DotA 6.74c AI 1.3 Map Download:
- DotA v6.74c AI 1.3.w3x (mirror 1)DotA 6.74c AI Change Logs:
- Download the zip file and extract it into your 'Warcraft III\Maps\Download' directory to play.
- You must have Warcraft 1.26 patch to play this map.
- Ported to the IceFrog's DotA 6.74c.
- New Item system
- Lots of AI tweaks, modifications.
- Added four new heroes to AI:
- Dragonus, Skywrath Mage
- Rizzrak, Goblin Shredder
- Xin, Ember Spirit
- Tresdin, Legion Commander
Special thanks to PBMN and his team. They have worked countless hours to bring this DotA 6.74c AI map to us. There are numerous tests, coding and debugging done in this map. So, if you encounter any sort of bug, report it on PBMN blog.
DotA 6.75
497 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 497 Newer› Newest»DONATE $10!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks guys! love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
damnit bug found... nevermore's ulti doesn't work... :(
more power tnx
oo yaaa thanks for all your effort.
thanks for all yuor effort
oo yaaa thanks for all your effort.
all gud for this map....
LOL,who still playing DOTA??? Seriously? OMG, you guys have a really noob pc/laptop then. Dota 2 anyone? I got like 4 extra guest pass. I want to sell it 15$ for one pass
there's a bug ingame, when 1 player quits, he has full inventory and when he pick or loot an item it duplicates
There's an ingame bug in which the item duplicates. When other player quits and it's hero has full inventory, and when you try to control the hero and pick or loot and item, duplicating of items occur... Try it! :D
not so good ai. Nightmare is the best.
when will this ai be acting like a human player?? they doesnt play with combos.. pls fix it up thnx
bugs! sf no damage. and the invoker is annoying at the early game that can cast many spells even though he is only at lvl 5. still,great map.thanks for the hard work.
nc map
what are the map commands?
This ai is for retartds, easy to win. all ai boots are easy in this version, that version sucks level of dificult of ai bots is for retards. (some cases ai buy 2 boots or 6 arcane boots)
I dont speak english _|_.-_-._|_
Y Nevermore ulti doesnt work??
Why nevermore Ulti Doesnt Work....
The map is good but the AI's item build sucks just like tinker, it always buy arcane boots instead of BOT and also magnataur it but Vlads instead of MOM.. UPDATE pleasee.. -_-
nce 1 icefrog
Hmpp Pls. make sure that 6.75 will be better !!!
yow !! try -test
yow !! try -test
i cant download anything
Stronger AI,but it sucks because of the item bugs and other bugs :(
regarding about the post above, about the Lucifer's Doom effect while inside the crono sphere, is the occurance time of the skill stay still? or the damage we just be delayed cause by the crono sphere?
puck buy 4 blink daggers...
Bug:buy a perseverance in secret shop
i am sorry but i think i saw a bug in this map. when i played with 9 computer(insanes), it happened like i was badly attacking their first tower in the midlane when they actually turned on the glyph(scourge). The glyph stayed for more than a minute. First i thought it was only a bug in the animation then i clicked on it. it was actually glyphed for more than a minute. and even after that the animation of the glyph stayed. please someone report this bug.
can u please release the ai version of 6.74c 6v6 map. i really want to find out what the computer will play like in a 6v6 mAP ,. tHANK you.
im gray
the Requeim of Souls not taking damage :'(
Bugggg ! backtrack works continuesly (-.-")
no fog in secret shop :D
try using the command -hehg.. means high gold and high exp, or -hehgdedg for dynamic gold and exp.
SF's requiem bug was patch related. I once played in 1.24b and had same problem before I switch to 1.26 where the requiem works perfectly. the only thing is that xin cannot use his ultimate properly. the ai did throw the fire remnants but it never jump to it
aw why do sfs requim dont work
Whatahell i cant comment?
FU man a lot of people worked hard on this... You dont appreciate hardwork because you only play DotA and don't study.
wow nice item bug dupe as many as you want lol trollwarlord/ursa can destroy the well alone, without maiden in just 30mins... lol
I have it, and it's great, but I think there are slight bugs..
1. Why does Morphling still attack slowly despite upping his agility to the highest possible value using his Morph skill?
2. Why do the -ne and -ng game modes seem not to work? The AI still seem to gain experience way faster than the human player, despite the human player's relatively higher creep kill :(
First Blood ... LOL
hey ! I found a mistaken on lucifer ..his level death why didn't change 250 damaged to 275?
Please improve the difficulty on the AIs
add the lvl of bots
Found a bug, SF's requiem Does not damage heroes. Epic Fail.
PBMN,there are too many bugs in this ai map pls fix it :(
nevermore's ulti got no damage... T_T
Yeah! i can now enjoy dota in our home! thankz icefrog!
what is the item of tresdin???????????
laggy map..
i have 1.26a version but when i play the map the map name is 'Just another map of warcraft III' help me plz?
-apxm :D
-Oaen Second 30 And Computer Intense ...
-PE : Player 6 - Invoke
: Player 7 - Naga Siren
: Player 8 - Traxex
: Player 9 - Goblin Techies
: Player 10 - Shadow Demon
Very Full Strong Ai ... :(
Thank U so much very much thX Appreciate it!!!! Finall at LAST this is the time i've been waitin for
i wish for the next map is to have a new hero an earth panda
for complete element we have raijin, xin, and pandaren!
in 6.75 , can you change some part of the map. make it snow. :)) tnx.
wew i find the nightmare version more difficult than this ai map they became WEAK!!!! seriously.....
good job on the ai on this version... looking forward for the nightmare ai XD
ai are very weak no challenge
sir can i suggest that if ever you will fix a map kindly make a hotkey for the auto cast of a skill like for example the searing arrows which may like ly happen to autocast by pressing CTRL + R or Shft + R. . .
hope u make a work for this one. . .:)
this ai version sucks compared to the previous ai version. please make it more challenging thanks.
where can i download the game?
please make a command for ai "ambush/kill"
Class game!!!!! Map is a class... New heroes are artefacts... +100500 respects
how to download that map?
please tell me how
can make Ai map much more like Tournament situation or Formation..
