Official DotA 6.70c AI Rev2 Map is now available. In this version, PleaseBugMeNot has made several improvements and fixed some odd bugs with Invoker and Phoenix that appeared in previous revision. Download the DotA Allstars 6.70c AI rev2 and read it's changelog.
Dota 6.70c AI Rev2 Map Download:
DotA 6.70c AI Rev2.rar (Mirror 1)
- Download the .rar file from the link above & extract it in your "Warcraft 3\Maps\" folder using WinRar archiver.
DotA 6.70c AI Rev2 Changelogs:
AI Improvements:
1. Fixed Human Phoenix Auto Super Nova after Dive and Low HP.All credit goes to PBMN & his helping team for this AI map.
2. Removed the debug message after Invoker`s Meteor.
3. Fixed Walrus Punch not working when used on the same hero twice.
4. Added Phoenix basic anti Sun Ray and Super Nova reactions.
5. Fixed a bug in Invoker`s system skills usage making him use Ghost Walk when he can`t.
6. I put some delay on endscreen generation but I don't think that fixes the bug with missing data at some point.
DotA 6.70c AI Rev1
188 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
Thanks for the map =)
zzzz..... that tuskar walrus punch bug was really annoying, tnx for fixin' it.
- RofusNinja
Quas, Wex and Exort
very nice
keep up the good work PBMN.AI maps really help newbies to learn dota :D:D
OMG loved this map!
6th Blood Rampaged guys on top :D
Good job
I really hate the Big BUG about the walrus punch..
Nice work for fixing them..
Tnx to all.!
lol -.-''
w0w. great. i was waiting for it. now i can practice tuskar ang phoenix. thnx PBMN.
tnx for the map its really helpful!!
The Skill Of tuskar so anying his LAST SKILL wont work
i hope A.I in new map can play more INSANE n let the newbies know how 2 play the hero
another one! keep it up!
one thing..
looks like the size is going down as expected?? O.o
only noob will paly this..thanks to pleasebugmenot for making this..:)
Thnx 4 the map guyz.......
Thanks a lot!!!
hope that every release has an a.i. map...
Thanks for the map (:
hehehe... tnx 4 the map...
nice one
tnx so much for the map....whooooooooooooooooo....
Remember that the DotA AI by PBMN is NOT GOING OUT OF BETA YET because this latest AI version still has bugs.
boring map. AI invokers can never beat humans invoker, not even if you utilize alien technology in making the map.
nice maps! ^^
good..help newbies
Phoenix sucks.... but Tuskarr rules!
Theres A Bug In Ancient Apparition's Ice Blast Because it doesn't cooldown after he use it..
i love ai maps.... great for practicing.... free leavers map!!!
At last..........I have this AI map
Thanks for the ai map. hope you release the 6.72 ai after you release the 6.72 map. ^_^
Ai hv infnite jangg0.,wtf
Sun Ray!! Burn in my hands xD :)) rampage w/ phoenix :D
tnx for the AI map PBMN
tnx for da map!
Please rework lanaya's refract because static link breaks the refract please!
Tnx for the map but I hope you make Dota ai more faster ^_^
i can't load the map...why?? it says to big file
For me this map is very hard, sometimes I feel like that I wad cheated by AI's. Because I was one fan of AI Maps 6.70 AI mAP is the hardest AI mAp that I ever played.
5. Fixed a bug in Invoker`s system skills usage making him use Ghost Walk when he can`t.
help me!! its cooldown when i want to buy heroes after death before,its about 3 minutes..
I found a bug!The bug is... the frozen throne is invulnerable even though the 2 towers are destroyed.
Axe don't get boots
nice map
what an outstanding map!! tnx ^^
this map is so beautiful,
now i can practice tuskar
-vicne wilhem-
DotA rules..
i can practice the new heroes... tnx
tnx for the map... i can practice the new heroes!!!
tnx for the map... now i can practice the new heroses...
wew..tnx ^_^
first blood
using zeus..
AMM suggestion,
why dont you make AI play Captains Mode
it will be more fun to know what strategy will ai make:D
stupid ai when they team up with us...for example,they stuck in one place and do nothing.its kind of ai bug...and one more,if ai in blind spot and in same time last hit,they will not die...and one thing,why ai regen mana and hp like they charge at fountain heal?so fast...and lastly,why keeper of light do not know how to use skill??
can you pls.., fixed the bug about the mantastyle and visage summon units on ai.., with no cooldown..!!
this map really rocks.....
when will be the nxt ai map release?
tnx for the ai map its very nice
wut patch to play?
this map really rockxx keep up the good work....
like a snail games
Please slow down Invoker's usage of skill and Kaldr's usage of Ice blast twice at the same time.
