DotA 6.73 is the next map of IceFrog's DotA Allstars series. The previous patch (6.72) brought a significant amount of changes to the main gameplay aspects and added a new concept Hero. Now, IceFrog will be focusing on overall balance and slight bug fixing on this upcoming DotA v6.73.
The size of current DotA is reaching 7.80MB which is extremely near to the maximum map file size limit of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. But the developer, IceFrog mentioned that more space can be achieved by optimizing the map file, so no problem. As usual, You may share your suggestions and feedback to IceFrog and don't forget to report any DotA 6.72 bugs.
Stay tuned on this page for the latest updates regarding DotA 6.73 AI & official map.
- DotA 2
- DotA 6.72b
385 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 385 of 385 Newer› Newest»Bolangzeke
hard to got it BOBO zeke!
make a new hero in v6.73
Please let Nevermore use aghanims.
I suggest damage indicators on heroes. For example if you hit "Balanar" with normal damage it indicates on top of the hero, spell damage too and critical attacks stay red.
make the one geomancer clown able to use TWO items from the original geomancer... It means that one of the clown geomancer have two slots of inventory instead of one!!! and we are able to choose which to put depending on the formation of items in the original geomancer
i suggest new character
and new skills
All I want is less delay in casting mirana's arrow and pudge's hook range will INCREASE.. hmm like just add 500range on pudge hook!! yeah Da Best!
Plz change terrain.
when you kill 6 heroes consecutively i would like to hear Unstoppable yehhh that would sound pretty cool
and please dont release any more maphacks
I'm Gonna Be Famous
ImPrOvE NeVeRmOrE, make him a scepter upgradable hero. add some soulss ^_^
Add some armor for raijin..... He is sooo fragile
give roshan crit %
are there new upcoming heroes for this map?????
U all so damm noob...
Use the Red Harpy as a new hero...
cant waiT.........
pls make some new hero
New mode:
Uber Mode: When the Frozen Throne or World Tree has 500 left, Arthas (aka Lich King) will pop out near the Frozen Throne and Elune (aka Moon Goddess) near the World Tree and both of them will stay and defend.
Arthas and Elune Statistics
3000 Hp
10 Armor: Divine Armor Type
150 Chaos Damage:
50% MS and 25% AS Slow Aura
10 Hp regen per second
Spell Immunity
New Heroes
Earth - Earth Pandaren model
Fire - Fire Pandaren model
Goblin Shredder - Goblin Shredder Model
Bandit - Enforcer model
Raider - Orc Raider model
Frost Wyrm - Frost Wyrm model
Hippogryph Rider - Hippogryph Rider model
Gryphon Rider - Gryphon Rider model
Paladin - Uther model
New Items
Potion of Divinity(give 10 seconds invulnurability, team cooldown 10 min., maximum stock 2, does not stack in invetory, requires aegis of immortal)
Frostmourne(15% life steal, 25% MS and 15% AS slow, +100 damage, requires Divine rapier and aegis of the immortal and scroll which costs 10000, destroyed upon death, scourge only item, stock cooldown 30min, maximum stock 1)
Moonflame(60 dps aura, 15% 10x Crit, 20% evasion, rquires Divine and Aegis and scroll that costs 10000, destroyed upon death, Sentinel only item, stock cooldown 30min, maximum stock 1)
New Feature
Rune Hunting
Instead of power up runes, rune shards will spawn in the same area where the P. ups spawn. Collect 2 shards for regeneration, 3 for invisibility, 4 for double damage, and 5 for haste. only available in Uber mode.
Please make this happen Ice Frog in the future versions.
I wanna see real orcs in color of green in DotA
... (-_-") so odd, axe, Yurnero and any other orcs are red.
Good idea to create a new hero
A STR Hero with hero Pulling skills
so he will be the best among all of those
Please FIX BARATHURM THE SPIRITBREAKER. Hero is imba, u cant kill him and hes KILLER PLS FIX HIM !!
instead of night elf and undead use human and orc that would be a great idea!
