Dota 6.69 Secret, Hidden Quest Guide. As IceFrog already told us that there will be a new 6.69 hidden quest which will follow the tradition. Now, The DotA 6.69 is released with secret x.9 quest in which you have to destroy the runes, kill IceFrogs to summon Phoenix boss and then kill it. You'll get a nice reward item in return.
DotA 6.69 Quest Guide:
Destroy the Runes:
To start to side quest, You need destroy the PreRune and other 2 runes found in the map.
• PreRune can be found in the middle of the map near Top rune.

Note: Since, IceFrogs are invisible and can not be killed by physical attacks. You need to get Gem of True Sight and Dagon.
- Here is the mini-map of IceFrog so, you can find and kill em' easily!

• Once you kill all the 9-10 IceFrogs, Phoenix boss will appear in right corner on the bottom of the map.
Kill the Phoenix:
Kill the Phoenix using Naix with 6x inventory and with -wtf mode and enjoy a nice reward item which you grant you evasion and ability to spawn illusions.
This post is dedicated for DotA 6.69 Secret Quest. This post is currently in Beta. The DoTA 6.69 Quest more screenshots, replays and videos will be added soon.
Also, If you have any other information DotA 6.69 Easter egg, please share it with us :)
211 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»NIce OnE
1st blood
4th blood
nice nice i can`t wait..
corny nyo amp:P
nc1 dood!
I can hardly wait for DotA 6.69 and it's hidden quest :)
o.O Secret quest! ... and 'Maphackers'? :S
ty for telling us .now we can dwnload it
whats the prerune for? and the boats and ship + graveyard
I have found 9 frogs and destroyed prerune and one other thing..now dont know what to do..
I destroye the pre-rune and the 2 red runes, but I've found only one ice frog...
Download This Replay :) see the hidden quest
omg pheonix as boss... it's like lina with viper...
It tooks me 1 minute to kill phoenix with god mode (whosyourdaddy) cheat.. thats very imba.. impossible in normal game
i will try it
what does a red rune look like?
seems to me it need a team to kill phoenix ... and maybe every one :D ...
Can someone post a video killing the ice frog?
i cant find the pre-runes. helpp
i can even touch the prerune...wtf?
you can do it with your enemies in normal game =)
We already kill 10 ice frogs but no boss apear
I have summoned the Icarus but , the Supernova keeps stunning , when the Icarus the Phoenix , is summoned all heroes will be killed.
no.. it takes hundreds of max level and max itemed players to kill the pheonex... or in single game... you need "whosyourdaddy"
is there any new release of garena maphack for 6.69 ??
The boss canot be killed !
the item got bug...i cant turn back after click on it==
damn! Phoenix totally amazing. Hahaha
i lover~
And the boss does global AOE STUNS Beware!!
1st blood !! i sucess summon it but ... thn it lvl max 25 it stat 1201 at all (str,int,agi)
thr is no way to kill it =_= whn u near,surouding fire will burn u till u death n a huge egg will stun u even u BKB !
cool !! nice one ICefrog !!
i connot see the redrunes!! >.<
now this is not a secret quest anymore.
wtf we cant finish the quest on wtf mode wahhaha xD
i already finish the quest.. and the item is like a SUPER MANTA.. it DROPS 5 items..
i killed phoenix and my hero was not visible on the map O.o is that suppose to happen?? btw i used whosyourdaddy cheat
nothing happens..when i killed all icefrog but nothing happens..no Phoenix spawns...
so hard to kill
hey how can i destroy the prerune
i already see the where is the prerune but i cant see it(its health bar) how can i do it
@ 3:54 PM - you have to destroy PreRune at mid to see Red runes Zzz..
i ve already done it , it willgive a 5 medal
the phoenix cant be killed.even if we use nai'x.
LOl kill the pheonix with whosyourdaddy...great item u get five medallion and each can give 10 super imba illusions and the good thing is u can use all five on 1 hero...that means 50 illusions which took down fountain in less than 10 sec
waw..i really cant kill icarus...hell ...even with -wtf and -test....and everytime you get killed by him it gets stronger...nice quest though
xD amf i cant kill the Pheonix(Icarus) amf =)
10 ice frogs must die then the phoenix will came out at the right bottom corner
sir there is bug when using the illusions in the ancient medallion :))
tq ...i already beat icarus..but he transfrom to eeg and born again.....for the second time,i can't kill that think....
when i kill the phoenix and use the item i disappear wtf
huhu.. i can't kill the phoenix... it is so powerful..... huhuhu
could we kill the phoenix boss without -wtf mode??
