DotA 6.76c AI Map is going to be the next big thing after official map. DotA v6.76c AI will take weeks to release because of massive amount of changes from 6.75/6.76. The developer PBMN will have to sucessfully implement each and every change in a sequence to make the AI map work. When the map releases, it will support Arc Warden and Winter Wyvern AI.
But until then, we have to wait.Here are the latest updates regarding the AI:
Update #3 (1st December 2012) New release:

Download: DotA 6.76c AI Eng.w3x (mirror 1)
* Get the .w3x file from the link above and move it in 'Warcraft 3\Maps\Download' directory in order to play.
Update #2 (15th November 2012):
Hello, again.
I`m still in a process of renting a flat in Germany(Munich)... apparently this is a very hard thing, even if you can pay for it. Please, stop filling my inbox asking for links. No work is done on the map yet, so there are no links. I`m getting the files i need soon and i may begin preparing the port... but i can`t work without a workstation. Developing on a tablet is impossible :)
Hopefully things will change for the better before the holidays.

I`m planning to port the AI map to 6.76 but unfortunately, very soon, I'm going to move to a new country - Germany (Munich). Thus the next release date depends much on the speed i can find a suitable rent apartment there... as i can`t place my workstation and work on the map, in my free time, without a proper place to live. The big unknown is in front of me :) but i`ll keep you posted of my progress.
We will keep posting all the updates related to AI map here. The download link of Dota 6.76c AI will be published here as soon it arrives.
DotA 6.76c Map
213 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»First Blood!
pls release the map soon im in hostel the internet here is so slow i cant play online i need ai map :(
bla siap map ni???
Release the AI Map were so excited for 6.76b AI Map!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mooonsterrrr Kill!!!
Triple Kill!!! Hurry!!!
Please before November release that 6.76b AI Map for the long weekend vacation... Thank you so much PBMN
make it fast...!!
Please release right now .
Release the AI Map were so excited for 6.76b AI Map!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mooonsterrrr Kill!!!
make it more teamwork if can ..sohai xm mode ..nno mean
make it more teamwork pls if can ..sohai extreme mode no mean ... hahah
i love dota
just w8
this is too good !
this is too good
gl finding a nice workplace PBMN...hope the AI release soon...
please add -so command in AI...
How long will it takes for 6.76 AI Map? Hopefully before November... PBMN were hoping for more AI Maps will be release... TRIPLE KILL!!!
i hope more AI Maps will come before end of this year!!! DotA still the best than DotA2 nothing compares!!!
I wonder how many years I've left dota..maybe I'll start back by playing this new ai dota map
pls release quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please release the AI map SUPPER exited
First blood
take ur time no rush______and for all of you get a life_____________ brainkill
Release it Now !!!!
Im waiting for It
Name: Mr.CLeaR
Age: 17
yep please .. make the ai better in teamwork .. after all , dota is all about it right .. hate to see them fleeing away from me when im ganked
yep please .. make the ai better in teamwork .. after all , dota is all about it right .. hate to see them fleeing away from me when im ganked
please hurry
Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
And take away the pain
Cause I see sparks fly
Whenever you smile
IceFrog needs to remake the new heroes :(
too powerful. BTW, Goodluck on the map xD
another blood split...
Please were waiting for more AI Maps... Thanks...",)
Hey Mr. PBMN, I;d like to ask for your ESTIMATE of the release of this AI map. I am SO psyched-out and thrilled for the next AI release. Also wish you the best of luck and the death of the bugs ;).
AI map PLZ
nc map...new hero is available...yeah...
yep make the ai better in team work
More Latest AI Maps Please... =))6.75 and 6.76
make AI map....that more exiting enemy....haha
release nyu na yan mga putapete.. pero baka puro bug din yan!
Please Hurry Im getting tired of Waiting
Please Make the AI's More Clever Because i need some warm-up sOmetimes.. goota be challenge!
I WIll Wait This MAP
How long we will wait for this AI Map please release it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unstoppable!!! Trrrrrple Kill!!!
shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait!!!!!!!!!
I wanna play
where can i download 6.76ai map ?
plzzzz release ai maps i wanna to practice arc warden
when it releases,,, we hope that it will be awesome!!!!plss hurry<> thank you....
hahaha weak
can u shut up noob
release now the ai map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must hurry!!!!!!!!!!hurry!!!!!!
I feel awesome!!!!!!!!!!
i cant waiy my men!
ok xD
PBMN i hope you could fixed about a catapult not being hit by ai hero when cata hitting the tower.. it suck hero just depending on attacking creep and hero but not cata but their are some hero who does do hit cata.. please fixed this bug on hero not hitting the cata when attacking the base tower.
yes i agree with that.
i can't w88888888888888888888888!!!pls releaese fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!
release now the ai map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you must hurry!!!!!!!!!!hurry!!!!!!
