Final Update: DotA 6.75 is officially released. Map is now available for download.
DotA 6.75 Beta 5 Map Download:
- DotA 6.75 Beta5 Map.w3x (mirror 1)
This beta has new Roshan's Den and Phoenix new ability "Overheat", other changes are not yet confirmed.
DotA 6.75 Beta 17 Changelogs:
These patch notes are from Beta 17 but the current beta has reached version 34.
Experimental adjustment to roshan area (will probably need a lot of tweaking, if we even do it)
Eye of Skadi now gives +25 bonus damage
Blood Bath enemy hero aoe death detection increased from 225 to 325
* Chilling Touch no longer reduces attack speed, duration reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
* Double Edge does its damage in a 175 aoe around the target
* Added a 1 second cooldown to placing Observer and Stentry wards (to help prevent accidental usage)
* Radiance burn damage increased from 40 to 45
* Tuskarr base damage increased by 5
* Unstable Current duration increased from 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2 to 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6
* Moon Glaive bounce count increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5
* Nerubian Assassin's Impale damage increased from 80/140/200/260 to 80/160/240/320
* Nerubian Assassin's Impale travel time decreased from 1600 to 700
* Nerubian Assassin's Mana Burn manacost reduced from 90/110/130/150 to 100
* Spiked Carapace manacost from 50 to 40
* Death Coil cooldown from 6 to 5 seconds
* Boots of Speed are now a sharable item
* Primal Split units are no longer invulnerable to Black Hole
* Shrapnel now provides vision in the area it is cast
* Shackleshot no longer has any effect if it fails to shackle the target
* Helm of the Dominator cooldown reduced from 300 to 60, no longer has a limited (20 min) duraiton and is just replaced whenever a new one is converted
* Can no longer Force Staff through Kinetic Field
* Rupture cooldown from 70/60/50 to 50/45/40
Kunkka's base armor increased by 1
- Impale speed from 800 to 950
* Fixed Phase Shift invulnerability duration ending 0.25 seconds too soon
* Reworked Sunray
* Replaced Icarus Dive with Overheat
Sunray: [A2L0]
Channels a sunray in the targeted direction. Deals dps and slows to all heroes in that path. The damage increases per second. Maximum channel time of 6 seconds.
Starting DPS: 40 + 1/2/3/4% Max HP per second
Ending DPS: 100 + 3/6/9/12% Max HP per second
AOE: 150
Distance: 1600
Slow: 30%
Slow Duration: 0.5 seconds
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 100
HP Cost: 10% Current HP
- Fixed Sunray not doing the right amount of damage
- Reduced Sunray variable damage from 1/2/3/4->3/6/9/12 to 1/2/3/4->2/4/6/8
- Reduced Sunray constant damage from 40->100 to 20/30/40/50->40/60/80/100
- Fixed Sunray slow duration
- Increased Overheat cooldown from 13 to 22/19/16/13
* Leech Seed no longer stops healing when the target dies
- Undid all Impale changes on Nerubian Assassin
Overheat: [A2L1]
Targets a small area, causing all enemy units to overheat taking damage over time and losing their ability to attack.
