DotA Loadscreen artist, Kendrick Lim (Kunkka) has now released the wallpaper version of DotA 6.69 Loadscreen. This is an epic loading screen, featuring all the Sentinel heroes in one place. The load-screen itself looks very neat and detailed, You can recognize every hero in first look. It must have took so much time for Kunkka to create this amazing artwork.
New DotA 6.69 Loadscreen Wallpaper:
Quoting Kunkka:
Hey guys, thanks for all the comments everyone shared about the loadscreen. I will take note of them for the next one. It was a huge undertaking for me, and i appreciate all the support u guys gave.Thanks to Kunkka for his efforts. By the way, What's your favorite character in the current image? Mine is Line Inverse - Slayer.
Here is the wallpaper version for download. click on the "download image" icon next to the picture after you enter the link.
DotA 2
70 Comments yet..:
Phantom Assassin
ganda :) !"]ΓΌ♥
nice pic..love it..=p
1st blood! Maybe its Lina Inverse but nyc loading screen anyway :D
cool first blood
whenever I see rikimaru telling me this:
Rikimaru: "I kill everyone, you are next!"
Is tiny some kinda perv? he is always staring at the chicks *_*
@^ lol what's wrong with staring at chicks? are you a gay you don't? :P
favorite hero ... ICEFROG (@ Axe's Flag) lol =)
who is that guy..? at the left of kunnka
he should do loading screen with random images that will show up... like 1st game... sentinels, 2nd game... scourge, 3rd game... senti vs scourge... something like that, by the way, great job... beyond GODLIKE!!!
That's not Axe its Yurnero!!
Good JOB Keep it up!!
@ 1:22 PM - it's centaur warchief
whos the one at the left of Earth Shaker .?(the red one)
morph :D
btw ... we have error in enchantress ... when u get the scepter u cant drop it xD
@ lloy you mean Silencer?
anyone notice yurnero's flag? there's icefrog!! :)
this loadscreen suck's =(
POTM :)))
i don't like it.. look's to real .. centaur looks like Stefan cel mare -.- thumbs down
WISP!!! FTW hahahahaa
nice map
can't find rylai :O
rylai in center left from luna
Meh, this art is mediocre at best. His last loading screen had much better badass feel to it. This feels like anime-shit. And centaur looks like a Hun, nothing like that in game. I guess puck and morphiling have a nice design, maybe mirana and riki but the rest are just awful.
Fail... Riki should not be shown in the loading screen, because he is permanently invisible. Or did the picture has Gem? XD
is that syllabear at the left of chief tauren?
Rikimaru sukcs in new loadscreen
mine is troll
Where is dragon knight?
oh my god look at luna she sucks!!and the bear doesnt look like ursa at all
Morphling looks cool without his watery face
Rikimaru its best hero
Rikimaru is so epic! good job kunkka! keep up ^^
Rikimaru - Stealth Assassin
Sad loading screen old one looks better...or say this one is chutad...
potm ,lina and luna look sexy in these pics
btw veng isnt there in the picture
Rexxar looks like Batman :P
And.. of course... it wasn't secret who should be in the MIDDLE :)
and the black animal near sven is not a bear, is the panther of luna, not a hero.
For Real... Dragon Knight?
No Davion and Silkwood? :(
no davion and traxex
next loadscreen is all scourge
my fave is morph in game and pic ^^ all the chars looks perfect except riki he is not in the right place dotn lesten to all the crap anime looking dota chars are cool
and is that crystal maiden between jugger and luna ??? and i dont mean mirana
These are the all the sentiels right?
correct me if im wrong but isnt clockwork,tinker and squee spleen and spoon senti too? i cant seem to find them
the pic is GREAT but wait is rikimaru holding his weapon in the wrong direction or is it just me ???
I know now why some heroes are not here like Tinker, Davion, Traxex, etc. because they are "Neutral" Hero. They are not Sentinel nor Scourge,
magina or terrorblade..lol
why is spiritbreaker there hes not even sentinel he's a neutral thats serves the lich king!!
@anonymus right
its tauren
I fail to see Rhasta :)
naga perfect! but not too perfect when her hair or something cover that thing
there is no even scourge der?
make a scourge loadscreen next version ^^
stealt assassin
The missing "sentinel" heroes are regarded as Neutral Heroes.
kunkka favrite hero love it !and im pro with it ! ^^ also please try tell to kunkka to make ghost name on some new hero thanks very much
im sayin dis to all who are lookin for venge or ursa or dk... first, the one left of ES is not ursa.. its sylla's bear.. second, venge is neutral.. finally, DK is also neutral.. and THIS LOAD SCREEN ROCKS, A**HOLES! :D
knowing the best hero _____just Only Invoke Coz da danm skill can KIll 3 5 hero on his field even ursa or troll
its me dota king beyond godlike kayo me im rampage of trol
who is in the center of tauren and rexxar??
where is jakiro?
where TECHIES?
where is the venomancer
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