DotA 6.73 is the next map of IceFrog's DotA Allstars series. The previous patch (6.72) brought a significant amount of changes to the main gameplay aspects and added a new concept Hero. Now, IceFrog will be focusing on overall balance and slight bug fixing on this upcoming DotA v6.73.
The size of current DotA is reaching 7.80MB which is extremely near to the maximum map file size limit of Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. But the developer, IceFrog mentioned that more space can be achieved by optimizing the map file, so no problem. As usual, You may share your suggestions and feedback to IceFrog and don't forget to report any DotA 6.72 bugs.
Stay tuned on this page for the latest updates regarding DotA 6.73 AI & official map.
- DotA 2
- DotA 6.72b
385 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 385 Newer› Newest»First Blood!
is a sohai
Second BLOOD!
Dont stop with dota.please
OK ... Thats ALL?
gud luck ! dota is the best game !
yeah !
please return the old shadow demon's.. new model looks so odd -_-
the dota will not be destroy in this world
balance rooftrellen and terrorblade
this map will be awesome...
New loading screen please!..
i wish alleria has a new agahm. visual effect. plzzz..
yeah keep it up!
rebalance all rescale hero..
too IMBA
We want DotA 2 for free! :D
^_^ comeon we need it :) more dota = more fun
last blood
dota for life
imba terrorblade.
Give ROSHAN buff!!!
hope this is not the last dota map
New hero please XD
i want new hero :D
IMBA hero!!!
Please revert back Slark's Essence shift agility steal, slark is very fragile (nerfed) now..
i want get back old naix please XD
when dota 2 coming
I want balance on rooftrelen and terrorblade they are too imba!As for v6.73 can you add one or more heros and items also and add if u can a new loading screen.
Thank you for your time.
^^ Beyond God like!!! :D
trool warlord weak!!!..????
HOLy sHIt DOTA IS the Best IN THIs world....!!!!!
I hate the New Shadow Demon Model. Duuhh It doesn't look like an Intelligent hero. LOL
i think i noticed a tiny bug, whenever u try to go invisible wind walk etc u have to do it multiple times to work, and its for all invis types, lothar wind walk vendetta
i found a bug: my desired hero was placed beside the houses!!! :D
73 Put Aghanims To Rubik So He Can COpy The Spell Of His Mate And He Can Choose If 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th skill will he copy.
Lanaya Range Increase from 140-200<+ Psi Blades>
Put Aghanims In All Heroes.
justine beaber ftw
all of you are weak ur no match for me...
1. add new item for agility heroes, which will require wraith band.
2. make Roshan more powerful, for example add critical strike.
3. balance terrorblade.
HEY PL. SOME ONE SUGGEST IN 6.74 WE WANT TO SEE 4 lanes instead of 3 pl. DO THE FAVOUR ..................
nc 1 //
I find a bug with omniknight and naga slithice.When omni has the repel skil on him is immune to magik but nagas web can catch him can you fix it?
Make SPECTRE's dagger 200 pure damage and 20% slow, her dispersion lvl 4 to 30% .. :D 3 pure damage skills would make her so awesome! She's my favorite hero. :D
aw ok
its not a bug..xD
please change the grand magus skills its not fair
oh really! xD
oh really! xD
torrent101 : Uhm, I think spectre's stat gain should be:
str - + 2.0 ,
agi - + 3.0 ,
int - 2.0
Plus if her dagger becomes pure, like the comment above, she'll be the hottest agi hero. :D
torrent101: This is the real GHOSTLY spectre:
str: 20 + 2
agi: 23 + 3
int: I don't care on her int. :D You can make it only + 1 if you like. :D
Spectral Dagger:
1 - 5% slow , 50 pure damage
2 - 10% slow , 100 pure damage
3 - 15% slow , 150 pure damage
4 - 20% slow , 200 pure damage
MANACOST: 100/110/120/140
* level 4 dagger is equivalent to 40% slow if you'll analyze. :D It's like mirana's leap, just made better. :D
Desolate (pure damage): remains the same, just make it also work for creeps, that would be cool. :D
Dispersion (pure damage): Spectre's defense and offense as well
1 - 15%, 2 hp regen bonus
2 - 20%, 3 hp regen bonus
3 - 25%, 4 hp regen bonus
4 - 30%, 5 hp regen bonus
* Spectre's dispersion is always a partner with Ring of Health in early game. With this, spectre can focus more on her gank items. :D
1 - 4 seconds
2 - 5 seconds
3 - 6 seconds
COOLDOWN: 120/100/80
*Reduce the cooldown for a more reasonable upgrade of this skill. :D
i want chuck norris!!!
do you know pandaren ss,storm,earth and fire i want the eath element to be a hero put it in strength and i want the fire element to be a hero put it in agility, please make it come true DOTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Change The Name Of Tide @ DB.