It drops 5 Medalions with 75All Stats and u can use it and make 9 or 10 forgot exactly , a lot of mirror images xD
even if i use naix, ursa, and mortred the phoenix is hard to kill. there's now way beating him solo. in fact THERE'S NO WAY TO BEAT HIM! it's just impossible. maybe 10 heroes max level eeach can beat him though. but 5 players no freaking way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there's only one way. "whosyourdaddy" :) but aside from that. it's just impossible man!!!
yes you can kill him without -wtf (use void troll naix) and ... well Good Job Icefrog for fucking up your own map. There are 6 drops from the boss and 1 item gives +75 ALL STATS + 8 Illusions + 40% miss chance so WTF? If one team gets ONE item from the boss then its GG for that team :/
This is the most fucked up quest ever... yes ofc we like the quest till there but the items... lol omfg atleast make it only 1 +75 without any miss chance or illusions
he's asking about the prerunes not the runes -.-
anyway it one of the 2 beheaded villagers, u know where it is :p
No no no... please don't spoile the game..if it is just fir fun, then make it only for -wtf mode. Not in DOTA.
dude stop cursing icefrog.. this is an optional fun quest in 6.69 yet hard to perform in a real game..it requires team work..
this quest not nice.the phoenix boss only can be kill when u play wtf mode. it totally cant kill it is in normal mode. and the frog sometimes got bug. you cant even found the frog at all sometimes. and i found a bug when u buy a chick and a bird scroll together then ur item will gone(it a bug).i have kill 9 frog in a apso mode but it bug and the phoenix wont appear.
wtf i cant find the frog near the sentinel bottom lane(waterfalls) and in the scourge base (near the fountain) pls help me!
Its almost immposible to the extent thats its useless it will never be done in game and it takes to much time the stun is retarded too fix please
Lol me and my friend killed it with 6 naix, each one controlled on, they were with:
2 Divine
was hard
WTF ! Cant The Ice Frog sit properly , always moving @_@
Frogs are virually imposiibile to be found. I searched for some 15 minutes find and kill 6 and quit...
1. Question - who needs the phoenix artefact, if he can kill him? Noone! He can kill whoever he want!
2. Recomendation - Quest(s) should exist (with AT MOST 3 icefrogs, biger and vulnerable to all magic attacks, not only dagon), but the reward should be something like - Hero can go up to level 30 (40), or divine that don't drops or permanent reincarnation to safety (hero dont die, he is just teleported to base upon death).
The point is regular hero, level 20 for example, with some nice stuff, to be able to complete the quest. Current Quest WILL NEVER be acomplished in a real game. Only in single player map.
f*ck that phoenix....when you beat him in the first time...it will reincarnates and then...it will have three supernova sun..SH*T.....it is almost impossible to beat in a real game..
i try 3 time without cheat juz fat item n full level... stil cannot kill that phoenix.. then i type whosyourdaddy to kill that bird... done
kewl! MUST TRY in MULTI-PLAYER game.. XD
there is a bug when you use two ancient medallions you'll be invulnerable.. but.. you cannot see your hero.. XD IMBA
WTF! the phoenix has a skill that spawns supernova or something and it lands to the ground and boom, all units in map stunned.. :0
yeah ... after using the meddallion rappidly ... is it a bug... my hero is not visible anymore
Uber Imba, man the quest is cool, but i think its impossible to play in a normal game, that burning bird is just difficult to kill. but if you get the medallion you become imba also, GG time for the opposing team.
I can't find the frogs. Any help ?
nc one DUDE.... help me more
u all r so lame - it CAN be killed with 3 heroes only too: omni, troll and magina - just proper timings and his stuns are useless. And when his mana is out - its just a neutral creep...
Lol Stop patching everyting why not fix the MAPHACK first B4 patcing anything?
"you mean your point is you patch so the code would be new?"
but still from version (D) to (E) when you did patch
there are still alot of MAPHACKERS?
wtf?i cant attack the prerune can anyone tell me whats going on?
guys! i killed all the icefrog and still the phoenix won't appear.. help me!
help me! i killed all the ice frogs and still the phoenix won't show up..
lol... found some facts about these icefrogs..
use these skills for easy kill: (except frogs stuck in the woods)
- Blade Fury (spin,walk,dead frog in your way)
- Earthshock (too late for it to jump)
- War Stomp (yeah! i got big horse feet)
- Avalanche (it's rocking dead!)
- Pandaren Element Fire's Immolation (fried frog, indeed)
- and other skills that based on the original skills..
and there are some aoe skills that doesn't affect icefrog and these skills are too ridiculous to be missed..
