DotA IMBA v1.0 AI EN Map is one more addition in the huge database of DotA based fun-mode maps. The term imba is derived from "Imbalance" word which is often used as online gaming slang. DotA IMBA is certainly an imbalance map, It has IMBA-fied abilities of every hero in DotA. Imagine meat hook with 3500 range and POTM's Elune arrow going through the whole map.
DotA IMBA Features:

DotA IMBA AI Map Download:
v1.0 AI (English)
Download the map and extract it in "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" folder. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26a or 1.24e patch to play this map.
The cool feature about this map is, You can play it offline against computer (AI bots) and have fun, This map has some extra items too for more fun which is pretty amusing. DotA IMBA was originally created by Chinese map developer(s) Mimya, later Harreke provided English translation of this map. Make sure you play this map with your friends, You won't regret!
DotA IMBA Features:
- Imba Hero Spells/Abilities
- More powerful items.
- Obtain a free random item (from Ancient of Wonders shop)
- Achievement Points
- Improved visual effects for spells, items and auras.
- Computer controlled players (AI)
- Ported to latest version of DotA.
- New Heroes including Ice Phoenix
- Unlimited Levels mode (-ul command must be entered at start, 255 max level)
- Powerful Team buffs with attributes bonuses (must be selected from the Fountain by team captain).
- Special Events (extra magical damage buffs, healing buffs etc.)

v1.0 AI (English)
- Mimya_IMBA_v1.0_en.w3x (7.59 MB)
by Mimya - Last updated 16th September, 2013
Download the map and extract it in "Warcraft 3\Maps\Download" folder. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT 1.26a or 1.24e patch to play this map.
The cool feature about this map is, You can play it offline against computer (AI bots) and have fun, This map has some extra items too for more fun which is pretty amusing. DotA IMBA was originally created by Chinese map developer(s) Mimya, later Harreke provided English translation of this map. Make sure you play this map with your friends, You won't regret!
376 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 376 Newer› Newest»First Blood!
sounds fun.. ^^
o eya cant wait to try it!!!
I had the CN version of this map, indeed it's fun to play.. was waiting for EN version.. finally got it thnx :)
cant wait to try this !
Awesome Stuff !
AHahha~~ funny map
lol potm arrow fountain to fountain??
mh meh ?
i've been playing this :P
dota 6.72 AI is too slow
6.72b/c ai pls :)
i had played this before it was posted...
Ahahahahah :D
cool , can't wait to play it....
where can i find the original version??? ( not the "balanced")
i like it!
I think its more fun than the normal..
wahahhahah .. Love Ulti Nvmore More Ulti More Death !
what are achievement points for?
sounds sick! yeah...
in skills u read : "ImbaMode,..." how can i play it with ImbaMode????
Finnaly!! This map has been Posted Here.
Meat hhok tooltip is missing.. find a replacement map at dota utilities forum.. you can find dota imba 3.77b en supported without tooltip missing
wtf that kind of imba omg haha
this is so fucking good!! good work men
Nice One
very IMBAAA!!!
how do you select the ice phoenix?
i cant see it at the tavern
my DotA 3.73.3b is a newer or older than this?
my DotA 3.73.3b is a newer or older than this?
not so different with my 3.73.2 and 3.73.3, I don't know what's new
This translator is lazy if you compare it with mine
haha i try it really fcking imba huhu.. nice game.. tanx!!!
everyone is so late on this map. i've been playing this for months now..
The ancient "bears slayer oznake" (replaced roshan)is impossible to kill even with whosyourdaddy cheat...T_T
is this compatible with 1.24e or so on??? if yes its great
w0w nc map
What if. There is a Dota Lod (Legend of Dota) Ai downloads here :D that would be awsome!!!!
i want to play dis map
We always play this map. Haha. Finally it is formally introduced by DotA-utilities. Hope More versions to be released. :) -§Vhan§
- To activate the Ice phoenix(Cyrophoenix) and Phoenix(Pyrophoenix) on taverns. Just type -ce. It will appear on the intelligence taverns. *I just hope it has the same mode on the older version how to activate the phoenix*
*Or if you want. Please try this mode. :) I thinks its better if you played at this mode. :) You can remove the modes NE and NG if there are no AI's.
" Sorry for the bad English. :/ -§Vhan§ "
You Can use -CC too, To activate the Cyro and Pyrophoenix. I forgot to mention it on my first comment. :/
- §Vhan§
This version is worse than 3.73.3
First, bad translator, he translate it unclear
Second, Some skill not worked not properly
But this version have more items
I prefer 3.73.3
This is fun. I've tried this :)
how nice when it release?
map for weak
Looks like Harreke is working more with DotA IMBA AI than the AI of the official DotA version...
Ice Phoenix is a hero steal! Ice phoenix is League of Legends's Cryophoenix-Anivia Frezix=Anivia from LoL with the same look :( not so original
"map for weak"??
dude,this is for fun only..zzz
did somoane killed roshan in this version:))?"
how to turn on imba mod???
admin plzz help... when i finish download and xtract in on my wrcraft folder.. when i cr8 it doest show the file plzz..
this map got was sux...
cool !
