Blizzard has recently issued official standalone & upgrade version file for Warcraft 1.26 Patch. The new update is now available on their FTP server. This patch file is intended for those who can not avail patch via Battle.net auto-update or version switcher. Check the guide for upgrading to Warcraft 1.26a patch from offline version installer.
Guide, How to Download & Install Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26 Patch:
1. Download the appropriate Warcraft 1.26 patch file executable from the links below:
• Standalone Upgrade (recommended):
If you are upgrading from an older version (1.20e, 1.21 etc), download this file.
War3TFT_126a_English.exe (mirror 1)
War3TFT_126a_English.exe (mirror 2)
• 1.25b ( to 1.26 ( Upgrade:
Download this short update if you are upgrading from 1.25b to 1.26a.
War3TFT_125b_126a_English.exe (mirror 1)
War3TFT_125b_126a_English.exe (mirror 2)
2. After downloading run the executable to install the patch.
3. Your Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne & Reign of Chaos version will be updated to v1.26a (
Known Issues & Notes:
• If you experience Registry Error Loading Key "Warcraft/InstallPath" error. Please follow the steps carefully mentioned in this guide.
• If you are currently using v1.25b you can use Warcraft Version Switcher for 1.26 for easy upgrade.
• Older version games replays can not be watched/played in this patch.
• If you are facing any other issues, please post a comment with your problem!
176 Comments yet..:
about time.. stupid b.net put priority to those who have official cd-keys
@ 9:18
agreed..blizzard took so much time for standalone patch :@
another update war3? haihh ,,,,
Where can I find v1.26 for MAC?
another update again! lol XD
~gerbon >.<
im still on 1.24
Hehe i just found codes to enable mh )
stupid battle.net it took long time and they give it after every 1 downloaded it
UPDATES EVERY DAY??..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
stop cursing blizzard.. they are still providing support by releasing new patches for Warcraft 3.. appreciate their work..
I will Still play dota even dota 2 is released
hey can i still use dis patch if my warcraft is jus a copy+paste and nt an installed one??
Garena: stick_stick (india)
HoN, LoL , DotA2, starcraft version DotA. i think that the dota era is about to end. new maps and patches of dota is so slow too ! besides, there r rumours that 6.72 = last map.
i use 1.2.4.. how to upgrade??
Hey, will this patch work if i am using a warcraft that I just copy pasted and not installed?
warcraft version does not support but installed successfully .what to do?
i think this will not work on copied Warcraft III... :P Buy the Original dumass...
@4:06 PM @3:41 PM I think you have InstallPath registry error.
downloadin the patch....playin the game for the first tym....hope it will be gud!!
always uprade the version....lol.....
People wait for AI map for play not wait for new version...lol
i jus installed my wc so do i need to download all the patch or just the latest patch will do?
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'c:\war3\warcraft iii\worldedit.exe'
RESULT: Patch failed
this patch works on copied version ONLY if the setup registry is "installed"(SetupReg)
how can i upgrade to 1.26 when i have 1.24 ~? i tried to downloud but didnt work ..allways having error to install ;S .. please help!!!!!!
my version is 1.20.. i experienced trouble in executing
the downloaded file
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 10:57 pm on 04/08/2009
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'C:\Warcraft III\game.dll'
RESULT: Patch failed
this is what it shown up
the file doesn't match checksum
Pls help
F**k!! Battle net update sooo long >:(
to copied warcrafts, try control panel, program, repair and it should fix your registry, it work on my game
downloading! hope blizzard will keep an eye on warcraft....
mabey they are planing for a warcraft4 :p
oyeah new version of the patch dummy brain!!
I go onto battlenet,when i type g it brings up games but when i go to the join screen nothing appears...please help,is it the patch ?
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 6:33 pm on 05/25/2011
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to open source archive 'e:\Games\Warcraft iii\war3.mpq'
RESULT: Patch failed
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 12:40 am on 06/08/2011
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 12:41 pm on 06/10/2011
ERROR: unable to execute command 'BNUpdate'
RESULT: Prepatch failed Any Suggestions???
i never played Dota but i played LoL a lot and i am very good is mehanich same or different?
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 12:58 pm on 06/12/2011
ERROR: unable to create file 'C:\Users\Micro\Desktop\Games\Warcraft 3 all programs\BNUpdate.exe'
The system can not find the specified path.
RESULT: Prepatch failed Any Suggestions???
error applying upgrade, what to do?
@ 9:39
lol...you're using MH?...then you're not a good player..NOOB
how can ı make my version 1.07 to 1.24 ?
My Current version is 1.20c can I patch this to 1.26?
Will I be able to join older version patch user host with my new patch?
why is is giving error patch fail what to do?
help cd rom error!plss tnx
I was able to successfully install the patch on a portable version of WCIII. So the program does not need to be "installed" nor do you have to edit the registry.
My WCIII folder is located in C:\Program Files\Warcraft III. I'm on Windows XP, and my previous version was 1.24, and I used the full version patch (War3TFT_126a_English.exe).
how can i patch warcraft 3 or what site i will go??
help me plsss...
try running the patch as administrator
stupid new version i cant play to my GG now..
man these patches ain't working in my system
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 3:16 pm on 07/07/2011
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
how to download ..please heLp me how..!!!
