Brilliant news for Dota fans who were waiting for Dota 6.75 map. The development of Dota 6.75 has been started. Recently the developer updates his status in which Icefrog mentioned about his future plans on Dota 6.75 map which will certainly shatter the dreams of those friends who were waiting for the end of Dota. So be patient for the upcoming map of Dota.
Update: The v6.75 is now out, You can
download DotA 6.75 and read it's
Icefrog Update #1:

We know that many fans are desperate to see the next map. Its better that Icefrog take proper time and avoid bugs and glitches which eventually ruins the game. Keep coming here to check the latest updates of you favorite game..
179 Comments yet..:
Yeah!First blood!
Why is there WR from dota 2 ? o.O
first blood Dark74
First Blood!
Oh No?! End Of DotA... :(( :'((
dota wont die i promised! without it there's no dota 2 right?
4 more heroes for scourge. Reason is that the latest 4 heroes as well as 3 heroes before (rubick, icarus and tuskar) are all from sentinels. No Scpurge heroes for a Long time!!!!!!!!!
i love dota that's the only way to kill mms =)
what is the new hero... ?
6.73 new heroes are totally imba.. zzzzz! make sin's shield bit less damage cos its so imba. and make the dagger of escape have a longer blink.
Dota dont end!!and add heroes
there should be new hero again>....
Icefrog mentioned about his future plans on Dota 6.75 map which will certainly shatter the dreams of those friends who were waiting for the end of Dota.
In these words surely the making of 6.75 will disappoint people who wanted the end of dota. Means DOTA WONT END!..Yet
I dont want dota to end, continue to create maps iceforg, you can do it. to"icefrog
if Dota wuold what we will do :( $%&*!
Fast End?
yeah!why does they do not release any new heroes on scourge!?
I wIsh that DOTA won't end! ^_^
I wish it's out naa. :(
Do not end dota beacause many people like to play dota just add new hero hero hero and items damage of skill
its be nice then you can do it up
Wag MlKaS TO PrE
Will you transfer the cool dragon of the FC to a new hero?
I am sure that would be a good idea
as i can see, DotA can end. but not now. there are still heroes that aren't out yet, but therea are few now. like pandaren, there is still the "earth panda" that is not yet released. let's just wait for the announcement
i think dota will not end for my opinion heheh it will continue and grow
make more animal appereance hero :D like lycan imbaness!
jajaj bien
make a new hero for the scourge
the end of dota, is the release of dota 2.
hahhaah xD FB
I Don't want dota end!
Dota tayo!
the end of dota, is the release of dota 2! your welcome
how 2 download dota 2?
Dota 2 key
i want dota to end so that we will all use dota 2
Dota 2 is very hard to register!
When a fuc*ing Ai map will be realed ? Waiiiiiting like the 6.72 Ai
did some creators of dota left the dota and made lol - league of legends
holy sh!t the moment dota 2 is released byebye dota also LoL and HoN will fall ahahaha
add new heross
ice frog u should add new heross
new heroes
please don't en dota allstars
dota is illuminati but it's fun!
it won't end for quite some time..
I'm a fan of the scourge team
i love it's players
hoping to see some new additions to the scourge lineup
i hope on 6.75 there would be a new hero such as like "Vegeta Prince of Saiyans"
1st skill : big bang attack
2nds skill : Saiyan Pride
3rd skill : Super Saiyan
Special Skill : Final Flash
don't end dota dota2 is just a copier dota is allways the best
dota 1 4ever!!!!! keep it up ICEFROG!
yeah guys KEEP it Up and make it cool
remake some heroes please like bone fetcher pitlord and pudge
if dota will end its worse than the end of the world
maximull dota map file is 8MB on warcraft :/
Icefrog will there be new heroes or items or new skills
no dont end the dota we love it :(( pls just add more heroes and dont let it end :(
yea dont end crate xD
yea i think they neeed more heros and balenced out more heros like tht panda with thunder -_-
More Balancing..
all people has waiting for DotA v6.75 with new Hero
First Blood ! Bro , iwant new hero like Invoker !
we want dota 6.75 Ai NOW !!!!!!!!!
long live dota
make ember spirit little more effective
hmm? i want new hero.. not only new item..
