IceFrog gave us another update regarding the upcoming map. The DotA 6.75 will be shipped with a new Loading Screen. It's based on a DotA fan-art by Suke which shows an epic battle between Scourge (Dire) and Sentinel (Radiant). The heroes look mighty and more evil as compared to previous loadscreen.
Dota 6.75 Map released:
Dota 6.75 Map.w3x (Mirror 1)
DotA 6.75 Loading Screen (click to view full-size) |
Moreover, the loading screen states that, "This update includes a lot of new hero, item and gameplay improvements, as well as new content. Looks like DotA 6.75 will be packed with more than one new heroes and items. The new map is scheduled to be released within this week so keep checking for updates here!
DotA 6.75 release date
62 Comments yet..:
Haha.. Dapat AI na!! XD
First the CoolesT
First blood
looking forward for the changes :)
I see 10 heroes..
Sven, Tiny, Storm, Jugg, Lina ??
Obsidian Destroyer, Doom, Visage, Sand King, Bloodseeker
w00t more than 1 hero.. cant wait @_@
When will dota 2 have screens like this? :(
it could have been been much better, where's kunkka??
wer can i download dota 6.75
oppa "raijin" style ... :)
Sentinel: Sven, Juggernut, lina, storm spirit, tiny
Scourge: Obsidian Destroyer, Doom, Visage, Sand King, Bloodseeker
from here la bro... wait for realese date..!!
There is nothing mentioned about 'new heroes' just HERO IMPROVEMENTS ... the writer of this article should really learn to read
@8:16 it's not OD. It's PitLord you noob.
where can i download 6.75 AI map?
I hope theres an ai here
Its obviously OD
who's noob now?
It did say NEW CONTENT which means NEW HEROES
Its Pitlord not Obsidian. -___-
oppa "raijin" style²
zip zaaaaappppppppppppppp
pit lord can't fly, so its od..wew
nice........cant wait..
theres is no 6.75 map its only beta for now.
so 6.75 is the final?, i mean last version, because if u look the loading screen at bottom left side nothing written "what do you want to see next version (6.76)".
iamk just curious. :) "asking"
how to download this . . ?
anyone ?
We will have to see if 6.75 is indeed the end for dota, which i pray isnt even close to it! still excited for this map! and btw, it OD.
It's OD. Pit Lord doesn't have staff, can't fly, and a tiny tail.
See the difference.
This Week? Wow!!!!!!! I am really excited to see it and play it..
-No!!! It is pitlord not OD.. Maybe pitlord jump to strike sven ,right?
picture palang??
yeaaaaaa pro suke
nice one, this will surealy be another big hit for dota, congrats in advance icefrog and thanks Dota Utilities for posting us updates
It is pit lord just jumping not od (if you don't believe
look at sk why is he at top of tiny is that possible so there pit lord is jumping over bs
zzzzzz its Obsidian Destroyer
what the!!
stop quareling
The loading screen looks awesome but who are those flying guys above Balanar and Raijin? And that guy fighting Sven, it's Pit Lord not OD. Pit Lord can't fly, but he can jump. Also, OD has two staffs, and the one in the picture has only one. Does that proves it?
pit lord doesnt carry a wand just like OD does :-s
tagal irelease....
Alright... MMMMMMMMonster Kills... Yeah!!!
Zeus is beyond of all!
No! This is not the last version.
@ 3:38 tiny toss sk. :D
nice design for the loading screen and looking forward to the new things
Magaling ung MW.look
I think that is the new hero!!Half Pit Lord and Obsidian Destroyer!!
Prepare yourself. 6.75 is coming today!!
where got obsidian destroyer????
thas is pitlord weapon. xD
obviously this is obsidian destroyer,
Pit lord don have horn but 2 long teeth,
Pit lord use knife, not wand,
Pit lord is FAT, this one is slim.
winter and earth shaker ulti >>>>> OMG
winter and earth shaker >> ulti >>>>>>>> ultimate combat!!! OMG
It's Pit Lord, not OD. If you actually play DotA, you would know that Pit Lord has a pair of wings but cannot fly but then again can jump.
On the other hand, Sand King being carried by Tiny looks so epic.
its not lina..its vengeful...
ITS OD NOT PITLORD!! Pitlord has bigger weapon than OD!
great work, continue build ai map for v6.75 and fun mode then? tq for this map.
Beyond godlike in 5 minutes.
Its medusa, not slayer!
pit lord looks different..
its medusa... not lina
can u find wisp and visage in thos loading screen?
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