As usual, Warcraft 1.26 Version Switcher is now available for download. It contains Warcraft 3 patch version files which allows you to switch between multiple Warcraft 3 versions easily without any problems. This version of WVS will allow you to upgrade/downgrade from Warcraft 1.25b to Warcraft 1.26. You can play & watch older version games with it.
Warcraft 1.26 Switcher Download:
WVS-126-by-DotA_Utilities.rar (80.5 MB)If you already have wvs program and other patch files, download the TFT Version file below and copy/paste it in WVS of version switcher directory.
Patch File for Version Switcher:
TFT Version (mirror 1)
•Download the Warcraft Version Switcher 1.26 from the link above. (Download TFT Version if you already have other patch files & version switcher program)
• Extract the files to any folder using WinRaR.
• Run Wvs.exe and click the Options button.
• Set your Warcraft 3 path (where your Wc3 is is installed)
• Click (1st button) Switch Version and double click your desired Warcraft 3 version.
• Your version will be switched!

• This version will only work if you have Warcraft 1.25b patch previously installed.
• Right click "Wvs.exe" and Run as administrator, if you are using Windows 7 or Vista.
• 1.26a =
• Post a comment, if you have any problems!
464 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 464 Newer› Newest»awesome truth!! xD
Who want's to play with me dota 1v1 you choose ur best hero
because some players are weak
Awesome!!and what the use of changing patch?
There's no versions when i click the switch version
when i switch and click the dota and i click options i cant see. and icant play AI :((
Ok when i go to store current version it only shows me the versions up to 1.20.... but I'm using 1.26a and i want switch to 1.24e
can some 1 teach me how to extract the fie using WinRaR?
where can i find the WinRaR?
i cant download this
i like it a lot
i cannot download 1.26 version why?
How to download versions of warcraft?...
how to download garena??
How Can i unlock my DOTA coz when i open it iw will become black and you will see nothing except the Hand haha teach me plz
how can i download switcher ?
Can I play now In GARENA
i already download the patch but i cant open it. help
i already download the patch switcher but i cant open it. help pls
what version do we need?
i have 1.26d, is that it?
how to dl the warcraft 1.26
Reading Config.ini...
Found The Frozen Throne in folder: D:\New Folder\dota
ERROR: File not found, wvs\help.dat
ERROR: File not found, wvs\unzdll.dll
ERROR: File not found, wvs\zipdll.dll
This will cause the program to become very unstable and not function right.
Please read readme.txt to get help fixing theese problems.
it'a alway's show when i'm trying to run switcher 1.26a
Reading Config.ini...
Found The Frozen Throne in folder: D:\New Folder\dota
ERROR: File not found, wvs\help.dat
ERROR: File not found, wvs\unzdll.dll
ERROR: File not found, wvs\zipdll.dll
This will cause the program to become very unstable and not function right.
Please read readme.txt to get help fixing theese problems.
help please!!! its alway's show's when i'm trying to run my switcher 1.26a...
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee .. Sarap gumamit
Nice Tnx Man!!!
Tnx Man!!!
this is never ending story, everytime the WVS updates, the MH patcher updates too so, there's always MH.... damn! XD
it can it can
it can what?...
it woks tnx
how to Dl this patch ?
hey why i cant see the tft version it alway blank and nothing there.... can you help me plsss..
Don't Stupid :D
im gay
where could i get 1.26e .. and 1.24e ?tnx guys.
is this right?where is the download link?icant fing it....pls help me enter garena cause im always disconnect!!tnx
just extract the file (switcher) inside the folder of the warcracft,.after extract,.copy the war3 at the same folder,.then play it,.
stayput,.extract the switcher inside the folder of warcraftIII,.after extract,. copy the original war3.exe/war3 at the same folder ->warcraftIII,.and you will see some changes of icons inside the folder of warcraftIII,.do not forget to refresh first,. play it now,.double click frozen throne,.ty
wOw lupet
wow dis works great
if u change patch, u can use the latest maps. coz it's not compatible with outdated patches. especially the DotA maps.
"For those who don't know why we need to change patch"
It's very important if we want to watch a replay of game from any DOTA league you need a latest version of your WarcraftIII and to prevent a logs and sometimes you can't play to Garena if you are out of update!
2 download?
i changed my version from 1.07 to 1.24, but now i can't open my warcraft app.
how to use WVS??..
doesnt work
Anyone can Help I have that ver of Warcraft and I want to play on the 1.24, can I use this? or I need other "utlility" ?
Thanks for the 1.26 patch URGGG now i can play YESSSSSs
sir d gumagana sakin kasi version 1.24a sakin kasi copy ko lang to sa ibang shop ano ba dapat gawin mo na bago ko ma switch version sa 1.26a mag atsaka pwede na ba ako mag switch mula sa 1.24a hanggang sa 1.26a
many are saying that "what is the use of changing patch?" it's needed so you can play with other online players
Thanks !
lol i cant open it because it is a rar file pls tell me how to open it
how to download and to use the version switcher????
i switch my version in 1.26a but when you play garena when you start you will see 1.20e
nothing happen
I have just download feroze throne so which patch i have to download? i have downloaded wvs patch now what should i do somebody plz help me
hi :))
its simply because you won't see the host who created a game if you have different versions..
it only detects 1.20 if i store version...why?
yar i dont know how to change patch :/
gArenA sUckS nOw a dAys bUdDy... gArenA iS hAvinG toO muCh crAsh... gamErs r siCk oF iT buT stilL iTs thE bEst pLacE fOr dotA gamiNg... =]
how tofast DL on new version???
tnx for wvs 1.26
Wtf too hard 2 download and strt this version:D
how can I switch back to 1.26 after switchig to 1.24?
when i click the switcher , there is no switcher .its just a folder .wew
how can i solve error problems . /......
which version needs to run 6.72f ai ?
