Soon after the release of
DotA 2 Gamescom Trailer, Valve has launched the portal of DotA 2 providing 'The International' tournament brackets, details and the official DotA 2 beta signups for public testing on large scale. Now, the time has come don't miss the opportunity of getting your beta account. Check the instructions of applying for DotA 2 Beta.
- DotA 2 Beta Sign up Guide:
Sign up for a Steam account, if you don't have one (make sure you verify it using email).
2. Go to
DotA 2 website and click 'Sign in using Steam'

3. You will be redirected to Steam login page, Login your account you made in step#1.

4. Then hit 'Get into the beta' button.

5. Your beta application will be sent for processing.
As stated on Dota 2 steam page, the mega beta testing phase will likely to start sometime between October-November, it will last for 1month then the DotA 2 client download will be available for purchase. Keep visiting here for further updates!
529 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 529 Newer› Newest»(1 billion DOTA 1 players = 75% retarded noobs
This guy obviously never played Dota the original or he would have known you had to buy warcraft 3 and the expansion in order to play Dota. So congrats you are a noob.
hmm i can't find the Get on the list button :o
is this Dota 2? Dota 1?
i cant belive it did i mis the time perud
Hmm so for as I see atm, valve n icefrog havent found fixed formula in Dota 2 management system. I've watched its grand opening beta competition. But.. too bad, They seem not ready to launch it yet... not with this management system. They said tht Dota 2 will be launched on 2011. It's almost end year now. Dota 2 is not ready!
I just found same old thing in brand new.. far from my expectation for Dota 2. Thr's nothing new in Dota 2. It just has better graphic n effect. Why didnt they make it up with better concept? And they turned it to P2P, WTF. FAIL and SAD. IMO.
where is the 'get on the list' button on the Dota 2 website? Having a great deal of trouble finding it.
maybe they will reply via snail mail u s2pd arse..of course via email..
Quiting LOL for this game, really wanna test out the beta
Where can i see the "HIT THE BETA KEY BOX"?
I cant find the Get on the List button.. >_<
i am plying dota from alast 8 yers i a huge crush on dota 2.............i deserve this dota2.
beta never will come, also Blizzard DotA will pwn this shitty game.
FU.CK I can't get into the beta, they won't contact me, I played dota for 6 years, 5+ hours a day on average.
YES I "have no life", life, I want to play dota 2 naaaaaaaw
Post your real steam account on the website. then get hacked trololol
hey i cant do what's up there
I want to have a beta Acc .... but im too late :(
I played 6 Years Dota (1) and now i was too late -.- Shit journey
Thank you. We will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to the BETA.
Can't wait for Dota 2, Tired of League of Legends trying to Dominate gamers with their summoners code. Hope Dota 2 puts them outta bussiness!
i cantfind the button were it says: get on the list.....
I singed in through steam but they did not show me the "get on the list" button, what is happening?
I singed in through steam but they did not show me the "get on the list" button, what is happening?
Man i can't wait :D:D:D:D
Been waitin'4 dota2 to see the day light since forever:D:D
go go go cuz i wanna play 'till my PC explodes :X
any1 have beta key ???
I got a beta invite yesterday, downloaded the game, but for some reason I can't get it to work >.<
It works fine on my laptop, but when I try to start it on my PC, I get this error: "The Instruction at 0x------- referenced memory at 0x-------. The memory could not be 'read'" (I can't remember the exact numbers, can't look them up now either)
Anyone else having this problem? Or does someone even know how to solve it?
i downloaded dota 2 beta , but i not have a key ... ¬¬'
K, took me a minute to register cause I have common sense and actual read shit before I complain, just 1 thing they didn't say...
Where do we get the notification that we got the beta key or whatever? Via Email or what? Thanks in advance
And to all people having that problem when signing up Steam and it tells you to verify your humanity, Just keep re entering the code until it lets you in, It took me 4 times to sign up it's just some anti bot thing or whatever, or go the easy way and Install steam and register there..
Someone give me a key.
Stream ID: pz0rd
What are the chances you'll get beta? :( Very slim, I'd say... :(
Error establishing a database connection
Can someone help me? I'm stuck
wew ! i already wants to play DOTA 2 ! I'm so excited !
i did already,,when dota 2 will be released on steam??how long we w8??
Need the steam wid dota 2 key
To get started - launch Steam, locate the game in your library and follow the instructions to install the game.
+ i got 2 free codes for inviting 2 friends :D
Its 08-12-2011 7.20 am when im writing this and already installin game on my steam account :D
not yet?