AOE: 190
DPS: 20/40/60/80
Duration: 5
Cast Range: 750
Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 13
- Fixed some more stuff with Sunray damage
- Fixed Leech Seed losing a tick of duration when target dies
* Jakiro's facing direction now matches his turn rate a little more (this is purely a visual thing)
- Added burn visual effect for Overheat dps
* Quill Spray damage cap increased from 220 to 300
* Rod of Atos bonus HP from 250 to 300
* Sunder is no longer blocked by Magic Immunity
* Armlet HP regeneration increased from 5 to 8
* Armlet lifedrain increased from 37 to 40
* Bloodstone charges now increment if you get a kill out of range
* Dark Pact cooldown from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6
* Shadow Dance HP regen increased from 3/4/5 to 3/5/7
* Level 3 Marksmanship agility increased from 45 to 60
* Split Shot damage from 45/55/65/76 to 50/60/70/80
* Desolate search aoe improved from 325 to 300
* Silencer strength growth from 1.7 to 2.0
* Lycan base armor reduced by 1
* Treants magic resistance decreased from 33% to 25%
* Thundergod's Wrath cooldown decreased from 120 to 100
* Death Ward attack cooldown improved from 0.3 to 0.25
* Warcry aoe increased from 700 to 900
* Clockwerk Goblin strength gain increased from 2.4 to 2.7
* Enfeeble cooldown reduced from 12 to 8
* Spirit Lance slow duration increased from 3 to 3.25 seconds
* Increased Roshan turn rate to fix some abuses
* Dark Seer movement speed reduced from 305 to 300
* You can now target yourself with Unstable Concoction
* Removed Charge of Darkness debuff icon indicator
- Fixed Roshan attack detection area being too small
- Increased Sunray Slow
- Meta manacost from 70/85/100/115 to 70/80/90/100
- Meta illusions dmg 20/30/40/50 -> 30/40/50/60, dmg taken from 400% to 250%
- Overheat duration from 5 to 4 seconds, damage rescaled to be the same
* Last Word intelligence steal from 1/2 (allies/self) kills to 2 always
* Poison Nova now affects buildings [Need feedback :wacko:]
- Fixed Zeus ult on scoreboard
- Fixed some tooltips
* Spiked Carapace now lasts for 2.5 seconds (down from 4.5) seconds, but reflects and stuns all sources of damage over that period instead of just the first one
- Overhead damage reduced from 25/50/75/100 per second to 20/40/60/80
- Overheat manacost from 75 to 80/90/100/110
* Fixed Overwhelming Odds giving 6% instead of 9% per hero
- Fixed bloodstone global kills change not working
- Fixed Double edge aoe damage hitting allies instead of enemies sometimes
* Recipe items no longer sell for 80% of its price (now 50% like regular items)
- Shackleshot from 0.25 to 0.1 duration
- Fixed Dominator cd tooltip/droppability
* Vacuum cooldown increased from 16 to 17
- Overheat cast range reduced from 750 to 600
* Lycan strength gain from 2.75 to 2.4
- Undid Lycan 1 armor reduction
* Lycan's Shapeshift form no longer gives 2 bonus armor
* Acid Spray manacost from 160 to 115/130/145/160
* Unstable Concoction max damage from 130/200/270/340 to 150/220/290/360
* Static Field aoe increased from 1000 to 1200
* Reaper's Scythe aghanims now deals pure damage
* Inner Vitality can now be cast on magic immune targets
* Doom's base armor increased by 1
* Phantom Lancer agility gain from 2.8 to 3.4
* Anti-mage movement speed reduced from 320 to 315
* Fiery Soul attack speed bonus increased from 40/50/60/70 to 40/55/70/85
* The Swarm's attack rate improved from 1.5 to 1.35
* Degen Aura increased from 300 to 315
* Enfeeble damage reduction from 25/50/75/100 to 30/60/90/120
* Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
- Fixed Inner Vitality bkb casting
- Fixed some tooltips
- Undid self targeting with Unstable Concoction
* Lothar's Edge duration from 9 to 12 seconds
* Batrider strength gain increased from 2.0 to 2.4
* Power Cogs damage/drain from 60/90/120/150 to 80/120/160/200
- Fixed some tooltips
* Gyrocopter base movement speed from 305 to 315
* Homing Missle now gives you vision of the target it is seeking
* Goblin's Greed bonus scaling adjusted from 2/4/6/8 + 2 to 4/6/8/10 + 1/2/3/4
* Enfeeble can no longer be dispelled
* Great Cleave aoe increased from 200 to 215
* Force Staff cooldown increased from 20 to 24
* Dagon cooldown progression from 40/36/32/28/24 to 35/30/25/20/15
* Snowball now carries all your summoned units as well
* Mana Leak cd from 18 to 16
* Concussive Shot cooldown from 20/19/18/17 to 20/18/16/14
* Concussive Shot aoe from 200 to 225
* Veil of Discord aoe from 500 to 550
* Silencer strength growth from 1.7 to 2.2
* Power Cogs duration from 3/4/5/6 to 3/4.5/6/7.5
* Take Aim from 65/130/195/260 to 70/140/210/280
- Fixed satanic tooltip (It does 200% not 175%)
* Flak Cannon aoe increased from 800 to 900
- Great cleave increased to 230
* Ogre Magi's Aghanim Unrefined Fireblast cooldown from 20 to 10
* Force Staff cooldown increased to 26
* Life Break Aghanim's cooldown from 24/16/8 to 4
* Finger of Death Aghanim now bounces once to a nearby enemy unit up to 200 units away (tooltip not updated yet)
* Vendetta movement speed from 10/15/20% to 16/18/20%
* Mana Burn rate from 4x Int to 5x Int
* Replaced Expulsion with Summon Shade (needs new name!)
