DotA 6.67b AI Fun Map Download | DotA v6.67b AI +Fun

Dota 6.67b AI Fun
DotA 6.67b AI +Fun Map Download. That's right, the fun map of DotA 6.67b AI is here. Overflow (BuffMePlz's buddy) has modified the current DotA 6.67b AI Rev2d and added some additional fun stuff for us. He added 26 new heroes and a recipe shop which contains some items similar to Ancient Medallion reward in DotA 6.69 Quest.

Fun Mode
Enter "-fun" command to enable both Fun heroes and Items.

A fun hero that was created by BuffMePlz. It has some imbalance supportive skills, you can play it to own AI's in 5v5 for Fun.
DotA 6.67b AI BastionEnter "-fun" command in game to enable extra heroes and Items.

DotA old heroes* The latest v2.1c of this map contains the following heroes:
  1. Formless
  2. Pet Summoner
  3. Offender of Ancients
  4. Felguard
  5. Marine
  6. Fluids Engineer
  7. Magic Dragon
  8. Cloud Strife
  9. Bastion
  10. Gambler (old)
  11. Hurricane
  12. Intimidator
  13. Rider
  14. Keeper of the Light (old)
  15. Naix (old)
  16. Medusa (old)
  17. More heroes are available in the latest version..

Fun Recipe Shop
Title says all, This shop contains very expensive items but they provide very good bonuses. The Fun Recipe shop will be visible on the right bottom corner of the map once you enter "-fun" command. There is no need to buy the recipe, just purchase the required items in order to complete.
DotA Item Shop
DotA 6.67b AI +Fun Map Download:
Dota 6.67b AI Fun v2.4.rar (7.27 MB)

Dota 6.67b AI Fun v2.3b.rar (7.26 MB)

Dota 6.67b AI Fun v2.3.rar (7.27 MB)

Dota 6.67b AI Fun v2.2.rar (7.25 MB)

DotA 6.67b AI Fun v2.1c.rar (7.25 MB)

DotA 6.67b AI Fun v1.6c.rar (7.13 MB)

ver. 20/10/2010:
DotA 6.67b AI (6.94 MB)


287 Comments yet..:

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

First Blood!

nice map =))

Anonymous said...

i have the map 6.57 ore some version.....but tahx

Anonymous said...

Does this map contain only 1 hero or there are other heroes too?

Anonymous said...

lol the new items are imba... let me try :O

Anonymous said...

@ 11:38

yup.. only 1 hero in this map. Bastion

Anonymous said...

rofl @ sprint shoes..

+500 movespeed are you kidding?

Anonymous said...

great map.. it would be nice if he ports more heroes from old BMP maps fun tavern

Anonymous said...

Thank you! :]

Technobabe said...

@ 11:57

dude this map is intended for fun mode only.. do you have any problems with it?

Anonymous said...

WTF 5 KP DL Speed Only.. :S I Want This Map Now..

Anonymous said...

nice :)

Anonymous said...

Haha.. Nice icon

Anonymous said...

cant download the map th link is broken or something plz help !

Anonymous said...

where is the hero i cant find him xD

Anonymous said...

How bout 6.68ai ? is there a fix date when it will be released?

Anonymous said...

@ 1:48

you have to enter -bastion command after heroes become avilable

Anonymous said...

Nc one..

Anonymous said...

i can't create the new items :(

Anonymous said...

xaxaxaxa nice

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

how many second does it need to see bastion?...

Anonymous said...

yeah must bring the old fun tavern heroes from 6.57 fun taverns (i think it is 6.57)

Anonymous said...

i wait until 10 minutes also nothing heroes come out...when the game start...need enter -ap command a not?

SLS said...

w0w Bastion looks badass let me try this >:)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

arrggh, no Cloud and the others?

lame yet fun lol

Anonymous said...

ohohohohohho!! Nice!!!


Anonymous said...

..nice ^_^

Anonymous said...

i'm waiting for 6.70 :/

Anonymous said...

nice one!! xD

Anonymous said...

first thank you for the time you spent to create this hero and the fun tavern, but I am not able to combine even one item from the fun tavern. and thats all I wanted to try out, but since I can't it sucks. if any other can purchase the items located in the fun tavern please let me know

Anonymous said...

a +500 speed bonus? wow, how cool is that...