Is there anyone else who cant find the "get on the list" button?
how can you purchase dota 2 acct? where should i go? pls comment here the link.. thank you
how can i buy the DOTA 2? where should i go? please comment here the link.. thank you
I cann't fint the 4 , get into beta.... someone tell me.... :|
cant wait to crush everyone, even my own teammates
Why i can't play dota 2 match
I want an invitation too...
is this real working??
need invite steam "brat_ecco"
so many noobs in here where do i begin?!?
i want dota 2
dudes i can't find the :get into the beta" button. anyone can help me? pretty please? Q_Q
why after i log in it,but i auto direct to dota 2 blog?????
i did it some day's before but no request , if some already become this gift can someone invite me ? Steam:ID: Tryndamere35
How will we know if we won it or not?
How will we know if we get the beta key??? :/
yay applyed for a beta key HOPE i get one
already cr8 steam acc..and start dota2.exe.
i can start the game but cant find any match and cant join any game...cis!!!!!
hope to obtain the beta key as soon as possible :D
BETA key only? Where to download the DOTA 2 Beta installer?
hahaha i want this stuff
hahahah i like yhis stuff
guys is there dota 2 available in steam?
I give 50 dollars for a one DotA 2 beta key
I give 50 dollars for a one DotA 2 beta key
I give 50 dollars for a one DotA 2 beta key
so they still sending email invites?
Are they still sending out beta keys as of today (Jan. 2nd 2012)?
guys how can i do the step number 4??? help me plz
some1 send me beta key to
pls guys
Please sent me the beta key!
What i Should do after hit 'Get on the list' button?
after step 3, i'm stuck....
there is no step4, step5 why?
long long long time and nothing =/ sent one to me plz
Yeah i come...go go go dota 2
Every time I log in,
it just sends me to their site -_-
how 2 get it?????
i also experience the "humanity issue" can't sign in.. i'm pissed off... damn!
i am so fuckin awesome want play dota 2 so i going jump so byee
Vendyza u know those aren't same ppl right? xD
I hope i will get it..
Trading 2 path of exile keys for dota 2 key
I want it !
Not possible anymore :(
dota is imba, that's the point.
dota 2 <3
No way i have waited for 2 monts and notting :( :|
if any1 of u dudes have DOTA2 i have heard tha u can send it as a gift to any1 so pls send to me acc name nemanjabk IGN NemanjaBK idk if u need any more info?
Thank you! :)
Bleah valve only gives keys to the DotA teams and all who live close to the server balls
play league of legands is like the same thing
is this true?
is this true?
dude this game will be awesome and it will be free i play Lol for now but its so unbalanced i hate it but its something
WTF.. cant even get beta key -_-
WTF HELP i sign up on steam acc and i cant fidn get beta pls send me email how
when it will be able to play it?
they keep sending me to or something like that. cant get pass the 3rd step. help ?
I signup and wait :)
so not working?
doneThank you. We will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to the BETA :P
where my key plzz
where my ticket
where my key plzz
DARNN!! i finished it last year november i think
i recieved the email from **
with the topic *Tell us a more about yourself*
i did the instructions there.. finished filling it up.. and after a month or two.. still no notice.. when can i get my BETA KEY?!?!
this dota 2 sucks? because of only beta keys? they make themselves selfish for all these reasons. LOL is a free to play game, so it deserves to be the best game ever. DOTA sucks!!!!
after signing up an account..what should i do to get dota 2 beta key????SOS
no more beta keys?
dota 2 already out or not ? now i have dota 2 beta,,but i dont know how to create game or something else.. its like useless when i download dota 2 beta but cant play yet..
dota 2 already out or not ?? coz i already have dota 2 beta..i dont know how to create game,,join..etc. its like useless i download dota 2 beta. i cant play.. i want confirmation, its dota 2 already out ??
Thank you. We will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to the BETA.
wish they would hand out more keys, eeger to see how it performs on my 3960
nothing happened..
-_- help me
can sum1 tell me is the beta version out already n if so how cud i get access to it
aw so sad man when i login it opens the webside or forums lol not like u told above
i have made an account on steam but when i enter the game dota 2 beta and go to find match doesn t appear any bot any match or somethinh help pls?
I singed on 20 pages atleast for dota 2 beta key giveaway i am shure that i wont get a single one becouse im from croatia and croatia is a small country that realy sux i wish i was lucky as some others and get the key
yey i have dota 2 and i want another account
u to bro
The fuck? It says is unavailable at the moment please try again later?
how to download dota 2? help....
for humity thingy it has to be CAPS lols. the box where the words and numbers are junbled up IT HAS TO BE IN CAPS
i recently found dota 2 and wanted to try the beta. took some surveys, did some research and from what ive seen its all a bunch of bullshit. oh your survey didn't work? try another... download this content, waste your time, and we might send you a key in a few months. Why do they have to be so vague and uninformative. all i wanted was to test out your game, isn't that what u want, isnt that why u have a beta..?