* Reworked Firestorm (not channeling, doesn't hurt buildings, rebalanced numbers, heals allied units)
Calls down 4 waves of fire that damage enemy units and heal allied units in an area.
Damage per wave: 40/60/80/100
Heal per wave: 20/30/40/50
AOE: 450
Casting Range: 775
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 130
Summon Shade:
Summons an Shade. Can have up to 1/2/3/4 out at a given time. They move fast and are invisible when idle. Can target an enemy to infest them, causing the shade to become consumed, dealing dps and silencing the enemy target for a duration.
DPS: 30/40/50/60
Duration: 4
Fade Time: 1 second
HP: 50 (Magic Immune)
Movement Speed: 522
Cooldown: 25/20/15/10
Manacost: 40
Frost Wyrm
Movespeed: 290
Starting Armor: 3
Attack Damage: 38-46
Attack Range: 600
Intelligence: 25 + 2.4
Strength: 24 + 2.1
Agility: 16 + 1.9
Ability 1: [Trap] A2L9 - R
Your attacks passively place a marker on enemies (lasts 20 seconds). Upon activation, all enemies with the marker are frozen and the marker is removed. You gain bonus damage for each unit that got frozen. Casting the spell removes the marker from all units, dead units do not count towards the marker bonus.
Hero Marker Bonus: +30 damage
Non-Hero Marker Bonus: +10 damage
Bonus Damage Duration: 8 seconds
Freeze duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5
Cooldown: 20
Manacost: 130
- Fixed Shades not spawning invis
- Shades HP increased to 250
- Shades infest cast range increased to 600
- Fixed the Finger of Death aghanims bounce from having 15% damage reduction
- Fixed Firestorm not hurting heroes
* Max level heroes no longer drain XP
* Enemeis can no longer see the countdown numbers for Chemical Rage
- Summon Shade does not require a corpse anymore
- Summon Shade count from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5
- Summon Shade cooldown from 30/25/20/15 to 25/20/15/10
- Fixed the DPS from the shades sometimes causing a suicide death
- Fixed the infset from the shades causing -50% dmg ont he target
- Fixed some levelup issues with the shades once we made it not require corpses (the dps wasn't getting upgraded after that)
- Shades HP reduced from 250 to 100
- Shades infest cast range decreased from 600 to 300
- Spiked Carapace cd increased from 10 to 14
- Spiked Carapace won't retrigger on the same target twice
- Finger of Death Aghanim's aoe from 200 to 225
* Magnus agility growth increased from 1.8 to 2.5
* Magnus base armor increased by 1
- Overheat secondary effect changed from disarm to -150 attack speed
- Overheat aoe increased from 190 to 225
- Soul Keeper Metamorph illusions attack range from 550 to 650
- Soul Keeper base armor increased by 2
- Fixed the DPS from the shades sometimes causing a suicide death
- Fixed the infset from the shades causing -50% dmg ont he target
- Fixed some levelup issues with the shades once we made it not require corpses (the dps wasn't getting upgraded after that)
194 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
imba changes
* Boots of Speed are now a sharable item
lol.. now maiden has to buy boots for the team too :D
hellyeah!! frost wyrm
Been waiting for it
nyc change
* Rupture cooldown from 70/60/50 to 50/45/40
bloodseeker more imba now
Phoenix 1st skill is too OP, should receive a nerf, Sunray is fine. Looking forward to play new version, too bad it ain't coming before TI2 -_-
Some changes are nice .. but some are completely overpowered and retarded.
