DotA 6.69 AI Map News & Updates. As the DotA Developer: IceFrog has launched 6.69 with a couple of improvements to our favorite game. Now it's DotA 6.69 AI turn, We hope AI map developers Harreke & PleaseBugMeNot start working on v6.69 AI soon so those players who can't play online can play DotA 6.69 Artificial Intelligence version.
This post is exclusively created for DotA 6.69 AI Map. All the news, updates and information directly from developers will be posted right on this page. 6.69 AI will probably less time once Harreke finishes Dota 6.68c AI project.
If you have anything to share, For e.g. Suggestions or bug reports. Please post a comment.
DotA 6.69
Dota 6.69 Changelogs
127 Comments yet..:
First blood >>>>. DaRkShInEsS
Hope harreke releases dota 6.69 ai faster... i am tired of waiting months for a single map :@
yeah =)
6.69 AI PLOXZ. 6.68 AI still haven out. D:
wwwhats new here... cause im newbie please tell me...
harreke sighh finish 6.68ai fast cause i want 6.69 ai :( it so awesome with the mystery of lcarus the pheonix
nice.....waiting for it to come
load load load
thank you *-*
I hope the AI map comes very soon... I am still waiting for the 6.68 AI map...
SeConD DouBle KilL nice Sigh Tnx for thisssssssssssss
ok v.r. good
when will 6.69 b or c will release ?
Just work faster, since it seems like your best is slow.
Beyond Godlike
load load
please make it early
get the ai maps working faster ,faster ,faster yeah gert working-jah'rakal
pls...do the 6.68ai pls.. ty
plz make it fast
hope it comes as soon as possible
Please..do the 6.70..And make it Fast please..
Take your time Herreke, I can wait or we can wait. And the others cut him some slack, his the disciple of BuffmePlz so surely he will get it done. Good luck herreke and good job!
thx u
please make a 6.69 AI + map
thx u
nice job i love dota utilities
come on!!! ~_~ its been a week and i am still waiting!
i tried the beta and its working pretty well... except for thrall!!
pretty much... its like i waited for the 6.68 ai for months now...:@
get your but working(joke only) nice work guys hope no bugs get through-a cheats,hints,bugs,walkthroughs master
please released me let me go..
why that the other countries have a 6.68 ai why that philippines don`t have i`m just waiting a month
yeah boy!!!
when will it be released??
how soon is soon??
it seems to be taking forever...sigh
why complain? you're getting it for free and no hassle. im sure pbmn and harreke are doing their best. if you can't wait, then make the map yourself O.o
Thank you it vevy nice !
its sure late, bcos their crew many left. hope only help from other people to edit data entry
I know its hard to make AI for computer players, but lets try to do a little more complex AI scripts for Dota(example the computers remember certain situations, to buy computers ITEM in the Goblin Shop, to make simple ambush and much more has to be said but not now ......)I want to thank him for the job is to work patiently and in future versions,and dont listen stupid post!Sory for bad english!
bobo harreke
hahahahahaha 69 AI? hahahahaha
release it now please...
Check out the arising team in mendiola... Search for TEAM STALWART.
When is it gonna be available???
Tired of waiting........
i dont care what every1 sayin.. all ineed now is when can i play dota 6.68ai+ pls.im tired of waiting.. y it is taking so long..
How HARD is it to make a single AI map???
I know I don't know how to make one but your an expert in making one, so please do it FASTER!!!!
I'll be patiently waiting for the 6.99 ai map. please everyone be patient too, you are not paying them anyway...
If your waiting patiently for the 6.69 AI map, well I'm not
u guys are gonna make the map while we are still alice or what :P
rampage in garena 20 min no last hit.
im w8ting months for a single map.
well, fixed that bug with the drop items of phoenix.
ultra kill in 15 min.
thxxxxx mak
balanar void is the so sakit you know
omg its so slow
finish it fast....
oh no oh yes..
where can i download it
how download a 6.69 a1
The dota 6.70 loading screen is just not right.. its abit too sick and dota 6.69 was also very sick and was retarded cuz had no scourge.
pay hon
is good
like dota
when 6.69 ai released?
hope 6.69c ai release now =D
6.68 ai is already out noobs Greeklover rocking all over the world all noobs go to hell muahahaha
good Thank you
How to download
thanks u
I'm waiting for so long for this 69 Ai map iwant to fell those AI the darkness of Rampage
i want 6.70ai so i can try tuskarr
i cant wait for 6.70 ai map
i cant wait for 6.69 ai the new heros r awesome
we'VE Been Waiting so Long. So can you please Release it now!
i Mean now because all of us are tired of Waiting
Impatient mothefukas. Its so hard to script that when you make them rush, the ai will sux. And when it sux, you will complain! What the heck! Just wait. It will be worth it.
thx a lot <333
wow 6.70
sooo looooonggggg. 6.69 ai map
WTF! 6.69ai another waste of time, damn.!
be patient. or go make ur own ai map if u ppl can't wait for it.. these ai map makers doesn't live 24 hours a day just to make the ai map... they have their own life to live out too.
thanks man
Please make the 6.69 available soon. thanks a lot
i want to use enchantress with aghanims
i want that trent protector will not be auto ban in 6.71bduring cm mode!!!
plzzz create the 6.69 fast creaters are weak
plzzz..create the 6.70 ai
when will dota 6.69 ai will be released ? i can't wait to play it ..
damn! I can't wait to play the 6.69 AI..... when can it be released????
can fast abit??? wan use new hero at ai map...
6.69 AI+ i'll be waiting for you
you have a new map
wew where is the map??
just say map!!! like dora in kids show XD!!!
i don't
Please make a command for attack speed, thanks..
i hope v6.70 ai will come..faster..............
hey where i can download dota 6.69 al with bots
please enaBLE -CM mode for ai!!
What Ever Weaks...
hu wants to join tournament!! 5000 pesos!! 1 on 1 only
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