If anyone is usinge what is the patch needed?
Every time i try to go on battle.net it will download the new upgrade successfully, then i try and restart and a window comes up saying this:
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 9:49 pm on 07/25/2011
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Patch failed
all back to old version...f*cking new version..
v 1.26a is already my patch but why cant i install AI maps in my DOTA??
Where i can find the patch if im playing from mac??
There is an error when I'm trying to run the B.net... What's next??? I have a 1.24 version and I want to change it into 1.26.
i can't connect to the battle.net when using war3.exe, andd...i can't use the w3l.exe,somebody help me please
today is 1/9 why inside the battlelan is no games with the
If u think about it blizzard should make a dota movie or a starcraft movie. It would absulotely be awarded. All the stories they made so far are epic O_O.
for all who ask stupid war of coypus azap installed or provided the vercion of war 3 TFT 1.06 The patch should be working the game is portable so they have another problem Queno greets from Argentina kira
im in 1.18 and i want to continue playing?! can i patch it?!
wat if my version is 1.24e?? wat file should i download :D
does your version have to be 1.25 to get this upadte?
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 12:33 am on 09/28/2011
ERROR: unable to authenticate archive
RESULT: Prepatch failed
can someone help me here. :(
other dont work on my version except 6.54b....please help....
can I upgrade when the warcraft is not installed in my computer?
whenever i download my patch it says i am missing a file what do i do ?
so many ppl r getting prepatch fail ,,...even imm getting d same
ERROR: unable to apply patch to file 'C:\Warcraft III\game.dll'
help cd rom error!
guys, ain't you readin'??
it says if there's the "error: unable to apply patch.."
read this:
-it worked well for me. ^^ cheers!
i must download (in stand alone) all the mirror ,or just one
in standalone, which one i must download?
Blizzard BNUpdate v2.133 compiled on Aug 14 2008
Log created at 11:54 am on 12/10/2011
This patch upgrades Warcraft III The Frozen Throne from the previous version.
ERROR: unable to open source archive 'c:\warcraft iii\war3x.mpq'
RESULT: Patch failed
help plz.
seaech epic war there are so many maps there even unknown pas there
editing the registry works fine for me. tnx i'm now running 1.26 (from 1.24d)
guys why i still DL even i have the map 6.72f my version is 1.25b please help
why this kolaveri kolavero kolaveri di ... ???
why i'm still dl and i can't connect to the B.net
sir how to download 1.26a version?
Am i Noob?
why the warcraft is no running to me??..war.exe is needed??..
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 11:37 pm on 01/15/2012
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
if the prepatch failed because of world edit just delete world editor and repatch it.. and just use recycle bin to retrieve the deleted world editor
give me free cd key for battle .net please
I play GG but may DOta version is 1.24...where i can download wersion switcher??
I installed the patch, but when i try to connect to bored aussie it says Unable to validate game version. Please reconnect to Battle.net, or apply the current game patch manually.
can anyone help?
Waiting fr answers.......
DAMN I thinks i was wasting my TIME...
Cmon, i cant even see any room/game in dota local..!!
im unhappy
use this warcraft registry patch installer if you get error. Run this program and browse for warcraft folder and select frozen throne.exe
Still problem see this video
hey i followed the guide but the patch upgrade failed... i'm trying to upgrade my tft: v1.07.. what can i do to get the upgrade
so long to download stadalone upgrade....
thay said i have to reinstall my game so that the patch would work i did and it still didnt work someone help me plz
where in the hell can i get a official set up
better to use switcher than upgrade it
xD :D
This Patch for warcraft 3 or DOta2?
This patch is for Warcraft Frozen Throne. For those , have 1.24 version , you can download the patch and install it smoothly.
You can ask me by clicking my LINKS profile.
Thanks ,
pls help me i cant download the patch 1.26 and 6.74 vers pls help :(
To All That Have Problems TRY TO SEARCH ON GOOGLE OR GO TO:http://www.dota-utilities.com/2011/04/official-warcraft-126-patch-download.html
hey! why when i go into battle net, it says that my CD key provided is in valid? what can i do to fix it?
how the fuck do you fix this?????????????????????
ERROR: unable to create file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\Warcraft III\BNUpdate.exe'
Cant run War3TFT_126a_English.exe error "An error has occurred preparing the patch. This problem can commonly be corrected by reinstalling the game and trying to updated again"
i have the same problem
it works for me ;-)
how do i upgrade from 1.24 to 1.26
Nice Patch!!!
it says in the a new AI Map 6.74c "HOPE" that we need this patch to play but i played it on 1.24b patch !?!?!!!?
in my google chrome, it says (It Appears To Be Malicious) in download bar
it said that an error has occured
I hav sound problem in game
no sound why?
its all good.. complaining asses
patch is not working .... whyyyyyy
I really dont work on me i try all the instruction above but it dont really work i even try War3fixer dont really work i use a Laptop.
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 11:27 pm on 06/23/2012
ERROR: unable to create file 'D:\Warcraft III\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Can some1 help me ?
