It's been a while since we heard any buzz about the new DotA map but recently IceFrog shed some light on DotA 6.75 release as it's status was unknown due to combined development of Dota 2. A lot of people are willing to see not just new content but balancing as well and hoping for the map to come out soon...
Final Update (30th September, 2012):
IceFrog releases the DotA 6.75 map with 2 new heroes and an item. Almost every hero is reworked.
New Update (19th September, 2012):

Previous Update:

A curious fan commented on IceFrog's profile asking about the release date of DotA 6.75 whether it will be released before or after Dota 2 The International 2012 tournament (TI2) which is commencing from August 31st. You can see IceFrog's rare reply mentioning the DotA 6.75 will not be released until September. So, it looks like we'll have to wait another month for it.. Patience is a virtue!
DotA 6.75
158 Comments yet..:
First blood!
wth.. I hate waiting :(
after september ? waaaaaaaaa
New Hero?
Bl00d dust
icefrog - please remove lanaya 6.75 too imba hero
errrr :(
Hah! Dota losers copying everything from League of legends. I wonder how long this game will last
LOL! dota copy from League of legends?
are you fucking kidding me?
l0l. its the other way around. LoL is the one thats copying from dota
@ 4:46 PM
Noob! lanaya is a perfect hero, it doesnt need any remake
Where did they conversation?
i want 6.75 now
LOL players cry now because of DotA 2..
Lmao, Dota fan boys are raging over lies, League of legends is more popular than your dota, it has more playerbase.
my frnd told me 3 new heroes coming in 6.75 is that true??
lanaya isnt strong enough to remove and dota older than lol so lol copying dota
LoL is games for kids and wannabe game and for the end SHIT GAME
LoL is worst game i ever seen (wannabe game),game for kids and idiots.Graphic worst than Tetris,Crap heroes.....
Just wait till dota2 is officially released then lets see who has more playerbase. Dota2 or LoL?
hope 6.75 will be look like dota 2.haha
hey are there new heroes and items in 6.75
DotA is a mod of Warcraft 3 ... So if you think that your LoL is more popular than Warcraft 3 ... Pittyful !
And LoL is a game inspired of DotA, if Blizzard had released DotA as an independant game, be sure that it would more popular than your LoL (Btw HoN is much better than LoL lol !)
LoL have more player base because they are noob at DoTA and switch to LoL. LoL fan boys are all failure in DoTA.
atleats its a GOOD NEWS....
why you need 2 out lanaya man?
Playerbase??or noobs?
LoL = unbalanced game played by players who have no future in playing dota . DotA is the best
Dota Is Much better Then LoL Or HoN..............
i'm still waiting for 6.75..hope came new heroes and new items ;)
Any new Heroes or Items ?
The anon who starts the conversation in LoL is speechless.... can't beat the Pure DotA players!! beyatch!!
Yeah.. Better DotA than LoL !
LOL coppied dota because dota came first and btw some heroes are stronger than lanaya so its your fault if you dont know how to play
I think it'll be released somewhere on December
lets be patient and just wait ..
DOTA Copying LoL!! OMG
LoL is crying because they got kicked out of WCF 2012 and Dota 2 replaced them!!!
Any Changelogs?
Any ChangeLOGS?
doTa is da greatest game ever..LoL SUCKED ASS!!4 those who doesnt know about doTa plz STFU..
-no originality..
DotA is first..
6.75 ... 6.75 ... 6.75 ...
y they didnt make it before?
STFU Dota better.
LEague of LEgends is From the creators of DOTA so why Fighting????//
tetris battle is the best..
Where i can dl?
hay guys i think hon is copy from dota not lol cos hon have the most of hero on dota and same skills and items only icon and the deffrent is the graphic lol is deffrin than dota and hon
haha.. damn.. LoL copy DotA(strategy play) then DotA 2 Copy LoL.
new heoes for the scourge yeah!
yeah i agree with you
yeah i agree with you
LOL fanboys are raging. Let's get something clear. Dota came before LOL, so LOL is the copybug here, second, yes, LOL has a slightly bigger fanbase than Dota, not Warcraft. Thjird, LOL has better graphics, that's about it. Lanya is an awesome, balanced heroe and requires no remake or removal! Any more arguements are invalid!
