Warcraft 1.26 Patch is now officially released. This is new hotfix update shortly released after Warcraft 1.25b Patch. It brings some tweaks to Hex mechanics and fixes a major disconnection issue with Mac while playing on Battle.net realms. Updating to Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26 patch is necessary as it fixes some DotA mechanics.
How to install Warcraft 3 1.26 Patch
Choose one of the following ways:
- Use Warcraft 1.26 Switcher to upgrade. (Warcraft Version Switcher)
- Use Warcraft 1.26 Patch offline upgrade file from Blizzard. (Recommended)
- Install Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26 Patch via Battle.net automatic update. (Requires original Warcraft 3 CD-Key)
Warcraft 3 TFT/ROC 1.26 Patch Notes:
• Hex will no longer provide a speed boost to a Hero if cast at the end of Metamorphosis or Chemical Rage effects.
• Reverted the 1.25b fix, "Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis."
• Fixed an issue where some Mac patches could lead to disconnections during Battle.net games.
Common Issues/Notes:
• If you are receiving "Warcraft/InstallPath" error while installing War3 1.26 Patch, Read this guide.
• You can use Warcraft Version Switcher 1.26 easy upgrade, if you have v1.25b previously installed.
• Older Warcraft 3 replays won't work in this update.
• v1.26a is
• If you are having any other problems while installing this patch, please notify us.
312 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 312 Newer› Newest»First blood!!
awesome DU always first :))
err.. 1.26 patch is a must upgarde @_@
first blizzard was not releasing any updates.. now all of a sudden all these patches.. 1.26b 1.26c etc.? i hope this is the last patch..ZZZ
is blizzard mad or something? can't they release one proper update? same with WoW..
IceFrog said: "It was a necessary patch, some mechanics were not working properly in 1.25."
Blizzard and Icefrog both are involved in this.
and 10 % 1,26 maybe.... PLease MAy this be the last patch
is there any warcraft 1.26 maphack??
30% are still playing with the noob mh
please dont use map hack, dota-utillities is a better site- gone to far, please don use map hack cheaters never win
I hope its last patch...but i know that many other patches will be upgraded
Was this patch REALLLYYY necessary? I mean all it does is fix 1 pointless bug o_O
garena players need about 1-1.5 month ...then all get same patch...but this is...i cant say for this...1.24,1.25,1.26...what to play...confused o.o
If u play garena try coming to greece dota rooms xD only 5% have mhs there :P
wtf noob blizzard...nothing beeter to do than release a patch.....make warcraft 4 guys....not patches to a 9 year old game -.-
what the ==== with those patches
but, garena not support the 1.25~1.26b version. it only support 1.24e...
@7:18 .. garena supports 1.26 patch but only few people are using it..
when will official standlone/upgrade patch will release??
Good Patch
Yea srsly ... All the time ... Just new patch new patch new patch ... What's next ? Fcking green men ?! WTF IS WRONG WITH BLIZZ !!! 9 year old game .. 2 patches in bout 1 week and WTF !!! Just make warcraft 4 blizz it's better for all of us.
plz this is the patch confused wich patch download
why there is no patch 1.25 to 1.26?
do i have to download the whole 80mb with my poor internet?
I just wanna say ... what's the point of using mh??? what's fun with it???? its cool when u blind hook or arrow some1 in fog... those mher ppl r noob ppl who just want 2 win... i hope garena take it more srs n come up with stronger ban system...
new patches come on very fast...
Guys blizz must release new patch cuz there are many hacks like mh and other else so they are trying to fix the mhers with new updates. with new update mh is not working until update ;)
how can i download this patch..?
is it need and the 1.25 to work???
1.25 released and 1.26 coming so fast
pls can anyone tell me how to install it?
No 126 standalone? Wvs then...
Just a note to all that v1.26 also allows for true widescreen resolution and i can now play war3 in my native resolution of 1366x768 =D
ultimate kill
ultra kill
hey... for the map creator... ur astig men...
dont allow your site to distribute the map hack... okie..
because its unfair men...
hey.. for the map creator..
dont let other people use map hack.. its unfair...
so do they recomend to patch 1.24e to 1.26?
If you want to play dota come to macedonia rooms 90% mhs !!!
is the garenamaster 70 working for 1.24e?
Rampage !!!
goog :D
plz i dont know how to switch the new pach any help brother
Garena Ist Being Patched For 1,24e So Those People Playing 1.25-1.26- will cannot be played Download 1.24e To play Garena Mineski-Team
I'm spamming for the people dl the 1.26 in garena's room ^^ No success >.< I need to wait 1or2sweeks for host my own maps with this noobs on 1.24e >.<
When I apply the upgrade patches my WC3 version in the main menu was unchanged and still 1.24... please help...
i click killing :P bılızzard u should ıncrease map sıze lımıt too. we need more heroes :S fck thıs 8mb lımıt.
