Soon after the release of
DotA 2 Gamescom Trailer, Valve has launched the portal of DotA 2 providing 'The International' tournament brackets, details and the official DotA 2 beta signups for public testing on large scale. Now, the time has come don't miss the opportunity of getting your beta account. Check the instructions of applying for DotA 2 Beta.
- DotA 2 Beta Sign up Guide:
Sign up for a Steam account, if you don't have one (make sure you verify it using email).
2. Go to
DotA 2 website and click 'Sign in using Steam'

3. You will be redirected to Steam login page, Login your account you made in step#1.

4. Then hit 'Get into the beta' button.

5. Your beta application will be sent for processing.
As stated on Dota 2 steam page, the mega beta testing phase will likely to start sometime between October-November, it will last for 1month then the DotA 2 client download will be available for purchase. Keep visiting here for further updates!
529 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 529 of 529 Newer› Newest»well waiting to play dota 2 now =D
so longggggggggggg
Please verify your humanity by re-entering the characters below.
Totally cannot sign up~!
thanks i really appreciate it
doesnt work please help!!
there did not has ai map 6v6?
Why it don´t go :(
when i see all these comments i think i wont win beta :/
Don't get your hopes up. I've been waiting for a key for 3 weeks now.
i need a steam key for this
I wanna buy it but i wanna try it .. lets see how it is !
i hop the beta key well be given to ppl
Cmon hope iill get to be the chosen 1, all my friends have it exept me.. hope i have the luck to have one:)
im installing dota 2 rigth now..
hahahah.. i recieve an invitaion..
I want key....:( but i played dota 2 and she is awesome
pfff i did the saurvey guys but I wanna ask you when i am gonna get the invite to the the next steps(i'm stuck at step too although i did the survey) :|
guys plz help me :S
i did step 2,the survey, before i veryfied my steam account via email and now i can't do step 2 again...everything got messed up ... >:( plz help me >:(
it didnt redirect me to get on the list or stream login. anyone can help?!
it didnt redirect me to the stream login.what should i do!?
Please i been waiting for long time from first time i hear it in 2011 now 2012 can i know how do i get it or is it fake i already sign up for invite on steam my account is "leapmoon" waiting for Dota 2
oh no... i cant even find this ;Get into the beta' button.. where is it now!!
oh no.. ican't even find the 'Get into the beta' button.. where is it now??
On Step 3. I am redirected to not on the Steam login page.. Why?
i have a dota 2 in steam..hahaha try and try
GUYZ i HAVE betakey den wer i put this ?
who to get beta key ?
i want play dota 2..
Name : TanITDesign
hey ! anyone can give me the link of DotA 2 ? so that i can download it!
I have Created A steam But i don't know!! i want Dota 2 PLease Try to Help me ^_^
im waiting to play troll war lord in dota 2 :D :D :D
noob game
how can i get the beta key? pls answer the question.. pls
how long i have to wait to send me the the invitation???
I hope i get beta key :D
Creating a steam account is a joke,its not responding
this sucks,getting a dota 2 invite is headache
dota 2!!!!!!!!!!!
they've closed it because they are making the game for free...... i think will just wait...
interested beta key?!?!.pls tell me
Nope. They aren't sending any f***ing key!
how do i get dota 2 :( i got a code but i see no download for it ?
HellO guys
then i did 2 step i will be ridected
not on steam acc wtf!>
how can i get dota 2?
its nearly a month since i did that survey and still no update to my steam account to allow me to download dota2 beta
Looking forward to receive an invite! thanks!
playing dota is my life .i can do any thing 4 this key :)
if (dota 2 > warcraft)
this means->i can do anythin 4 this awesome game
dota 2 product key please
steam: miskosia
If you're having problem with "re-entering humanity characters" its the cache. Just type in what the letters/numbers are changed into now. It is more like a confirmation that you are still interested in joining and that you are able to understand what the instructions are.
