Warcraft 1.26 Patch is now officially released. This is new hotfix update shortly released after Warcraft 1.25b Patch. It brings some tweaks to Hex mechanics and fixes a major disconnection issue with Mac while playing on Battle.net realms. Updating to Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26 patch is necessary as it fixes some DotA mechanics.
How to install Warcraft 3 1.26 Patch
Choose one of the following ways:
- Use Warcraft 1.26 Switcher to upgrade. (Warcraft Version Switcher)
- Use Warcraft 1.26 Patch offline upgrade file from Blizzard. (Recommended)
- Install Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26 Patch via Battle.net automatic update. (Requires original Warcraft 3 CD-Key)
Warcraft 3 TFT/ROC 1.26 Patch Notes:
• Hex will no longer provide a speed boost to a Hero if cast at the end of Metamorphosis or Chemical Rage effects.
• Reverted the 1.25b fix, "Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis."
• Fixed an issue where some Mac patches could lead to disconnections during Battle.net games.
Common Issues/Notes:
• If you are receiving "Warcraft/InstallPath" error while installing War3 1.26 Patch, Read this guide.
• You can use Warcraft Version Switcher 1.26 easy upgrade, if you have v1.25b previously installed.
• Older Warcraft 3 replays won't work in this update.
• v1.26a is
• If you are having any other problems while installing this patch, please notify us.
312 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 312 of 312 Newer› Newest»yanhunuud min kichi min eniig yaj tatdiin ge shaaaaaahgui yu !!!1 xaxaxaxa
may i ask a question please ... what should i do iw theres an error the error said warcraft 3 directory not found? please help me !! :(
Hmm.. nice dota all thing`s are available..so easily downloaded. thnkz...!!
RPG become TFT no way....xD
Didn't work! Please help!
I just installed windows 7 and norton antivirus. I also installed all the updates. I tried to install WC3 and Frozen Throne. But when I try to update the latest patch on the battlenet tab i get this message,
'c:\warcraft iii\war3x.mpq'
May someone PLEASE HELP ME? I'm going nuts!!!
y it no work?
thank you for all the thins you do for us for helping us
TapuS nA poHH!!
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 7:11 pm on 04/18/2012
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
why i cant play dota extreme 1.11c ai..
when i click the map it always go back to create game..
this problems i had is since last year..
i want to solve it please help me..
i upgrade it from 1.20 to 1.26a
tp can fixx a bug
how install the dota switcher?
gyz i cant install 1.26 patch
nice i love it
yuck..Idont want that Shet
no why
I almost tried every way, but still doesn't work
i do cocaine
pls help me on this?!!!
when i use warcraft version switcher then i select the version i want, (for ex. version 1.26) then it goes like
"this frozen throne was unable to find War3.exe
please make sure your game is correctly installed, and that your frozen throne disc is in your CD-ROM drive, and try again"
i just installed WC but i can't install patch i have no previous version, what shoud i do?
y make any other patches?
what do i choose when my patch is 1.20 and i don't have a CD-key?
Can you help me create a map
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Update the 1.26a Why is not the official website
different version can cause disconnect in b-net isn't it ?
Please help me
The cd requers is currently disabled
that's working !
if u have problems patching run the patch as administrator, that worked for me
1.26 patch shows error i can't install dota,its asking for CD...
99,99% are still playing with the noob mh .GG
First I got patch issues , after that ı download 1.26a its fixed , then ı got euroloader problem after ı reloaded euroloader its fixed too , but now , even my current patch is 1.26 , ı still got patch do you know hot to fix it , it says " unable to validate game version "
thanks for this, now i can play Dota Online ^_^
how to download dota 1.26??? someone hlp me...plzzz
how i download the new patch 1.26a and how i fix this error????????
spirit storm
julie anne nicole chua? are you an day dreamer? hehe
where is the link?????
First Blood!!! tnx to all
why are there many websites to click??!!!
Thanks for the Link. The download works fine and new Market is definitely better.
Its not effective. I switch the version from 1.24 to 1.26 but nothing happens. Can you help me ?
havent upgraded help!!!!!!!! please
how to install this? i am having trouble on switching versions from 1.24 to 1.26 to play on garena, ive already downloaded the switcher and click to version 1.26 but still my version is still stuck on 1.24. please help.
woot :3
i can't download!why?????????
hello! why does my downloaded map of 6.77 version won't work? wat's wrong?
"can't access the wvs switcher download.. some help please..=(
just copy from the internet shop,, :)
Ah wats wrong wit blizzrd n icefrg
How To Download This?
pls temme how to change d game language in english...wen i installd d game..all options comin in weird chinese i suppose..how to chaange it!! pls help ASAP
what patch version using on garena?
can it work on 1.24 version?
tero bau said:
tero bau
damn it
thank you
i play dota 2
i play DOTA 2
i play DOTA 2
grapic 3D...
warcraft 3 1.24 update to 1.26 LOL
did 1.26 is newest version?
I have 1.24 version of warcraft III reign of chaos frozen throne and when i m downloading the latest version 1.26 through 2nd option i.e, Use Warcraft 1.26 Patch offline upgrade file from Blizzard. (Recommended).An error is showing u have to reinstall warcraft III.
Please help me out i want to play online on garena.
Thanking you.
Shiv Kumar Mour
Hey there, I'm having a CD-ROM drive error with my world editor, I tried to reinstall my war3 for about 10 times but when the time comes that I install the expansion TFT, that's the time when my world editor malfunctions.
please email me for suggestions:
Thank You For AllxD
Older Warcraft 3 replays won't work in this update
what is qtdatetime TT^TT
go to warcraft 3 folder right click properties and uncheck the option for read only then go to the patch right click run as admin worked for me :)
hey how to download warcraft in my pc ???
Why you all using DOTA Map Hack??? It's you traitor yourself if you using maphack
when i play dota @ garena after starting game a error message comes which contains (you are using hacks please remove hacks and re install warcraft) please anyone can tell me about this problem and solution
how can i download this i dont know how
Hello! I'm having Problem while WVS I switch the version to 1.26 but I still see 1.21 plz help
how ''dota 1.26 lol
please tell me how to install Warcraft
pls help i download the patch 1.26a and installed already but when i try to create its always failed and returned to local area network how can i fix it??? pls help tnx...
I have a problem, i downloaded switcher, and when i try to switch it,id doesnt do anything, can any1 help me :3 ??
mine version is not being switched
ERROR: unable to create file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III Frozen Throne eSK\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Doesnt seems to work to me :(
use your heads .. their making so many patches so that people will come by their website every time to check if there are new patches .. duhh .. pfffffTTTTT ....
their making remakes for patches individually so that people will come by their website to check if there are new patches. time by time ..
'Abilities\Spells\NightElf\shadowstrike\shadowstrike.mdx' is missing what should i do
YEESSS IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
My war3 is won't open ?
guys i cant open warcraft on garena
its says Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 6:57 am on 08/02/2014
ERROR: unable to create file 'c:\warcraft 3\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
what can i do plssss
how to download this? ihaveachickenbrain.
what's the difference between 1.26 and 1.26e?
Says error for me, ffs....
DAFUQ where Download Button?
hey got a problem my war3 is 126.0.6401 but still [Warning] You are using an outdated version: (Unknown Version) - Please update to 1.26a. Warcraft III will not start until you have installed the proper version in RGC
how to download a new version of dota 1.26a
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