classic is better
Classic is better
Where is Frost Wyrm? I can't see him.
Pit Lord's firestorm is changed too. just saw in beta map
icarus dive is better than his new first skill
cant see that frost wyrm
no frost wyrm... i swear..
64 is better
where can i download or test the beta ?
Most of the skills are overpowered. Still preferred the classic way.
this beta version is completely retarded
Are this real or you edit this with DotA Template v2??
noo brewlings vulnerable to blackhole :(
now AA player will start to lvling up chilling touch instead of stats
nice done man this hasent even come in get dota .com
nice maps
Not Bad
Dafuq did I just read? Hope the Roshan's changes are not applied
change the roshan,s location :)
it cant be. i can see roshan with wards. roshan can see with wards.
veno can kill roshan lvl1 with blink dagger and wards. in top of hill
please suggest that they should give some changes to other heroes too.....wadafaq
Liking the fact that we may see some new heroes, but that leaves the filed open to the fact that 6.76 might come along to balance them out! YAY! Go IceFrog!
what? finger of death aghanim bouncing?
must be kidding,
STRONGER Laguna Blade aghanim then!
Some skill changes are just op, and about roshan's changes, i hope they will not apply that .
So hard to adjust -_-
need map quick
no way in the hell man this is just too imba lol fake fake fake
This is Beta 5. Changelog is from Beta 17. And they're on Beta 34. So not all the changes are in the map yet.
BS so much imba. >_<
now huska witch 4s cooldown ulti, he is the most imba hero
The Roshan change pushes the ancient very close to the Scourge's middle tower. Beastmaster can pull the dragons straight over the tower and farm them using the tower. Too imba. The ancient camp has to move, maybe swap with the secret shop?
yay! shade skill is coming back and even better...can't wait to pair it up with dark seers again
aw i think they should retain the charge of darkness indicator...seems like there are still testing and tweaking ongoing this list is most likely not finished
i hate the new phoenix and some changes.,. pls,. return the old phoenix.,
This this sucks
6.74 is way better than 75..
maybe time to quit dota
DotA now too sucked up..
very easy game anymore.. instead
of very fun because of lvling and farming...
Why change Roshan ???
I didnt see any changes in this map -_-
IceFrog... you're soooooooo cool....
gonna wait if this changes remains in the official version and in dota 2...
it's about time dota makes a move.........HON is copying every goddamn thing on dota... >:/
Plz dont change rosh place
the old rosh place was good ... cuz u can see the secret shop and alot of other thing
power my video talk.
Traxex imba o.O agi+60 to ulti lvl 3 o.O .. and Phantom Lancer Agi to 3.4 ..
a lot of stupid changes, this is why i've hated dota since beastmaster/THD introduction, and why i havnt played much since 10 versions ago
please dive its better
bad bad, very bad...
dont ruin the game please...