Guys....when is this map gonna be released again??
Can Icarus use aghanims in this new "MAP"?
1st i suggest... in 6.73.. 3 more items and 1 hero 1st.mana salve can restore 350 mana with the cost of 150 2nd.guard of divinity... may required the vanguard like pipe. 3rd.necronomicon remake the requirements and make it cheap.
also like what i said 1 more hero.. an hitter. agi or str.
better or not??? :DDDD just a suggestion
make the ancient neautrals like the dragon spawn and jungle stalker a hero!!..or make a hero that can summon one!
New mode:
Uber Mode: When the Frozen Throne or World Tree has 500 left, Arthas (aka Lich King) will pop out near the Frozen Throne and Elune (aka Moon Goddess) near the World Tree and both of them will stay and defend.
Arthas and Elune Statistics
3000 Hp
10 Armor: Divine Armor Type
150 Chaos Damage:
50% MS and 25% AS Slow Aura
10 Hp regen per second
Spell Immunity
New Heroes
Earth - Earth Pandaren model
Fire - Fire Pandaren model
Goblin Shredder - Goblin Shredder Model
Bandit - Enforcer model
Raider - Orc Raider model
Frost Wyrm - Frost Wyrm model
Hippogryph Rider - Hippogryph Rider model
Gryphon Rider - Gryphon Rider model
Paladin - Uther model
New Items
Potion of Divinity(give 10 seconds invulnurability, team cooldown 10 min., maximum stock 2, does not stack in invetory, requires aegis of immortal)
Frostmourne(15% life steal, 25% MS and 15% AS slow, +100 damage, requires Divine rapier and aegis of the immortal and scroll which costs 10000, destroyed upon death, scourge only item, stock cooldown 30min, maximum stock 1)
Moonflame(60 dps aura, 15% 10x Crit, 20% evasion, rquires Divine and Aegis and scroll that costs 10000, destroyed upon death, Sentinel only item, stock cooldown 30min, maximum stock 1)
New Feature
Rune Hunting
Instead of power up runes, rune shards will spawn in the same area where the P. ups spawn. Collect 2 shards for regeneration, 3 for invisibility, 4 for double damage, and 5 for haste. only available in Uber mode.
Please make this happen Ice Frog in the future versions.
make alternative avatar for all heroes...... it should be free like in HoN...
Thnx :)
I suggest that in 73 there would b a 7v7
make a character named :
seduction: damages 50% of your life
flying kiss : stun for 3- 5 seconds
super strength : critical 20% lvl 1 = 2x lvl 2 = 3x lvl 3 3.5x lvl 4 = 4x
ulti Kyuubi transformation 9 tailed fox : transform to a sexy nine tailed force speed will be 522 damage +60 hp + 1000 atk speed max
make tidehunter's 3rd skill passive again pressing c again and agian sucks
dota 2 TT
i suggest dota will be released .TT
Yo, froggy and guys
I think tower upgrade could be cool, time limit or i dont care...(towers with more hp and auras for nearby heroes) they are too fraigle after 10-20 minutes, i think.
Can buy special creeps in every spawn. Maximum number of them is to in one spawn.
And a mana steal upgrade or a new item with this ability.- almost everyone needs mana.
and quests like: kill a hero, two furbolg, and rosh two times -this is just an example
and give the Tree of life and the ice "cream" (i love that comment) a passive aura which damages nearby enemies with 65 pure damage in 400-800 range
Bye, Ceress
Yo, froggy and guys
I think tower upgrade could be cool, time limit or i dont care...(towers with more hp and auras for nearby heroes) they are too fraigle after 10-20 minutes, i think.
Can buy special creeps in every spawn. Maximum number of them is to in one spawn.