Mine is a copied game, can I patch it w8 1.26
And can I Use battle.net?
Mine is a copied game w8 version 1.24, Can I use patch 1.26 .. .
Can I play in B.net?
omg bkit ganito men
"The program was unabele to find a file required for patching"
"Error: The system cannot find the file speciied i.e. war3.exe"....
I'll reinstall now
can play dont know how to download help!!!
why i got cd rom valid can you say to me why >.<
İmba invoker
i found why the patch doesnt work. Extremely easy to solve but you just need to think about it lol. You have to right-click the patch and run as administrator. The reason of the error is because the patch is changing protected files and the only way to let a program do that is to invoque the administrators rights. There you go, i hope i helped everyone
this version is take so long time to download sh*t
cmon it takes so long just to download this sh*t
versi dota saya 1.24b
apa yg harus saya lakukan ?
versi dota 1.24b
biar menjadi 1.26 g mana ?
Really nice game and easily available great job.
Another Update >.<
how to upgrade the 1.20e to 1.26a...when i upgrade to 1.26 i cannot launched the game the game say unable to find war3.exe...
Please help
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 8:26 am on 11/12/2012
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Those having this problem
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 8:26 am on 11/12/2012
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Go Google.com
Search warcraftpathfinder if i not wrong
put in to your warcraft folder and Click it
it should be find now
no dowload jpt
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 9:10 pm on 12/25/2012
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
I have 1.24e patch! what to do?
is there any offline gameplay for dota2
why i cant patch the 1.26a switcher? :(
If you get a registry error trying to upgrade with this offline patch watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVzIzBFtVXo and then do the same ^^
how to download
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70
An Error has occurred preparing the patch thus prolem can commonly be corrected by reistalling the game and trying the update again if this error repeats then cotact Blizzard technical support
that waht he say
what i can do?
Trust me lol is better
dota 2 is better
Try dota 2 its better
FIX for:
ERROR: unable to create file 'c:\program files (x86)\warcraft iii\BNUpdate.exe'
First things first before applying the patch, run the game atleast oance and change some options, like graphic or resolution. ( this step is necesary so the game puts itself in the registry )
After downloading the patch file, right click on it, select properties. Click on the Unblock button, click on Apply then on OK. Right click on the patch file then click on Run as administrator.
This works for me on windows 7 and windows 8.
noob anonymoys
another update!!!
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 10:07 am on 08/17/2013
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
Hey I am facing the problem with the health bars.
In my game I cannot see the option of enabling the health bar.
It is not there in the game play option
how to do a 1.26 ota in warcraft
Just any comment that is useful ? How to patch if the patch says error.. Answer is... DO NOTHING!!
After always patching my 1.24e , I get the same version , and didn't change though the patch was normally installed pffff
Installed Battlechest...games ran fine...then upgraded to v126a and now the game crashes, saying it cannot find the disk, which IS in the drive.
so do I just copy the file in the installation warcraft 3 installation folder and run it?
MapHacks are for nubzors who cant win a game without it :D
have a problem with garena, get auth in main server screen stuck, never log in, can someone help me, have alrready reintall garena and the complete game and have the same problem,
--please help me how to fix this error--
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 11:51 pm on 09/17/2014
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
It works to my laptop now this 1.26a patch.
At first it doesn’t work, when I try to run this 1.26 patch, this message appear
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 9:10 pm on 09/17/2014
Registry error loading key 'Warcraft III\InstallPath'
The system cannot find the file specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
And then I try this tips
1. Open up regedit (start > run > regedit)
2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\
3. Create new key, name it 'Warcraft III' (without quotes)
4. On right side of new key entry, right click and create new string value
5. Name it 'InstallPath' (without quotes)
6. Change the value of InstallPath to wherever you installed it (example: 'C:\warcraft III\')
7. Reinstall Warcraft 1.24d Patch. (this time your war3 will be installed without any errors)
8. Enjoy! your Warcraft is patched to 1.25b
And when I run the 1.26 patch, it’s not working yet
This message appear
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 10:27 pm on 09/17/2014
ERROR: unable to create file 'D:\Warcraft III\BNUpdate.exe'
The system cannot find the path specified.
RESULT: Prepatch failed
The thing I do how I install this 1.26 patch successfully
--kindly refer to tips # 7—
Instead of reinstalling 1.24d patch, I untinstall my Warcraft III and then I reinstall it, and then I run this 1.26 patch and this message shows successful
Blizzard PrePatch v2.70 compiled on Jul 7 2003
This program patches Warcraft 3
Log created at 11:07 pm on 09/17/2014
RESULT: Prepatch successful
Thanks for the tips
[Warning] You are using an outdated version: need help to solve this problem(Unknown Version) - Please update to 1.26a. Warcraft III will not start until you have installed the proper version.
You are using an outdated version: 1.24e - Please update to 1.26a. Warcraft III will not start until you have installed the proper version but i already update into 1.26av,plz help me
it ok for me 126a.exe i try to run w3 few time after right click on patch 126a.exe - run as administrator update is in progress and successfully now i can play w3 again
Use it as Administrator. GG !
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