I feel awesome!!!!!!!!!!
faster please?-.-
I will enjoy ur ....;..
We have always continuing support for the AI Maps Developer... DotA still No. 1 for us!!! DotA Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rampage ! ! ! to all developers of AI Maps from the start up to Present we honor you guyz for every contributions u've made to us!!! i know trials are always there but don't give up please let's stand for the DotA Community!!!!!!!
Thank you DotA "Nothing Compares"
Please release the 76 Ai map. :3
hurry up guy
I need 76c AI map.
please hurry
release it faster plsss realy need it.
Make a version were AI are gone harder to beat . for those who are well experienced yet want to practice it first .
Make a Solution tsk.
PBMN, can you make 6.76c AI like this:
- AI can do 1-1-3 formation and can roam in CM
- AI will have wards on neutral areas
- AI will have better teamwork
- "-switch" mode can be entered
- AI can use crows
- AI SF be in mid always
- better usage of skill and etc.
- autodogding in mirana's arrow be lesser
and other improvements
more power.
hope you finish it before December 1, 2012
O yeah excited na bai!!
anonymous are u weak haha plss don't play dota cuz u r very weak
-apneng is toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy mode
plz add commands which let AI attack the Fountain of Life...
Release the map sooner, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE............................
Release it nooooow
10 November :S Nothing yet...
I'm so exited please release that map
as soon as posible...
can,t wait
make it faster. . .plz
plsss make a hardest AI that you can make.. -apxm mode is to easy for me..actually they are 5 lvl gap in my hero..so easy..
Release Please ^_^
Anonymous said...
anonymous are u weak haha plss don't play dota cuz u r very weak
4:53 AM
hahahahahahahahhahaha what the?? o.O do you have brains? xD who are you referring to???
aaaaahhhhhhwwwwww!!!!!!! pleassse releeaaasse the maaap please!!!!!!!!!!!
PBMN, can you make 6.76c AI like this:
- AI can do 1-1-3 formation and can roam in CM
- AI will have wards on neutral areas
- AI will have better teamwork
- "-switch" mode can be entered
- AI can use crows
- AI SF be in mid always
- better usage of skill and etc.
- autodogding in mirana's arrow be lesser
and other improvements
more power.
hope you finish it before December 1, 2012
this map release at what date ? can`t wait. XD
AI means "Artificial Idiot" not Artificial Intelligence
pls.... be in hurry... we're so excited to play 6.76 ai map... pls... pls... pls
One suggestion i feel could be put in, is a much more gank-orientated style AI as well as the difficulty level of the AI should be increased for better practising purposes
such a lot of noobies moaning for an AI Maps! Can beat real human dude?
[PBMN, can you make 6.76c AI like this:
- AI can do 1-1-3 formation and can roam in CM
- AI will have wards on neutral areas
- AI will have better teamwork
- "-switch" mode can be entered
- AI can use crows
- AI SF be in mid always
- better usage of skill and etc.
- autodogding in mirana's arrow be lesser]
how to contact PBMN ? I want give him cheap apartment in munich .
Is There Any DotA Fans Germany(Munich) :D
Omg, the map creating so slow ,
please faster i need to play this AI map ,
Hope Faster To Create iT xD
FaStEr lo , i'm waiting the AI map being Crazy @@
AI are dumbs. They never know how to play with fogs. Move straight only
PBMN, please make command which let AI attack Fountain of Life... it would be fun.....
can u make 6.76ai 6v6 please, please, thanks pbmn. luv u
YEAH! fine news..
nonymous said...
"can u make 6.76ai 6v6 please, please, thanks pbmn. luv u"
wahahaha.. +100500! it would be cool
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
PBMN, can you make 6.76c AI like this:
- AI can do 1-1-3 formation and can roam in CM
- AI will have wards on neutral areas
- AI will have better teamwork
- "-switch" mode can be entered
- AI can use crows
- AI will have a better teamwork
- AI will gangbang enemies
- AI SF be in mid always
- better usage of skill and etc.
- autodogding in mirana's arrow be lesser
and other improvements
more power.
hope you finish it before December 1, 2012
Plz release the MAP quickly because im very excited to Praktice the NEW HERO !!!!!!! :))
Faster please... i can't wait anymore!!
why don't you guys be patient and understand him? i mean it's not that easy dudes.
what is the latest AI map?