Anonymous said...

i remember those fun tavern items in 6.59 hahaha!! that was fun!!

Anonymous said...

69c Al or 69 Al... pls

Anonymous said...

nice skills, hope that kind of skills can be apply in the future

Anonymous said...

how to use the new hero??
i dont know how

Anonymous said...

me too

Anonymous said...

they should've made the 6.68c AI rather than this...urghh

Anonymous said...

crush...... i cant download

Anonymous said...

just like the old versions of dota... -fun



Anonymous said...


it can even fight against the fountain
just equip w/ fun items on fun store . :)))

Lewl ! i wish more hero like this . :))
similar *

Anonymous said...

were do we find BASTiON ? in what TAVERN ?

-- SHii22

Anonymous said...

choosing the hero

to enable the fun shop

Anonymous said...

what version??

pls answer me

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol i cant make atleast one item in Fun Tavern idk why!!! :(

Anonymous said...

with all those new fun item.... i can break fountain eazily...^^ it is so IMBA

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey im expecting 6.69ai!!but anyway tnx for this map!!

Anonymous said...

boot of speed
boot of travel
2x blink dagger

i can see through the picture :P

Anonymous said...

can't combine the items, waste of time.

Anonymous said...

with this imba items i destroyed fountain!

Anonymous said...

there is no PU here lol ^^

Anonymous said...

ahahaha its cool

-X-DEATH- said...

Nice Ai Here . . . Its SUPR IMBA

Anonymous said...

this map not fun...all skill suport no thrill

Anonymous said...

for the new items to be created you need to type the command "-fun" when a popup shows up

Anonymous said...

not fun but badTrip.

Anonymous said...

why cant i use bastion and unlock the fun tavern im typing it it said bastion will be created but nothing is happening

Anonymous said...

i download a map with cloud strife

Anonymous said...

whoS KillEr
aMazIng IteMzz

Anonymous said...

Cant COMBINE the fun item. Please Let me know how to do it :))

Anonymous said...

OMG map is fun map
this fun map isnt fun

Anonymous said...

this much i can built in this fun map

Anonymous said...

sadness... y r u sitting in old map for? make new versions of ai... im bored with multiplayer.. i wanna own bots with new heros

Anonymous said...

loooool i can kill roshan with this items :D :D :D :D D: D :D: D: D: D: D: :D: D:D:D: DD :D :D best fun map ever

Anonymous said...

where is 6.68ai

Anonymous said...

Hope this character will be in 6.70 with toned-down skills
First: The first three skills should give instant bonus stats 12(24 at Aganims). Second The last skill should be a skill booster and aura.

It was fun and good too. The character needs just a little adjusting.

Anonymous said...

thx you dota-utilities i love u

Anonymous said...

i love u ttoo.. MUuuuACH!!!!

Anonymous said...

theirs a secret item called God's ring
It gives
+999 Str
+999 Agi
+999 Int
and permanent invisibility in this map

Anonymous said...

you can't play it without spam skills.. i wish ths map does not require "-fun"'s so booring

Anonymous said...

wtf how to get bastion? why i csnt get ar?-bastion then need do what ?

Anonymous said...

any one pls telll how to pick bastion....

Anonymous said...

just sucks

Anonymous said...

harekke is addicted to 6.67b map he cannot concentrate to other maps

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha the item that looks like Dragon tail(skill) has +650hp +3%hp regeneration and Reincarnation

Anonymous said...

harekke should concentrate in making 6.68ai. zz

Anonymous said...

Pls cr8 6.68c ai! As sooner as posible!

Anonymous said...

hell yeh i waz w8ing for this fun map for a long time the last fun map i played waz 4.49

Anonymous said...

I like the old -fun that enables flying tavern with attribute books.
This fun tavern is very interesting lol.
I like the new hero Bastion too. I hope it appears in new dota versions!

propet said...

talk to me loossers

Anonymous said...

it's not fun! its really fun!!!

Anonymous said...

please help i cant create fun items....

i have all items example buriza satanic and relic but i cant combine them

i tried with -fun, bot nothing is happening

Anonymous said...

nice hero!! ROFL

Anonymous said...