Damn..1 on 5 by tuskarr really shit..half an hour enough to farm divine
SOmetimes when I play Rigwarl at level 15 and up, his nasal go wont work anymore. WHen you invoke the command for that skill it just coolsdown but no green stuff comes out and enemy's movement speed is still normal...
SOmetimes when I play Rigwarl at level 15 and up, his nasal go wont work anymore. WHen you invoke the command for that skill it just coolsdown but no green stuff comes out and enemy's movement speed is still normal...
-silver rounds-
Very thankful
I can't kill lich in this map..
Thanks a lot.... ai really helps a lot.....
weee justine
All AI maps its so weak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On EpicWar DotA 6.71c is released, but it is fake I think.
AwtCh... Ikarus` Super Nova
thanks for the map ill try this one :)
tnx for the map .. PBMN ..
has a lotta bugs.. cool down in some heroes takes a lottt longer than it should. U can't play in any difficulty other than Insane.. Newbies will get scared of playing dota if d Insane level A.I. rapes em...
T Y PBMN & GIGING plss... Release the 6.70 6.71 or 6.72 AI with / CAPTAIN MODE PLEASE||?! Ty
tnx men nice map =)
pls fix barathrum's bug after using 1st skill he can still deny and last hit creeps while in running state and it doesn't stops his skill !!:O
nice map.. kip it up menn..
wow tnx for the map
i'm looking forward for using this map. i hope it brings me a new kind of excitement & enjoymemt..tnx xD
Let AI buy at the secret shop.
its really annoying
they buy things from the secret shop at their well
Its a Techies thing.
tnx for the map.. :)
haters. DIE!
nc map
i love it! :)
pls make the ai help in clash, not going back and fort like an idiot..thanks
pls make ai move like humans.when we are attacking they run back and fort like an idiot.. they are not helping and they have a bad timing in casting spell.and the enemy ai have team work it is not balance...
invoker is a tough AI in this map...haha
pls make an ai for 6.71 6v6 map :)i think its going to be fun,6v6 so cool :)
im super imba fight me tUskaRr_110 1v1 in bayantel ...i dont like weak
try this if you win your not a noob
your team enemy team
your hero pudge insane
mirana easy axe insane
nevermore easy lich insane
drow easy ursa insane
alchemist easy naga siren insane
mode:-ap only
wow nice ...easy to rampage...^^
wow 1st blood[][]!!!!
rock on!
rampage, 1st blood.. bla bla bla WTF.!!! 1ST TIMER???
ZzZ!!!!! We JusT PlaY AI maps B'coz were Practicing Heroes/Bored
tnx for releasing the map.....helps me to practice and improve on heroes.....specially on intelligience type heroes
Weee! Thx
Weak.. Super Weak... thk.
Just weak rampage
when will dota 2 be released?
tnx for releasing th map..:))))))
thanks :3 ...
please someone tell me how to download a map because when i click the same page comes
where can i download the map 6.70c AI ? plz some1 tell me cuz i cant find it
Thx for the map...
another mirror pls
wow itsa good.!
phenix not build hot when enough money if u play cheat money
why was the pic there is always troll.?
how can i download this map ?
nice map
you can Download. clic in (DotA 6.70c AI Rev2.rar) in Blue
noobs! =)
i hate dump people...
thanks for the map :)
love it > . <
finally..i can practice dota all the time without bug..^^
what do dota gamers get from giving away dota for free?
cool. thanks for the map. :D
dota was so cool :D
dota was so very cool
i dont know how to download this 6.70 ai can some help me
dota was so very hot and nakaka inis
i hope that i will be challenged next tym :)...
Why all those trolls here saying <> all the time....
hey, where can i download this map ?
no comment
hey,i hope there will be a new hero in 6.73 ma Men!
i speak spanish but i like this page
tanks for owners
this map is nt good
this map is totally harder than any map ever !!
ai in CM !!!!
haven't played dota for 2 months already, until now! anyway, thanks for the ai map
they must provide mirror like 4shared and mediafire
wanna have 1on1 on me in normal game
wanna have 1on1 on me in normal game??!?!?!?!!
coffee anyone?
run,run bt you can't escape from lucifer's doom.....
i hate DOTA
Paghilum Mo
999 Blooooood!
how to download this map
Nice3 ! :))
how to download the new maps
here comes the imba
ohh yeah!!!
tnx for the map
thanks for the map..
nice thnks
lab u :))
where to DL dota map ??
Where 2 download dota map?
just download the latest ver. of 6.71 A.I
i love playing dota
hey can you teach me how to download the AI map of dota??
i dont think so
cre8 now a 12.c ai plsssssssss now
tnx for the map
i cant download it grrrrrr
dota 2
how to enable ability draft???!!!
................... nice maps Guyz tnks
alright tnx a lot
drow ranger vs. 5 insane.....beyond godlike!!!
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