I hope Dota doesn't die out.I mean sure, Dota 2 is very good in terms of graphics, but remember,it is Dota that first made you go crazy and play all day. Dota 1 just feels like home for me. Don't give up on making more maps Icefrog. Many of us are always going to play the classic Dota.
I think Icefrog will focus to DotA 2, because he earn there unlike the custom map in warcraft III TFT its only a Share Ware means he do not earn any money.
ill,,,wait this the new hero hehehehe
nice one.........
just release the dota 6.75 already
this must be what the mayans predicted the end of dota!! fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
iwant to play dota 2.. :/
no panda in dota 2? dota 2 suck
dota 2 is not that good
i want 6.75
i want 6.75 now
I want to see peasant opeons and acolyte as heroes ahahahah
play HON guys...its more fun than dota
dota 2 is for dork kids who loves grafics, dota 2 will never hit like dota because all it offers is just grafix which any game cane compete with
how to get this map? dota 6.75 ai?
i want to see the item which it can increases your attack range for better distance :)
dota is where hon lol dota 2came from
were the map??waiting mode hrheheheh
PLEase dont end the dota i want more heroes for the scourge
make an inteligent hero that use to counter all skill and return the skill and its cooldown is 30 seconds
i hate ugly hero...
can you please make a hero like the alien of ben10
goodbye dota 1 hello dota 2
no goodbye dota 2 and hon hello dota 1
please let the charged hammer or mjolnir not to be orb effect for a better gaming and new item builds for hitters.. thanks
if you're gonna end dota 1, make sure that dota 2 and hon lowers theirs graphics so that its easy to afford for other built-in video card pc's of our unfortunate poor neighbors.. thanks
is there any new hero
1. make a lot of hero.. add more tavern
2. many items and add shop..
3. dont end dota
IS there a new hero?
its nice to play DOTA Rigth?
DoTA 2 FTW!!!!!
Is DOta 6.75 the last Dota map?? My friend said that it would be the last cause ICE FROG will be focusing at DOTA 2 darn it....... -_____-
dota will not die
what about sange and yasha int version:
staff of wizardy
robe of magi
16 int
15% chance to restore 20 mana on attack
10% manga regen
and it can be combine with sange and yasha so...
16 str, agi, int
15% chance to restore 30 mana on attack
15% attack speed
15% greater maim
12% movement speed
12 dmg
12% mana regen
hehehehe.. it's so nice, is'nt it?
give something equips and powers to omni knight and make him good hero
what about sange and yasha int version:
staff of wizardy
robe of magi
16 int
15% chance to restore 20 mana on attack
10% manga regen
and it can be combine with sange and yasha so...
16 str, agi, int
15% chance to restore 30 mana on attack
15% attack speed
15% greater maim
12% movement speed
12 dmg
12% mana regen
hehehehe.. it's so nice, is'nt it?
hmmm...Cool!! i think it will fun!!! Nice idea.... :)
just name it Blades of ashura or etc
yeah, sange yasha int version would be nice.
c'mon icefrog... please.....
ahh,btw please add 10 damage on aghanim scepter...
add 10 damage for aghanim scepter
cool man
Make guardian wisp a lil bit stronger. so he would make sense in dota.. ^_^
Dear dota players i kinda have a friend that works in icefrog and thanks for your comments they will start again working in dota 1 ... I can't tell you about the new heroes cause they didnt started yet creating them .thank you for reading and i will tell you about the new heroes as sonest as i can :D
There is billions in 50 countries that loves dota 1 if icefrog stopes dota 1 people will be dispointed plzzzzz dont end dota 1 IN THE NAME OF BILLIONS OF PEOPLE
Guys icefrog will not end dota if we coment by telling her not to ... They are saying that 6.75 is the last map so we have to tell icefrog to focues on dota 1 because 75% of prople who play dota like dota 1 and 25% like dota 2
Buff Silencer a bit more please, he has good skills but not great enough to see him being picked in pro dota. He should fill his role of semi carry more then support.
huhh, i'm tired wait 6.75.. .
admin please make the map 6.75 FAST.. so i can play DOTA for more longer
ADMIN please fast making the map 6.75..
i wan to play its..now..
can't wait
i want to play 6.75 na.. haha
When can i download Dota 6.75?
same here...dota 1 forever after
I go to LOL because dota have no update.............. dafuq dota? why u no update? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
too slow to release dota 6.75...
i think it is almost 5 months without any new map...