Anonymous said...
WeaK !!
cool ness..
How the fuck to kill the Bear? (roshan...) team of 5 full equipped heroes can not kill him...
where can I find the site/blog for this map?
apu mu!!!
please fix the hook of pudge.. the hotkey plss thx
6.72 c ai pls. ;)
this what i`ve been waiting for!!!xD
I have been playing dota imba lik3 3.73.3c...i like it
need help here why i cant play the map it says "The Map File Is Too Big" What Should I Do?
what an imba map;;;;;;; hahahahaha!!!!
noone hosts dis map on garena re
I hope there will be a new version from this :D
i killed the fucking bear..and what i got is aegis and an item called "unlucky ring"
how? i used 7 naixs equipped with a desolator and 5 divine rapiers each. Dont use whosyourdaddy, it wont damage the bear. And also use -refresh, copy it then press ctrl+v each time the bear attacks. It takes a long time to kill this, but with much patience you will succeed. The hardest part of it is when the bears life is below 10k, it will have a maelstrom-like skill that deals massive damage, you can use -refresh to fix this.
original dota the best not this is fake dota
Lol, I killed the Bear slayer OzNake(Roshan) without any Cheats. No Whosyourdady,No -Refresh,No Greedisgood,No -Gold XX. Just Use Nevermore(Shadowfiend) and Equip it with the items "Thunder fury Blessed blade of the windseeker, Thori'dal the Stars'Fury, Devine Rapier, Satanic, Butterfly and Apoylon The soul render(W/ 10 stacks). And make sure you have 500+ Souls." Don't Need any cheats. Just the right Hero and Strategy. Make sure you have lots of souls so your damage would affect him cause The Bear slayer has a high regen rate. If i could only show my replay, Hehe. xD
" Sorry for my bad English -§Vhan§ "
After i killed the Bear slayer. I got an Aegis and Unlucky Ring wich has a effect that it would turn the HP of your enemy same as yours if you have an low Hp.
the pockie ninja make dota players altaber's hahhaha
So -refresh will work ?
I'll try and cme back here
I try to download what the keys
too much bugs :)) sounds funny ha .
@ mr pockie ninja : hell sucks :((
here a trick if.....pick potm teleport arrow to enemy base...
first BLOOD
IMBA XDXDXDXDXDXD meat hook kalahati ng map
looks like firetruckin fun!!
ohhh!!! it's Looks like a BBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOMMMM !!
This is the best map :D:D:D thx a lot dota-utilities!!! :)
it FUN !! :))))
SUper Imba Amf
Lol, I killed the Bear slayer OzNake(Roshan) without any Cheats. No Whosyourdady,No -Refresh,No Greedisgood,No -Gold XX. Just Use Nevermore(Shadowfiend) and Equip it with the items "Thunder fury Blessed blade of the windseeker, Thori'dal the Stars'Fury, Devine Rapier, Satanic, Butterfly and Apoylon The soul render(W/ 10 stacks). And make sure you have 500+ Souls." Don't Need any cheats. Just the right Hero and Strategy. Make sure you have lots of souls so your damage would affect him cause The Bear slayer has a high regen rate. If i could only show my replay, Hehe. xD
i tried this with 3 other frens using -sh mode... used all items mentioned.. n souls 1000+..
Bear slayer OzNake(Roshan) hp doesnt change much...
I killed the Bear slayer OzNake(Roshan) without any Cheats. I used PA... u need MKB, satanic n always click skill no 2...hahahahahaha
wtf this game ! so annoying
use the unlucky ring to the pet and it will be GG
can anyone tell me all the mode in DOTA IMBA???
kill imba roshan in 4 minute:
map mode -wtf and -ap
pick dazzle, pick shallow grave, buy boot, then go girl!
u get 25lvl, aegis, unlucky ring, after kill it
unlucky ring > 7armor, 5str, 9int, unfortunate fate skill
i tried this with 3 other frens using -sh mode... used all items mentioned.. n souls 1000+..
Bear slayer OzNake(Roshan) hp doesnt change much...
1:58 AM
- Don't Exactly know what happened in your case, But i killed The Bear Slayer OzNake(Roshan)by my self. Oh I forgot to mention that you need to be on max level too. Are guys on max level when you try to kill OzNake?. I think just use only 1 Nevermore and choose other heroes for your friends. And try to make some good combination of items for those heroes. Try Phantom Assassin with the same 4 items but change Satanic into Vladimirs and Change butterfly to Desolator. Desolator has an Imba effect too. You mentioned that you try it with your 3 other friends. I'll give an example line up that i think can help you kill OzNake. Use Nevermore,Phantom Assassin,Anub'Seran,Terrorblade and Ursawarrior. Just think with your own Item build if you don't like my suggestons at the bottom. Hehe. :)
*Nevermore: TF, TSF, Devine Rapier, Satanic, Butterfly and Apoylon The soul render(W/ 10 stacks)
*Phantom Assassin: TF,TSF,DR,Apoylon,Vlad,Deso
*Anub'Seran: Same item with Nev.