Change The Model Of DB.
Don't Make Dota That Evil.
Change Doom
New Skill oF DB
Last SKill:
The target unit becomes will receive Damage And Silence
L1:Deals 100<250> Damage Per 3 Seconds
L2:Deals 250<450> DP3S
L3:Deals 450<650> DP3S
Rework And Change Rikimaru-Satyr
Skill 1: Blink Strike
Skill 2: BackStab
Skill 3: Invisibility
Skill 4: Satyr Form
Level 1 Satyr< Satyr With Manaburn In Farm>
Long Range With Critical Strike
Level 2 Satyr< Satyr With ShockWave In Farm>
Long Range With Critical Strike @ LifeSteal Add 150 Hp
Level 3 Satyr< Satyr With ShockWave Again>
Long Range With Critical Strike @ Lifesteal Add 300 Hp
Hope You Accept It.
Phoenix must get his slow back :( That skill drains so much hp and mana and its worth nothing . Just some damage no slow for 25% and u must hit you know :S
I find a bug with omniknight and naga slithice.When omni has the repel skill on him is immune to magic but nagas web can catch him can you fix it? :0
Can You Imagine???
The 5 Kobolds
Kobold Taskmaster As The First Geomancer
Kobold Tunneler For The LeveL 6 Geomancer
Kobold Geomancer For The LeveL 6 Geomancer
Normal Kobold Geomancer For The Level 6 Geomancer
And A Kobold Range For Aghanims
Play Warcraft 3 So You Can See Goblin Shredder.
Can You Make A Hero Goblin Shredder?
Make An Assasin Hero
The Lava Lord/Fire Lord The SF FIRE
Make The Bandit Lord WOOOH!
New Model For Rikimaru
new heroes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if Shadow demon got his 'FAceRemake" on 6.72
how about banehallow? i think they should switch Face.
hahah you know Lycan is a DOG and shadow demon is a Demon.!
make the new hero GRUNT ahahaha
please change terror blade because its so Imba change the skill of terror blade... i want vengeful change his range of his attack and range of his swap because if i swap a enemy the tower is not attacking to enemy because of my swap the enemy didnt go near at the tower.
yep a bandit :)
keep up the good work
Iced Frog
What About A Hero That Looks like the Devil
He Can Control u for 3 secs, Burning gtound 50 dps for 5 secs,a passive that gives him movementspeed and leaves a trail of fire behind then his ultimate hell opens and in a 350 aoe all units get sucked into it and 200 dmg on impact and stunning 4 2 secs
I find a bug with omniknight and naga slithice.When omni has the repel skil on him is immune to magik but nagas web can catch him can you fix it?
Naga's net is not MAGIC. NOOB -.-
In 6.73 With New Hero Ba?
I want to return old NAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!New NAGA is LOL...
first blood !! make a new hero.... make an agility hero... make it with powers like shadow fiend.but add a cool passive skill for him thanks icefrog
3rd-IMBAMAN'S HELP-destroy tower(PASSIVE)
4th-JAGGIMAN'STRIKE-kill all except him(PASSIVE)
3rd-IMBAMAN'S HELP-destroy tower(PASSIVE)
4th-JAGGIMAN'STRIKE-kill all except him(PASSIVE)
that is weak people idea. A.K.A NOOBS
make: alleria: powershot deal more damage.. like same as illumnate.. bu has a channeling for 3 sec. ok.