if some1 have extra key or invite i will pay, contact me on fb
uhm how long does this take i have been waiting for about 2 weeks
where we can download DotA 2 for free
Wow me to I can play now sweet beta key olive u hehehehehe my hands socks heeheh
namimigay pa ba sila ng BETA KEY?
I got Dota Key available,Anyone intrested can deal pm me in Yahoo messenger me with title dota key.42 key left.
how to get a beta key???
how to get a beta key
how to got a beta key plss answer me
we have some beta key invites
it's realy cool, did survey 5 mounths ago... and what i got... WOOOHOOO, one BIG NOTHING... what... i must wait 2 years to get Dota 2 beta key??? :@
WTF?!?!?!? I already did all that and I still don't have the damn game!!!
i got the same errors.. please help!
I started playing League as my first MoBa game so is dota 2 better to play or is HoN?
..i can't go to!
i cant Wait Millions Years Too play that game.
I have been waiting a year for beta key
a person waited for 5 months but get no dota 2 invites? wow.. my chance of playing is limited now..
Dota2 suckZ,LOL rock!!!
can't create an account. . .grrrrrrrrr!
I want a beta key:X
is this a scam??o.o
dude ...
u the verlai of the perjeng
man, i hope i will get the beta key soon ..
hey guys..where can i see "sign in using steam"??plz tell me...tnx.
I have waited on this invite for like 9 months:(
i just want it now!!!!
i offer a starcraft 2 key for a dota 2 beta key
ivan.clemente.cabrera@gmail :)
i wanna DOTA 2 INVITE :P
For some reason i woke up and found dota 2 on my games list. Does this mean i get on the beta list or is it a "Free weekend" event? And if it is due to the beta list, how long does it last?
dota 2 ftp, mixed feelings
i can't wait for it!!!
i want to play it with my noob friends!
how to get dota 2
I waited for 2 whole months and no beta key -.- will it come next dota 2 update?
id rather play League of Legends...its not so...complicated...dota 2 and steam sucks !!!!
ohh yeah registered...hope i get one soon
how can i get dota 2 beta key ?
HEROES OF NEWERTH FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol got beta key next day after sign up:D
Pls dota 2 invite me steam id : cilekesfare
How can i get my own account :(
I cant wait to play this game...
Valve making money again -.-
i want a beta key!
How can i create an account in dota 2?
Are u still seaching for How to get a Dota 2 Invite / Dota 2 Beta Key / Dota 2 Gift ?
Well, u can GET IT just right NOW on for 25 € / 30$.
If u want it cheaper you can still get it now with 60% discount (10€ / 12$) HERE or on Ebay
IF someone gimme key i wont be sad to him. xD
yes!! finally i got dota 2..thanks guys...
parkhida parkhida chak duhisakyo machikne steam
Love that game. Can't wait to try the beta.
nice men....grade work...thz .....
i'm waiting for a month please i want it :(
Uhh dafauk, dota suks, lol wayy better...
did they stop the invites
did they stop the dota2 key invetations
why the steam need around 17min to go into the dota 2?
I can`t play dota 2 .....Why?
please reply...
why can`t i play an AI mode?
what the! how to get a beta key. for dota 2? meeeen!!!
Really Work...Ultra Kill....wakakaka XD
give the download link
for everyone
Some 1 can give me 1 beta key for dota 2 ?
Thx for who do it q.q
I have 6 accounts with beta keys for sale, 2 of them are just betakeys thet r apliable in any account :: Selling tem all =)
I have done all the steps...
All I need is the Product Activation Key for DOTA 2..
Can you give me 1??
I'll Pay you if you want...
yeah kinda lol
If your already logged into steam then just follow the buttons. I had no problems
hey i just finished the survey,,how many weeks shall i be waiting
I have finished and completed the survey,,how many weeks shall i wait to get my invitation
greаt pοints altogether, you simρly receіved a new
гeader. What mіght you recommend about your publish
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Any sure?
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i just download dota 2 at steam but i cant play it. I just played one tutorial game, then it blocked the "game" button.Do i have to pay now? pls help
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