DotA 6.73c map refers towards the balancing efforts of DotA 6.73 series. As the time progresses bugs and exploits starts appearing in the game that's why balance map is necessary to provide. In the past there has been many cases of bug fix maps and Icefrog releases these maps in the form of b,c,d,e and even f which are sub-versions of that series. So enjoy playing DotA 6.73c map and check the related updates below.
Final Update: DotA 6.73c Map is now officially released.
Fans already witnessed a couple of maps of DotA 6.73 series in the period four days. DotA 6.73c map is also a part of bug fixed map. We can just hope this map will be the last update related to DotA 6.73 series and we will be able to see the next map in short span of time.
Related:DotA 6.74 Map
8 Comments yet..:
I want to see an loading screen whith phoenix and geomancer.
First blood..!!!! :)
First Blood!
zz double kill
emba kasi eh...
god like
its so Frikn awesome
Rampaaaaaageeeeeeeeeeee is soo............... easy tome...
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