Final Update (30th May, 2013) - IceFrog releases DotA 6.78 [changelogs] with 2 new heroes.
Update #1 (26th April 2013) - IceFrog announces release date of DotA 6.78.
What things you want to see in the map? Remake of Visage? A new hard-carry like Anti-Mage/Troll Warlord? Give your feedback below via comments. Also, we'll be updating this page constantly with development updates of 6.78, keep your fingers crossed!
DotA 6.76c AI
369 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 369 Newer› Newest»booooo i we though there where a new hero
first blood.!! remove invoker lag and please upgrade all tower damage,armor and health.. Please consider about it..
first blood!
lol, first blood!
Pls add a new heroes
Please add new hero and fix imba skils and stuffs...add some new item and new creep maybe....
kindly nerf drow ranger she's just way too imba even without
good items. . .
pls kindly add Pandaren's Earth Panda as a new hero, just like Storm and Ember. . .and plese nerf drow's AS, huskar's agi growth, naga's rip tide (pls remove the damage), ursa's MS, dark seer's surge pls rescale. also buff bristleback's MS, storm sucks early game due to mana prob, windrunner needs additional agi growth, additional str growth for meepo.
Why don't u put -quit first before leaving then -ok
to prevent quitters! am i right
DotA version 6.74c was the most stable version and every hero got damage due to some reason. Not the passive damage ability like Traxexs' marksmenship. Traxex shall have active ability giving her damage for a limited amount of time.
Pls i think that invokers ghost walk should have a limit to how long you can use it, and that it should be like a normal wind walk, it's just disturbing if he want's he can stay in ww the whole game ... just too much, and new cent is just useless ...
Please make Luna stronger..
give her more base stats..
she doesn't have survivability skill, just her best base MS... maybe make her stronger? new skill? nerf her lunar blessing... maybe just like more survivability when night, or etc. make her more unique.. ^^
hmmm drow ranger need a remake too..
i thought.. ^^
buff earthshaker, i am pissed watching stupid stats of him like 1-0-10 make the assist stat as equal as kill.. give more credit to support heroes, remake earthshakers skill make his stun duration fixed for fissure. replace his two syupid skill aftershock and enchant totem.. and nerf nevermore you seem to buff that gay hero over and over, make his razes manacost 120each raze or higher
New heroes....!!!
mew heroes and centor in 6.74 must comeback
pls, new her0..
remake of medusa...
Improve Luna ulti, make it has two effect passive and active skill ^^...
Icefrog.... please ^^
new hero like Night elf (Humanoid)malfurion stormrage...
new hero like Night elf (Humanoid)malfurion stormrage
ice frog.. ^_^ good ^_^
^_^ dota.. make some new trick so players wont be...
bored.. nice..
and icefrog pls make it faster maybe before new year or after new year... just make it faster with more cool stuff
may schepter upgrade?
please add new items heroes and neutrals...and change the skills of the other heroes
Invoker's Invisible is not unlimited time...
Cooldown 60 secs
Last for 100 secs
Make a new Hard Carry hero like Anti-Mage/Juggernaut which based on WIND element.. please consider this MrIcefrog
pls back the old ss of centaur and i want also aghanims to be applicable for cent ! like the double edge because it glows brightly when activated ! :D
New changes to the MAP........ to be more FUN.... ^_^
ICEFROG should be make some improvement for TRoLL warlord.. because he really weak even in the late game he still lose fighting 1 vs 1 to mortred and traxex.. so, improve troll please ICeFrog ^_^
please improve Sven's MS and Pleae Add some new heroes..
first blood,plzzzz take out your map hack cheat,many players still using it.we dont know maphack can destroy dota's gaming
icefrog!!!plzzzz listen,delete your garena maphack cheat,that kind of cheat will destroy a game,dont publish tjat kind of cheat,plzzz
add -kickvote or something during game to remove esp altaber's(alt+tab players that cause lag) and laggers(players). and just add cool contents to make dota more willing to be played. sorry for my bad english icefrog. :D
p.s add hero that can repair towers.
Ice Frog Make Never Schepter Upgrade xD
plss add Aghanim's Schepter 2 For Upgrading Ultimates by 2
New Earth Panda Strength hero!!