I love how you all are whining about how there are so many patches. It shows that blizzard is caring towards a game that was released a decade ago. Unlike you all who're bitching cuz you have to download a file... you lazy twats.
How do I download the patch !??!!? HELP PLEASE !!!
I hope this is the last patch because garena users are confused in patches
plz help i have prop with patch 1.26
why i cant do the patch?
i am still confused about wich patch should i have to use to play right now on garena :@ :S
>>>here's the CORRECT link for downloading the version..hope this helps you :))
i have 1.26 switcher. is there any 1.26a switcher here? i download my 1.26 switcher here. thanks :D i hope the 1.26a switcher are released
wait for dota 2 on steam...all will be sorted..
source engine is the best and steam server is amazing..
It works.
Should there be a new w3l loader for 1.26a?
Dota 2 Q&A
November 1, 2010 - IceFrog
Q: Is there reconnect support for DotA 2? (by Vanes-UT)
A: This was actually one of the very first things we added early on, before the game was stable, in order to help with testing. You’ll also be able to have a friend of similar skill level substitute for you in case you have to leave. Players that want to improve their reputation in the game and community will also be able to help out by joining ongoing games that are missing players.
how can i download the new version of dota please help send me the instruction in my email add or facebook yahj.odarod@yahoo.com thnx for someone who is concern!!!! tyvm
anyone can help me whre can i download new version of dota coz my dota here so old damn!!!! i think its the oldest version help me please!!!! thnx for the concerned citizen!!!! ^_^
im getting this error messsage when i try to install the patch
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 3:19 am on 05/15/2011
ERROR: unable to create file 'e:\warcraft iii\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
any ideas?
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 4:35 pm on 05/16/2011
When I try to run the patch, I get this error:
"This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to get version size for file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\War3.exe'
The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
RESULT: Patch failed"
can anyone help me?
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 4:35 pm on 05/16/2011
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to get version size for file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\War3.exe'
The specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.
RESULT: Patch failed
Hahahahahahha , I like this . :)
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 6:33 pm on 05/25/2011
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to open source archive 'e:\Games\Warcraft iii\war3.mpq'
RESULT: Patch failed
Yeah, Warcraft 4, just change the models and special effects, but keep the coding for the maps so we can still play DotA! But that is where "DOTA 2" comes in.
Hell yea
help i think windows vista keeps blocking Wvs
wtf patch man.....hope dz is da last patch orelse many r quittin dota......
Gret your Face!
is Warcraft III ROC supposed to have it's own folder separate from Warcraft III folder? cause this patch is annoying i only have the Warcraft III folder -.-
crap how can i fix this i have DL the 1.26 patch but... i cant see anything in gg even if i create they cant see me
Wow so many ppl playing Garena?
i update my game to 1.26 paatch...its a big shit...i can't play anymore in garena...anybody cn hepl me how to downgrade the pacth to 1.24e?
...TY... 3rd Blood.! ::LoL::
WTF all Garena ppl are confused...currently in which ver. ppl are playing many of player cant see the server list lol WTF is going on...can anyone tell me..???
With the reference of your message "i update my game to 1.26 paatch...its a big shit...i can't play anymore in garena...anybody cn hepl me how to downgrade the pacth to 1.24e?"
- use ver . changer
i have also that prob...
If you all think patch troublesome then dont play lo . Continue with your game with bugs . Childish kids .
Just buy the game and you know what patch is the one to use(Y)
how can i download this patch..?
ampf... what's the difference???
how to have a new patch
1v1 wuhu
I don't know much about battle.net,but i want starting to play with battle.net.When I click battle.net in Warcraft TFT,then it says this"Unable To connect to Battle.net,You may be trying to connect to an invalid Battle.net server.if you are using a modem,you may need to manually connect to the internet before connecting to Battle.net"What should i do about that
stop blaming the patches and upgrades... remember its not on the patch or whatever but how u play the game...
I Wish that v1.26a is no longer an cheater and the map hack cannot joined in the game thank you
how to dl 1.26!!? please!
The program cant start because mss32.dll is missing from you computer
How can I fix this problem ? reply please anyone > . <
tft 1.26 patch
DL mss32.dll
i wish no more maphacks in garena --. hope so ..
I Wish so.. And no More Patch to come. It so hard to FInd,
seriously.. new patch... and new MH again... crazy and pointless~!
people just download it.. you want to play dota.. patch it.. dnt be ignorant ... patch are good... for smoother game play... you should all know that... geez its them that give us fun and joy and you people argue about it... dont be a child/
i think i can play this??? LOL LOL LOL TROLOL!
awtzzz... xD garena changed to 1.26 now im having trouble downloading 1.26 patch i really want to play .. xD
1.28 were to download
error on w3l.dll
said unable to validate this version
i cant play Bleach vs One piece 2.09 on 1.26 help please
did anyone experiance problem with installing patch 1.26? error pops out and it says " patch not complete, reinstall and try again :S " what to do ?
hey I have a problem patching with exe file.it sais ERROR: unable to create file:BNUpdate.exe'
can u show how step by step
i still have problem with it even after doing the installpath thing
1.26 isn't so bad after all.
how to download 1.26
i have error it says the file checksum didn't match. c:\program files\warcraftIII\game.dll
where can i download this new version??