Icefrog...!!! please release it now..!!!
maybe there is a hero who can reinforce a unit to ambush an enemy hero...
Bandit XD
add a new hero with no damage
Dota 2 boring~!
plz create a new hero on 6.75
Ares the warrior is going to be my new best pick
new hero !!!
who is the new hero?? in map of 6.75??
new heroes pls
Dota 6.75a release at 1/8/2012,4 new heroes add,earth spirit,hydra,grunt and sh shadow spirit ,enjoy it at 1/8/2012......
I got a big news is dota 6.75a release at 1/8/2012 , wah,4 hero add,earth spirit,hydra,grunt and shadow spirit...
Enjoy at 1/8 .......
more hero pls...
lol...this people... just play dota 2,its better and free to, better sound,steam,better graphics,items,live replays, best animations,icefrog,valve,etc, wtf is wrong whit you.
is that true that the new hero in map 6.75 is DRAGEN and FAZ.??
add gryphoon rider as a hero please
I'm very excited... :))
add orc grunt as a hero =)
all of you are weakers!!!!!!!!!!!
Beyond godlike!!!!!
DO not end dota pls".............dota2 hard reigister and very lagging pls pls pls I beg u icefrog
Don't end dota pls I dun like dota 2.
hahaha! 12% Rebound
16% AssisT
HAhahaha!! so Nice xD
Dude, DotA won't end :FACEPALM: :FACEPALM:
It's eternity!!
DOTA 2 are work together with IceFrog!! So don't worry!!
IceFrog just made the new heroes for DOTA 2 in DotA!!
dota never die!!!
dota is an immortal game wahahahaha
Waiting for this one. .
Keep it going guys..
Don't rush things!
add kratos !^^
hope that exorcism krobelus hotkey's is change whether to 'c' or 'e' instead of 'x'.... so that rubick can steal her ultimate...
has not left the dota allstars 6.75?? if someone came out and give me a link to download it please me
please add the kodo beast STR TYPE HERO
People, do not quit dota one for dota2 it is a waste! Dota 1 will forever be the best and no rpg will match it.
As for 6.75 it has good changes and bad one, bs needs nerfes not buffs, phoenix needs buffing and not nerfing, also nerf heroes like sf, ursa, riki, bara,lycan, drow and buff the more interesting and fun (yet weak) heroes like phoenix, lion, nerubian assasin, clockwerk, bristle and make new ganker heroes they are really fun to playin pubs (like pudge lion nerubian clock)
add More Heroes The More, The Merrier!
And give the low Hp heroes a little more so they won't always get Killed early game
i like dota
i like dota!
i <3 dota!!!
dota will not end it will be passed generation to generation..
if dota wont end, it will be viral and continue generations to genrations. Many Girls will be Lonely haha xD
dota will passed to generations to generations xD Many girls will be Lonely haha
dota is the best
Beyond Godlike!!! dota is the best game ever
add grim reaper as a hero please
dota can die if their is no new map to come. xD
i dont like dota 2
=)=) =)
cant wait o play it :D
when do really this map would be released? i cant wait to have this map
no passive skill ....
cant wait for 6.75 LOD :):):):)
DoTA never end-_-,w/o this game i can spent my time in my house,right?=))
i'm beyond godlike no dota won't end that's ehhhhhhhyyyyyyyy
this is beyondgodlike dota will not die
Bug when sf got killed by enemy and has dagger on
give it up guys... even icefrog is developing dota 2
dota 1 just isnt right
fatal eror mulu :(
scourge owning... axe beyond god like
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