Thanks.. :))))))))))
no patch problem idiot PATCH
And the use of changing patch is to remove and fix some bugs, bugs that may affect the players game and the game will be a bad game and unfair game....
All of us want a good game so that wi will gain more experience and moves...
So we really they really need to make a new version of Dota so that, the software hackers cannot easily enter to, stage by stage....
Am I right in my grammars???....
Go GO dota KUrwa :D wankers
why my WVS got error?
if im using 1.24e can i switch it directly to 1.26?
haha noobs
Oiiiii Does anyone know anyway to switch from 1.20 to 1.26?
it doesn't work... .
How? How can i download this version switcher?
Point in switching? Well it's not very obvious, but many new w3 games require the patch.
thankz for the switcher!
how to switch 1.26a ??
interrupted.. :(
download again all the time..
I just installed Warcraft 3 into my laptop. Its version is 1.07. How do I update it to 1.26a? Will it work if I just download the 1.26 switcher?
all nob. i retar....
how can i download switcher?
Dude the switcher works if your warcraft is even 1.23 version..
what will i do after the download of wwvs
i am anonymous and i say that i love dota !!
why i bad offset??
anonymous said...
why I can't still switch my dota version even i follow the instruction of patch?
Rampage !
I can't start DOTA in garena plus.!?
i tried to select manually but even in the folder where the warcraft is it says that warcraft not found, and game is working f9 pls help..
it's so cool!!!!
i clicked on 1.26 but it still says 1.24
labanan nio ko dota theos toh magkaalaman
di naman gumagana
Oh Yeah :D
Does your warcraft need to be installed to be able to patch? my warcraft is just copy paste...
your all weak im the master of dota
How To Activate this file ?
this is bad
wat the faq?
i installed wvs 1.24b and 1.26a but only 1.24b is shown in the wvs panel and i want 1.26a also plz help
hi .. guys .. i will take .. to play.. dota war.. :D
Im infected dont come near me !
put your patches in the right folder
1.26 switch is not working ...
thanks big man
You can also put in Spanish
You can also put in Spanish
nothing happen.. i used 1.26 switcher but still its 1.24e.. plzzz help
i had used the switcher with no problems before i uninstalled w3. and now i reinstalled w3 and there is no loading bar when i click on the patches. any help?
thanx for the switcher
OwsBuwaD production :)
TY Dota-utilities
awesome patch! it works
lol ~_~
hey guys ... I hate to download from hotfile....
so can u upload from other ......
eg; mediafire .etc.......
What's the use of patchers?
w3w lOl xDee
Works for 1.24 version?
nice this is 100%
how to again shift to 6.24
I installed garena plus. Then I enter a room and execute the game, but there is no game option to join available in LAN menu! Help!
i have 1.24e and no version to switch for even after i'v downloaded the version 1.26
i had version switcher but after i installed the 1.26 patch i didnt find him in the program what to do ??
It needs to be download. Then after you download extract it with winrar or any extractor of windows or linux/max then reboot ur pc.Open it tada ;)
But this is fake it wont download try to report this site and wait 1 month da.. =/ .
Really Thx Best Game EVER !!
cool.. tnx guys
it says in the bottom right that it's still 1.24. WHAT I WILL DO ??????
my warcraft shows its still 1.24. what will i do?
how to use this?
I don't have a frozen throne icon... (it is between the Warcraft III: RoC and the Exit button. Can you help to to fix this problem?? :(
paano kung kaka install ko palang sa Warcraft III Frozen Throne . . ano po bang version ang e switch ko . . ?
Where i gonna download the TFT version 1.26e?
callense csmr chupa ponfas hdppppppppp dota lo mejor y el swircher si sirve ustedes son mrds chupa
What is "Run Wvs.exe and click the Options button."? Thanks.
Great (:
Can some1 help me when i run the warcraft version switcher it says "Couldn't find Warcraft in: The program won't work until it knows where Warcraft III is located. Please select manually. Then restart Wvs!"
After i selected manually and wvs found the warcraft III it require me to restart Wvs but then when i restart the same thing comes out and call me to select warcraft III manually again n again
i cant play now RGC
nice but slow dl :(
ok i can play garena.... and version is 1.24... ok
pooooooooooohhhhh .....
bakit ka ganyan... ang tanga mo..
6.75 require 1.26 patch 8-)
this new patch work to latest map 1.24 before? or just work to new map 6.75 only?
pray that dota should be alive for ever and never any one forgot it.
dont know to use this
awsum soft.......
how to have a wvs warcraft version switcher 1.61?
please answer me!
your website is so very crazy ha!
hi, im having this message "map too large" (something like that) and i already read about patches and switchers but i can't seem to follow.. i only have TFT Patcher 1xx-122a_enUS and War3TFT_121b_English in the folder, im using mac.. help anyone.. tnx..!
help plzz..
ohh my Warcraft III frezon throne icon its not in wvs
how i can put it their plzzz answer
did u all guys get the latest patch? so! how was it?
Poor vigoss.. Lose in a 1on1 match with me.. Nice Game..
Please, i can only download from rapidshare. Can u make the other mirror zip file link's download? Please please please~ ^,^
nc im downloading it alreade "RIGHT NOW"
i can't find wvs.exe .....
nice kayo char lang
That sucks. I have version 1.26a not english, when i switched o 1.24 i couldnt watch replays from 1.24, ad when im switching back i have english content.... how to fix that crap
how can i use it
thanks for the time guyz
works fine
why can't I detect the one who create a map..what will I do?
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