- DotA v6.78c LoD v2g.w3x (7.6 MB)
- DotA v6.78c LoD v2g.w3x (mirror)
Tip: You can use AucT Hotkey Tools to avoid hotkey conflicts with other skills during the game. It allows you to change the default hotkeys of spells.Download the map file (.w3x) put it in 'Warcraft 3\Maps\Download' sub-directory.
Enter any of the game modes listed below to start Legends of DotA
-AP (No hero and skill limitaion)Additional Modes:
-AR (Random hero/skills)
-SD (Few heroes/limited skills)
-MD (Mirrored heroes/spells)
-bo Balance Off-d2 Provides a choice of 20 heroes.Screenshots:
-d3 Provides a choice of 30 heroes.
-d4 Provides a choice of 40 heroes.
-d5 Provides a choice of 50 heroes.
-s5 allows you to pick 5 skills.
-s6 allows you to pick 6 skills (1 extra ultimate and 1 extra normal ability).
-ra Random Abilities, the extra abilities from s5 & s6 are chosen randomly.
-fn Fast Neutrals, first neutrals spawn already after drafting, then 30 seconds after, then the normal 1 minute spawn
-ss See Skills, allows you to see the enemy skills while drafting as well
-ab Anti-backdoor
-ul Unlimted levles
-os One Skill, skills can't be picked twice on each side
-ls Limit Skills, you cannot have more than 2 passive skills and more than 2 skills from a single hero.

Here's a list of in-game commands that can be used.
-AI displays your teams spells in the scoreboard
-FF only works if mode -ff is entered
-WFF to see who voted to finish fast
-SP # Toggle passive skill display, # is the skill's place number while drafting
-SDDON/-SDDOFF System Display Damage
-ADDTIME Adds 1 minute to the clock when picking skills, can be entered once by every team, 2 extra minutes possible as max
-READY During the skill picking phase, chooses your remaining skills randomly
-RANDOM MELEE / -RANDOM RANGE During the hero pick phase, chooses a random melee/range hero from your pool
Thanks to ResQ, DracoL1CH, PEW_PEW and Lordshinjo for modding this map!
269 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 269 of 269 Newer› Newest»I got 6.77c dota Lod and Linken is not working there
Linken not working on 6.77c
would you please make any lod map with AI?
Ai, i want Ai Pal!
Killing Spree
show me your skill about GOD GAME HAHA
lod dota map ai please
ow yeah finished
how to download this maps >?
how to download this map 6.77c LOD ai
how to download it?
AI for this PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ............... :)
how to download this map??
help brothers
we need Map Lod Ai thx.....
theres a bug here.. CD of tinker's SS doesnt change.. it has always 3 secs casting time.. -_- pls try to rework it
AI where is it...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153060980750105&set=a.10153060794030105.1073741948.234620120104&type=1&theater Can you please like it? I need it for our school
no ai version???
I want to AI map for LOD
Thank you
please after some parts of game LOD I can't join the game LOD
You know why?
i know many bugs can you fix that
please.....raise the price of the gem...so my husband jomay cant buy it easily
best mode ?
LoD 6.78c v2p download here http://www.mediafire.com/download/m8q46qqg7b1b66k
the latest
this is great! can you make ai map?
how to download it ??
i can't
LoD will never have AI version.i think.how AI can pick spell like player?
I lovE it
BsG wEll!!
please make an imba map for legends of dota please that's my Christmas wish
Did you know in LOD?
you must pick 3rd of zeus and
6th of windrunner
but you must take 3rd of zeus in the last of small lvl and use windrunner 6th >>>>>>>>
Enjoy Dota
LOD Ai Map plz ... !!!
Make An AI Version For FUN :))
This Game is for KIDS
beyond godlike
Why is phase shift no longer auto cast?
Phase shift can no longer auto cast!
how kan i get this map ????
im the king of dota...GODLIKE
This is Great
wooooohooooo godlike!!! 1vs 3!! this game is so awesome
lod is the best maps in dota
ai map for LOD please..im so excited for that :D
Putting AI in Lod Would be interesting but .. You all do know that putting AI's Would be so scripted And if not AI's can't pick different skills.. boring game if you already know what AI would already have chosen ....
please tell me how to download it ?
ai version pls.
\m/(><)\m/ this
Sana mayroong "AI VERISION"
Hey admin Creat a AI map plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
pick sladar for good armor and choose this skills:
2.morph (str)
3.reactive armor/berserker's call
4.centaur's ss (not stampede)
that is perfect combination of skills for tanker, if you play well, sure you will be ignored by your enemy then you just push the creep and destroying tower using exorcism. If you choose/get berserker's call then you can force them to attack you and the result is : the Int heroes hp will reduce to half because of dispersion and the hero you aim sure will die
can we play with the computer ?
mahal ko ka yow whats up im the troll lord <3
no ai at this verison??
oLOL! 0:10
Already in First BLOOD ! OLOCK
by: Bk. OLOCK
GOOD this
AI version no one got it yet?.........pls AI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
plzzzz AI ver i need it!!!!!
AI ver plzzzz
pls say me command for wtf mode in lod 6.78 v3c map
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