As usual, Warcraft 1.26 Version Switcher is now available for download. It contains Warcraft 3 patch version files which allows you to switch between multiple Warcraft 3 versions easily without any problems. This version of WVS will allow you to upgrade/downgrade from Warcraft 1.25b to Warcraft 1.26. You can play & watch older version games with it.
Warcraft 1.26 Switcher Download:
WVS-126-by-DotA_Utilities.rar (80.5 MB)If you already have wvs program and other patch files, download the TFT Version file below and copy/paste it in WVS of version switcher directory.
Patch File for Version Switcher:
TFT Version (mirror 1)
•Download the Warcraft Version Switcher 1.26 from the link above. (Download TFT Version if you already have other patch files & version switcher program)
• Extract the files to any folder using WinRaR.
• Run Wvs.exe and click the Options button.
• Set your Warcraft 3 path (where your Wc3 is is installed)
• Click (1st button) Switch Version and double click your desired Warcraft 3 version.
• Your version will be switched!

• This version will only work if you have Warcraft 1.25b patch previously installed.
• Right click "Wvs.exe" and Run as administrator, if you are using Windows 7 or Vista.
• 1.26a =
• Post a comment, if you have any problems!
464 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 464 Newer› Newest»1st :) Good Patch But Whats The Use Of Changing Patch?
-Marty :D
when will the patch file be ready of DL??
thx for the dota 1.26 switcher :)
i dnt get it, why changing patches recently? to prevent more MH? ^__^ if so, then GOOD! hahahahah
does this switcher works for MAC OSX?
thx guys
This will be more Good! if they will put on garena all 1.26 version only. so no MH!! i hope garena will do something about this..
Wow!!!! Great!!! Thankz!!! Dota Utilities!!
Ang bobobo neto ... Super tanga
- Hex will no longer provide a speed boost to a Hero if cast at the end of
Metamorphosis or Chemical Rage effects.
- Reverted the fix "Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis."
- Fixed an issue where some Mac patches could lead to disconnections during games.
what is new in 1.26
thanks for link
All ready a new 1...DOTA 2 is coming for sure ;)
hi i followed everything but... its not working. i tried changing from 1.26 to 1.24e but it does'nt work..
@ 7:46 PM
can't you read? this version switcher only works for 1.25b to 1.26.....if you are switching from older version it wont work
hey im using 1.24e so i have to download the 1.25???? it's hella big and i can't download it cause it keeps ending is there an alternative to switching to 1.26 without downloading 1.25 an answer would really be appreciated thnx guys and more power!
Well GoodLuck !
Hex will no longer provide a speed boost to a Hero if cast at the end of Metamorphosis or Chemical Rage effects.
Reverted the 1.25b fix, “Hex will no longer extend the duration of Metamorphosis.”
Fixed an issue where some Mac patches could lead to disconnections during games.
could anyone upload the files to another server?
When i try to switch nothing happens...when i try to open as administrator some error occurs.Please help
ok i show u how to switch version manually.. (without switcher)
first extract the rar file eg: 1.26.rar..
then simply copy n paste the file on war3 folder..
click yes to all..
to revert to any version, just follow the above step..
*this can be done with any version
i cant open it
When I open the version switcher it always says
ERROR: File not found, wvs\help.dat
ERROR: File not found, wvs\unzdll.dll
ERROR: File not found, wvs\zipdll.dll
and I can't switch versions because there are no versions to chose from
whats the use of changing patch? O.O
i download the patch but i cant switch and when i downloaded the 1.25 i got a thing that opens a black screen and it switches the versoin alone so how do i get 1.26 and how to switch help me please
I can switch from 1.25b to 1.26 but when i try to play the replay when the map loading is almost done the warcraft just close. Keeps happening to all 1.26 replays
is this suitable with window xp v 2002 ?
good patch
what version should i use to play in gareana?
why the hell do u like so much hotfile? the worst!