- Call Down (OMG! You destroy everyone with a nuclear but didn't kill the frog!)
- Plasma Field (icefrogs are anti-thunder frogs, huh?)
- Wave Form (hey, it's a frog, it likes water..)
- Mana Void (well of course, icefrog has no mana..)
- Sharpnel (your bullets turn into a fire-crackers for icefrog)
- Toss (damn! it's too small to stomp on)
- Earth Splitter (the frog slip through!!)
- Torrent (same as Wave Form = water)
- and other skills that uses trigger functions..
haha,Medalion Item Nice one :) btw you can kill Phoenix easy with 2 Ursa...inventory:3xHeart, 1xSatanic,2xDivine and he dies easy...Clear the path with Furion or Lina...HF and i got bored from the AOE Phoenix Stun :D
haha....i ve win agains phonix...the secret it..u need to use FV....item 3 butterfly...1 divine...1 boot and another blademail.....try it!....take 5 mnutes only...solo...
Super Imba Illusions, Super Imba +75 super imba Stats,+40% super imba chance to miss,. san ka pa?? Super Imba GG
it can kill using DT only in wtf mode you just need aganim and butterfly hhehheheheheheh easy to me no need cheat,
but the medal have bug when i use it my hero vanish --"
bug.. :) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1659380405994&set=a.1330874633555.2049454.1281665539
suuuppppeeerrrr imba!!!!mighty freakin icarus keep stomping me...theres no way to beat him in normal game mode.!!!
the phoenix doesn't appear!!! why?
what did I do wrong?
i cant find the phoenix? why? HHHEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!
....wew....that F*ckin phoenix boss is so strong...but if you beat him...WTF!!! be ready for a total destruction!!! nice items!!!super imba!!!but super cool!!! ultimate attribute adds..and ultimate evasions....freakin illusions..!!!!nice one...>.<
the medallions are so cooool .. it gives crit and hitpoints ... good job
[To the moron complaining about maphack]
DotA is not Warcraft III; maphack is of no responsiblity of custom map creators.
there is a bug... ma hero "DISSAPEARED" WHEN I USE THE ITEMS WHICH HE DROPS... WHAT A SHAME.. dont make such quest again...!!If u are making a quest in 6.70.. LET ROSHAN DROP 5 AEGIS INSTEAD of 1.. so that all our teams will have 1 aegis each :)
TriTopax ;P
ahahaha... nice one! it is possible in a normal game though, only thing is, you have to be with your friends to help communicate much easier
I cant Destroy the pre rune... WTF HELP ME PLEASE>>>>
you can kill it with faceless void easy. without any cheats. after you unlock the phoenix, get 3 divine and 3 butterfly, and let your crow(courier) hold vlads and cuirass to benefit from lifesteal and attack speed auras. just before he dies, activate chronosphere(void's ultimate). THIS IS THE KEY!!! you must kill it in the chronosphere cause apparently the phoenix doesn't respawn in it. and VOILA!! try it out!!
this can ruin all games. it doesnt matter if u kill the phoenix or not only if u make him a pear in a normal gae everione will quit cause they get stuned for 8 sec every 15 sec
Heres a complete list of all int heroes that can kill frogs.
techies-suicide only
lina-2. & ulty
leshtrac-any spell
these 2 can kill frogs even while they cant see them (no gem)
tinker-3. maybe also lina and techies can kill them without seeing them but i havent tried that, i ran out of frogs
where is the phoenix? I don't know
There are a bug after you used the item you gained from Pheonix ~
i killed the Phoenix , and u can use : Show HP bard from game options so u can get the frogs Easily revealed !!!
for more info you nid to ginsoo the phoenix to kill the phoenix
because if you dont use the guinsoo phoenix back and more stronger than the 1st
how 2 defeat that phoenix? i have tried many times but still cant kill him
nailed it
as long as the phoenix doesn't rencar it was pretty easy to win using -wtf mode
i go 5 hero, with purist as the core one, also furion to complete the prequest 1st, and rhasta for wards
i killed it using whosyourdaddy
there's a bug i CLICKED it many time THEN my hero DISappeared
nice quest but there is a bug in the item that is being drop by the phoenix ahahaha.... damned ice frogs so tiny its so hard to see hahahaha
i killed n i got medallion
i gives 9 illusions n 1250 critical strike..
i spammed the medallion n became invulnareble..
zzzzzzzzzz sad...
I've finished it iin sigle player game but in local game its to hard cause phoenix have lvled up so its hard to kill and because of its global stun that Xit i hate that stun!!=D try it so easy in single player..
put -test n -wtf mode wen game starts...
den put -refresh in warkeys....
make blademail..
wen pheonix appears....
spam -refresh n use blademail simultaneously...
den GG..