Downloading: DotA 6.67b AI | 6.9 MB

You are currently downloading..

Free users are allowed to only one parallel download.

although im not downloading it says that ^-----

Anonymous said...

nice map btw...nice but canot play dis wif fried haha
easy to pawn ai

Anonymous said...

i can't create the items....

Anonymous said...

this is very cool!!

Anonymous said...

This sucks, nothing happens when i type -fun and -bastion says bastion will be created shortly but it doesn't create! Worthless map

Anonymous said...

create cloud strife again lol~
i love that hero. XD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bastion wouldnt come out...

Anonymous said...

please add cloud strife, puff, and, ramza

Anonymous said...

wat was dat

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

please include the Fun taverns.. :DD

Anonymous said...

d fun taverns is seen but its items are not

Anonymous said...

the fun taverns appears but the items do not show :((

Unknown said...

how can i summon
2.Cloud strife
3.Terran Marine
5.offender ..

what should i do to summon that 5 hero ??
everybody know how to do ??

Abassy said...

Type -fun before any hero is available for picking, so the fun item shop is ready to use. Yea, of course the item is not shown, because you need to activate by typing -fun during mode interval(before you can pick any hero. For bastion, you need to type -bastion. The other 5 heroes, 1st you need the updated map. just type -hero name. ex. -felguard.

Anonymous said...

This sounds gay...

Anonymous said...

Cool .. Dota should be like this .. so Amazing ! xD

Anonymous said...

To spawn the 6 heroes ..
First after typing the game mode type -fun then type this ff.

for Ensign Ricky type -ricky
for Offender -offender
for Felguard -felguard
for Hurricane -hurricane
for Cloud Strife -cloud
for Bastion -bastion

Anonymous said...

why wouldn't bastion show up???
i tried everything but nothing happened
plssss help me... does someone know??

Anonymous said...

Terran Marine(ricky) is the lord of massacre, I destroyed their fountain and then pawned those poor AI's. easy multiple rampage..haha same goes to cloud and felguard, very IMBA but fun heroes. :D

Anonymous said...

i cant spawn d other new heroes like cloud strife,terran marine and hurricane...plsss help...

Anonymous said...

there some bug or error or something, sometimes i cant spawn the heroes...sometimes i can...

Anonymous said...

i cant pick any hero in fun tavern

Anonymous said...

2.Cloud strife
3.Terran Marine
cannot summon...y?

Anonymous said...

^wtf type -fun when the game starts choose your hero
there you go

Anonymous said...

ai juz for a newbie pui

Anonymous said...

ders aNOTHER hero icarus!!!

Anonymous said...

wtf, 1 imba item..... 100% ministun.... max attack speed... agi hero farm dat no need ply di, roshan can t even touch u >< cb IMBA.......anyway.... is fun ^^

Anonymous said...

they updated this fun map again its 1.7 and they add another new hero

Anonymous said...

i cannot build the imba item even though i complete the requirements..

Ohlrac said...

1v1 ... My IGN IN GG IS FarmTown05 .. >.<

Anonymous said...

how to activate the fun heroes in 6.67b ai + FUN ? ? ? ?

Anonymous said...


SLS said...

Nice AI Map please include these heroes in your upcoming AI Maps Thanks!!! :)

Anonymous said...

only bastion that you can use in this map.. wtf.. i thought i can use all the new heroes..

Anonymous said...

you to do map 6.69b or c AI be read as the original when I play with other players

Anonymous said...

offender can shoot at 25000 very slow ms

Anonymous said...

How to use cloud strife ??

Anonymous said...

boring map ! the older awesome version is much better !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

use offender n cast hax while asleep (against bane) n u will get permanent invi w/o using mana

Anonymous said...

nice one

Anonymous said...

yeh! gudjob^^ im waiting for god of the wind^^

Anonymous said...

do the 6.69c map fast,plz!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dude plz release 6.69cAi as fas as u can

Anonymous said...

wuuhoooo i wait tis map long long d finally out

Anonymous said...

please can we have a reaper character in the 6.71 just a suggestion :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, why does Anonymous people write in places?