Concentrate with a new hero not in patch .
they make me tired of switching
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 10:47 am on 08/14/2011
ERROR: unable to authenticate archive
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Man so many patches soooooooooo confusing!!! hope 1.26a is the latest one
why can't I patch DotA ver 1.4 to 1.26? can you please help me? I am Shainna, 9yrs. old
guys.my patch is really old.and i downloaded the full 1.26a patch.and it says error.can anyone help me please?
how to install patch i allready have 1.24a enus ? how tell me !
how to get warcraft3 origin
i dont understand what all of you whiners are b!tchin about... blizzard is providing support for a game thats been out for a decade, where most other companies dont stick by their games for more then a year.
you all should be thanking blizz for still giving a sh!t... if i was in their place and saw all these snotty qq posts id drop all support for w3, im sure theyd save some money that way
how can i download patch 1.26?? please tell me
i am beautyful
i can't patch,how to patch?
where can i download warcraft new verson 1.26 from ?
are these low iqs man think that the patches are great for improving warcraft..............hey...........
i want to have an 1 on 1 with never more!!!!
i want to 1 on 1!!
how 2 install a 1.26e switcher dota MAPHACK ^_^
some retards saying o we don't want any more patches cause we can play in Garena.. Garena s*cks c*cks all the day only mhers playing in Garena nothing else go download eurobattle .net its like battle .net just do it mother fuckers and patches are good thing cause they make the game better so go s*ck your mothers d*ck and stop talking peace!
wew how will I download the patch thats the question.. `_`
how to download a version 1.26
i don't know how to download it/
everyone else were being weak just like the other
the DOTA 2 sucks but LOL looks powerful
I need some help, I'm trying to get my version to 1.26a when I click on my Warcraft III folder for the path its supposed to use it shows nothing in my Warcraft III folder and gives me an error when I reopen my WVS
Whats is tje best item for phantom lancer? :D
HOW To fix the map is too big ? help
ultra killllll......
when i click switch version it opens andi cant switch to any version cuz there no version!!!!!!!!!! D:
HELP!!! after I downloaded the 1.26a version, I can't start game in garena even with the older versions of war3. I already tripled check my executable path and even tried reinstalling garena. still can't start the game. HELP!
mates i cant join battlenet..
what shoul i do?
ERROR: unable to get write permission on file 'c:\program files (x86)\warcraft iii\msvcm80.dll' pls help
i download 1.26 but i could not use it why?
why i cant use 1.26? what shall i do!
mates, i want to ask if i can upgrade my warcraft version 1.20 to 1.26? pls. kindly help me......huhu
where is the link i cant find it :(
I like this one ,
how 2 install 1.26 version?? Tnx
how can i download the 1.26v
whre is the download button i cant find it
Ever since I switched to this version everytime I play on Garena, TFT always encounters an error. But it does not encounter any of it when playing vs ai or single player..tsk
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How to download dota 1.26 not failed
Oh Man why can't i switch versions??? i use wvs and switch to 1.26 but when i opened the game it is still 1.24e...
I hope this will be the last patch.
i download dota 6.72c map but could not play, did anybody know please help...
add me at League of Legends : blitzkrieg123 ...ty hope this helps a lot!!!
i dont see the point of them trying to patch hacks and stuff when the hackers only have to do the same thing... update there hacks so they work... there will ALWAYS be hacks and so therefor you should stop trying to get rid of them
when i try to prepatch my frozen throne version of 1.07 to 1.13 it shows an error (registry error loading key warcraftIII/installpath). what should i do???plz help. thanx
this works 100%.. its that you first should unblock the warcraft from the firewall so the Blizz entertainment can be seen in the regedit that you do the other stuff like the dude says and if it doesnt work just keep deleting and installing by changing the location of the warcaft III folder in the HDD ... hope it works for you too
PS: when u reinstall and change the loc. of the folder dont forget to change the installpath rute too ... hope it works for you too
How to download patch?
you wanty dota tournament come to manila with my girlfriend julie anne nicole chua
im the god dota did you know that??????
how to download?
dota switcher 1.26
lol noob
i have 1.22 and how upgrade to 1.26 ,,please ans me
patched faild again :(
:) yeeeheee
Panay weakling kayo .. ahehe .. just like Jeff .. :D
most of us, yea
u like sushi? down in the muff?
excelent IMBA GOD world of warcraft
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