*Terrorblade: TF,TSF,DR,Apoylon,Manta,Eye of Skadi
*Ursa: 2 Apoylon(W/ 10 stacks),Vlad,MKB,DR,TSF
TSF(Thori'dal the Stars'Fury)
TF(Thunder fury Blessed blade of the windseeker)
Just my suggestions. There are lots of hero that i think can kill OzNake, Try to make your own line up. :)
" Sorry for my bad English. " -§Vhan§
use the mode apdmomak
this ones good ^_^
there is new imba map but not yet translated
this is much fun then usual .. " no....
i killed bear slayer by user char nerubian weaver with the following item:1-butterfly,1-satanic,1-thoridal the stars fury,1-scourge bone chimes,2-divine rapier then equip ur courier with 1-assault cuirass for the reduction of armor and radiance..sorry for the bad english..Good luck!!!
Lvl 25 visage can solo Bear slayer OzNake you only need Apolyon Soul Render with 10 stacks
My fire pheonix almost kill the Bear slayer OzNake but when it wanna die it suddenly get stronger than my pheonix die T.T
why when i download it , they said "sorry but maximum allowed file is 500 kb" zzz
nice wannnn bohaha
download it to ur home....make ur mom play dota....LOL
so funny hahahh
Finally, I defeated Bears Slayer Oznake!! Just download this replay!(I did used the -test though :D)
Here's the link:
astig !!
-paszawhayz :)
why their remove the command .. -clear ....
w0w, gaganda ng mga spells. IMBA talaga :D
w0w gaganda ng mga spells, IMBA TALAGA! :D
how do i enable the imba mode
Imbanessess) HEHEHA Adict
nc pudge tool tip missing lol
i have that already
5 cents each with:
-ulti staff
-4 hearts
1 windrunner
-ulti staff
-4 DR
1 ursa
-2 hearts
1 clinkz
-scourge bones(purple item 3300g fountain shop)
cents tank
ursa fury swipe
clinks to deduct armour
windrunner dps
-wtf mode
greedisgood used multiple times
hey, its not "legit" but it is creative :D
how to download imba Ai map?
i love it ^_^
Wanna kill roshan fast .
U need 3 heroes .
Nevermore : Thunder fury Blessed blade of the windseeker, Thori'dal the Stars'Fury, Devine Rapier, Satanic, Butterfly and Apoylon The soul render(W/ 10 stacks) ( make sure u have plenty of souls)
Centaur Warchief : 5 tarrasc and 1 cuirass (tanker)
Sniper : 4 divine rapier 1 hyperstone and 1 desolator
anyone know how to kill the roshan? i played test i still can't kill it...... sommore can someone make a guide or somthing? i wanna see all the hero's skill.
where mirana Screenshots?
jajaja..this is not an IMBA its super IMBA jajaja...WTF
owkieh bye
what the recipe for thoridal the star fury
i hope the new 7.72 map would be created
im currently creating lan game that can connect using GARENA . id going to be imba versus warcraft
I just soloed Roshan with Huskar, so fcking easy.
i Keep laughing after i read the "-Icefox"
what a jerk...
i can kill roshan
all of you are weak, i'm the only strong!!..
... My ClassMate SAid The second skill of mirana is a METEOR
IMBA!!!! SApul Sa ****
how to download this imba
basher + deso + winrunner's focusfire... destroyed the fountain too
I dota Pro... Double kill Triple kill.. Monster Kill.. Rampagereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..............................................................................
LOL...this map is AWSOME!!! people always saying noobz...because de cya marunong mag laro....wahahah bobo noobz
how to download it
hahahaha... love this map
YEAh!! great ! awesome!!!
what's the recipe for TSF
FUN TIME! :P i play this when I'm so so bored. lol
What a game... Imba moves!!!!!!!!.....
IMBA!!!!!! SIRRRRR!!!!
nice game
very entertaining game...
i like it very much
wow !! skill are awesome . . . . .Rock that dude!!
a great pics hah!
niC3 pIcS
Will techies suicide's skill will explode the whole map ?
it is very fun!! iwant to try it now!!!
Terror kalahati ng mapa
noob game
WHERE to download dota 6,72 ai?!?!?!?!?
Meat hhok tooltip is missing -.-
how can I fix it??
my gosh...
thats so awesome i want to trash my enemy
hahahahaha why is it na dli ma download
yeah itx ok
hahahaa....why does pudge's meathook has no hotkey??
la bang AI ?
i have a question!do you think we can beat ymir in roshan altar?yes or no?why?
Wow!!! IS this have AI!!?
why i cant put -WTF mode in this map?
imagine how imba it could be
Sooooo COoool!!! yeah!!
i cant play it didnt work if .rar i need .w3x O.o
thanks Sir!
I want 6.72 ai pls ........
yeh i try it very enjoyful
elunes arrow s 1 hit XD
wow cool xD
phantom lancer is IMBA...imagine the illusions as strong as the original hero...wew!!!...
how do we download map 4m dis site
what is the latest version of dota imba map??
pLs make a 6.72cAI pLs ..
Please release 6.72 AI!!!!
imbalance in balnce talaga!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like thes map !
Cool ..... I like it
I say
KiLlInG SpReE!!!
omnislash is non-stop..
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