be balance like the player is weak with a standing of 3-15-2 and when he/she quits the standing of the AI becomes 7-16-5 and thats not fair.
wow goddes looks nice
when does the dota 2 will be release?????????????
FPS DotA???
who can give me here a download link dota 2
DotA came from eul passed on to icefrog,icefrog isnt the real creator of dota
when will it come out?
can we also play this in garena.....?......well if we CAN play it in garena i hope u update garena so this DOta 2 can be played online in garena...!!!
Hope this comes out soon...!
If we are Using Warcraft III, That's gonna be Instantly Installed as a Dota II ?
If we are Using Warcraft III, That's gonna be Instantly Installed as a Dota II ? <<<<<<<<<<<<
WTF is that????????
NOOB KID!! :))))))))
IceFrog must just ceep the shops the same and the item builds. cuas over wise it a HUGE FAIL.
I really can't stand waiting for it
Come on just announce when its gonna be up .. at least say about what month?? .. people are sick of waiting .. get them excited and give them a date .....
looking forward ..
(HON player)
(ex.Dota player)
(Future Dota 2 player) "i hope"
I think it should be a game you need to pay for.As for those saying most of the gamers for DOTA are 11-18 i dont believe thats true , i would say the more serious side of the gamers are more between 17-30 , im 25 myself and play LOL atm regularly with friends of a similar age and all be willing to switch and pay for a well made game
it should be free and if it needs to bought i promise it will lack of players not like the true DOTA! and just hoping that it doesn't need any beta key or what coz its really giving us a problem.....
when can it be RELEASE?? i cant wait anymore..!lol
the one who says "First Blood" haha I feel bad for you anyways this seems nice voice chat ingame let's see who has the guts to trashtalk...
i think its not free cause if its free icefrog and valve will lose in business all people will download :( instead of buying the CD
HoN > DotA > LoL
Stop being cheap... Get a job you no-lifers!
in the manila only
0h my god
Leaver AI replacement:
Disconnected players will be replaced by AI bots which will take control over the hero. It will be available in unranked matches.
not so cool..AIs are very weak,they should copy the mode in dota which is -so(switch on)
hope it's free to play..no beta keys needed like HoN.lol
nice, keep going, all the best
i hate this it ain't free?
I wanted dota 2 now!
I hope this one would be free ^^
but can i play dota2 on the same enternet speed that i was playing in the normal dota 1
whn will it release ca't w8 re
when will they release it it sounds cool
i'm tired of my allies leaving at least theres an ai replacement .. lol :))
Dota 2 is ready now !!!i download it to see how is it and after ofcorse i will buy it!!!
its good..hehehe
im very proud in dota 2
hahah this is nice the left players are controlled w/ ai
Ill rather play Garena HoN instead of this ...
1st of all Garena HoN is free ...
Dota 2 maybe cost a thousands ...
So ill choose to play Garena HoN
Steps In Playing in dota 2
1. download it
2. crack it
3. play it.
4. share it lol =))
they should make recconect option like in Heroes of Newearth that would be awesome
I mean men something would defeat this game. Some day a lone
15 year old aided only by World Editor, a Quad Core pc, would crash this game.
I hope this game wont have minor leaks like the old DotA (the "leaks" i mean here is JASS stuff, "leaks" causes lags and stuff) I hope Valve ai'nt stupid as Blizzard.
is there only four heroes that can be used??
good i wait
I HOPE ITS FREE and can we play dota 2 by internet as the same speed that we was playing in the normal dota like in rgc
cool.. :)
blood seeker from the last art!!!!!!!!!!!!
I cant wait!!!
plz do it faster so we can play that DOTA 2!!!
Kinda reminds of LOL
release now the dota 2 plssssssss
when it will be released
smart riki !
CANT WAIT to play this Female HERoES are more HOTTER WOW LOL ^_^
Dota 2 should be free bcoz their are player between 10-30 may be more , the kids and sum adults also cant afford to pay so there would be less player so valve make it free pls dont make dota 2 like hon , lol ...................
wew..can't wait...
:D haha...labas na DOTA 2!!
wew..they just copy heroes of newerth txk...wtf dota 2...no match in HON
I cant wait anymore
this is a new dota?? or new heroes??
CaNt WaIt f0r tHIs FuCkiNG DotA 2 tO CoME.. =P
DotA isn't free... Try playing it without WCIII
Introduce a re-connection feature........
Supposing The player gets disconnected Let the AI replacement work its way only upto the point where the player returns. Or it just wont be fair,considering the fact that the AI might be better then the original player himself.Also i've noticed AI use 'hacks'<--- NOT EXACTLY
i have seen them use kelens dagger twice in 3 seconds and more.So the improvements should go around these factors
make sure it good ...ok n make sure have new heroo
when would dota 2 release, Im excited!!!
Im going to like it but i dont like to pay make it free
When will be the release of this version? Can't wait. :D Month ?
i will buy it noway xD
ai replacement is awsome
please make the dota 2....like heroes of newerth 3D...^_^ and add manny character like kratos,poseidon and heidis...add a puppet master
when the hell r they goona release it!!!
i can't wait.........
I was dreaming of playing DotA 2 with my friend..
make it quick I can wait for much longer time
awesome news i will be rocking
THIS looks like SICK DOTA!
In future i need this for free.
Dota 2
was canceled yesterday
announced by Valve® Corporation
when will this be out?
this game is free????????
Nice to hear the release of DotA 2 this very year and hope it will be a blast and all but i sincerely recommand that the requirements and other supporting stuffs should be made so that nearly all of the DotA population can play it.After all its a game which has already grasped the minds of a lot of folks so will be disheartening for them 2 if they dont get an opportunity to play it.But am happy with all the work and all and thank you valve for creating this wonderful game and hope it will be more of a success than DotA. :)
i hate this news knowing this cant be happening today
is dota is going to be live any time soon ?
I HoPE tHis Dota 2~!is better than Heroes Of Newerth~!
First blood !!!
i am looking forward to dota 2!!! i can't wait!!!
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