This is Porn
It's time for NERUBIAN ASSASSIN to shine! :D
oh my gosh they cant wait ::)) ... its very cool .. there will be more changes :)
:) it will be so very cool those skills and items that can be shareable and plus the new character the frost wyrm :) First Blood :)
Finger of death bounces?...rupture cd decreased!....some changes are too imba! :/
nice changes, looking forward to play it on garena, nice news dota utilities
Thats nuts 6.74c is still better
Pit lords Shade Summoning must be named MANIFESTATION is it ok ? :D
Chick, FC, Wards, SoD and boots for support..
i dont want to be support anymore.. ahaha..
this is only beta guys :)
why always magina
Are you serious? Bloodseeker isnt op even with zero cd on rupture...
wow cant wait for the official map to download,
to dota-utilities thanks for updating us about this map, kudos
sorry guys this is not the real one. Just an ice breaker for everyone. So stay cool. IF
vice car lone
nice map.
* Removed Charge of Darkness debuff icon indicator
good grief! so much falimg on Roshan's new position, it is actually fair now! neither the scourge nor sentinal have a advantage to get aegis anymore, i agree with the ancients being to close to the tower, but things will change. As for pheonix, how broken! man! Pitlord is coming back with a vengeance as well! Great map IceFrog!
oh yeah!! XD
Does firestorm also heals creeps?
you guys are crazy... i think you guys didnt know what "BETA" means XD
err. too OP and just retarded
nice map with lots of bug's.and roshan wyou cant shot from anoter site just from his neck
wow nice
please change back the skills of ICARUS.. pls!
I Hope THat 6.76 will have Poseidon !!! :))
bad map easily warded....
bad map please use the old one..
Over Heat is So Cool MAn!!
Helm of dominator is still 300 sec. Aw Man!
LOL!!!!!!!!!! no hero?
furion can kill rosh lvl 1,..zz
wtf?? no play this map on online
wtf?? map no play online
I want it asap.. :D
nice map...but i really didnt like roshan's new location....
i cannot see the map in war3? y is this?? pls help me guys.. tnx..
BS Decrease Rupture CD.. ~_~ too imba
Also finger of death bounce is just too imba..
As for roshan, completely retarded location. I think it can easily be seen if it's warded by that place. Also look at that high cliffs! I think it can be easily be done by furion , preventing him to hit from roshan O_O
what the hell u did with phoenix he is so weak and only 1 good spell is sunray and u spoiled it with cooldown and not movement :/ please change it
too much bug.. .D:
I think theres a bug in 6.75 because you can kill RS lvl 1 using QOP or PUCK or Prophet.
HAhahaha LAughfable xD ung dati na lng sana... xD dnt make changes except on the items and heroes
only 1 hero?? huft....
i been waited so long of this 6.75 version!!!!
steal idea from Lol, again.
let's get it on!
are you making an ai map of these??
This is what i heard...6.70-"Dammit, Pheonix is junk! Remove him from the game! His skills are trash!"
6.75-"Dammit! What the hell? Pheonix is junk! His skills suck now! Change it back!"
People just cannot adapt to change!
LOL fanboys are roaming again on a dota only website, lol steals from dota bud, not the other way around, take your cartoonish game and yourself, go to hell, sit on a hot stone and wait for it to snow, thats what i think of lol. And people, i'm sure IceFrog is going to buff pheonix up big time, till we hear everyone rant how OP he is after the map is released. So just wait for the official map
More Imba now omfh
nevermore increase lv.4 are -6 armors?wow amazing.
good,i waiting for frost wyrm
yo tengo el mapa 6.75 beta !!
i have map 6.75 beta!!
its still beta w8 for real map
Sad Map
oh yeah i'm so excited! :D
I'm pretty sure icefrog will rechange some of the changes.
wOw . So excited to release this map , but why roshan change their location ?
and FINGER of DEATH (aga) . BOUNCE ?! WTF!!;
excited for the new version ^_^
People, roshes new location evens out the playing field, all the whiners will eventuall get used to it, i think this is a brilliant change as the scourge and sentinel have even playing field for an aegis opportunity
U suck boys, the idiots says: "give back icarus skills" retardS! they can't adapt to the changes, go to play other things.
Changes come or not, are accepted if they do not like can take off for two or three useless unless anyone noticing the difference.