Example : AI can do Roaming , Support his carry or Ganker Hero.. also Chen , Achantress , Enigma can Farm on Jungle..
Urm.. Add a New Mood like -TM ( Tounament Mood )
Sorry for my BAD english.
Why does this say Moghul Kant Touch This?
We are the D
Thanks a lot sir :D
maps 6.74c ai noob
bando de gays
how can i download this map?
hey can i ask you something
hey men can i ask you
how to download this 6.74 ai
6.74c AI 1.3 Nevermore's Last Skill.. please fix it
annoying la!!
what the fish!!
-When the mode is in "xm - Extrene mode"
the AI Item Build will always be 3 Power Treads and all
-Nevermore's Requiem has no damage
-Terrorbalde a.k.a. Soul Keeper Level up Easily
(i was level 12 and he is level 25)
-When i Buy at the secret shop Sometimes it will have
a sight even i'm in the base
Plase like Thanks
i request that ai is like a player please
gm can u create a new game dota racing plsssss for fun only the map is in the same map of dota :) i love dota and
damn why does sf's ulti doesn't have damage??
nice share bro!
plz inprove ai qualltiy 5v5 insane ai as skywrath and in 20 min i had 50 killz ..... shit ai
w0w It's great huh!!!!!!! my enemy is weak he is first blood in me,this map is nice
(HOPE) yosi ka na lang!!!!!!!hahahahahhaahahah...
I tried to play 5 on 5 random pick and one of the AI's randomed Tresdin and for what I have observed is that it doesn't use its Duel skill.
what's that command again to adjust gold and exp to max?
how to download 6.74 ai bro? ? ?
Dota 6.74 Orchid Price did fall but mana regen too less, now i got to get blood stone. any chance 200% with Orchid plizz! cos i love Orchid damn bad..
Dota 6.74 gud but Orchid mana regen too less make 200% in next map pilzz n the heros of AI are worse then the last AI's, too easy! they carry lame(stupid) Items..
this ai bots suck.... v 6.73ai bots are far better......
mga weak noobs bobo ... d marunong mag DOTA .. mag Super Mario nalang kau mananalo pa kau kung hindi .. edi mas bobo kau
it has a bug :(..
Yeah !!! THIRPLE BLOOD!!!!!!!!
i was hopping that nxt version should include new maps!!!!!!!!!
nevermore special skill bug please fix
slowly conection
nc comment bug or cheaters is weak
nc comment cheaters is weak you are weak haha
I request to ai map i like ai to crow,bottle and trilane in bot plsss on 6.74c v1.3c plsssss :))
its great..so i can practice more...haha
wtf ur Ai so damn noob de ???
Sf can't requiem here T_T
how to download dota maps
hahaha very very good dota map 6.75all waite guys
GG ^^
Nevermore's last skill don't work and the necromastery exceeds it's limit. And when you buy something from the secret shop you can still see it even when you're not close to it. and sometimes you can't buy out items from your base. It says nearby patron needed.
Please fix these bugs and i know there are more.
arghhh....i cant download it
Its too cheating for Ai's to buy item from the fountain only...i mean items like persevarance...and others...
Prob wif gb and skills...especially Nevermore
yeah!!! bab
its reaLLy cOoL that ai in this map is so hard to defeat
putang ina hindi ko maidownload
please help me downloading the maps!
how to download........
how to download this one bro?
thu vi tháºt
nice one :)
proud ako sa lhat ng magagaling na dota players d2 sa PHIL.
gusto kong maging kasing galing ni santino!!!!! :D
keep it up guys!.. :)
what the f***
yes!! at last!! 6.74 ai! :D
So Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good one, boots are smarter
ai players are very noob i tested it many it s so quite hard tt tell what is so bug there were many bugs 1.3
How do idownload this
Anonymous said...
how to download this map?
how to download this new ai?
yeah rocks!!!
thanks dota utilities
Nevermore's requiem not releasing souls..
Requem of nevermor is bug in MAP 6.74(HOPE) recheck pls
i hope 6.76
thank you icefrog :)
press what to download this AI map??
wew. at last
sa wakas
how to playdota?
how to playdota?
wow.. amazing
ai ar so weak
make a new map pattern!!!
Thanks a lot! :D
W33w!!!ilove dota!!men
lets play
at last..i can already download this map..i have been waiting for this. thanks
please can you tell me how to download this map?
yeah finally 6.74AI its so nice........
sa langit walay angel sa langit walay angel
How to download?
i wish a new hero for 6.75 maps ! XD LOL
thanks a lot , this is a great help !
how can i download this map
W0w NC
when will the next ai map 6.75 published
NEVERMORE ulti has no damage. Or simply bug.
how to download 6.74 AI now
Mga Weak Namn yann eHhh
At last. i can buy a new vibrator
bugs always happen !!! when i got rampage place, it auto stop the programms and infrom that it 'Fatal eror, you too insane for this map, move to dota v6.75ai version' damn !!! i can end it in 3 minutes. when dota v6.75ai is realsed??? i cant wait it!!! hahaha
ilovethis map
How will I download this?
My best "friends" in dota are rikimaru and barathrum !! i love this playes :X:X
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