And a mana steal upgrade or a new item with this ability.- almost everyone needs mana.
and quests like: kill a hero, two furbolg, and rosh two times -this is just an example
and give the Tree of life and the ice "cream" (i love that comment) a passive aura which damages nearby enemies with 65 pure damage in 400-800 range
Bye, Ceress
man huskar is now over power ! plz reduse the range on huskar ultimate...or even better without range would be perfect...
ı want anub arak cahnge third skill ı want urna swarm change poison strike or damage return or extra agility
ı want to old nerubian assasin and ı miss him thid skill because he was mu best hero for 6.66 pls change 3. skill for 6.73 map
ı want tank anubarak pls remake him some skills
i suggest the lord riding a horse =)
I suggest a new hero from the ancient neutrals like dragonspawn.....
make sven's third skill "greater bash" and release FREZIX the ice phoenix
ı want new thief or bandit hero him and him ulti is enemy's item copy but ulti cd is 350 :D
LOLZ u all cre8 hero too imba lo!!
too many nooooobs here zzzzzz
buff razor up!
rebalance terrorblade / make lvl 26 to upgrade the ulti 4 times as all skills up 4 lvls but the ylti only 3 times......../ i will love dota 6.73 if it comes with new loading screen :D thx gh&hf
a new hero is coming...FREZIX or ICE PHOENIX
yeah!!dota is the best game ever!!!!!!putangina mo
roshan will be the next hero in 6.73
huskar 1st kill will be change
promise its over a hundred k of us wanting dota to be more
better than it is..we think HEROES OF NEWERTH will be the new international rpg game...
A new hero that can dispell all magic in an area even Brood mothers Spin Web .
plss make a new hero pls in agility
haixt make some great hero
to make the DOTA extremely amazing!
ı want new skill and new hero.this hero' skill is 4x enemys str damage ;)
Pls balance Barathrum and Huskar .. every game with them is auto-loose or auto-win
Hahaha..!! I want DotA Imba New Items was In 6.73..:) it's beuung AWESOME !!
no it's not good
it would become a food for pudge mirana and kael
if we battle and you'll use that and im kael you have no match
do yu cant set Predator.Alien.Marine Hero on Dota in next version 6.73 pls pls pls???
can you return the old terror blade .. i think that was cool than the terror right now .. xD
i want to put siglo in fun mode to dota 6.73 =))
i hope that nevermore can use aghanims and the effect of this is cooldown,AOE and sipping the heroes to SF
i thought 6.72 would be the last for dota 1??
i suggest dont play dota better XD~!!!!
can i request for another skill type hero in v6.73
can i request for another skill type hero and the name nagnag
Make a wind walk skill for troll and 50% bash chance
global efect for new hero ultimate
Dont stop cr8 new maps plz now dota is our life!!!
Icefrog can do It until there is version 9.99 :D
What the heck....
can you give me the site wHere you could download 6.73
no one can stop DotA . . .
good work... hope will hv new hero and new item....
tnx for icefrog for creating dota,
add more different neutral creeps
slardar is too imba... stable it... reduce its dmg pt
BTW is there any hero who can counter slardar ?
hi, i would like to suggest that you should add sapphiron the frost wyrm as one of the heroes of scourge, and also the druid of the talon as a sentinel hero... thats all thanks... ^^
I want a new Hero!
MODEL: Acolyte (Undead Worker)
Name: Vingi the Darkness Bringer
Description: Vingi was banned in the Black Citadel for the assassination of the king. He practiced dark magic and created forces of evil in his very hands. Vingi captured more than a million souls for his disposal and he drained all their strength for himself and the clan. He was a very smart and very agile. Now the souls he took shall reborn by his dark powers and will stand by his side for the war. He stood aside with the Scourge hoping to guard the Black Citadel and to destroy it at first chance.
Black Impact (Active)
He will use his dark powers to move the units who stand on his way to victory. 400 AoE.