Please change bara back to 6.71 charge. Its to unfair.
change naga siren's 3rd skill to critical again
do not change spectre its to powerfull already
dota for loser
Any of you guys played invoker for me he is the hardest hero to play :)
Noobs like you who ask changes for heroes who's too imba or whatever, will be a noob and will be forever. A noob. Trash. Enjoy the game noobs. If it's not fair then don't play this game. WC and DotA have been standing around 20years noobs.
please release a new hero!!please!
and new loading screen! thank you!
please releas an awesome hero on 6.73
Rebalance Leech Seed.
pls new hero frost wyrm or griffon or some tree from night elf race :))
too imba HUSKAR !
More maps to come! Hahaha
rebalance ursa please...
iceFrog is my god
jahahaha :))
remake banehallow model into worgen
please make more dragon hero frost wyrm!!and i like that post more naga hero. And why naga so imba?
fix the bug where rubbick can move ppl into spots where they get stuck and cudn't move
necrolic`s ult should be changed
make global aura's
bersek aura (wrong spelling)
then 3rd skill of BM
aganims for ogre magi :D
use item usable for Pheonix in its ulti
please make hero the omninight with sword
please make a hero look like a tauren...
pls make another hero look like a centipede
please have tidehunter aghanims w/ visual effect
pls. return the old necro'lic's ss
pls. make split shot more powerful
Make a hero looks like a felhound...
c8 hero that controls the wind.....
create hero that looks like doom bringer but his name is Pogoy (Hellgoy) that's very cool if u made one....
can you make blademaster's healing wards invisible.. its actually useless because it can be destroyed just a single attack..
i hope that SHADOW FIEND can be upgrade by aghanims that double its ULTI
create a hero fire panda
Huskar is imba!!!!! :D
huskar is imba!!! :D
whats the name of the new hero in 6.73
Pleas cr8 a hero ....for me .name roshan hehe
replace huskar healing skill wiith a 3 second stun.....that would be fun!
u are all freak .
Fix Gemancer's ulty. Meepawns should take the effect of any item meepo uses, such as lothars edge ex... Also, reurn the slow to phoenix's sunray. too much life and energy cost, and without the slow it is just useless.
3 new hero and 5 items. :)
Seriously... First Blood?
Get a Life. :P
2 new FEMALE strength heroes PLZ !!!! 1 for sentinel 1 for scourge
Hope this will be a cool map :D, and ah Rooftrellen i think his balance already... i never got trouble fighting with him or his skills....
Pls new LoadingScreen and back old Shadow Demon skin..
blood lust
Sana may bagong hero plsS! :D at mas pinaganda
please balance bara.
please add back naga crit..naga sucks without crit
Dota iS The best
replace that shit heroo chen !! with a new one :/ ... or even invoker tooo .. they are shits and please increase the damage and range of pudge hook to 1200 from 1000 and damage to 360 to 400... :( ... like the old ones.... pudge is a bit weak now :o !!
i have an idea for "Force Staff" when you use it and pass over an enemy yu should stun him for 1-2 secs or slow or anithing. i think it will be better and funner :D. consider this post please
Pls. make a hero that look like morphling but it's abillity is fire
c8 a hero that looks like thrall but not in his wolf with melee weapon...:))
just make a hero that all of its skill is all AURA... it will be cool to use this hero..
It will be epic if Icefrog reached 7 point something!
Like, 7.1b
ahahah! well still excited, makes me wants to play dota more.
add more new heroes pls
where's the lich king ??
make tree of life: when destroyed arthas will spawn (arthas) the old "omniknight" .. then the ice cream dunno what that thing called: when destroyed the lich king will spawn .. ^_^ .. sounds good ^_^
More heroes would be better . And can we add something at the bottom right of the map ? It seems very empty .
u are great bro
Make Rigwarl Quillspray more powerful and a new ulti^^
Let Roshan Drop a New Item Like A Key To The Three moons=+50 all stats Not Droppable<<<<<<<<<<Jude
Team Hey From Philippines(Jude,James,Karl,Edward)Who dares to challenge us???ADD me GARENA .|c00ff0000RJE
Rigwarl already imba lol
aghanims for all heroes! guys
lanaya psionic trap
ogre multicast
kardel assasinate<4500 range with higher damage>
cent great forti
magus spellsteal
silencer g.s
New Hero = IceFrog..jumping,toing3..
please sent me map 6.72AI and 6.73
aghanims for blood seeker please ! give him ability to absorb some of the hit point that he deal with his until
wtf is wrong with the people here saying shit about these heros not strong enough or too strong when they are just fine and i LOLED at this...
