Warcraft 1.25b Patch is now released by Blizzard after a brief peroid of time. The new Warcraft 3 TFT 1.25b patch update brings numerous balancing changes to the races and items. It adds support for widescreen resolutions and fixes vulnerabilities to various exploits and hacks. By releasing this patch Blizzard proved that they still care for Warcraft 3 even after 7 years.
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne v1.25b Patch Installation Ways, How to/Guide:
You can choose one of the following methods to update:
1. Install War3 1.25b Patch using offline upgrade from Blizzard FTP.
2. Use Warcraft 1.25b Switcher (Warcraft Version Switcher).
3. Install Warcraft v1.25b Patch via Battle.net auto-update. (Requires original Warcraft 3 copy)
Warcraft Patch 1.25b Changelogs/Patch Notes:
Balance Changes
* HumansFixes
o Improved Masonry Upgrade health boost decreased from 20% to 10% for all 3 levels
o Siege Engine Level increased from 2 to 3
o Rifleman HP increased from 505 to 535
* Night Elves
o Warden Shadow Strike mana cost increased from 65 to 75
o Druid of the Talon Faerie Fire duration decreased from 120 to 90
* Orcs
o Blade master Wind Walk duration reduced from 20/40/60 to 20/35/50
o Raider Ensnare Cooldown increased from 12 to 16
o Spirit Wolf Rank 1 Wolf Level decreased from 3 to 2
* Items
o Ivory Tower gold cost increased from 30 to 40
o Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 100 experience points, down from 150
o Orb of Venom poison duration decreased from 8 to 6
* Warcraft III will now write its registry keys on launch.
* Widescreen (stretched) resolutions should now be available in the Video options.
* You can now purchase items from shops while Hexed.
* Scroll of Town Portal will no longer be consumed when casting fails when used at the same time that your Hero is Hexed.
* Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis.
* Hex will no longer disable mana or health regeneration of Heroes.
* Wisps Detonate ability will no longer drain mana from Heroes while under the effects of Potion of Invulnerability.
* Fixed an issue where players were able to ally with opponents when alliances were locked ("share hack").
* A gold exploit with buildings has been fixed.
- You can not watch v1.24e patch replays in v1.25b
- If you are experiencing Registry Error Loading Key "Warcraft/InstallPath" error, Please read this guide.
- Some Maphacks, Drophacks may not work in this patch.
- If you are still having any problems with Warcraft 1.25b patch, please post a comment!
132 Comments yet..:
First blood!
finally.. a new patch.. been waiting for this
hohoho :D nice 1
#You can now purchase items from shops while Hexed.
Is this also implemented in Dota? Or just in Warcraft?
yes no maphack
can 1.25 patch see 1.24e games? or vice versa?
or 1.25 can only see 1.25 games? Please help clarify.
from which version onwards can 1.25 games can be seen?
what a nice patch because of the town protal that not will consumed for fail using it nc 1
Wicked sick
Goodbye effin maphackers
Hahahhaha, this patch for prevent maphack !! bye2 MH
thank god no maphack
yess no map hack
Map Hack will no be remove :DD..But there is new maphack system that is been doing by now 22/01/2011
some one send this page link to chinees......those ppl still play in 1.24b
can 1.25 patch see 1.24e games? or vice versa?
wow..never expect a patch..i though Blizzard only improving the Starcraft...but,thx...for no Maphack atm...
although u say no maphacks..there will always be hackers they will just wait for some idiot to make them n upload to the internet to ruin ppl's games.
Patch 1.25 is not yet propagated on all realms, its only in classic beta realms, So prolly not yet final atm.
^ yep
can someone tell me when is it coming out?
Aiyoyo...if ppl wan hack it didnt care wat version u use so wan play game sure got cheater n either u accept the fact or stop play
nice 1...
thats nc.....
nice ^^..
i hope now we can play fare bec. theres no maphakcers^^GOOD JOB!......................
It is available here: http://banglagamer.com/forums/showthread.php?3279-DOWNLOAD-Warcraft-3-Version-Switcher-%28WVS%29
Think of blizzard still care for WC III (not water closet) is a breathtaking...I really appreciate if there's a next exp. after TFT. I like the story much...
one two five! yeah!!
can it see 1.24e patch ?
Please Don't Give Map Hack on 1.25 ... I hate Map Hackers ..grrr >:(
Some nice balance changes, most of them were problems that needed to be addressed and yes maphackers truly suck!
Its been 7 years and this is prove blizzard still care about Warcaft III
Hope this one will help decreasing number of maphacks user ^^
got mh ppl on dota.make this no fun le
Installed the patch on my mac and every game disconnects. Blizzard did a sucky job testing this.
bye2 mhhhhhhhh
pls help me after i patched it via bnet i cant swicth back it to 1.24e pls help really i need help
um ive got over 40 replays saved on my wc3 and atm im in the process of making a dota montage is there anyway that i can watch these replays still that way i can fraps them and cut them etc
also im unable to get onto bored aussie now due to the new patch anyone know if there is a fix out yet for this ty.
where can i download loader pvpgn 1.25 (w3l/acid)?
there will not be mh for a while but noobs will make some and again gameplay will suck
I get disconnected each game, i think this patch doesn't runs on apple
You can't play with 1.24e host on Warcraft 1.25b patch.
I'm not sure when this patch was released but I was forced to update to a new patch last night and ever since the only thing I've been able to do so far is play 1v1 with me being ORC and thats only if the other player doesn't get disconnected
I am also on a mac and everygame disconnects. Blizzard needs to fix this.
nice one!
when does the map 6.70 ai will be released
can't download it
Why after the update can't play on LAN no more?!please reply
Damn i love it :D tnx Dota-Utilities you are the best :D
Wvs simply doesnt work for me, it was working with previous versions of patch, but now when i click on patch and press switch version nothing happens HELP...
after i download it,i cant extrack files..pls help me :))))
thank you :)
thank GOD it has the widescreen option !!
