PleaseBugMeNot has released a bug fix update, DotA 6.68c AI Beta Rev2 map. This is the second open beta of v6.68c AI. There are several improvements, crashes and miscellaneous bugs fixed in this revision. PleaseBugMeNot has already started working on next AI versions, he wanted to fix errors in the meanwhile. So, enjoy playing DotA 6.68c AI Rev2!
DotA 6.68c AI Rev2 Beta Map Download:
Dota 6.68c AI Rev2.rar (mirror 1)Dota 6.68c AI Rev2 Changelogs:
1. Techies Remote mines fixed (they explode when killed).Thanks to PleaseBugMeNot and his fellow beta testers from DotA AI Team.
2. Battle Hunger cleared after rebirth.
3. The crashes from Flak Cannon are hopefully gone.
4. Some memory leaks removed (more to come).
5. Transform Courier fixed.
6. Courier's Spell immunity showing icon fix.
7. Aegis acquire message not shown fix.
8. Recoded some HeroState saves to Strings.
9. Kaldr, Ancient Apparition got his ultimate cooldown fixed.
10. -(o)sven command removed. Now -sv command can be used to look at both teams AI`s skill`s. For example: -osv 6 or -osv 2
11. -ld (lowdodge) mode tweaked.
Dota 6.68c AI Rev1
Dota 6.71
111 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
AI map is for noobs only ^_^
let me see if this map still crashes while playing gyrocopter...
guess you're a noob too ^^
noob means he/she not listen what people tought his/her.
Please Bug Me Not!!!! thanks :)
waiting for dota 6.70c ai
please also upload the map on other file hosting site
dont rework 6.68ai,
work for 6.69ai or 6.70ai..! !
I want to play Tuskarr n Phoenix with AI :(
do you have 6.68ai rev2.w3x???
I 1 2 play map 69ai or 70ai than 68ai
yeah just shut up....
you should be thankful that there are developers that helps in order to play dota better than the other release!!
Love the AI map TY!!
i only play ai map when no internet connection
@11:08 AM o0o
nice map oooooo.
lol a.i maps are not for noobs moron! they are used to practice till you feel your good enough to take on real players... think first before posting!
@ 9:33 AM
Thanks for this! Atleast AI's don't use MH >:)
^^^ dude what is you problem do you have any manners?
Ancient apparition still throws two ultis, mana regen too high, spams too much, int gain too high. NERF PLEASE too fucking imba
please rework hero razor for AI, cause i seldom see he uses skill or ultimate
those who says ai are for noobs why are you here???? Are you here to tell that people who use ai maps are noobs??? or maybe you are here to download the map too.
@ 3:54 PM nice one
i want ai to go to the secret shop for making there items!!
hahahaah ur correct ^^
could we have 70ai??
i will really appreciate
playing phoenix and tuskurr
with AIs^^
yeeeey d courier change was fix hehehehehhehe thanks guys
this map will be the one of the best map that is released
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scion/134021696662609 pls chk it out ,this is the official page of Scion and dnt forget to like^^
skip 6.69ai and go stright to 6.70c ai pls
how can you activate the ld mode???? do you need to type it???
Noobs Become pro, and Noobs can humiliate pros by just practicing and practicing, and Why THE F!@# are you here if you are to say A.I. Maps are for noobs? that means you can be humiliated by a noob.
hey can you defeat this kind of AI on -he -hg mode?
@6.46 you're wrong, AI DOES MH. They uses scripts to detect players, unlike real players, we uses our sense, or so-called 6th sense maybe? Try going into invi mode, and approach the AI from fog of war. you will see the AI moving around you knowing you're there.
and for those who said AI is for noob, fuck off man. what's so wrong being a noob playing AI? Everyone starts from a beginner, or a noob. don't tell me u start from pro level. If you really started with a very pro level, that means you're either a hacker or a noob-shit playing with 2 pc, fighting your own, leaving the other pc on the opponent team un-controlled.
"practice till you're good enough to take on real player".. i think this indirectly saying you're worse than real player... which also means a noob =.=
Better to say, AI maps are for us to familiarize ourselves with heroes and items, and the gameplay of DotA. once we're used to it, we try it on real players.
@6.08 -he and -hg are basically hacks for AI. no point defeating them coz it's all fake.
you kill them once, by the time they respawn, they had those golds that could be earn by killing creeps already.
and with the mode, by the time u solo level 4, they 2 in a same lane is already lvl 6. that's the time u'll die by their ultis and etc..
no point playing that dude, unless you're playing on 5 v 5 with your friends. That can really train your teamwork, and how to "counter" an enemy with much advantage. Good for the situation where we made mistakes early games.
At least AIs are not quitters.
i think this is so qreat..