Verry Nice!!!
patched successfully but a error massage is shown "doesn't support this version of warcraft " but patch 1.26a = is also can be seen in the warcraft screen.
Nice tnx for the switcher and patches
No idea what Hex means...
Thanks ^^
so bad, very bad, hotfile, always fails in downloading at the 1st try. very bad.
what version of maphack is suited for this?
Hi i have downloaded and installed 1.26 and now i want to downgrade to 1.25 this switcher works for this ?
hey it won't work
okk so there's an error that says unable to patch world editor file .. and tells me to reinstall the game so the patch could work .. WTF!
can any one add more mirrors? i cant download from hotfile and megaupload
help please...
,enx for the new patch,, ;-)
if you guys hate downloading from hotfile just get som sort of Hotfile download manager or something, Google it.
guys.. i have a serious problem with the ptch.. what do the patch help?
Dont work to see replays on 1.26.Why
because your pc old
thx for tft.. :>
what will i download ? both of two ?
Can I ask?
What's the reason of changing the warcraft versions?
Rock And ROLL!
If i dont have 1.25 but have 1.24e? i downloud 1.26 petch the said any one preveius puthc is good for 1.26 and downloud swither, i start switcher warcraft 1.26 in down but i cant start batlnet, what i must do?
sorry for bad english i'm fron russia
How can i download this patch
download has expired
pls help me the memory could nor be read
nice =)
some idiots on Garena still uses 1.24e so yea if you wanna play public you'll have to change the versions just to play with them
this is nice and helpful just be patience in
dload wvs to views pro dota game replay..
so gd
i have read all of the comment and theres a lot of nonsense and fuuny ones. just like the one whose asking for the suitable version of maphack about this version. but anyway, there is still a maphack on this version. i have seen players using it.
Is it possible now to switch to 1.22 from 1.26?
It is Possible to change from 1.22 to 1.26 .. by USING WVS .. only the needed files are required to switch to the latest patch
and another file
the most powerfull hero is drowranger/traxxex and earthshaker/raigor
you are a nob all caracters are good
so what can fight me
hey how could i change the switcher
is this ok to switch version from 1.07?
im tired patching all the new version may all of please stay as in one version only?? thanx
i cant download the patch 1.26 for warcraft what can i do???
I switched to 1.26
then I installed wvs today to switch back to 1.24e
Now i want to switch back to 1.24e. how can I add 1.24e in the wvs and switch ? Pls tell :)
anonymous oh RA kba?
No on said ~~~~~~~~FIRST BLOOD~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
guys i have 1.26 and the version is and i can not see the games...does any1 knows whats the problem?
Hi can someone please help!
I switch my version to 1.26, try to run my w3l and i get an error:
"there was patching war3.exe (Bad offset). Make sure you are using version 1.22a-1.23a."
Please help im desperate! :)
does my TFT version switch without the warcraft 3 patch?
y there is need to change version
Des is a headache every tym des ppl chnge d version. sad re....
For those who are asking about the importance of the new versions, it fixes bugs of the previous versions and helps prevent the game from crashing. If you are GG client user, or an RGC player, you also need to have the latest patch to be able to join the important rooms. :)
tnx haha
installin d patch an error is occuring...........
i.e. Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 2:26 pm on 06/30/2011
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
wat shuld i do? pls help !!!
its cooolll veryyy cooolll way to cnwrt path ^_^
if i have 1.24, i can direcly swicth to 1.26? answer please
there was an error patching war3.exe(bad offset. make sure you are using version 1.22a-1.23a WTF??? how do i fix? plz help
hayz taena thanks hehehehehe
it worked just fine with me... no crashes...
jeezzz.i'm sorry for those who failed to patch it!
how do we get 1.26?
ah ok
WTF.. i can't see the patch of 1.26a
bobo nyo
ok lang ba 1.26 lang idownload ko tapos stable na xa 1.26 kahit wla nang switcher wvs!!!?
if i stable my warcraft in 1.26 i dont need WVS?
why you change the version???
why do you change the version of dota?
wrong code wtf?
