Final Update: DotA 6.73 is out with following 4 new heroes:
- Intelligence: Dragonus, Skywrath Mage
- Agility : Xin, Ember Spirit
- Strength: Rizzrak, Goblin Shredder
- Strength: Tresdin, Legion Commander
According to the speculations, DotA 6.73 may contain the following heroes based on models:
• Gnoll (confirmed):
This is the old model of Erader, Shadow Demon which was replaced in v6.72, IceFrog said, he will use it as a new hero.
• Goblin Shredder:

One of the best Warcraft 3 model waiting for it's position in DotA.

Need more Dragons!
Though, there are a lot of models which are not in use, the aforementioned ones look appropriate to be in DotA. However, it's still up to developer IceFrog whether he intends to use them or not. Which model do you think would be the best? Share your views via comments!
724 Comments yet..:
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i can't wait for this new version!
AWESOME! can't wait to download this!
yes! atlast! frost wyrm granted! wish so soon!
awesome lik tat frost wyrm
Add Siege Tank or Mortar Team, Frost Wyrm, Goblin Shredder, and... Oh! Maybe add any Starcraft 2 Marine, Zealot...... or Zergling?
cant wait.... when dota 6.73 is releasing?????
all of the units in the campaign make them a hero in DotA so it would be nice to have more heroes to choose hahaha
i like this new hero
Need more dragons!
Frost Willie <3
just shut up all of you! all of you cannot even beat me! do you want to face me? what do you say? 5 v 1? 5 of you against me!
man! youre so late dude. i already have dota 6.72 ai. just download it man!
Ancient Lizard and Windigo not yet heroes, waiting for them, ^^ those three are cool, but i think frost wyrm would be like a duplicate of lvl 3 dragon form(frost dragon) of davion..PEACE OUT
The shredder looks like CHipper In HON!
Upgrade Furion
Change him into MALFURION
hey, why don't you add ZERGLING and the TERRAN MARINE models? just like what you did to the HYDRALISK that is VENOMANCER right nao
goblin shredder is not copy of hon bitch did you see goblin shredder in hon did you see it.
What are the abbities did the heroes can do & on the 3 new heroes, who will be the strength, agility, intelligent?
Frost wrym looks like cool i vote for him hehehe
when the map released??
when u release this map... im so excited to see the 3 hero....
thanks sir but when will it be realesed???
in my opinion , i still like dota 1 better :P , original is the best btw :P
Make thier is so easy.
Damn, been playing with the Shredder and Frost Wyrms in Dragon Mountain on Campaign Mode. About time it's about to be used in DotA! Nice job IceFrog! Keep 'em coming! GODLIKE!
when was the date. release of a new map?
Shredder! BRO!
How 'bout a war golem,? men..,, its so cool..
Yup yup.. The goblin shredder will be awesome. Further more what could his skills and ultimate would be? hmm got to think of it, it sure will be related to SHREDDER's.. haha
i want dragon !!!!
when the dota map v6.73b goes release
pls add also wendigo and wildkins
if your going to add goblin shredder as a new hero,what will be his posibole skills?...............
rampage :)
frost wyrm would be great hero....just like pheonix..but frost wyrm is a dragon and have the ability of "ICE". i hope to pick him as a hero...i can't wait to play a new hero..n_n
frost wyrm..counterpart of davion king heheh
YEah goblin shredder is awesome!!
Try to use the model of a normal humans in campaign mode.. :D
please make a hero like god of the wind, harpy ,kodo beast,grunt, peon, frezix(ice phoenix) , jungle stalker , and another skeleton hero,fire pandaren,earth pandaren(like what you did in storm spirit model) ,and please bring back the nerub' assasin skill he seems like int and observer w/ the scarab now.... we're thousand expecting those heroes thank you.......
Frost Wyrm vs Twin Head Dragon *_* it's good...
why dont they add some kind of new troll(ice troll or something like that)just some new troll agyliti HERO
wow!its a nice to see multi hero
wow!!! new heroes
but what time would you like to release?
special others waiting to see a new hero others are
to exited like me
This might be released on Christmas like they did to icarus and Ymir. :)
definitely shredder!!!hope it comes as agility.
the frost wyrm is awsome :D i would like to see him in action :D ... thx IceFrog !!!
new item wla?
another dragon it looks like the elder dragon form of dragon knight
shadow demon is cool couz his small and it is easy to blind spot
want the goblin shredder
copy of lol
i will go for the gbolin shreeder so cool
FROST WYRM looks pretty beast
If There Is ...
