DotA 6.74c AI 1.3 Map Download:
- DotA v6.74c AI 1.3.w3x (mirror 1)DotA 6.74c AI Change Logs:
- Download the zip file and extract it into your 'Warcraft III\Maps\Download' directory to play.
- You must have Warcraft 1.26 patch to play this map.
- Ported to the IceFrog's DotA 6.74c.
- New Item system
- Lots of AI tweaks, modifications.
- Added four new heroes to AI:
- Dragonus, Skywrath Mage
- Rizzrak, Goblin Shredder
- Xin, Ember Spirit
- Tresdin, Legion Commander
Special thanks to PBMN and his team. They have worked countless hours to bring this DotA 6.74c AI map to us. There are numerous tests, coding and debugging done in this map. So, if you encounter any sort of bug, report it on PBMN blog.
DotA 6.75
497 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 497 Newer› Newest»gg :)
yeah first blood
Great effort is this going to be a bug free map ??
Guys please tell me how to increase the level of bots ?? what is the command
Its my birthday present from Pleasebugmenot.. Thanks alot bro
Wow a great name "Hope"... Guys hope for the best..
wow thanks a lot for the release! been waiting this so long!! u guys great! xD
No bugs please... i DON'T NEED ANY BUG
omg.. thnx.. finally 6.74 ai <3
yeah tq2
atlast thanks...!!
I can't download it
REALLY give me the HOPE. Thanks to the Map Developer Staff.
nice Sir :)
at last i can practice tresdin. thanks
Thq :)
yey...at last....BIG THANKS FOR THIS!!..^_^..
thanks !!! now i can enjoy my home
thank you icefrog :)
thanks icefrog :)
Beyond Godlike w/ Tresdin is this AI hahaha 24 kills
Oh yeah finally
yay! great now i can practice those new hero,,,tnx a lot!
Sometimes Nevermores ss does no damage...
nice post
dota NA MGA pre!!!
yay!i can practice again because i'm still weak....XD
wow nice..!! now i can practice with the new heroes..!! XD
Thanks at last... :))
I hope the AI can set an ambush like DotA 2!!!
thanks map maker...u all such an amazing for us as dota player
they skiped the 6.73ai waaaah
yesss finaly ahaaha
yah !!! finally released latest ai map now I can practice new heroes :)) Beyond DogLike and Rampage :)) Nce TNX
it's finally here the new AI map! yepey!!
why are the ai here is not very responsive?i can finish a game in 15mins only with 5 ai insane.. -ap mode only..
how to download this
Thank you VERY MUCH for ur effort ^.^
OOOOOOO new map will rock !!thanks PBMN
nice job thx alot :)
whoa!! yes ... 6.74ai map at last...... TY
Now you can rest a little.. :))
Nice one PBMN..! I just wish this map will be bug free!!
At last thanks a lot PBMN for your hard work
this is the time i waited for so long! thanks PBMN and all of the people who help you!
Thank's...i wanna training using Xin //// tq tq tq
Thank you PBMN for this AI! Now i can practice Ember in fast hands.!!
finally ! <3
At LAst M3n Tnx For da Map
i love it...
i love this
w8 is finally over am very exited
75 new hero i think hydra :)
thank you so much. :>
NICE!!! u guys! rock love u!!!
waaargh..at last...long waiting for this map...i hate you PBMN..but i know it's not easy to develop this HOPE ver...i HOPE all of us play it with full of joy...pergh....
nice nice!!!
:DDD Whew Atlast :DD
Imbaness, thanks!
great!!! :D
Let get it !!!.
Dammn cool.
Thanks PBMN !!!
I'm proud of you !
Yey! I can know enjoy this new ai map! thx alot PleaseBugmenot
thank's Lord
oh yes
Anonymous said...
Guys please tell me how to increase the level of bots ?? what is the command
just -test and -lvlupall25
i found a bug. quelling blade duplicates when someone tries to pick your quelling blade
Very Very Godd Job team--Tnx :D
ah...thanks for this
Wew... Been waiting alot for this map ever since 73 haha LOL
PleaseBugMeNot, youre fuckin awesome dude
NC 1 for the map TY!!