Looks like 6.76 AI is a false map. hahaha they must been put the AI to 6.77
- autodogding in mirana's arrow be lesser
Someone above might like -ld in his game mode... try it
Where is the fucking 7.76 AI.. What hell? I thought it is just a week.. BUT NOT!!!!!!!! A month.. I am tired of waiting.. yeah! that atitude, it will make you kiss the ground.. in that atitude, LOL and HON can defeat you.. So don't be stupid.. A million people want DOTA.. BUT not that LOL and HON coz they have no originality.. And dont focus to dota2 coz there is a dota 1.. got that? Am I right or I am right? O_o
fast plzzz....carry wth AI map soon...waitin 4 it...:))
Dota 6.76 AI, Wooooo! WoDotA
plzz publish AI map soon....waitin 4 it..:))
pls release it before xmas..........
where map?
Hayytzzz.. W8ing again :|
ahhh ahhh ahh. sige pa ahhh ahhhh ahhh, ang sakit na , ahh ahh.........
After killing Roshan, Centaur keep stay at Roshan there like afk...
AT LAST!!! i can now practice arc warden!! ^_^
it's ok for me even the map is unofficial, as long as the map is playable 6.76 its okay!!
release it now .:DD
true need switch as well as a better teamwork ty
awts NON-OFFICIAL..... Wew -_-
:)txks alots......wow...:))..tnk i ned to strt playin wth latest ai map...:))
just downloaded the unofficial map.. trying to find some bug :D
pls make the AI proer im begging you T_T im here with slow internet... its almost impossible to find a game in garena and eventhough i do it lags like a mad cow
I'am very conficued here,can someone tell me whats going on?? we suposed to wait dota version 6.75 am i right?? how can dota v6.76 release so soon?? and,i try to fine/download dota 6.75 but still not there and not release yet i thought, but Dota v6.76 now is available to download?? whats going on on this earth??
Even AI is given a lot of money, AI will still carry some recipes on them
Cannot go into Scourge :/
cannot go into Scourge
bloodstone in the unofficial map not like the original 76c
there is something wrong in the new AI ver. treant living armour is bug does not show the icon and it is not passive as like it was in the 6.74c AI. the ai's also tend to stop in the middle of the 1st tower and 2nd tower in the late game and does not go through the 3rd all the way in
We want official AI Maps!!!
Unoffical map is many bugs!!
pls release OFFICAL Maps
I Hope AI will inculde TRI Lane in cm mode(^ ^)
I play 6.76AI (unoffical maps)
Storm is AFK for 5 minutes..
What happen this?
Storm is AFK For 5 minutes at Begining!
Even that there are many problems with the AI version . We still should give thanks to the Developer of the Version. Hoping that still we will receive the official map ..
Well if posible.
we want AI can put ward + know to dewarding also buy curier atm..
Peace No war.
lots of bugs....lots of heros afk n tower regenrt hp itself...sad...bt txks alot 4 tis....:))
AI level increased faster....bugs on it...lots of..:(
Linken Sphere effect is not working ...
i got on 3vs3 on the unofficial 6.76c AI,
at first it works well, till 15 minutes,
the AI starts afk, doin nothing in the base,
it wonders when only ally AI affected, while enemy aren't,
and they tend to bring so much recipe.
so many bugs,
it's unofficial though..
hoping the official one release soon ^_^
Chinese version works good. thanks for the update
Hello there...
If you find some bug and error at DotA 6.76c AI Unofficial, please report to PBMN...
If you find some Flat Renter, please report to PBMN...
Don't be chatty...
i hope there would be no bugs and cheats for this map ^_^...
Naix and lich afk till end game........T_T
phoenix got bug no cd ss
so many bugs,please fix it
ultra kill!!!!!
LOL! phoenix's ss not a BUG...
what version is required to run the map?
thank you so much for releasing this map...
official AI map please..want the AI move like real humans!!!!and i hope TRILANE can be done by the AIs.knows how to ward/deward,requesting ganks.:D
Pls faster release= =
damn so hot men 6.76 thats why i love dota
Pls Release the official map before 2013
Weaklings AI users
Monster kill
Armlet of Mordigan give +5 hp/sec regeneration instead of +8 . :-/
But very big thanks for this map.
Ehem.... Cant you just w8?
Can u improve the AI about fleeing when they have no mana
pheonix skill bug :/
what bug??
errr.. dont rush him, he doesn't even have a decent workplace to start with. XD
thanks for DotA AI
Damn... So lame for the map
there is no problem i found in the 6.76c ai unoffical map... no bugs...
Iwant a Strong AI PLEASE!!!
Don't rush PBMN, its hard to make a Map
hurry the map 6.76b AI PLEASE
i excited to play it
many heroes go afk, mostly after defending and even in roshan.. tho i make them return to base and instant TP to well.,
Strong A.I Please
NO Challenge Even the Xtreme mode
plzz rels....official ai map plzzzzzzzzzzz
if can make it wan to kill in early game
plzzz rels AI map.............. plzzzzz..........
whatever troll warlord is weak
They use tango?! o_O ai use tango?!
Please fasterrrrrrr!
Some time AI so strong than players...
what is PBMN means??
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