Lycan= Str Type
Lycan= Int Type
There should be a Lycan= Agi Type
gnoll again ?
cool men i am so excited to use that heroes!!!!
Thumbs up if ulike Frost wyrm
If goblin shredder is added, i will replace my favorite(goblin techies)(^_^). lol
very nice characters
add a frezix in 6.73
please make avernus awesome!!!
I like thizzzzzzzzzzzz
plzz add hypogryph hero and an archer who get driving the hypo... yahuuuuuu
Dasdingo!....sweet goblin~~~...
hw about GARITHOS model for change?
I say they are really awesome, I would like to try them today!
Wow. cant wait to play with the frost wrym.. kinda nice to play with it.. hope theres a good skills and hope its a agility... =) please dont make it int..
Dota Player
-Dane Rio =)
Ice Frog your the best men !... =)) lyk lyk lyk !.
cool.. i probably choose shedder.
my hands are itching to use them.bwahaha
i like frost wyrm
I miss Anub'arak's passive skill. Spiked carapace. I wish IceFrog will return it to 73 and improve it. I like it better than the scarabs.^^
It would be cool that the Gnoll (with a melee ranged attack) became the Lycanthrope instead of the eredar, since it IS an animal, it would have made more sense.
wrym is like a courier
both of them are intelligence,right? the shadow demon & frost wyrm?
i hope shredder is a str type. . .
Frost Wyrm like you said "NEED MORE DRAGONS!"
yes my request is granted for goblin shredder!!!
yes 3 new heroes at one map yesssssssssssssss more heroes haahah xD
ang more dargons yessss it sucvkdsss xD
Yea indeed we need more dragons. How about aliens
yeah dota need more new heroes and need to be different somehow then the old maps and dota
why did ice frog dint put some kodo beast and some orc???????????
Ill like to use the wyrm in dota, but there is a lot of models like the hydra, ice scorpion?, tinker ultimate in warcraft frozen throne, A LOT of creps, archers from the elfs, paladin, priest, gryphon rider, dragon rider,rider,kodo beast(i mean come on they put fucking bat rider that`s bull shit), hhypogryf rider and for a personal favorite the shade from the undeads powers of dark or something(they have put worst models for dota wisp?)
we need phoenixes
it would be nice to add shredder and frost.. nice heroes by the way.. :)
ffs, stop saying "blabla is a copy of blabla"
effin essess. estupidos.
and those are wc3 models, captain obvious, they're a part of the wc3 lore. dumbess.
we need more archers!
hahahhahah goblin shreder copy of hon >.<' delete comment dude. Nice model Ice.F and so many unused 2. but i have olny 1 wish ITEM's i so want 6new items 2for tanking 2for int spells... and 2 for attck.
this will be gonna be great
WoW that's greate Frost Wyrm is CooL (i hope he is AGI/STR) ^^
can't wait to play .. .... ..
i like to icefrog add the grunt it is in the courier i love the grunt
cool eh
the second one..
I wish Lycan's ShapeShip would be improve more power
No Earth Panda or Fire Panda???
Thanks that ice frog is still creating warcraft 3 maps....... and besides, what's the use of arguing when it is cool that there will be a new map!!! And besides warcraft rule through ancient god and creatures war!!!!!!!!! and please keep creating until it is the end of the world then it is gonna be the coolest, the oldest and the best gaming system!!!!! who said internet is better than of lan!!!
@_6 signing out!
a strength type frost wirm? kinda cool if it is in agility section...
its better if frost wyrm will be the new hero so we can have more flying heroes!
frost wrym nd shredder r d best.....
tagal aman ng 6.73
i think ice frog should add stun skill for the dragon..i think it should b ok for kill and spprt..make the difference..
Retardos. LoL was never a copy of HoN. HoN was never a copy of LoL either. LoL was made in 2009 and HoN was made in 2010. DotA was made in 2003. LoL and HoN are CLONES of DotA. Get your facts right.
We don't need to copy the heroes of HON , there are so many hero's to use..
Shut Up nga mga ShiT ! ! !
weak nman kayo ehhh....
mga bobo inutil alipinlng kayo ng alippin ng alipin ng alipi KO ! ! ! !
