The vital change in DotA 2 is that it will run on Valve's Source Engine which will remove all the Warcraft 3 limitations. All the heroes, items, terrain, buildings will be ported same as in current version of DotA. Anyone who plays Warcraft 3 - Dota will instantly recognize DotA 2. However, there are still some things which are new in DotA 2.
Following are some features Valve introduced about incoming DotA 2:

DotA 2 will have integrated voice chat feature which will allow players to communicate during game without using 3rd party software.
Leaver AI replacement:
Disconnected players will be replaced by AI bots which will take control over the hero. It will be available in unranked matches.
Heroes Voice:
DotA 2 will feature new voice work. You'll get amusing lines from heroes as they deny the enemy team last hits on creeps, and champions who have backstory connections will trade quips when nearby.
Rewards & Matchmaking System:
Valve is using it's traditional Steamworks as a matchmaking & community rewards system which will allow you to create in-game rewards for participating in community forums.
Coaching & Training System:
Once again, Valve is coming with a great innovation of coaching system which will be used to train a beginner to learn DotA 2 to sustain a respectable position in the community. It will allow veteran players to login as a coach. Coach can see beginner's screen and can get private voice chat during the game.
It is indeed a revolutionary & surprise step taken by Valve by entering in the world of MMO-RTS games with the help of IceFrog. Finally, DotA Fans had some relief after hearing some of the features of the upcoming DotA 2. The upgraded heroes are still looking remarkable in the images. It's good that Valve DotA 2 team revealed something but fans will still consider it as a drop in a ocean that IceFrog still refused to disclose his name in the community.
Stay tuned for the further updates, DotA-Utilities will be your final stop for all the news & updates for DotA 2.
Game Informer
681 Comments yet..:
super nyc n2 dota2 nd na ako maka w8...T_T
Dota 2 factions are cool!
Solace (Sentinel) vs Dire (Scourge)
aw its like league of legends...the heroes have similarities..check it out...lol.ph
Dota 2 will be a totaly great game, cause Valve makes great speceffects like for HL2 , CSS e.t.c Dota 2 would be their first Strategy game (except Portal) Hope IceFrog will make the standart heros and add more items , heros , skills , balances , cause I would not want to say good bye to Lifestealer , Huskar , Bara , Juggernaut , Ranger , Sharpeye , Earthshaker e.t.c Dota 2 will kick ass HIGH... Cant wait for release of Dota 2
DotA 2 shouldn't be expensive and is not that demanding on hardware
who is the bloody one and red suit is that little red bloody hood?!!
philippines rules of dota
cant w8 for it but there is too many changes in the skills and item I ll stick to dota 1
looks cool and if u dont have to play it on wc3 each time its better
you guise are so weak
how are you gonna play dota 2 if you are weak in dota 1??
this is rely cool ... can't wait to get DOTA 2 :D
this is sick .. you guys are the best.
i really expect dota 2. i want to play this game free....
Kelan labas nian? Kainep. >.<
man .. it's gona be P2P .. that's lame
I agree to make it cheaper for us. And one more thing, let us have the opportunity to buy the game in various methods like money online (mol) and not just credit cards. I have been playing dota for almost six years now. an account should not be more than $30. if you have something better in mind, w/ respect for the player's capability to pay, then feel free to make it FREE. just kidding. :D
I'm a bit sure any of those shitty computers can run this game pretty well because according to the system req it requires only a ggraphics card equivalent to Nvdia 6600 and a CPU of 2.4MHz
Garena Asia will make this free!! It must be!! hahaha
Players of DOTA all-around asia especially the philippines...Don't worry about the game not being free coz some hackers gonna hack this game and turn it into free. SKIDROW or Other hacker of games will turn this game into FREE for ALL, to everybody, to you, to me, to us, to the fans of DOTA......if they gonna release it as free forget what i jsut said and enjoy DOTA 2. :D
woah this is cool!!!! specially morphling
game will be free to play?
Hope Garena will make it free like Garena HoN
Hope Garena Will make it free like Garena HoN
Oh nice! hope this new season will be release! xD
cracked versions is always available. high price? no worries :)
Good to here that its still the good old dota with improvements , and its F2P! how good is that!
i dont like how HoN and LoL is presented kinda crappy for me, LoL turns dota into somekind loony atmosphere and HoN feels players a bit heavy character handling something like that
lol u guys are forgeting about "valve time"
o gawd might come in early 2012 >.<
I'm totally disappointed from the Dota 2. May be because I expected too much from it, but in my opinion it looks terrible. We live in 2011 and if you look all games which are released you will noticed that every game gets better and better with its graphic, sound, effects and Dota 2 ... silence.
The look and feel of the game gets me back in my childhood with the simple cartoon animated films. The motions of the heroes includes, hmmmm 1 basic movement - is that all? Am I right? Could it be more complicated - some steps back and front while they are attacking? I'm so much frustrated. :s
And what about the sound? They've changed the announcer voice but some how they missed or forgot the old announcer of first blood and so on. So ridiculous...
What about the new features - a couple of new key bandwidths and reconnect , AI when an allay is disconnected ?!?!
Defenatly reconnect, bandwidts are a must, on the other hand AI is a new feature which we haven't seen before in dota game followers but I keep asking myself - is it worth?
I was so impatiant of Dota 2 release but from that i saw i think valv has failed. It looks like they've appertained with their task lightly and this is the result - the feel of couple of months rapid dev and disappointment ...
I hope it would be FREE of charge....