PHOENIX? or Torchic? :D
i have 128 mb graphics card core 2 duo processor and 3 gb ra, can i play dota 2
There's no frost wyrm ==
how to kill rosan lvl 1 with propet?
Guys .. Dont hate the new phoenix.. for me overheat is more imba.. try to play new phoenix u well see the difference.. just get dagger!! bdw u can use overheat then use sunray.. ^_^ sorry for my bad english :p
please change 3rdskill of phoenix .. but the overheat of phoenix is very useful. please don't change it. Sunray now is safety. sorry for my bad english :(
People, Pheonix just became broken! the overheat is broken beyond belief! and spammable! imagine him in a team fight and he ulti's after they are unable to attck, add earthshaker and enigma? sandking? DICK!
I don't like the 3rd skill of phoenix ..
how to Download 6.75 ???
i cant wait! :)
This is only a experimental map because this map is not well done and most of the skill and heroes are bug or imba.
I hope this map will be more amazing, Beta is the creator of this game so this map is not Dota icefrog but Dota Beta.
guyz dont u think that the so many old tradition just got break Roshan must come back to its original place
please all hero level up.. i cant wait..!!
anyone know when will this come available?the official one
I think after the international... Icarus Dive is imbalance since it can disarm 5 people in large area plus, it can escape through cliff.... Roshan replacement is good because the old place giving some advantage to the Scourge/Dire.. Slark regenerations skill is imbalance in my opinion.. Btw Venom's ulti affect tower? wtf
Yea Pheonix's Icarus Dive is imbalance... IT CAN dISARM THE WHOLE ANEMY TEAM in just 2sec +damage +reposition
no too good
Please put PSY in this map. thanks..
thnx~! ^^
thanks gan , langsung download
Please don;t change the map. NOT EVEN A TREE !
we prefer the old map. put roshan back to its old location please.
all this flaming on IceForgs dota, lets see you people balance this out? All these changes are for a BETA release, not the official, and nothing will ever be balanced in dota, because people play it like that! These changes are a nice refresher to the whole game, so lets take it more positively?
I wanna see smarter mellee hero on approaching ranged heroes. For instance popping out from lothar's invisibility and attacking.
for the AI improvement I wanna see smarter ways of approaching battle by mellee heroes such as troll, void etc against ranged heroes. They simply just take way too much damage before just attacking the hero.
icefrog team is making it a crap so that gamers will go to dota 2 tsk..we need a new developer..anyone??
nice changes! XD
IceFrog is a Great Warcraft Map Creator :)
XD map bs to much unbalanced now XD ;c take care of it plz ICE FROG!!!!!!!!!!!
Dafuq icarus is dead man
i hope they will be fix the map as soon as possible..
it just so unfair to phoenix
Utra kill!!!!!!!!!!
please dont change the roshan place
i prefer fog of war maybe this revaled is easier but earlier you used tokill wolf camp when going to ''secret'' shop .... that was adventure ...
Force staff cd.., 24 or 26?!!!
Cant wait to use Blood Seeker... RAPTURE everyday!! ;-D
Very sad. Stop flaming Icefrog about the change. If you are sickk of it go play LoL. He will fix them man this is beta 17 right now its in 34 or more so stfu and play. TI2 is over now (congrags IG!) so the release is imminent!
Increase the dmg of laguna blade to 1600(1750) lvl 3
guy's don't worry that was just a beta i'm pretty sure that it's gonna be better when it's officially come out ^^
It's JUST A BETA!!!!!
fresh meat.............
wew naglaad yuck hahaha
pls update mirana!!!
Nerubian Assassin's Gonna go Rampaaaage!
Why did you change phoenix 1st skill?
dive is a good skill..
this is madness lets stick to 6.74c for balanced games
imba dre?! i like the old times. i remember when i was young and wild and free. my grand FA taught me how to dougie.