HEllo am tsuna and My Problem is when i have a key i can't activate bacause it can from why doesn't work help me Please begging here!
i go to this site but nothing apens.
What can i do?
Just got a key, AWEESOME
Thank you. We will contact you with info about your status as we get closer to the BETA. OH YES get on the list for just one shot!
Can anybody help me with a dota 2 beta key plz?
i cant play dota2
give me one beta key we cant wait more !!!
anyone can help me with beta key?
any website or any source to get this beta key?
Where is the "Get into the beta" page located at..
Hey guys. I would like to trade a DOTA2 key. I offer 15USD. If u are interested contact me at Then we can discuss on steam.
i cant see step 4 PLESE help
Q.Q more and cry me a river
i hope i get in
no get on the list button ppl.
still no betakey.. i did this already since november 2011
Key please! I'd really appreciate it!
STEAM ID: Grinny71
there no "Get into the beta" on the site...where i can get beta key now...this is my username in steam "jaypee722".pls gift a beta key..pls
omg im going rampage
Scam... dont even bother clicking on the links.
hey guyz i cant register for it..!can u help me?
Why dont i get my beta-key :(
when i go to the dota website, i click on register and it leads me to a dota 2 blog and not to the steam page! help please
I signed up like 1 yr ago and i didnt received a beta key, valve sucks lot.
Only the most tarded people have one, i dont. This is unfair.
Hey , are you looking for free beta keys ? Just have a look here :
Ive given upp, i have tried all the ways to get a beta key but i will never get it. :(:(
hi, can anyone help me with a beta key pls? tryng to get one since they announced the release but still with no luck(my email adress is :-< and hf :)
Where is the "Signing in using Steam" button on the website?
lololololoololol I H0p3 U GuyZ g3tz da AIDS lolollz
I already got Dota2, and its looks better than old dota.. i love it, but i still likes the old dota 'Hotkeys' for skill..., playing 'qwerty' like hot skills makes my finger numb.. its harder to press 'A'..
Best way to get Dota 2 is by TF2... Keys = almost everything.
HELP !!! i can't get dota2 , when i press sign up trough steam (yes i have a steam account) it sends me to the dota2 blog ;( what to dooo?
when i hit "sing in thourgh steam" i go to DOTA 2 blog notto steam login page..
i need an invite :(
none of that works to get a beta key, doesn't direct me to the right pages!
how mny gb gonna dload.i wish this game can!!
ragee it !!!
where is dota
Plz Key
I Cant Find the "Get on the list" Thinggy. Help?
i just can't get in that page!!!!
So is beta a test and the actual DOTA 2 comin out at the end of the year
I completed the survey today to get a BETA Key. Thanks a lot for the article!
it doesnt redirect
it doesnt redirect when i click sign in through steam
Yeah.. already done.. just waiting.. I can't wait to play xD
I got the beta! I've waited for months though.
I want dota 2 beta key!!! steam id lianggor , i need it !!!
finished signing up! downloading start
when i click sign in through steam it will just go to the dota2 blog!!i can't get into the list...what will i do?
Cant wait to get First Blood in dota2...gotta owned all of them with my team!!! Gudluck and have fun all!! beta key here i come~ :)
i cant do it. my firefox doesn't let me do the survey
cant waiiit
I rly hope I'm one of those who will be tested 2 try the beta!:) I'm soo pissed of! my brother have a special inv to this beta....
YES !!! DOTA2 is taking to long
i have a problem with steo 3 and 4 .in step 3 it says You will be redirected to Steam login page but it is going me on dota 2 website and i dont know what to do next plz somone explain me what to do...
i cant follow the steps wtf
hey guys!
check to this forum, they have dota 2 key gave away, just watch for when they have events go and look for the free gave away.
Do I need to download steam? Although it wasn't given in the instructions still i'm always redirected with about-to-download site of the steam. Arrgg! can't wait to have dota 2.
Is it tat yu can oly use dota 2 !
On 1 computer ?
Or i can download on other computers in the same id ?
what's this why i can't access the download link then the link goes to the fuckin'
dota 2 key querooo
any1 want to trade game or buy legit dota2 .. this guy is the best
Any1 want to trade or buy legit Dota2 u can add Tahiksuci in steam.. he has alot..
settle...fill up the survey for the
And so we wait..
send me keyss please......
bete key pleasssssseee.... :(
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