Nope You Said The Ai Map is For Noob .. Your Wrong .. If You Want To Trip You PLay Ai ..
i defeated AI With "-he" mode 1 vs 5 mode Was "-apheom" :P
how can someone practice with ai they are worst than the noobs of batlenet and garena in a game with tech mode- ap i had only one death and that was because i was trapt by creeps in the tower are you kidding ?? how bad you are in dota?
when can dota allstars 6.70 ai come????????????
i cant play the map its on .rar(sigh)
PleaseBugMeNot, magina's mana break dont work against meepo.
just extract the file. Okay?
I always win 1v5, ap, 100 kills no deaths. Its good for practice, figuring out new tactics and better ways to use heroes. Of course AI can't compare to real people, they're too easily manipulated and frequently repeat past mistakes (like your dad). Maybe if past methods of death were archived for the AI to make use of. Although I can't see that going very far. You'll probably end up with an AI script which dictates that the best course of action is to stay at the fountain and not move, lol, but maybe with a proper probability algorithm, who knows.
I like to think what I said is the best way to describe what these AI maps are really for. The coding isn't really that complex, but what do you expect for a map that's done for free. The only sad thing is that these AI's seem to be more intelligent than a lot of the AI's developed for most other high end games, rts or rpg. So from that perspective, really good job to the developers, ta.
Do you know even your strong and you are not have any good skill in taking money shot try to play at ai version you will be practice by them bec. they have good skill in denying and taking money shot :D
how about 68 ai +fun
6.69ai already relese?
before you say that ai map is for noobs...try to make a PERFECT money shot.??? are you expert in playing DOTA???
try to do a perfect money shot..up to 10 mins of gaming..i will believe that you are a pro if you do that like me..
lol ! feeling mgling sa english? vovo naman sa DOTA ?
please make a map for 70 AI.. release it as soon as possible wanna use phoenix and tuskar with the AI's.
fix razor please. slark and AA smart beh. they are good player :D
Thats why you dont improve...you dont experiment with heroes LOL NOOB
zzz,still workin for 6.68?go work for 6.69 or 6.70 pls
When i shoot elunes arrow it always miss AI's are very intelligent ^_^
Ty 4 creating 68ai
low dodge mode is not there ,,.. wew..
the ones who think that ai maps are for noobs they are only poor because they have no computer at home so thats why they go to internet shops to play GG so poooor ! hahahah XD
AI maps are late now!
Can you please skipp all and go to 6.70???
come pawn me in garena . lai lai id : afiqbinazmi
u r so stupid...don know 2 use pc?
not a god map.boring to play wid ai.waiting for new ai maps.zzzz
Stop creating Ai map..XD
AI is for "weks only mode".....ahahaha
Whoever say AI map for noob then why're they appear in this area?? Meaning this, they're noober than noob :)
how to activate -ld mode????
Hmmm.... ALL ARE NOOBS!!
dude this is for learners re
playing AI is simulation game....
PleaseBugMeNot,morphling adaptive strike not working in etherial unit
hmm let me get this...:
Aeon of Strife (AoS)= Blizzard Starcraft
Defence of the Ancients (DotA) = Blizzard Warcraft 3
Demi God = Gas Powered Games
Bloodline Champions = Bumblebee Studios
Heroes of Newerth (HoN) = S2 games
League of Legends (LoL) = Riot Games
DotA 2 = Valve + IceFrog
Blizzard DotA = Blizzard Starcraft 2
Avalon Heroes = Alaplaya
Land Of Chaos Online (LOCO) = Alaplaya
so many games what do u think??? xD
pls also change the ai scripts....
Bots are too HARD. They don't have any item and mana restores 5 point per second!!! On start I have 4000 gold, bots probably have items that costs 6000 gold!!! When I type NG (normal gold) bots have items that costs 6000!!! When I play 5v5 with bots anyone bot have items for 1200 gold!!! When I attack any bot and destroy more than half health, he go to base, back for only 15 seconds (with teleport) and with full health. Also they buy same items. So please FIX this!!! :D
Pls release the 6.71ai map plzzzzzzzz
i love to play dota.
they must release the 6.71 ai+
sven at 6.68ai is weaker than 6.67
AI maps for noob..! play with real player lar..
Give me more maps i want to get stronger!!!and don't say ai are for noobs fuck this is where we all start
Pls use other download servers.
everyone starts with AI ...
Icefrog... Can u fix aa's ulti it doesnt have any cooldown..... thx
for those who on top noob also means newbie
whenever is use in this AI map "FATAL ERROR"
@6:24 fail
AI always catch my ellunes arrow
ai maps is like a simulator!!Training ground for newbies...
upload map to mediafire plis...it sucks to have to wait for 30 minutes to download another map
i Want new gameplay for ai's for the next ai's maps
ai map is for you have a heroes challege
All if yiy us NOOB!!
All of you is NOOBS!! no one can defeat me!! w whe wqe wq wq
Lols noob Anonymous.
anonymous real pro .......... hahahhahahahah
its great..
what a pity U R
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