How can I buy this game ? !!! and when/where
Jaa, no one can replace the gameplay of Warcraft Dota. Might try this. Hope they have a hero like the Techies in here, or else no fun :S
can i have the link plz?
Hope they decide to make this buy to play. If you could afford warcraft 3 plus its expansion then whats the big deal?
I think this is going to be great; however, I have a couple concerns.
- First of all, is it just going to be the same map? We've seen this and frankly its starting to get repetitive. I really like how LoL added new maps, gave a nice spin. Too bad the gameplay wasn't like in warcraft... the perfect delay.
-Also, its the same heroes! I understand the love for some of them, but there truly is nothing new here. We've seen this before it is a little upsetting.
-How will the official Starcraft 2 dota affect dota 2? I currently play starcraft 2 once or twice a week and am absolutely bored of custom maps. When they release starcraft 2 dota TONS of people will jump on it. I feel as if dota 2 really missed the boat here.
I am going to try this out if it slides in before diablo 3 or guild wars 2, but the new additions and graphics aren't really what this game needed.
yoo hoo
Very good!!
Shadow Fiend
WELL,..The BAD Thing about this game is its not gonna be for everyone to play...not like warcraft III which requires little requirements that can run on any lame and portable pc....
hey am big fan of dota ....plz tell me how to download it and then install it.....and plz tell me that how to upgrade dota to ..DOTA 2....i love warcraft....a journal or procedure to how to install and upgrade game would be apreciated...from warcraft fan..thx..plz reply soon....
I think it will be
DotA 2 vs. LoL
Screw HoN!!!
can't wait : )
what if dota 2 is free but with limited heroes.for example new heroes cant be used if you dont buy them.JUST lIke League of Legends..hows that?
more features than the fast version
Dota 2 is going to be on steam!
Someone said that they prefer dota 1 then dota 2 ......
Actually dota 2 is the same format/style as dota 1......
But there's some differences between Dota 1 and dota 2,
Dota 2 ,awesome graphite/new item.....
Dota 1 ,low graphite/old item .....
As a result : Dota 2 is better then dota 1
People who do not like it(reason): i.)They PC's are noob
It's valve, so the game will be good. Hopefully the community will be better than the HoN and Dota community and more like the LoL community.
when the dota 2 released here in philipines ?
Dumb noobs keep saying "Hon?".
Heroes of Newerth was based EXACTLY off of the heroes from DotA. So quit being a noob and go get cultured.
haiya who know 6.72 ai map link? tell la
hi i have download dota2beta.. but dont find games and i cant play practise? somebody ? plz help me
Traxex should be more sexier T.T
when is the release?
Leaver AI sounds like it'll give the enemy teams more kills, I'd rather have a reconnect option.
where to download Dota2 for free??
this would be fucking great. i'd better prepare my computer hardware for this awesome game!
I hope that DotA 2 will be great
I hope that DotA 2 is free to download
I sure hope it goes free to play. Otherwise it doesn't stand a chance next to the almighty League Of Legends
when will it realise?
i know i know you guys are all retards but im just saying cant you change the terrain and have more then one map dota creators have been lazy since the begining theres a reason i dont bother with this crap
whoa PUGNA's lyf drain is so out of the world....
See you in WoN maphackers!
i like playing dota stoned. so i guess i should play dota 2 a lot more stoned
When the game really release,i've been wait this for a long time!!
2011 is ending...
no dota2...
when dota 2 is release?
Best thing about this is that stupid filipino monkey gamers wont be able to play because they can't afford to pay for this LOL
when dota 2 available in cd in malaysia
WOW anoymous you are some lame kid
Since Intercontinental match concluded there are several speculations for the Valve’s promoting module about how to showcase your DotA only two. You'll find at the least about three choices:
liberal to participate in
advance settlement involving 40-60$ while other high-end online games charge
monthly/yearly request for you to DotA only two
Liberal to participate in
1. 6 trillion UNITED STATES DOLLAR ended up being expended just straight into Intercontinental match pertaining to gifts. Valve acquired a person's eye in the games packed areas via across the world all of which will have to have that will money back. Consequently many of us feel that liberal to participate in will be the very least probable option.
Do you perhaps desire F2P sport? This means that will builder doesn't have a requirements by any means about how the action are going to be current along with recognized. That can separate a sport perhaps whether it is no cost.
Up-front settlement
Setting up a 60$ settlement for the sport is often a major determination to generate. A lot of will certainly be reluctant along with loose time waiting for avid gamers expertise ahead of generating your invest in.
Valve can be supposed to proceed preserving hosts along with establishing the action in your case. Nevertheless precisely what while that income goes out and about? Precisely how very good assist could many of us count on eventually?
Why don't you consider a new price involving 3-5$ 30 days. That creates thirty five for you to 60$ 12 months. Quite expensive appropriate? Effectively of course however you could keep the action when you desire. Valve becomes income monthly along with continues modernizing the action and provides assist for you to avid gamers. Valve might need to create their ideal in retaining the action exciting along with fresh new.
What on earth is your current stay in pretty much everything? In a very review consumed in “DotA only two Price” a lot of decline your consequently named regular price.
If you want to buy a DOTA 2 key don't hesitate and send an e-mail at ldokic_w@yahoo.com .Have fun!
months of tournaments and elite squad making... would you just release the god damn game already?!?
"Look at the awesomeness that is goin on, but we can't let you touch it, the pro's aren't done with it yet."
OH YeaH!
all dota player is a weak
i have dota player is a true to game
dota 2 is going to be free to play thats what says on steam.
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