HON and LOL just copied the game from DOTA
LOL is just lol xD haha
LoL is for noob players who are weak in playing DOTA,
I am very muh aggreeable to your
if you said HoN is better well you right but LoL .. WTH game is that .. Poor LoL player ..
HoN copying Dota heroes because they want you to fast learning .. not like LoL poor graphic and all look like cartoon heroes .. many heroes but sad weak ..
# sorry broken english
Aeon of Strife was first( Starcraft map) then was Dota and later HoN, LoL and Bloodline Champions clone mods
LoL are Jealous.. Because DotA player are PRO :D :D
Also, Guinsoo ( Meian )are not really the creator of DotA :/ :/
The real creator of DotA are Eul'z!!
arguing which is better?Dota or LoL ..oh come on ..stop acting like a child ..were here for 6.75 dota map ..so why don't we just w8 until Icefrog is done ..stop commenting LoL is better than Dota or Dota is better than LoL ..who cares ..just play what you want ..
so stop commenting like that ok?
1 month is too short ..
just wait ..it will be released soon( i hope so )
ice frog took part in making dota hon lol and dota 2.
lol if lanaya imba then terror blade what?? xD
This is the last, now the end is near. let's see what is the next map 6.75, i hope this is prettiest as well..
I Think This 6.75 well be great GaMe Sow We Will w8 For The Update ^_^
i want 6.75 now its to long
LOL players weak !
dota 1 is dead no way
dota 2 awesome
dota 1 suck
dota 2 perfect
dota 1 is past
dota 2 is the future
DotA and LoL are not the same anyway I play both but HoN they just changed the names of the heroes, items and added graphics
oohhh damn... i cant wait too long but thats okay!! just CONTINUE playing warcraft 3 ahaha.. oohh i have a QUESTION!!! when will be the WARCRAFT 4????????? :D
LOL is not my satisfied, because they have much crossing skill and runner skill, i hate it,i think the crossing and runner skills just only for characterized hero but LOL not like that,that is a stupt thing, and fcking who call DOTA copy from any tactical hero games,GO TO HELL WITH' EM
oh,i cant wait to see how this map really look, but thanks for this information,1 month is not long enough,so wait guys ! to wait for this,let kicked some ass in previous version ! I hope the next version will be more focus in design, 3D vision, 3D sound and fix all the bugs as well. Furthrmore, i hope it can be beat with dota 2, i hate it really. hahaha
wew imba lanaya xD
This version is going to be gamjebreaking! I'm so excited! MAN! One more month, the suspense is killing me! A new Pheonix and Pitlord, as well as other things, jopefully, a few new heroes? ;) We'll have to wait and see!
September? End of the world is coming on Dec. all i can say is that stop waiting guys,we don't speak anymore....triple kill!!!!!!we're all kill by December 2012.
really hope for 3D Vision support, it looks so nice, and would be playable when they fix the 2D healthbars and other stuff..
I wish I could play dota here in USA. :((
can you make a phoenix flying courier?
Why Do LoL Players come into "Dota" websites??GTFO LoL Players..
LOL.......Some sad LOL is as its Name....Laughable for copying Icefrog's Dota.......I can't believe there R people who value copies than the Original.....What is the World coming to??.....LOL would'nt have existed without Dota....
:) waiting 4 new 6.75 map...
LOL fanboys always have to rage about their pathetic game here on a DotA website. Sigh, it's really sad, and the world will not be ending, whoever started that has some serious issues. We will all be enjoying 6.75 going into the new year! Plus, i'm sure this wont be the end of dota, as IceFrog probably still wants to add a few more heroes and finish balancing everything, so i dont believe 6.75 is the end for us dota 1 fans!
shut up dota players that use map hack all the ways nowadays... please do not claim yourself a pro and insult other people..
DOTA 6.75 when will it be release
Lets review this, Dota has had championships and rate the best players in the world. It's sequel is having an INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT, has LOL had one? Exactly. So dota is for pros, and lol fanboys who get their behinds kicked by us "maphackers", proves that they cannot play to save their lives. DotA is for all pro players.
boring .... after 6.75 i will play hon ....
"Aeon of Strife was first( Starcraft map) then was Dota and later HoN, LoL and Bloodline Champions clone mods"
Killing Spree!
so is this bad i have dota,dota2 and Lol?
6.75 plz
I thought 6.74... was warcraft's last map?