You need Winrar to extract it :X
ON MAC: After Update 1.25 => disconnect every game after LOADING.....PLZ FIX IT
Still disconnects for me on my Mac. Please fix this!
Yeah On Mac, no work! disconnect every game.
how can u downgrade or push out a fix to this.
because the host isn't on 1.25
This is for Dota 2 ?
ive got the same prob on my mac. when does blizzard fix that ? didnt anyone test the patch on a mac ? sucks
FOR ME ITS MORE OF A LITTEL PROB :) but its rly fuck my games
WITH WARKEY++ and the 1.25B version i cant put 'spacebar' for using an item with out getting send to the last signal or to tower where i didn't have this problem with the previous version of war3 .
Doesnt work on mac, I just get disconnected. This sucks, plz fix asap!
alance Changes
* Humans
o Improved Masonry Upgrade health boost decreased from 20% to 10% for all 3 levels
o Siege Engine Level increased from 2 to 3
o Rifleman HP increased from 505 to 535
* Night Elves
o Warden Shadow Strike mana cost increased from 65 to 75
o Druid of the Talon Faerie Fire duration decreased from 120 to 90
* Orcs
o Blade master Wind Walk duration reduced from 20/40/60 to 20/35/50
o Raider Ensnare Cooldown increased from 12 to 16
o Spirit Wolf Rank 1 Wolf Level decreased from 3 to 2
* Items
o Ivory Tower gold cost increased from 30 to 40
o Tome of Experience now gives Heroes 100 experience points, down from 150
o Orb of Venom poison duration decreased from 8 to 6
is this the ladder maps?
To Blizzard:
Please release patch 1.25c to fix the above disconnection problems with macs!!!
im just extract and move to war3 folder....how about that..?
I've contacted Blizzard about mac disconnection. Here's the response I get :
"We are currently aware of custom game and disconnection issues stemming from the recent Warcraft III patch. We are working on a resolution, however an ETA is not available at this time." then, they ask me about my config etc.
Just ... wait.
that was so good
me love warcraft
Same problem here with my mac. Not able to play online games!
blizzard hates macs!
ye IceFrog Nc Wrk ...... No More MH
map hacking is essential i will go develop one and inform u guys the link to dl
hey my friend pls pls pls pls pls pls tell me how to download the new patch 1.25.pls
Great, they took a long time to build 1.25b patch and it seems like they didn't even made some tests for mac users.
Is this also implemented in Dota? Or just in Warcraft?
wth. cant play with pub. they are all 1.24e and i am 1.25b. regretted changing to 1.25b.
that gooooooooood
I wish there was a system of banning the IP MapHackers, thanks for this update
from these page downloads, 1st link i cant use patch, not on desktop, not in warcraft folder..keep getting error..I extracted this patch switcher in war3 folder, still no progress..some1 help? Some simple way to install this patch
i have error by instaling the patch so could you help me!!??
sucks i have too good replays to delete them because of the new patch
i patched to 1.25b and it said their was and error patching war 3. exe (Bad Offset) Make sure you are using 1.23 a - 1.23 b pls help !!!!!!!!!
how to dw it ? S:
i already tried it, but there's nothing changed... any help out there???
Am I blind or is there no dates anywhere on this page? IDK how old this is. Dates would help cause the internet doesn't throw away its old stories.
please make patch cool a little bit, do not waste player time to change/switch the patch...
no maphack? i'm pretty there are some hackers out there is working on a new maphack i won't be so sure about it.
Great ^^ No map pack ^^ but its well be come in any time :(
can i use 1.25 version in 1.24e room?
you can't stop the map hack ... we will always play with map hack ^^
i cant download this patch
The File could not be applied because it does not match the file checksum.This file can be usually corrected by uninstalling and reinstalling the game and then patching again..
please help.
RAMPAGE !! N1 ! GJ ! :]
hhhhhhhmmmmmm nice
hi i wanna to ask why when i'm login in garena and i am in a some room wont shoo me any game's ?
HEY! any one here play LEAGUE OF LEGENDS??? Do you have any idea where can i download MAPHACKS for it?? email me pls// ovirtu14@yahoo.com
Thx, i update my war3
plz dota-utilities dont make maphack.It makes the players to cheat plz!!!!!!!!!!! DONT CREATE!!!!!
and we all are trolls arent we :)
don`t work for me this patch i have windows 7 , i install the patch evrything is good , but when i start the game , game is going alt+tab and it don`t stay on dextop he going alt tab ....
I'm always on the winning side
First blood !!!
THX Very Much
This error found when I extract the file.
Frozen Throne was unable to find War3.exe.
Please make sure your game is correctly installed, and that your Frozen Throne disc is in your CD-ROM drive, and try again.
Please help..
now i can play with my friends from my mac
thanks you
sir ask something if i have the version 1.24e can i skip ang go to version 1.26
Can the 1.26A can see 1.24 and 1.25?
paano po ito download
Wow,.. Its been 7 years and this is prove blizzard still care about Warcaft III. Some nice balance changes. I really appreciate if there's a next exp. Thanks ^_^
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What shouls I do? IT says that Please make sure that your CD-ROm is inserted.. What should I Do??
Hi! I like your article and I would like very much to read some more information on this issue. Will you post some more?
I will try running this online business hopefully this coming month. Thanks a bunch!
how to download
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why i cant still open the Warcraft in Gp...
thank you
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