Anonymous said...

We have 6.69c now but the version of AI+ is still in 6.67b? What the F*CK happened?!!!

Anonymous said...

abe create new ai map.zzz

Anonymous said...

Stop Making This Map . . . Make DotA 6.69c FUN AI+

Anonymous said...

i still waiting for dota 6.68Ai map.......

Anonymous said...

Cloud Strife from final Fantasy? oh common Boring

Anonymous said...

pls work for wisp(formless) ^_^

Anonymous said...

PLS STOP MAKING 6.67b AI..and release 6.68 AI

Anonymous said...

its only 1 hero :(

Anonymous said...


the one who make it is BMP
not Harekke

don't you know that BMP is retired?
so, just wait for Harekke

BMP just make it for fun

Anonymous said...

where 68 ai i can't wait because i wait this map a long time

Anonymous said...

Yea Cloud Strife is more powerful than Yurnero and they have same ultimate skill

Anonymous said...

Be happy harreke takes bmp works. If he doesn't then no Ai map.

Anonymous said...

how to use the fun heroes do we type their names or pick them in the tavern?

Anonymous said...

best thing in dis map take rider and use his ulti and capture an enemy then immediately tp to base FTW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

WTF i need real AI map Not Fun Ai map

Anonymous said...

CoOl ! !

Anonymous said...

oh my god !!! this is what i am waiting for !!! super cool version !!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what the hell is wrone with formless?! i dont get his skill hmpf

serovoy said...

Good map!

Anonymous said...

din like it ^_^

Anonymous said...

to choose hero type -fun at the start
AFTER 15sec, type -(name of hero here) names can be found at btm right of the map

[Gm]-Mizies said...

everyone like it?

Anonymous said...

i like cloud strife..
very cool..

Anonymous said...

how do you summon d new heroes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

i cant download can somebody tell me what's wrong?!

Mediafire S2 said...

wow perfect map ! thank for sharing

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

version 2.2 with 3 new heros is out

Anonymous said...

BMP help Overflow making the DotA v6.67b AI +Fun v2.2, can be download at

Anonymous said...

there's a BUG in this version.
first, choose formless (a new hero in -fun, the one who looks like Io)
second, copy any skills with formless skills, then click reset all. your warcraft should go fatal.

Anonymous said...

cool first blood yayayayaa

Anonymous said...

i need 6.69 AI map

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sweet... thanks

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thats what u get for w8ing for 68c ai?oh ffs just work on it goddamit

Anonymous said...

Wow it's Very BAd bad bad

Anonymous said...

boring boring

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wow. this is cool.. and cloud srife joins the DOTA... hahaha... let me try this....

Anonymous said...

this map is very cool and fun

Anonymous said...

Can't even Spawn the Heroes...Some kind of bug lurking around???

Anonymous said...

imba map i love this..
but some items are bit too OP,
i easily got KD of 52:2 in me(1) vs 5

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i wish there could be 6.69 ai+fun map. . .
Great Map. . .

Anonymous said...

lol huricane is hero?? it just spell from item..failed!

Anonymous said...

playin with alchemist .........
there is a bug with it..
there was tiny in my tteam.. n every time i used the concution(stun) tine uses avanlanch at the position where i m standing..!!!

Anonymous said...

some heroes r damn powerful while some sucks .. gambler sucks , so is wind of god .. vengeance is also useless . so is the old naix ..

Anonymous said...

combining the heroes from 6.68 and ai+fun would fun.. lol!

Anonymous said...

those heroes are so powerful.. haha

Anonymous said...

i love using fluid

Anonymous said...

i can combine those items...... very cool!!!!! imba.....

Anonymous said...

How can you pick the new hero here can anybody post a guide how to select the fun heroes??

Anonymous said...

harrake so noob,donno how to make new ai map

Anonymous said...


Owen, Brian said...

Erm... whr is ramza belouve?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

DAAMNN!!! bastion sucks like hell! what is imba w/ him??? i can own anyone who uses bastion w/ just normal heroes., i really like that POOP BOMB!! wooo! God-like in 8 mins! when i got the last skill, it's bye bye AI!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Overflow is the one doing this not harreke tsk3x

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