I like to repeat this quest again and again!!wohoo!!
the hard part is the ice frog.. sooooooooo.......!!! little Frogs...but try and try until you succeed...xD
how to destroy the runes????? haha,, lol...
just read the whole article guys..
you can get something..
use diffusal blade for killing supernova.......5 heroes with no cheat......magina, omni, troll, ursa and traxes......
Use diffusal to kill the supernovas....
It drops 5 because every team member gets 1.
hmmmm......... the heroes were gone if u use it always!....in -wtf.....
I did try to kill Phoenix with a friend (in Lan game), but no way..
It's almost impossible..
Did even try with 4 players with: -test, -wtf. but again we didn't kill it:)
I think no1else will reach Phoenix on Real games..
I see many bastards think they are too intelligent than all others here who've write a post :P
Like: Those who say to go on with Single Player, Enable Cheat "WHOSYOURDADDY" and some kind of crappy things :P
Hey you there, Noobs! if you think it has a point by killin' the Phoenix with Cheats, than i have nothing to say except: you're a big NoLife...
Try to kill it during the Live game, force up your mind a little bit, Try to find an idea how can you get that down without any Cheats.
That's point of this. Enjoy IT, not get bored of killing with WHOSYOURDADDY :P
Also: some players have said that it has a Bug.. After using many times on items, Hero disappear.. yea right, that happens.
But did think a bit why there is only 5 piece of Medallion but no 6?
Let's say so: it's made for Team game, after you kill Phoenix, every player of your team gets 1 Medallion. (It has: Critical, +75 to all stats and 9 Illusions.) Suppose there is 5 players playing in each team, and everyone gets each Medallion Equal to (9 x 5) 45 also 5 real heroes = 50.. that means: Game Over ;)
1st you must destroy the prerune (so u can see the 2 red runes)
2nd kill the red runes (so u can see the icefrog)
3rd kill the icefrog (Remember use GEM to see the icefrog) the place in the picture is right just find it
4rt after u complete to kill all 10 icefrog your hero will be dead and phoenix spawn in the lower side in right
5th use Crow to kill Phoenix using this items
Dagon lvl 5
Remember u cant kill the phoenix without guinsoo make sure use guinsoo to kill it
hope you understand thanks
GawAng pOLOy
BTW use this 2 command
WTF and Test
Thanks GawAng pOLOy
I hate finding the frogs :(
haha! i've killed icarus using whosyourdaddy cheat and dagon 5. just dagon and dagon icarus multiple times and wala! theres your ITEM. (im not gonna spoil the item .xD)
Good Luck.
Awesome! I will try it now
just use lich
the medallion also has critical
pre rune is a ''killed guy'' (that has stucked a tree or stick in to his body :| sry for bad english. in the middle map where is the picture with prophet he has targetted it and you must destroy pre rune wist a+attack )))
Stop cursing icefrog, the quest can be done in LAN game.
With only 3 heroes I've successfully killed the phoenix.
I dont see ANY way to beat that MOFO without using singleplayer commands or cheats. ok... even if you have 10 players (5 from each team) attacking him at once with all lvl 25 and the tank with 5 hearts and every1 else with 6 divine rapiers, once the supernova drops he releases some sort of aoe burn that does like 500dmg/sec to all players, plus they all get stunned for like 10 sec. in that time the phoenix with 200 dmg will rape everybody and every time he kills somebody he gets about 3 lvls, which gives him 300 of all stats and doubles his HP. the only way i could see it is if 5 players get 6 divine rapiers and kill off the suns, and the other 5 players have all hearts and tank the phoenix until the players with divine rapier kill a sun and attack pheonix, and kill the next sun when it comes. Rinse and repeat. Would be epic though for the team to get the medallions.
Haha secret item
Medal of Churva i forgot
but it can cr8 8 clones??^^
I kill phoenix.....
but I cheat..(whosyourdaddy)..
It drops an itemof illusion...
the phoenix is so weak, i can kill him without (whosyourdaddy) cheat...
wow....That was hard :D
y cant u guys just use passive stunner heroes? with mom and diffusal dat should really help swt
bring techies, venge, lina, sven, n troll
each of them must buy diffusial blade, so you can kill the meteor 40x
stun the icarus continuously and maybe u can win it without cheat :D
hey, with lothar, stuns dont hit you, so they are easy to evade.. and it can be killed alone with naix, mortred, ursa, lanaya.. in -wtf, dont know how many more, didnt try.
i cant find the prerunes????
there are bug with the artifact.