DonT CarE ! ! ! ! !
if this is copy of hon and hon is copy of dota and dota is from war3, is war3 > all ? :-/
haha my favorite hero frost wyrm ^^
How About making a Hero for the unit 'Dragon Hawk Rider' ?
the goblin is cool! ...
pls change 4th skill of huskar
Wish that there are an undefeatable heroes, which can win even 5 vs 1
add a hero wid ability to transform into creep. itll be good and enemies wont know the creep has gg damage
its look like a strong hero
it's googd to have the shredder in Dota i hope it will be strength type and nice skill to go with
the goblin shredder is good for DOTA and i hope it will ba on the strengths list and nice skills for it (not mana type)
Best news ever.I kinda thought that dota 1 was left aside.I think that Frost Wyrm is the best.And i can't wait till dota 2 release date comes out.
i dono where To dl this map TT
unyu-unyu \(^3(*_*)
i love it....
when will that be released?
cant wait to use that heroes ..frost wyrm looks cool btw ! haha
Goblin skill should have some kind of shooting saw that can cut both hero and tree.
shredder it is..
wahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Do you want To Realease That???
Frost Wyrm is like natural creeps
the new heroes aint as the slark or tusker totaly the new heroes suck but slark have agility with strong damage and tusker have super stun
Cool new heroes huh ? :) but i think its better to have 2 heroes than those XD
ohh come.on...IYOT...
nice english above me bros LOL
srsly take in some english classes to work in on yo grammar bitches and
GOBLIN SHREDDER to remain on topic :)
What about the human peasant model??..
I can take over if icefrog dont want make a new map :P
I wish a model of a knight rather than a gnoll will be used.. it will be great.. but it depends on what main attri will iceFrog will use..
wow its really nice
when the map will out??
Frost Wyrm would be the best pick . :D
i hope IceFrog will pick it . :D
i wondering there skills specially frost wyrm and goblin shredder...gnoll does not look like cool...i hope goblin shredder is str type and frost wyrm is agi type :)
can I have a question ?
when the 6.73 map release ?
I cant wait :))
hon is for weaklings....but hon and lol are still copycats to dota
shedder looks like the chipper in HON
black drgon make it
When has this version appear?
how about hero taht looks like roshan or those turtles as a new hero..
how about those harpies w/c are in the campaign?
Still waiting for this
tagal nmn kelan pa yan irerelease ang tagal 1 month na yan ah wala pa rin . tsk. pinapa asa nyo lng kame
frost wyrm i love it
hon is a copy of dota lol are you retard?
when ice frog become a new hero?
When is 6.73 going to be released? :)
how can i download 6,73 ?? i did not now :S
liKe IT....:D!!
why you dont add roshan as a hero
why is only Gnoll that have 'confirmed' ?
when will it be ??
Is There any bug again about the new heroes?? cant play nice with bugs though...
when will it be released im so exited about the new heroes!!
how about thor? Icefrog can use model of uther, arthas' paladin teacher!
gOBlin shredder pls..
Icefrog earns a lot of money because ur downloading on a hotfile site.
why it took so long to have a new map
damn it's so hot cool
i think the release of this heroes is on x-mas day 4 xur
i like Frost Wyrm
I tried using frost wyrm b4... it' pretty cool... nice last skill... 2 walls of ice like what invoker has will block you...
icefrog create a hero that is a man with bow and arrow like traxex but a man not a woman
nice new heroes...
i'll try the frost wyrm..
Icefrog please make a new girl melee hero ..
theres a bug in 72f, we hve a clash one time in mid and i had a rune of regen. in my bottle , then when i got killed the rune drop in the mid and it is still usable..
so how many days/weeks are there until the show up of the map
y so long release de ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@3rd comment
Can't Wait to use it hahahah ...teok_tekdunk
yeah...it use to cut and harvest trees while frost wyrn is the dragon of scourge in campaign..gnoll is a neutral in campaign..can't wait to see their skills...hope it will be enjoyable...
add orc raider , ogre warlord,harpies
may look nice
cant wait to play the new heroes... witch one is the streghten`s among them all. xD
i hope the old eredar has a strength type.xD
Cant w8 =D.....
when you those new hero come out, waited so long , man!
need aghaim for rubickk to steal skills from allies or have 2 skills instead of 1 u have to test it :)
what is the skills of the new heroes?
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