pls. make split shot more powerful
replace that shit heroo chen !! with a new one :/ ... or even invoker tooo .. they are shits and please increase the damage and range of pudge hook to 1200 from 1000 and damage to 360 to 400... :( ... like the old ones.... pudge is a bit weak now :o !!
this is retarded, invoker is insanely strong from mere flexibility and chen has insane support power. also if you think that pudge is weak wtf are u on, his rot was even buffed and hook does pure damage? gosh wtf is wrong with people these days
when will 6.73 will be realesed
Anonymous can i ask abouit the meaning of word IMBA.?
hey .. how to change USERNAME in garena ?? any answer plzz.
can u put a ent hero becuz it is the only creeps that is not a hero ghoul(naix),necrolyte(necromancer),Furion(druid of talon),and ent(???)
I want scout from H*N be last hero in dota to dota2
i hope more hero will come...so dat the dota will olweiz cool.....
i luv dota....yeah i hope you can put a int also...so dat the team is complete..hahaha
please add ogre warlord hero..melee type..thx be expecting it~
please add heroes like cenarius, gnoll leader, makura prawn crackers.. sasquatchs, garithos(bandit lord) and dragonhawk rider .. renegade wizard, skel orcs(for the Bones family:leoric-clinx-pugna :DD)..and i was also wondering if u could add Muradin? Mountain King? just don't make it JUST like zeus.. :DD
please add.. Uther Lightbringer hero.. :DDD thx
League Of Legends more nice! Better grafic, better heroes!
HERO REQUEST -- Memories-Sama
Metal Cracks - The Armor Breaker
Range: 128 | Move Speed : 315
Primary: STR
Str: 23+3 | Agi: 11.7+1.1 | Int: 17+2
Damage: 58 – 65 | HP: 654 | Mana: 217
Hp Regen: 0.85 | Mana Regen: .59
Attack Speed: .82 | Armor: 0
Living in Ashenra, wherein lies the stone giants, lives the mighty giant Metal Cracks, he is the twin brother of Tiny The Stone Giant. With his ultimate defence, he is even able to provide allies with huge amounts of armor, and even have the power to reduce the enemy's armor itself. He is also able to deal a huge blow to one unit, immobilizing and damaging that unit. With his large body, and ultimate defence, The Scourge will soon know their limits, and surrender to the mighty force of The Sentinel.
Armor Break (B)
Whenever Metal Cracks attacks, he lowers an opponents armor that lasts for 4 seconds and gives him a 15% chance to deal bonus damage that ignores opponent's armor. (This skill is passive)
Level 1 - Minus 1 Armor/20 bonus damage
Level 2 - Minus 2 Armor/30 bonus damage
Level 3 - Minus 3 Armor/40 bonus damage
Level 4 - Minus 4 Armor/50 bonus damage
Supportive Defence (T)
With his amazing amounts of defence, Metal Cracks provides an ally with bonus armor that lasts for 60 seconds.
Level 1 - Gives 4 armor
Level 2 - Gives 5 armor
Level 3 - Gives 6 armor
Level 4 - Gives 7 armor
Manacost: 50/40/30/20
Cooldown: 18/15/12/7
Metallic Smash (C)
The Armor Breaker hits one enemy with his metallic fist dealing huge amounts of damage to one unit, and that unit will be stunned for 1 second and have that unit's armor lowered for a few seconds. (This skill stacks with Armor Break)
Level 1 - 90 damage/Minus 1 Armor for 7 seconds
Level 2 - 180 damage/Minus 2 Armor for 8 seconds
Level 3 - 270 damage/Minus 3 Armor for 9 Seconds
Level 4 - 360 damage/Minus 4 Armor for 10 seconds
Manacost: 140
Cooldown: 12
Ultimate Defence (E)
Provides all alies including The Armor Breaker with bonus armor that lasts for 20 seconds. (This skill stacks with Supportive Defence)
Level 1 - 10 bonus armor
Level 2 - 14 bonus armor
Level 3 - 18 bonus armor
Level 4 - 22 bonus armor
upgrade to frozen throne 4...
i hope there's a new hero in this version.now it must be a female strength.