Yeah baby!!!!!! I love It!! Worth Waiting for=D
thanx For the hard work
the long wait is over :) thanks
the new map contains bugs ... heroes that duplicate items (eg. jakiro with 6 arcane boots) and skywrath with 2 power treads without overbuffing) but nice map
I hope the AI can set an ambush now like dota 2
WWWWWWTTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHH so fast got so many comments !!!! THX I LOVE U VERY MUCH !!!!! LOL !!
DOTA is THE BEST POLICY WHEN U GIVE THIS AI hahahah .... thumbs up :D
dynamic experience and dynamic gold -apdedg
high experience and high gold -aphehg
hope it helps...
mirror 1 or mirror 2 better?
Here some bugs..can u guys recheck it again..when u put some skill to another heroes it keep follow the hero until u got skill the hero..if not u just got doom by others or just got die by the tower while u cannot undo/cancel the skill..for instance bloodseeker(Rapture)even you don't put it yet to the hero either between the line of disappeared from the map or blind spot..since now just this one but i think more will coming..hope u guys can fix it..Anyway thanks a lot for the new map~Cheers
yyeeeeesssssssssssssssssss!!!! tnx for the latest ai
yes!!! tnanks for the latest a.i.
boooom ! GODLIKE now practicing new heroes :))
Thankz PBMN, finally released ! :D
Why 1.26 can't i use 1.24e can I?
Thanks so much :x :x
ty very much
At last
ooo i was waiting for this, thank u all...
Yes... Finally.
noobest ai. pit lord ulti not working properly. batrider the noobest boobest
kinda like it when the AI starting item are no longer braces, 2 healing salve and stuff. they more easier to kill now :P. xm mode no longer challenging like before. anyway..thanks
crap, so many bugs, item build Ai very awful, eye everywhere, cant buy back, no icon after repick...
there's a lot of bug in this AI like bug of item
Bugs And Suggestions
I just post here b'coz i cant post on PBMN's blog(IDH Google Acc.)
-Shorter names for new(AI heroes)e.g Xin instead of Ember Sprit
-Legion Commander not using ult
-Goblin Shredder not using ult
-Invoker lvl 5 can cast 3 spells in one time e.g. Forge Spirit then Cold Snap followed by a Sun Strike. I figured it out that when AI Invoker saw an enemy low health he will cast Sunstrike as long as he has mana but the problem is he magically invoke sunstrike while his invoke is still in cooldown.
-Nevermore's Requim has no damage.
REQUIEM of SF wont work T^T....
is it cool
there's no fog on scourge's secret shop!!!!
Thank You PBMN!!!!
no 6.73ai? I predict that this map will have so many bugs coz it skip a map version xD
this map's insane ai can be change to easy ai..hope u can increase the insanity for next map..thanx a lot..
I think I found a bug.
When legion commander winnns the duel no 10+ DMG
why v1.3?
da fuq? keep on looking for 6.73ai
i dont know that there was already this version of ai T_T
You Rock dude !
Fatal Error after the game ends :(
Nevermore's requiem not releasing souls..
how 2 dload?
Thank you for your kind effort making maps just for us thanks thanks thanks :)) keep up the goodwork :)) thnx for the ai map horay
crappy ai map ai got more stupid since the last map one ai always move mid without any creeps and then tanks my creeps WTF...ai ally move ganking then back out the moment they engage
So nice...
Really appreciate this :)
Awesome i wait so long for this map and its already out...
now i have train my self for some new hero
and sory for my bad english....
Yehey ! RM <-- <3
Today My Life Begins! :)
Item bugs,like AI's dropping items and not picking them up,and they sort of mix items with their allies,like my ally yurnero getting three boots of speed and my other 2 allies have no boots and they have the other components for making treads.lol, that's all i saw
sooo awsomeee this new map
NICE ONE! Good Job! Blow Job!
woah i cant download it :(
i havent encountered any real bugs from this map so far. the comment about jakiro building 6 arcane boots is false as he builds arcane boots, mekanism and a scepter. as for the ai pausing in middle of map bug, that has always been an issue with the ai. Because the ai map isnt made for competitive gaming, dont complain about the skill level that they are playing at. the ai is made for people to get used to the dota heroes so they wont play as human players do, the reaction is back if damage is fatal or hp has fallen below 400, as at start of game. dont complain about the map. if the maker feels that he wants to improve the ai then he will. in the mean time, stfu and only tell about bugs like the ai attacking their items that are dropped on the ground when they are building newer items.