"so much falimg on Roshan's new position, it is actually fair now! neither the scourge nor sentinal have a advantage to get aegis anymor"
dude wake up sentinel has adv on the runes and scourge has adv from rosh that is simple and faired man rosh dont need to change place man let that map stay here he needs to be.
I Love it!!~ But Phoenix is Really Hard to use now... You Cant Walk with Sunray Right?... 6.74's Phoenix Combo is Dive+ Sunray(Walk).... now We Need Blinka Daggah!!!~ haha
Alchemist needs more buffs! srsly!
"dude wake up sentinel has sdv on runes and scourge on rosh..."
Dude, why dont you wake up? Even with the rune advantage, the sentinel still have a huge disadvantage when it comes to the placement of Rosh, go read your manual correctly, this new placement is exactly what the pam needed to even things out. You should think much further and state facts before telling people to wake up. really
Hey Icefrog, i liked some of the changes but... uve brought in too much of exposure for the heroes.
Nyx assasin:- i can understand that nyx assasin isnt that much of a ''team fight hero'' but i totally suggest u keep his 3rd skill just the way it was and never change it because its already good enough.
venomancer:- poison nova on buildings??? thats waaay too ridiculous... but if u boost his aghanim's scepter by allowing his ulti to affect magic immune targets then that would be a great use of his ulti.
Roshan:- dont change his place at all!!. cuz his fixed place is very well balanced. if u exchange his place with the ancients its gonna be rllllly unbalanced in my point of view.
Lion:- finger of death is waaay too powerful to affect another target. and it will be stupid to have a nuking double kill at the beginning of a teamfight.
Bane Elemental:- enfeeble needs an increased cooldown due to the massive 120 dmg reduction.
Silencer:- his 3rd skill was already well planned and made.he has to get the kill in order to get +2 intelligence, cuz that intelligence will be very useful for early teamfights. besides, +2 intelligence is a big boost, so having +1 for not getting a direct kill would be balanced.
Bristleback:- his quill spray stacking dmg is high enough. he can spam it alot + 3rd skill passive makes it even more spamming. so increasing the dmg cap is not so clever.
Phoenix:- hmmm....what can i say??.... i think ''overheat'' is at an early stage of balancing so i hope it becomes more balanced later, but for now u should realise that 400 dmg is too high for a spammable skill.
i rlly loved his ''dive'' skill...it was a perfect way of escaping and counter'ing a team fight haha. phoenix is mainly a suprise hero and a survivalist.... so his dive skill will be a great disadvantage for his gameplay.
Note:- im not a fan of nerubian assasin's ''intelligence items'' based gamestyle, i rlly avoid using dagon.
u can increase the dmg cap of impale to 280. i would like nyx more if he would be more of a mid hero and late carry with agility based build.
i hope u read this. i like giving my thoughts and opinions. my e-mail is dr.drooz_devil@hotmail.com ill be happy to help with the balances lol
Earth shaker str gain does not increased? he too soft man... late game just stun then ulti then feed
Earth shaker str gain does not increased? he too soft man... late game just stun then ulti then feed
Fuck i cant find the 6.75 map ....... Give me the link plz so i can download 6.75
frost wyrm is dk level 16 dragon dumbs
stfupls~if don't like then quite dota
I just got through testing out the new Phoenix... all I have to say is, I'm returning to .74. You carved up Phoenix and made him unplayable. Why in God's name did you fuck up dive? New Sun Ray is shit, I mean, spam clicking enemy heroes to death was what made Sun Ray fun. Fire spirits, I like that you went back to the original discharge (I.E. one spirit at a time), and THANK YOU for leaving egg unchanged, but with no disarm, egg becomes too vulnerable. Please change Phoenix Dive and Sun Ray.
stop joking with the new hero , so imba . damn map 6.75 . really not like this 6.75
i like it my friend
shadow fiend got no skill now. It is suck. I like to change its lvl6. Lvl6 is still active after death is suck............
6.75 map is now released, 2 imba heroes lolz haha
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