DotA IMBA v1.0 AI EN Map is one more addition in the huge database of DotA based fun-mode maps. The term imba is derived from "Imbalance" word which is often used as online gaming slang. DotA IMBA is certainly an imbalance map, It has IMBA-fied abilities of every hero in DotA. Imagine meat hook with 3500 range and POTM's Elune arrow going through the whole map.
DotA IMBA Features:

DotA IMBA AI Map Download:
v1.0 AI (English)
Download the map and extract it in "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" folder. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26a or 1.24e patch to play this map.
The cool feature about this map is, You can play it offline against computer (AI bots) and have fun, This map has some extra items too for more fun which is pretty amusing. DotA IMBA was originally created by Chinese map developer(s) Mimya, later Harreke provided English translation of this map. Make sure you play this map with your friends, You won't regret!
DotA IMBA Features:
- Imba Hero Spells/Abilities
- More powerful items.
- Obtain a free random item (from Ancient of Wonders shop)
- Achievement Points
- Improved visual effects for spells, items and auras.
- Computer controlled players (AI)
- Ported to latest version of DotA.
- New Heroes including Ice Phoenix
- Unlimited Levels mode (-ul command must be entered at start, 255 max level)
- Powerful Team buffs with attributes bonuses (must be selected from the Fountain by team captain).
- Special Events (extra magical damage buffs, healing buffs etc.)

v1.0 AI (English)
- Mimya_IMBA_v1.0_en.w3x (7.59 MB)
by Mimya - Last updated 16th September, 2013
Download the map and extract it in "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" folder. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26a or 1.24e patch to play this map.
The cool feature about this map is, You can play it offline against computer (AI bots) and have fun, This map has some extra items too for more fun which is pretty amusing. DotA IMBA was originally created by Chinese map developer(s) Mimya, later Harreke provided English translation of this map. Make sure you play this map with your friends, You won't regret!
376 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 376 of 376 Newer› Newest»godlike
takbo naka dd sila
this is fun!! WHAT AN IMBA SKILL
wow potm arrow fountain to fountain hahahah! i'm sure it's really hard to hit within that range... hahah! chances 2% only hahahha!
this is so fucking awesome
i think that was Fun!!
Love it!
ya loe
damnnnn iwant to try it too...
How to download Dota Imba ??
Rampage !!
nice thing
weak naman hindi ko alam ung download !
thank u
hahaha first blood
imba ss by nevermore 1 hit lang ang kalaban.....
dota is my life
JC_KIRK! is a very gud dota boy!!!!!!
jajajaja lol
is the map deprotected?
Intenational Mountain Bicycling Association
how can i use this map ?
nice one((:
oh yeah
anyone know how to use windrunner bug(permanent focus fire) in this map please tell me
imbalance in balance
i had downloaded the newer dota imba
wooooohh...imba her arrow..!!
cheater sir
Nice map
can i pick different skills from different heroes ?
plz answer me !
divine reaper 800+ damage xDD
nice ill try it
I killed roshan with any cheat with slark
roshan cannot hit the invis units ;)
here it is 5 naix 5 mortred for quick kills
equip 1 naix with assult cuirass, vladimirs and 4divine, the other naixes with divines for mortred equip with 2 bfly and 4 divines this is an easzy kill to him
it was so fun man
i have killed the roshan placer many times, he drops a ring of bad luck and the usual one.... bad thing is : bot dont cast spells, only saw 2 or 3 times, thats bad cause its boring....
-Fresh meat :)
imBa HooK haha !
ImBA ^^
i love phantom lancer
so CooL
running like a wind me ^_^ cool
noobz anonymous what 1 on 1????????????
elune arrow can kill hero in 1 cast...............imaba very imba................i hope more imba map like this
Really Really Gooddddddddddddddddddddddd. God Like
wahahahahahh second blood
pudge hook is so far
i need a wex file!!!!
create MAPS DOTA IMBA AI FUN...!!!please....if your all create the maps its so FUN
Pudge's Hook is so Long .. Yeaa! \m/
I got first blood. . . . Hahaht
Imba HooK!!
what is the mode when in the side is many icons of heroes.?
i kill the bear i used only ursa your item is just vladimirs the go boy
i can't download the imba map ....plsss help me
This is a really creative map, very enjoyful and all, but i wish dota utilities could get a version of dota imba legends (AI) , which is this kind of map combined with Dota LoD.