finally the spree is on going.. tnx pbmn.. more power
Why Sf Ulti No Dmg ?? Bugs ?
thank you pleasebugmenot you really made my day ;D
PBMN & team u'all deserve a BJ for this
i dont like the new heroes. they suck
i lv dota
how can i download it .. plzzzzzz
THE SECRET SHOPS IN THE SENTINEL AND SCOURGE SIDE BECOMES NO FOG DURING MID GAME... and nEvERmORE's Ultimate is not working also the ultimate of PITLORD, Rizzrak(not being used by AI), LEgion(has not been also used by AI and no +10 damage when Legion wins the duel).
f u , why usm cannot download???
I also seen my ally lycan that he got 2 Assault cuirass by buying jusy ONE hyperstone!!!
this is good :)
pss.. please make 6.74 ai 1.4
and please fix the bugs so that we can play better.. i also want if you create a AI that they can gangbang that they can throw all their skills in such a time like buying an SOD!! tnx
Nevermore ulti ( Requiem of Souls )
is releasing the 'carbon dioxide or oxygen ' ?
No thankyou for PBMN now...fix all of them...and take your time to rest as well....but please fix it as soon as possible...THANKS
sir on comment on 8:50 AM ..
it is true that there are still bugs on the map
FYI bugs will just occur sometimes
if it will happen always it is an ERROR already
differentiate BUG from ERROR..!!!
Good Joobbbb...!!!
dota 2
atlast :D thanks, your website really helps :D
hope for next version release... but we need to identify first those bug...
Thanks A lot....
i HOPE they fix some bugs hahahaha
ahahah this is great!
finally man
nice...thanks 4 ur effort men..!!
thanks bro for ur effort..
nice 1
OMG AI play like Man
HOpe ?? Lets HOPE AGAin for fixing the Bugs ! Release The NightMare Version ! please !
i dont need ai..ai is a waste of time to me..
i am janro esmeralda...:)
BUG WITH NEVERMORE -__- .. Complete Souls no souls release when requim is used
no more 6.73 ai???
nice now this one will help me to improve more!!
impoosible imagine from 6.63 to 74 ai ow
I found a problem with the map(not sure isit just me).
The secret shops (on sides of the map and also the one beside roshan) tends to stay visible after i buy something from it.
bots buy mutiple items,kellen's and boots
Thanks bro! Good work. :)
lots of bugs like when u type nn "no necro" the ai will still build necro and when ai hero try to push tower they just walk back and fort and they just got pre-hitted by tower and creeps until their health got low then they run away, please fix it and the other bugs..sorry for bad english..tnx
In the next version is you activate the SWITCH ON(so) because some time is the enemy is noobs and i need more challenge and i hope AI is putting ward in the item is depending in the enemy and to the item of enemy and the other is know how to kill and how to do the GG moves and buying at the black market and using Smoke Of Decit(SOD)
AI for noobs not for PROS.. :)
good luck making the 6.75 map..
i love you alodia
ty dota-utilities for tis friking map
love this MAP!!!.. waiting for a LONG LONG TIME!!.. and NOW released!! thnx.. icefrog and specially DOTA-UTILITIES !!!.. love ko po kayo!!
yeah at last, hope no bug
ai's weaker
how to download it bro?
how to download this 6.74 (AI)??
Yeah tk U so much
Bored by This Map
Sabai ai bhagne item Banaune zzz
very bored never gud gank so please make a change on that on new maps.........
" I found a problem with the map(not sure is it just me).
The secret shops (on sides of the map and also the one beside roshan) tends to stay visible after i buy something from it. " - I got this bug also..
Then nevermore don't release any souls when i use Requiem. But it slows the enemy but don't inflict any damage.
P.S - Please make the AI more responsive and more INSANE. Thanks..
I'm Pro wahahaha
bug with newermore ulty.. no damage....
yeah thanks a lot for doing this :)
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