DotA 6.71b 6v6 Map Download

DotA 6.71b 6v6
The 6v6 version of DotA 6.71b is now out. DotA 6.71b 6v6 map is same as official Dota having all the changes intact but with 2 extra players slot replacing Referees/Observers slot, this is why it is not considered in tournament & league matches.

DotA 6.71b 6v6 Map Download:
DotA 6.671b 6v6.rar (7.46 MB)

Download the map compressed rar file and extract in your Warcraft 3 Maps folder.
DotA 6.71b 6v6 Map Notes:

Release Notes:
* A big thanks to FuBaSh for working on 6v6 DotA.
* This release should include all features from the last 6v6 version.


Warcraft 1.25 Patch
DotA 6.72


  1. first blood

  2. Skulz0r12:54 AM

    are there any 6v6 dota room in garena to play this map??

  3. Hey, what happened to the Forum ? It doesn't work...

  4. Anonymous1:30 AM

    haha lol .. this is really good

  5. Anonymous1:49 AM

    More players more clashes more sprees more rampage!!! :D

  6. Anonymous1:58 AM

    lol.. two player each lane, 6v6 game will take 80minutes to finish..

  7. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Third... Killing Spree

  8. Anonymous2:09 AM

    @ 1:58..

    it will take less time because more players = more push = more chances of gg

  9. Anonymous3:52 AM

    thats laggy

  10. Anonymous4:07 AM


  11. Anonymous9:26 AM


    Sentinel = Neutral Passive
    Scourge = Neutral Hostile

    - Scott Padin - warpetzz123 - GeneralWarzz -

  12. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Less time in killing Roshan!

    - Scott Padin - warpetzz123 - General Warzz -

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    noob rosh only takes 30 secs with ursa at lvl 6 anyways...

  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    good job now.... we"ll c weather hon wan make duplication or not...........

  15. Anonymous5:55 PM

    nice map!..

  16. Anonymous9:18 PM

    AwssuUUMMMMM LESSS time For FinishinG The game And More Experienced Games

  17. Anonymous6:51 AM

    THIS is GREAT!
    how I wish they will use
    this map

  18. Anonymous7:48 AM

    hay how can I play with ai mod in 6.70b / 6.71b?

  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    noob, no room in gg wants to play 6v6

  20. Anonymous8:18 AM

    why i cannot access to the forum

  21. Anonymous6:38 AM

    HON will surely duplicate and copy DotA then later if DotA 2 is release then they will make also HON 2 xD

    - Scott Padin - warpetzz123 - GeneralWarzz -

  22. Is there any tool for creating garena skin? Dota-utilities is the best~!
    Send me feedback at- .|cfffff247MKB (garena)
    sagii_0506 (yahoo)

  23. Anonymous7:12 PM

    dude imo , 6v6 its bullshit 7v7 makes sense tri top tri down 1 mid xD

  24. Anonymous2:26 AM

    3 down 1 top 1 roaming 1 mid

  25. Anonymous5:10 PM

    6v6 is the max because every map has a max players of 12 but the sentinel and the scourge will be neutral passives.

    - Scott Padin - warpetzz123 - GeneralWarzz -

  26. Anonymous8:12 PM

    If there would be 6v6... I thing the armor and life of the tower must be expanded... because the game wont last long... great chances of gg is assured.

  27. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I prefer if they would edit the map for Referees/Observers slot. Coz 5 v 5 ? come on... Its damn bored.. by 2 v 2 the game goes longer more players and more exciting. But if you were to edit the map to a 14 maximum slots. make sure you make a patch for 14 slots. Why don't you guys do it ? Its a good contribution to everyone and a blessing to all! If you were to do that, maybe you could be sponsored, help by others. Isn't that great ? Who doesn't want to play 6v6 ? Its more challenging. If no one agrees to it. its up to them. But to put 6v6 is kinda good. so more players could join the game.

  28. Anonymous9:19 AM

    6 vs 6=less gold

  29. 6v6 nice map but why so many ppl not dare to play ?

  30. Anonymous11:35 AM

    i'd like to test this

  31. Anonymous4:45 PM

    working !!

  32. Anonymous7:53 PM

    nice i like this was really interesting

  33. Anonymous4:14 PM

    3v3 is the best 6v6 sucks because if u have noobs in your team you will lose wther u r a great player

  34. Anonymous12:54 PM

    wow srap nito mga sirss....^^happy trip poh:))

  35. Anonymous8:55 PM

    nice 1

  36. huh??!is it real??!

  37. Anonymous9:38 PM

    6v6 is great :)

    anonymous speaks in tagalog :D

  38. Anonymous3:52 AM

    you all downlaod also no ppl in gg wan play this map .

  39. Anonymous12:08 PM

    lol quadlane rules! you can actually do 6 man gank at lvl 1 and pwn the lanes 1 by 1

  40. Anonymous5:01 PM

    yeah thats right

  41. Anonymous2:47 PM

    hello if you wana to play this map on garena ( it will give lot of garena EXP and it will have 12 players 12 heroes lot of KILLS and battles and ...

    add me on garena i will cr8 this map all time
    my garena nickname is danielAngelov
    add me and we will play DOTA 6v6 No lags No livers just for FUn !!

  42. Anonymous4:08 PM

    addd me on GG ( my garena acount is danielAngelov)

    i will create this map and we will paly

    no lags no livers

    12 players 12 heroes lot of garena EXP lot of fun abd KILLS
    so add me on garena and we will play it is best map (we start whit 853 golds like normap map 5v5

  43. Anonymous10:43 AM

    hey watch this youtube video DOTA 6V6

  44. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Could you please create a Hero which is known in Blizzard and

    known by everyone. Diablo - Lord of Terror since King Leoric and

    The Butcher is already a hero there in Scourge.

    I already have invented some of his skills and stats: Here goes...

    Of course he is a Strength Type - Melee.

    All fears this Lord of Terror as he unleashes the great power of

    darkness within. He possess great strength that anyone fears of.

    Diablo's presence will make your soul live with terror.

    1st skill - Dark Horns (charges a hero with a 50% chance of success

    / failure) Success : 20% chance knockback stuns for 1.75 secs

    Failure: Diablo takes 50% of DMG.
    Level 1 - 100
    Level 2 - 150
    Level 3 - 200
    Level 4 - 250

    2nd skill - Passive - Servant of Darkness (Since all heroes have at

    least one passive skill)+ Armor to Self and allied heroes.
    Level 1 - +2
    Level 2 - +3
    Level 3 - +4
    Level 4 - +5

    3rd skill - Hellfire - Diablo unleashes a breath of fire, enemies take

    damage on a row AOE. (Same with Pitlords Fire skill and a little with

    Phoenix skill) This skill need to put on target to cast.

    Level 1 - 90 DMG
    Level 2 - 150
    Level 3 - 200
    Level 4 - 250

    4th Skill / Special Skill - Apocalypse - Of course, we all know the

    ultimate magic of Diablo is the Apocalypse. This is a channeling Skill

    since it will be much stronger... Diablo releases its stronger Spell

    which has a 20% chance to knockback an enemy.. (Good for a

    gangbang isnt it...) (Channeling - of course it takes the real form of

    diablo and cast it with his almighty wave of two hands.) Can be

    cancelled any form of stun..

    Level 1 - 150 DMG, Knockback chance 1
    Level 2 - 200 DMG, Knockback chance 2
    Level 3 - 250 DMG, Knockback chance 3

    Blizzard Guys on work with this. You decide on the DMG and AOE

    and range to make it fair enough... Just a suggestion. :)

  45. Anonymous11:45 AM

    lol what the hell this out!!


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