Level 1- 400 AoE 50 Dmg 10% Knock back
Level 2- 400 AoE 100 Dmg 20% Knock back
Level 3- 400 AoE 150 Dmg 30% Knock back
Level 4- 400 AoE 200 Dmg 40% Knock back
Call of the Dead (Active)
Vengi studied the dark arts of magic to create his minions. They will rise from the grave and fight again.
Level 1- Max off 2 corpses = 1 Soul (Shade Model 20-20 dmg) 5 secs timer
Level 2- Max off 3 corpses = 2 Souls 7 secs timer
Level 3- Max off 4 corpses = 3 Souls 10 secs timer
Level 4- Max off 5 corpses = 4 Souls 13 secs timer
Apocalypse (Passive)
Vengi's anger at the Black Citadel creates unexpected Fireballs at Vengi's attack causing it to stun the random target and dealing damage to self.
Level 1- 5% chance, +20 dmg* 10 dmg to self
Level 2-10% chance, +25 dmg* 15 dmg to self
Level 3-15% chance, +30 dmg* 20 dmg to self
Level 4-20% chance, +35 dmg* 25 dmg to self
(* Add the dmg to the Hero damage.)
Death Altar (Ultimate, Active)
By the Death of all the souls he collects them and gain from it. Then when he tries to get rid of it more souls than expected will show up and kill everything except for Vingi (including allies)
Level 1- Summons 50 souls (Banshee)deals 20 dmg per soul
Level 2- Summons 75 souls deals 25 dmg per soul
Level 3- Summons 100 souls dealing 30 dmg per soul
Other Statistics
Attack: 21-24 (500 range)
Def: 3
Agi: 17
Int: 26
Str: 20
Move Speed: 240
-Credits and Idea
There is a bug in 6.72f.
When furion uses wrath of nature, its enemies gain his vision where he had cast the spell for few seconds.
Please don't force us to play dota 2. please don't ignore dota. Because dota 1 is easy to have and has a small graphics and only a few people has a high graphics of computer that can handle dota 2. Thank you.
I just want to suggest to change the 1st skill of dwarven sniper. It should deal more damage and not slowing some heroes :) and aghanims scepter for kardel :)huskar 1st skill should be stun with a damage :) thanks icefrog! :D
great... !!!!! dOTa.. ?? the BEst..
dota 6.73?
is 6.73 done all ready i wanted to play this dota map
plz make it fast
add aghanims effect to all...the visual effects..tnx icefrog!
dota 6.72f AI map sometimes gives so many Mithril Hammer.. I tried it with mirana and already did a killing spree.. after I bought one mithrill hammer, it gives many hammers for free.. hahaha.. also bought one power threads and it gives two power threads.. ahahaha
ohh shit how to download this version 6.73
fire panda is cool :)
All sohai people. add me at gg. SOHAIPEOPLE
I found a bug when your at the top or bottom when you try to buy at your base and click it while its cooldown it gives you multiple items that you bought!!
Troll must have 6 armor from start... please
go jahrakal and huskar
can u guys stfu?
I think 3 new hero will create on map 6.73
Goblin Shredder
Frost Wirm
lol man i allready idk why but have 73 version lol :D idk why if any1 wants skype gaming_l33t
Phoenix should either get his slow back or get some passive ability in place of sun ray
i want the items to be cheaper and balance hero skills
does facevoid is ban?
New Items Pls!!
Make the old shadow demon skin
fix Terror blade so imba
new screen
new powerups and new support items:)
The one who has a picture of troll is gay..ang daldal mashado.
how i download this. map... how????
Please increase the range of vengeful attacks so that it can be matched with other ranged heroes, namely venomancer and lich, apart from that I am looking forward to seeing new heroes
6.73 map!! pag dali na ug GAWas ky guto nko mo try sa new HERO."NAMELY"
"BARON BLAZER" - a type of strength,short range..1st skill - LAst AttACk with Stun.. 2nd skill - DArK Furry.. 3rd Skill - PAssIve, special Attributes.. "SS" - PerFect invocaTion..