Edit-- Memories-Sama
Metal Cracks - The Armor Breaker
Range: 128 | Move Speed : 315
Primary: STR
Str: 23+3 | Agi: 11.7+1.1 | Int: 17+2
Damage: 58 – 65 | HP: 654 | Mana: 217
Hp Regen: 0.85 | Mana Regen: .59
Attack Speed: .82 | Armor: 0
Living in Ashenra, wherein lies the stone giants, lives the mighty giant Metal Cracks, he is the twin brother of Tiny The Stone Giant. With his ultimate defence, he is even able to provide allies with huge amounts of armor, and even have the power to reduce the enemy's armor itself. He is also able to deal a huge blow to one unit, immobilizing and damaging that unit. With his large body, and ultimate defence, The Scourge will soon know their limits, and surrender to the mighty force of The Sentinel.
Armor Break (B)
Whenever Metal Cracks attacks, he lowers an opponent's armor that lasts for 4 seconds and gives him a 15% chance to deal bonus damage. (This skill is passive, and does not multiply)
Level 1 - Minus 1 Armor/20 bonus damage
Level 2 - Minus 2 Armor/30 bonus damage
Level 3 - Minus 3 Armor/40 bonus damage
Level 4 - Minus 4 Armor/50 bonus damage
Supportive Defence (T)
With his amazing amounts of defence, Metal Cracks provides an ally with bonus armor that lasts for 30 seconds.
Level 1 - Gives 4 armor
Level 2 - Gives 5 armor
Level 3 - Gives 6 armor
Level 4 - Gives 7 armor
Manacost: 50/40/30/20
Cooldown: 18/15/12/7
Metallic Smash (C)
The Armor Breaker hits one enemy with his metallic fist dealing huge amounts of damage to one unit, and that unit will be stunned for 1 second and have that unit's armor lowered for a few seconds. (This skill stacks with Armor Break)
Level 1 - 90 damage/Minus 1 Armor for 7 seconds
Level 2 - 180 damage/Minus 2 Armor for 8 seconds
Level 3 - 270 damage/Minus 3 Armor for 9 Seconds
Level 4 - 360 damage/Minus 4 Armor for 10 seconds
Manacost: 140
Cooldown: 12
Ultimate Defence (E)
Provides all alies including The Armor Breaker with bonus armor that lasts for 20 seconds. (This skill stacks with Supportive Defence)
Level 1 - 10 bonus armor
Level 2 - 15 bonus armor
Level 3 - 20 bonus armor
Manacost: 200
Cooldown: 120 seconds
dota rocksssssssssss i luv u dota maker
new skill for geomancer.
wan orgre MAGI with aganim septor..
can cast *5
that cast *4 so rare(rework)..
and plz rework that TB regen..hard to harass ine lane..
naga is now so noob cant carry at all
pudge is being always ignored now..useless..hook enemy=kill himself due fast die..it can kill only int..rework on his armor.
tnks ^^
Metal Rocks- the armor breaker is imbalanced... the minus armor that stacks is unfair. Metallic smash has a low cooldown and deals a huge damage with a bonus -armor to the target. I like the idea but the skills should be rescaled.
can u put a ent hero becuz it is the only creeps that is not a hero ghoul(naix),necrolyte(necromancer),Furion(druid of talon),and ent(???)
thats unfair for the scourge, sentinel already has a walking tower, treant. if you add an ent then you should add a walking zigorath :)
pesant of the death
team scourge INT hero
build a barrack lasts which can spawn uncontrolable random creeps a few of them got abilities
mana cost:250
improve all creeps by giving them
5dmg 5attack 2% ms
10dmg 10 attack 3% ms
15 dmg 15attack 4% ms
20 dmg 20 attack 5% ms
build flying units like skill 1 only that this units are range and can fly
give ur units 3% attackspeed ms passiv
builds a tower dealing Chaos dmg
maximum cap 4
1: 80-90chaos dmg and a normal attackspeed
2: 120-140 chaos dmg and a fast attackspeed
3: 140-160 chaos dmg and a very fast attackspeed
20 sec building time
hp:1200/1500/1800 armor Fortifited
CD: 175
SCEPTER: makes a tower can move but slow 100 hp and towers can attack 2 units at the same time
cd: 280
Hey, why don't you create a hero whose spells are stronger on a special terrarian (for example in the river). You may also modify some of the existing heroes to get certain bonuses in water (for example Kunka's torrent, medusa's mana shield, or any other water-realted hero spell).
