DotA 6.72c Map | Official DotA 6.72c Map Download & Changelogs

DotA 6.72c
DotA 6.72c Map is now officially released by IceFrog. This is the 3rd sub-release patch of DotA 6.72 consisting of a surprisingly good amount of changes to heroes, cosmetics, several bug fixes and Filipino language support. IceFrog usually releases another version of map (for e.g. 6.73) to include these tweaks but now he has added all these changes in bug fix update which is quite unusual. Anyway, get Dota 6.72c map and it's changelogs.

DotA 6.72c Map Download:

War3 TFT mapDotA v6.72c.w3x (7.83 MB)

• Download the .w3x map file and copy/paste it in your (Warcraft3\Maps\Download) folder.

DotA 6.72c Changelogs:
Read DotA 6.72c Map Changelogs

- Due to lengthy list of changelogs, they are kept in a different post.

Thanks to IceFrog for the DotA 6.72c map, for more updates keep visiting DotA-Utilities.


Dota 6.73
DotA 6.72 AI

76 Comments yet..:

Anonymous said...

First blood!

lol, so much changes for a "C" map.. anyway thnx =))

Anonymous said...

awww ,, sir . the link downloads 6.72b

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why it is DotA 6.72b display when downloading?

Anonymous said...

is 6.72c last map of Dota? or there will be Dota 6.73, 6.74 etc.??

Anonymous said...

there are some nice cosmetic changes in the map, loving it =p

Anonymous said...

Added Filipino language.

LOVE <3 you Icefrog

Anonymous said...

what?? filipino language ??

Anonymous said...

I think I just found a bug. Try using BoT on creeps, and the creeps are still moving. :D
Though it's not a game breaking bug.

Anonymous said...

your so patetick

Anonymous said...

wahahaha i guess filipino voice effect is much better... ^^,

Unang Dugo! - first blood!

Anonymous said...

YEAH BABY! Rampage!

Tanzeeb said...

:D nice

Tanzeeb said...


Rosen said...

(puke) Too much nerfs on already nerfed heroes :S

Anonymous said...

gj ^^

Anonymous said...

Warcraft III DotA's end is near. 6.72c has a size of 7.83MB, only 0.17MB to reach the maximum 8MB.

Anonymous said...

how does filipino language support work?

Anonymous said...

how does the filipino language support work.
anyways, nce job icefrog!

Anonymous said...

how to activate filipino language?

Anonymous said...

^6.72c is already 8,018 KB silly..

Anonymous said...


Filipinos <3

Anonymous said...

where are the filipino language in this map?

Anonymous said...


Thank's for all IceFrog! You are great.

Anonymous said...

i still want nevermore purple shadow raze!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nyc one!

Anonymous said...

dude, the creeps will move even though you tp'd to it. didn't you read the changelogs?

Anonymous said...

go to and click "Filipino" in the top right of the screen, so you can get the filipino language map

Anonymous said...

yaiks!...FILIPINO language?? this for real??..heheh

MA-GINOO!(Visayan Filipino)= GODLIKE!..LOL...

well I'll DL and gonna try if it really works...

Anonymous said...

I wish 72c will be much better than the last few maps....

Anonymous said...

if you want to download the latest map jsut go to or

i'm sure it will work

Anonymous said...

hey what does filipino language suport means?

anyway tnx master ice frog... filipinos really love playing dota

Anonymous said...

thankyou very much ice frog for putting filipino language in DotA...
maraming maraming salamat sau ice frog dahil sa ginawa mong tagalog ang DotA

Anonymous said...

this map much fun than old map!! thanks to ice frog for a new map!!

Anonymous said...

think i found a bug.. put dagger on morphling.. wave then immediately dagger somewhere else.. morph will wave to wherever you originally waved but will produce a torrent like to where you daggered and damage the units in that area.. is this a bug??

Anonymous said...

LOL its not a bug when you use BoT on creep and it still moving. how dumb can you be ?. that the new thing they add.

Anonymous said...

I miss the shadowrazes used in DotA v6.69-v6.71 ! IceFrog please :(

Anonymous said...

Can tell that everyone likes SF a lot here from the Shadowraze comments. People just doesn't know how to counter SF.

This DotA strategy article explains how to do it very well:

Anonymous said...

stop moaning about the shadowraze it doesnt make any difference to that fact that sf is a easy to beat hero.... most nukes will own up sf cuz of his shit hp.

Anonymous said...

is the 6.72c is the last map of dota ??

Anonymous said...

its so cool

Anonymous said...

new hero?

Anonymous said...

why the AI Devolepment is too damn slow. ????

Anonymous said...

I guess this would be the last map,
as said on Icefrog's earlier post, the map size limit is 8mb right?
this last map is around 7.8 - 7.9mb .,

well can't wait for DOTA 2's release date...

Anonymous said...

@7:42 PM
Well, I didn't see any at the changelogs saying that BoT was changed. Dumb, eh? *sigh* People this days =.=

Anonymous said...

how can we activate that "Filipino Language" thing??? in dotA???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

waiting for 67b AI

Anonymous said...

just want to see the 6.72cAI
hope nd maxadong matagal

Anonymous said...

cant wait to play with 6.72AI,please ICE FROG try to make it fast to release this map.. i just cant wait.. ^^ Wish you the best.. ,,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

wohooo all balanced i guess no ones asking for dota 7.00b XD

Anonymous said...

I think the last map would be 6.73.because of the incoming dota 2 this year..


Anonymous said...

Baratrhum too imba now.. =.=

Anonymous said...

Barathrum too imba now... =.=

Anonymous said...

AW LAST BLOOD!!niceshh...
but i have it before

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tnx because i play now 6.72c!
i think that if have a ai map 72c..

Anonymous said...

ples we want arbic launguge plspls pls pls pls pls all other launguge here exccept arbic an its the 3 world

Anonymous said...

yeah,.. barathrum's really strong here in 6.72..

Anonymous said...

Batrider bug ! cant skill and cant move

Anonymous said...

guys c'mon 6.72c cant be the last DotA map co'z there are so many players and sir icefrog is not dumb to make his creation just fade away ?

Mxy said...

<3 BoT top aswell :D

Anonymous said...

new heroes not only new maps!@

Anonymous said...

w0w anonymous you are really 1 of ICEFROG pans >.<

Anonymous said...

wow anonymous you almost talk to your self in this comment you entered its so many

Anonymous said...

anonymous super very interesting

Anonymous said...

nice game

Anonymous said...

nice play dude

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

can we download filipino version of 6.72 ai @

Anonymous said...

any updates for the new version of a map?????


Anonymous said...

nice men its very cool

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