"ZARACK"a fire Demon - a type of strength,long Range 1st skill - FLAme Thrower.. 2nd skill - fire Meteor with stun.. 3rd skill - psyhic Death Sphere.. "ss" - VOlcano..
cool cant w8 to play it :))
Please replace phoenix's sun ray with some passive aura. ray is useless without the slow now....
Please replace phoenix's sun ray with some passive ability . the ray is useless now without the slow....
Icefrog Slark is so fragile, please balance him :D thanks ^.^
New Heroes Plssss.....
i suggest that rikimaru ultimate skill should not be passive
balance for mangix (pandaren)
his second skill is too imba, i always miss.
like what you did guys to troll. you change his blind to wild axes, hope you will change mangix too. :)
How to download?
First Blood~~ rocks!~~!
yeah i found a bug... zeus ulti dont damage heros who r in wind walk...for eg.. if bone fletcher has 50hp and he is in wind walk and zeus casts his ulti then bone flecther is only visible and no damage is taken by him!!!
I think icefrog should make a hero like glaive thrower and meat wagon ^_^
whats the build of unduying and bristleback
Add a new look for panda and irelia for their aghanim pls. Would be nice:)
I suggest new look on irelia with aghanim and panda and also change that imba tb pls.
can't even beat me u crap tsk2
how about you copy some of the hereos of dota imba like freezix
Oh Good link download
I think it would be a good ideea that after a while , on the exact place where light and bad creeps meet, will spawn an slightly overpowered neutral hero, so that both alliance and scourge work toghether to defeat it (by overpowered i mean about 4k hp, 100-110 chaos dmg, and 50 Hero-type armor,no abilities) btw...good maps so far...keep`em coming :D
YEAH 6.73 :)
how can i dl this ?
is there an AI 6.73? i want 1 plzzz
Dota na lng tau....
..i'm a girl.. but super like DOTA.. haha.. tnx for the map downloads.. GODLIKE..
pak you everybody!
RAMPAGE!!! GG sir!
i wanna be a riki martin wahahahah!!imba
nerfed phoenix... yeah and now he have 2 useless skill -.- srry froggy but he is fraigle, he need that heal... someting like the paladin's heal, and but the pala isn't fraigle
and the ray- no need for this skill
How to download it
OWOWOW... SO aweSOme!!!! ADD me on facebook..
vinter01@facebook.com.... and feel who is the strongest player... add me!!
Oh my God. It's a noob fest in here. Geez , can't you people just adjust to the changes and stop whining about who's too imba and shit like that? Maybe make yourselves your very own DotA maps. Let's see if you're up to the job. Developing these kinds of maps are really hard work. The Devs know who or what's too imba and I'm pretty sure they would do something IF they see something too imba. Stop acting like immature kids. Grow up or stay the way you are - Uber Noobs til the end. Adios Motherfuckers.
not ai yet ?
hey make a new hero always invisible . good attacks and nice modification
hey make a new hero always invisible . good attacks and nice modification.
hey make a new hero always invisible . good attacks and nice modification
make dota 6.73 ai please
make dota 6.73 ai please
how to download the map??
its awesome as i expected
nice job. . . Keep it up ^^
I 5 Lanes want be so imba huskar alvays kill me
holy crap !! :D
holy crap !! :D
how to download 6.73 Ai??
can u make a hero like...
skills are
SPear cannon..
DEfense increse..
refelect shield..
thanks for dota...... without dota life sucks....
Walao!!!! Cannot wait 6.73 ai.. pls make it after 6.73... !!!
i suggest that we have a dota here in d phils....
i suggest that we have a dota here in d phils....
i want to play dota 2 here in phils...
DOTA is the bsst game ever..
we want DOTA 6.74 AI.. please!!! ^^
DOTA 6.74 AI.. ASAP!!!!
i love dota
my best game is dota
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