Hi, please upload another mirror. The one I've Downloaded(FULL) is corrupted. can you use megaupload?
download to TFT switcher 1.26 it will work and if do you download any kind of mirror it will merge as to one so it wont redundant anymore!
hell yeah, thanks a lot. i run it as smooth as it can get, play on.. \m/
sir plz help me for dawnload a 1.26a switcher
you just have to extract the file to your warcraft folder and it will automatically replace all the patches and files
is v.126 is the same with 1.26 a?
Good switcher. Thanks for the free download.
Lolololololol dota plyers
hOhOh.. :D
Thanks much................ I INVOKE!
Thanks very much. I can't wait this
FYI guys 1.26a already has a MH so it will bother u for a the new MH.
if we have no verion 1.25 what happen?
@6:14 PM
-obviously it wont work.....
thnx sir..
yeah yeah yeah! :D
plzz help me how to DL the switcher 1.26 ...
how can i dl the switcher?
it's COOL!
any body help me pls!!!! wen i run wvs and choose my warcraft folder it says that "we cant find ur warcraft folder pls try again later "
--- plss help me but my warcraft is locted in my documents but its error wen i click it .. plssss HELP!!!!!
How can I install dis??? :)
pls help me
why is there a console appearing when i click wvs?
how can i put a 1.61 in the swither?
god7:everyone listen to me im having a great match with god5 please support me .. and pray me
WTF patch!!! again and again ,..theyre always chnaging the patches
Sir? Kindly help me, How to download the Wvs.exe.. i cant find the website to download that WVs.exe to switch my Warcraft version!!
I was wondering if someone could use remote control assistance to do it for me? i'm seriously struggling big time. Email me if you will thanks.
i have already installed swither 1.26a, but it doesn't affect my warcraftIII game version nothings changes, what do i do?
hey hw to switch form 1.24 to 1.26a.. i got 1.26a patch
nice :) tnx !
how to use that men![]!
dota is great
tnx, it works
its good..
f i;m a smart bro, where can i join a room??
tsssk !!!
how to change from 1.26 to 1.24? i cant play with my friends...
dont change it......
just share with ur friends the version for u to connect.
-CP Productions
hahahaha salamat talaga!!!
I recenrlt installed wc3 again and upload using bnet so it was a really old version before 1.26. what should i do?
Best Game ever...!!!!!
I cant add versions still
how to download the switcher???
Hail the King's
sir ? how should i run my wvs ? wvs is looking for the file location of warcraft III .. i didn't expect that this thing would happened .. i didn't sleep just to download and just to play dota vers. 1.26a .. so kindly madam/sir .. please help me :))
there is no capcha written.Why is that?
Hello This is Great
It Doesent work to my pc :(( i was woking for it since 5:30am but now its 2:oo o clock pm
i have already done patch ... but .... i cant SAW ANY GAME T__T
cool!nice work ;)
it keeps me anoying ^_^V
Does anyone know how to make it windowed mode when using the switcher?
if the program won't work until it knows where Warcraft3 is located. Please select it manually. Then Restart Wvs!
please help me how to find the problem
just add me in facebook and lets play dota 1 on 1
imba bobo
Nice one
Please give me the link how to dowload swicther 1.26
shopper reports it is very cool shopper reports is a report of a shopper ...
war3tft i run it but it is error
ım using windows 7 ı can open game but always making some lag while at game.. frozen 7-8 seconds ..ı have 2gb ram and 1gb screen card...
i dont know how to extract and to switch
whats the use of changing patch?
you can play online with garena coz you must always have the same patch
Thx dota-utilities for this easy ways to play dota xD
how can I download the 6.73a (EXCITED)
Im Good In Dota
the most powerful heros r ther agility (faceless void-viper........)
it doesn't work i cant play 1.26 in garena?
please help me for my problem ... if i press regular download the code is invisible i dont know where is it..
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