Pick naix & ursa & rikimaru
rikimaru completed agility
naix lifesteal %7 per attack
ursa addd 25 damage per atack and ultimate add to damage
rikimaru missed phoenix and backstab atack
and all heroes completed blade mail...
defeat the phoenix.....
-fog for stupid emo saying this is maphack
Cool but i think we can just defeat the phoenix using whosyourdaddy?
It is really cool it drops 5 items.
each of them gives me x10 illussions!!
when i used all of them gives me 50 illussions xD
i think before killing those 10 icfrogs or summoning the phoenix, techies should plant a millions of bombs (ulti)
then Detonate it all when the phoenix arrived! XD
INVOKER is the best.
just have fast hand lol
its cool ..
furion is so powerfull.. : ))
eww just for stupid and ignorant people you cant do this when you have a match!
too hard!
the phoenix might be the next new hero for the next version.
just a guess.
haha.. imba
Lol i killed phoenix with - test and wtf no whosyourdaddy
used in it multi i also typed -noherolimit and spawned
a lot of zeus each level 25 with aganihms and ulti
Lol, freakin easy, all you need is 5 str heroes that can tank and 5 person using blade and satanic. Don't forget to get basher and devine. Useful.. I notice that phoenix can't be skilled nor magic. But when my second try with friends (Non-Cheat) the basher effect appeared.. though basher stun is not a skill or magic its just a passive item. Well, the basher and Deso work well with me fighting phoenix. Let CW or Naix tank. 1 by 1 after Cw reach 1.5k hp Take turn with Naix.
i think in real game there is possibilities to get it,, but we need kardel and faceless void in our team even we use standard item. We just need to make phoenix trap in forest so kardel can attack without being attacked by burning aura. Last use chronos so phoenix can't transfrom into egg.
Nb: cyclone can avoid instant kill from phoenix after we kill the last frog, if you can't get out from cyclone use dagger
spawned on the tenth frog so easy 15 tiny did it just get some str. boosting atems to bo not killed by the fire and super nova sun and get all the items [(tried it and worked)(or try tiny and rexxar works also)]
u can kill it in normal wid -test 10players to kill it its soo fast all devine r items nc
i cant see prerunes,i tried downloading from both get dota and here, pls some one help
i cant find the ice frogs in the sentinels zone
imba... this boss can stun all map
u can use eredar if super nova sun apperars use disruption or thrall get the last skill it silence the icaruz then no burning and stunning
i cannot find the last icefrog near the team 1 secret shop! where to find it?
when u summon the phoenix, use omni;s repel skill to the heroes....when the phoenix is summoned, u will not be killed immediately....
wow this is realy cool but i need furion and cant solo boss with furion
does earthshaker replace his
wood trunk(weapon)....•_•
does earthshaker replce his piece of wood?
cool i killed it using mortred
its imposible to kill if anyone did in real game pls add replay link!!!!!!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!
ALLAH, i won the phoenix without using -test mode
I have some tips for you guys:
first: you need a diffusal to get rid of the supernova sun
ridiculous, huh? the 9000 hp supernova sun will disappear when you use the diffusal and keep using it when it reappear dude :)
second: about the reincarnation of the phoenix, just hex it as the moment he's near dead and there you go :) (or use Doom on it, it is ok too)
You can kill Icarus with Leoric
Item Build:
I saw a reply of that
DotA games and DotA type games...:
Aeon of Strife (AoS)= Blizzard Starcraft
Defence of the Ancients (DotA) = Blizzard Warcraft 3
Demi God = Gas Powered Games
Bloodline Champions = Bumblebee Studios
Heroes of Newerth (HoN) = S2 games
League of Legends (LoL) = Riot Games
DotA 2 = Valve + IceFrog
Blizzard DotA = Blizzard Starcraft 2
Avalon Heroes = Alaplaya
Land Of Chaos Online (LOCO) = Alaplaya
so many games what do u think??? xD
awesome.. is this applicable in 6.69b?
good one icefrog!!
no it is not applicable in 6.69b
Secret Item Is Awesome....And When Is Phoenix Gonna Come?...........
Make More Quests Like This
HEY GUYS... Icefrog's egg easter = Pheonix !!!
***LeGioN*** Sayed this :D
I think the phoenix can be killed if u have teamwork, items, and commonsense (brain).
I show health bars and it is easy to locate the IceFrogs
Is that Icarus,The Phoenix will be the new hero in DotA 6.70?????
no cheats...just ursa ;-)
btw:you cant let him reincarnate...u dont have a chance kill him twice :)
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