Ill remove the bonus damage and the stacks, then, fine?
That tower maker is too strong >.>
Make Ogre Magi have AGHANIMS the effect: It will either be an Aura half chance to multicast for teammates or the items can also be multicasted
BALANCE HUSKAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pesant of death
hm i like the idea but tower should be nerfed :P
It's time to create a new power ups
so that we can enjoy more ^_^
I wonder what will you do with
the old eredar !!!!!
Aghanims on OGRE MAGI is too IMBA, DOTA will NEVER make IT.
please create an hero that his/her last skill that can reveal the whole map ^_^
I would be nice like there is new rune like GOLD :)
Pang'uiao - The Keen Observer
Range: 128 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: AGI
Str: 20+1.7 | Agi: 21+2.15 | Int: 11+1.1
Damage: 48-56 | HP: 543 | Mana: 189
Attack Speed: .72 | Armor: 4
Greater Teleportation (R)
Teleports to any unit visible and stuns it for a few seconds, dealing damage to that unit.(Casting time 1 sec)
Level 1 - Stuns for .75 seconds/100 damage
Level 2 - Stuns for 1.25 seconds/150 damage
Level 3 - Stuns for 1.75 seconds/200 damage
Level 4 - Stuns for 2.25 seconds/250 damage
Manacost: 50
Cooldown: 50/40/30/20
Attentive Evasion (V)
Gives a chance that Pang'uiao will evade an attack.
Level 1 - 10% Chance
Level 2 - 15% Chance
Level 3 - 20% Chance
Level 4 - 25% Chance
•Can evade physical and mystical attacks.
•Stacks with Talisman of Evasion and Butterfly.
Sonic Blow (B)
Gives The Keen Observer bonus attack speed.
Level 1 - 15 Bonus Attack Speed
Level 2 - 30 Bonus Attack Speed
Level 3 - 45 Bonus Attack Speed
level 4 - 60 Bonus Attack Speed
Wild Eyes (E)
Reveals the whole map for a certain number of seconds.
Level 1 - Reveals the whole map for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Reveals the whole map for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Reveals the whole map for 4 seconds.
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 120/110/100
•Scepter Upgradable : Dramatically lowers cooldown.
--EDIT-- --Memories-Sama--
Pang'uiao - The Keen Observer
Range: 128 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: AGI
Str: 20+1.7 | Agi: 21+2.15 | Int: 11+1.1
Damage: 48-56 | HP: 543 | Mana: 189
Attack Speed: .72 | Armor: 4
Greater Teleportation (R)
Teleports to any unit visible and stuns it for a few seconds.
Level 1 - Stuns for .75 seconds
Level 2 - Stuns for 1.25 seconds
Level 3 - Stuns for 1.75 seconds
Level 4 - Stuns for 2.25 seconds
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 50/40/30/20
•Cannot be used without a visible unit in the area.
Attentive Evasion (V)
Gives a chance that Pang'uiao will evade an attack.
Level 1 - 10% Chance
Level 2 - 15% Chance
Level 3 - 20% Chance
Level 4 - 25% Chance
•Can evade physical and mystical attacks.
•Stacks with Talisman of Evasion and Butterfly.
Sonic Blow (B)
Gives The Keen Observer bonus attack speed.
Level 1 - 15 Bonus Attack Speed
Level 2 - 30 Bonus Attack Speed
Level 3 - 45 Bonus Attack Speed
level 4 - 60 Bonus Attack Speed
Wild Eyes (E)
Reveals the whole map for a certain number of seconds.
Level 1 - Reveals the whole map for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Reveals the whole map for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Reveals the whole map for 4 seconds.
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 120/110/100
•Scepter Upgradable : Dramatically lowers cooldown.
yess that right
Make new runes,add more visual effects like crix ulti look a little in Heroes of Newerth and copy smth just do smth pls and rework little huskar :)
I suggest Fire Panda God damn IT!
this last new hero will be great i think icefrog should overview this note
is there any new heroes in 6.73???
Stealth Assasin
aghanims ss
no fade time
needs 3 gems
primary attribute:
Agility plus 10
how can i get 1.26 version because i cant play garena pls how to get it??? ____________________________
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