Too unexpected.
you are all weak in dota bobo ulol
i think nevermore is to imbalance hero because of its first skill three 300 damage with low cooldown. . wew it sucks . i think its very strong becuz its icefrogs favorite . . so imbalance . . best spammer ? nevermore sucks
6.75 will not be the last map right?(i hope so)btw, dota is further away more better than LOL.. LOLSSSSSSSSSSSSS player STFU
LoL is fuking boring and for underage players to play. Hon is much better in graphic, dota2 still in development so far.. warcraft3 - dota still the best. p/s: graphic is not everything
LOL= for kids DotA= For pros
LOL= for kids DotA= Pros
mga tanga yaphets to brad
mga tanga yaphets to brad
panda earth gj
haha its so funny reading your comments :))
let me make it clear guys....without DotA, there will be no League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth,nor Dota2
You see DotA came first of the first....I witnessed it every update every map release and everything..I'm updated anytime
about DotA so don't argue that LOL came first cause the map of DotA I witnessed at first is 5.01 (since i have known dota)
Yes ,dota I'd first,hon second and lol third...
i guess u all know that Dota is the popular map from w3.
however thx to Blizzard
@BNINHS fyi dota was not first. aos (Aeon of Strife) was the first of its kind and created the genre you speak of. AoS was a custom map for Starcraft and Brood Wars so yea go look that shit up if you doubt, but I remember it waaaay back in the day and I miss those days.
fy LoL xD
If you would make a survey in Philippines regarding DotA vs LoL:
1. Most of the students tend to cut their classes due to DotA, not like LoL.
2. DotA players even put wagers in every game, not like LoL.
3. Almost all computer shops in the Philippines have WC3 w/ DotA map installed in their pc's while having LoL is rare. And finally,
4. Players who sucks at DotA would find LoL as a better game.
6.75 pls...
Still waiting 4 6.75 re. !
Btw lol noob game!
yea..lol noob game DoTa is the pro..when the map 6.75 is release and new hero what?
dota came before LoL and thats that...
but icefrog helped make LoL.
so saying LoL is noob is just like saying
"icefrog is noob".........
Im a dota player but i dont like comparing games from
tha same creator..... so those who thought LoL was first are the true gays
Icefrog did not help make LoL, it's Guinsoo(one of the DotA developer before IceFrog) who helped.
For a LoL player using his time and coming to a utility site for DotA for latest information shows that he is on his way on appreciating the game. Give him some time guys unless you guys want to check out LoL. It does not matter who comes first as long as it is alive and not in the brink of extinction, it is all about HF and GG's.
rofl, until this day. the game that i know similar to DotA is HoN, what is LoL? == .i bet this game is infamous game ..
if HoN compared with dota, dota is better
aah, v6.75 it still coming soon.
LoL is easier than DotA....so DotA is for pros and LoL is for people who can't understand complicated things in DotA.
LoL=cartoon network
Its funny cause its called LOL. LOL
nice one 2 weeks!! w8ng
LoL is the one whose copying dota....next is Hon...... the original game is dota.....
LoL copy DotA? Don't bullshit dude.
DotA is much older than LoL!
thanks for the info, just hoping the bugs are gone in 6.75 like roshan bug using morphling and other bugs
Wha ha ha ha LOL you dare challenge me!
remove all weaklings in DOTA.. they don't deserve to play..
international 2 has already finished re.....
when will the map be realeased
thanks for the info, hope you post the map download when it is released
dota is more spectacular than the new LoL..
to weird map.. and to hard to play.
better w8 for dota2 ..
LOL PLAYERS STFU is lol copy dota pls make tis clear
LOL PLAYERS STFU is lol copy dota pls make tis clear
LOL = League of LOUD players
LOL, HON and blizzard's own dota came from icefrog's DOTA. period. DOTA is the first.
Dota for pros
LoL for noobs
thats all
Dota for pros
LoL for noobs
thats all
even if LoL more popular than Dota
Which is most popular betwen super mario and CoD ?
I think u got the answer
sucks! where is 6.75 AI map?
where is 6.75 AI map?
6.75 want now!!!!
Hope got ai map
so slow
lol nice icefrog for map 6 .75 u change the cover to a good picture gj i hoper u make new heroes and items too waiting for long this map
AI map! AI map!
can i know where is my 6.75 ai map..hehe can u all teach me how to downloan..plssssssssssssssss............
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