IMBA to the max
w0w this is the fun im enjoy my play its fun????
echoslam yeah XD
haw to download the map?
MH Noob
elunes arrow s 2 hits XD
Wew its easy to kill roshan man...wit D ma hero Lich & Butcher hahah...
d.ako kaya nyan!!!!
lol dota ai fun>item master> with economizer lol
instant kill techies with pudge hook
does anyone know how i can download the map?
it CN lang, not EN, please fix link pro!
So imba ^_^ hahhah xD
thank you..thank you very much
ican't wait for this
IMBA men! pero hindi ko pa ito natry!
for noobs: IMBA sir! but I haven't tried this yet!
why is there no english?
no english version why put en behind 3.85??are u crazy?
why imba 3.85 no english version behind put en??are you crazy?
why does items and skill dont have description?
It's not the english version.
Just Try Stone giant bugs...
this is still the CN version
yeah it's fun
Aye !!!
I'm waiting for this :)
Yes man,, i managed to kill the green roshan in this map with traxex with these items: bfly,buriza, sny, threads,dominator, plus the return damge buff from the turtle super creep..i think the less its health, the faster it attacks(roshan).
Yes i killed roshan w/ traxex with some epic items plus the & 50% return damage buff that u can get from the turtle super creep.
Amazing :3
fix this its not english
data is good
how can i download it
how to play in international server?
pls answer my question....
Tormented Soul..
Use Centaur Warchief to kill that that roshan with some backup...
*CW as a tanker..
so cool...thnx icefrog..keep it up
so cool..thnx ice frog..keep it up
no en lol~lying ppl only...
is it english version?
is it me or the game doesn't have labels?? please help..I wan't to enjoy the game but it doesn't have labels
this iS foR fUN ONly!™
hahahahahahah dko pa nakta
pro fight
i love dota and u> ?
i dl map but it doesnt show item and skill descriptions. i dunno what recipe for items :(
this map use english languages??
this is AWESOME dude the one who dunt have should try to play it
Yeah !! Its f**king AWESOME
Is this CN or EN?
There is no english version of it .... where is it and how to translate it to english anyone ?????
is it in english??
where can i get this version in english ?
broken tooltips .... IN EVERYTHING ...
pls fix it
what is mean of IMBA ?
1st blood!!!!
is this an english?
beyond god like :D
is it in english version?
ai dota imba 78 plz....
you said its EN but its not even in english version lol
i don't know if it is my war3 or the map has the problem. It doesn't have tooltips and missing. almost everything. but other maps have.just this one
What the heck no -test!!!
the Oracile is not the Balance???
yeah Nevermore 240 souls imba!!!!!!!!
this is really a map pudge so imba wow
is it Fixed?
Holy Shit!
Guy pls help me. I am looking for any dota model that has a tower range indicator. I have played one of this mod when i was cebu but failed to get a copy of it. pls. can anyone or does anyone have it? pls email me at
if anyone has a copy of dota model that has a tower range indicator pls
^Baka 6.78c AI.
i want to see this game greater and awesome could u update or edit something more interested? please......
this map for noobie
Please add more fun
Why the -test not working
I killed the Bear slayer via Techies. I just keep on planting bombs then boom! his dead. no items. no cheats. nothing at all. maybe he'd pitied my hero. if anyone wants the replay, i'll post it here with the link.
if anyone knows how the command for AI works here, pls tell me by posting a reply here. the "enter+space+enter" doesn't work on this new map.. that's supposedly an AI command option.
If you want an easy kill for Bear slayer, use Mortred. her special skill has a chance to be an instant kill. No sweat at all. Just be sure you'll hit first.
another tips to kill roshan:
focus fire (windrunner) + time lock (faceless void) + markmanship (ranger)
it will easy to kill it :D
last blood !!
i like LoD OoO xD
ember spirit ai so pro ma...zzz,,try u pick using -pe..sure fun..try itt!!!
haha never ss so cool
Sylla bear is the most IMBA
equip the sprit bear with the quaterstaff and u got 999999 damage
Terrorblade alone can kill him. Keep trying B-)
can i try
omg,.,.,.,.its great to play,.,.
Dota IMBA 1.0 AI to 1.01 AI New Release ?
itZ Gr8
i likes
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