Please icefrog make a new hero and change traxex ulti skill that's very imba
new hero like terran marine/human marine/ensign Ricky, what ever you call the guy with the first erson shooting gun. haha also upgrades for aghanims. or maybe a 6v6 map with AI. haha
ammh ES can be a killer it depends who use him, because I can make him killer..... and yeah! I want a new hero the earth type of SS of pandaren
make a map of DotA 6 vs 6
make rework on visage, his SS then add the kodo rider also include a harpy lady and mortar combat be creative and add some heroes of tthe world of warcraft ^_^
make a range ursa hero,a jungle wendigo, also a grunt war master, also an overage peon who can make and repair towers, mortar combat that unleash or transform to a tank.
very imba centaur, phoenix, traxex
Make water or plant hero (killer)for sentinel... with ranged attack...
please change drow's SS. . .make it an active skill and his trueshot aura. . .she should be a mana dependent hero to minimize her imbaness. . .also Pandaren's Earth Panda please make it a hero, either Tank or Initiator. . .
Please add more new heroes :)
And if possible, add one more rosham :D
Plz kindly fix treant protector skills....
Mr.IceFrog Can u just give back our 6.74 Terrorblade N Centaur warchief N plz Drow Just got Too much imbaness
Make Luna little strongger
hero with global skill
Add Hero The Paladin Hero Ones It Could Be Nicer And Maybe A New Goblin Hero Or You Can Use Dethroc Model Az A New Hero
Make wisp stronger and Nerf Traxex
Increas enigmas eidolons duration and make blackhole sceptre upgradeable
Also try to make it not possible to use omniknight repel on enemy heroes cuz it happens by mistake sometimes
A fan
Please consider buffing S&Y a bit, it is not used at all in the pro scene.
Hi ,
Please conside remaking drow's ulti as an active skill , lets say 60+ agi for 25 seconds or so at level 16 , and also
introduce more scepter ultimates , so the game gets more and more skillbased instead of just autoattacks (i.e slark , void ,w.e carries are out there) ,so even the most boring pubs become something skilled and usefull .
Thank you.
Please consider making traxes's utli an active skill instead of passive , lets say 20 seconds of 50+ agility at lvl 16.
Introduce more scepter upgrades and active skills to make the game more fastpaced and skill based because we cant play clan games all the time , and pub stopms with hardcarries with passive bla bla skills which gets incredibly boring.
Thank you.
Fix Traxex's Ulti
Put some auto bans in CM . Include doom bringer, barathrum, lycan, traxex, treant, tuskar, phoenix, legion commander, axe in the list of auto bans. way too imba
invoker tornado please fix, if cast on hero, cannot coming down, spinning on air forever...
> Winter Wyvern ulti leveling up should be balanced. Getting 0.5s per level and no improvement in mana cost/no considerable improvement in CD.
> Bind Hotkey of Rubick's stolen spell to one SINGLE key [like Doom].
> Return Silencer's team presence by bringing his classic passive silence back.
> Nerf D.Ranger
make the ranged creep of sentinel as a hero
improve dazzle's ulti, its the only waste power he has !!
New Heroes, add something to the map :3
try to make some changes to venomancer appearance when he have Aghanim's Scepter...
new heroes and new power
-Must deescalate the abbilities of some heroes, like slark, huskar and goblin shreder..
-Restore phoenix, cent, teror and necros abilities and skills like 6.74..
-Give us new heroes and new items that their gameplay must requires lot of skills (for exaple: nevermore, pudge, puck, invo)(force staff, dager, euls).
-Give the ability to bat's ulti to can drag someone on a scarp, and plz reduse the slow of his first skill..
-Increase the movement speed of kunka..
-Decrease the movement speed of undying..
Please change the skill of huskar
Please change the skill of huskar
Please remake model of roshan thats not cool, new hero is earth panda please . .
Please remove 6 sec channel of sunray of phoenix and remove its cooldown of sunray
Make dota worst so we will not play it... ^^
Make DotA Worst so we will not play it... ^^ <3
just keep improving the balance of the game and add some stuff .. i want to use some heroes in tournament but i cant just like pitlord and somebody else
pls add ash bringer hero from titan land and add more agi heroes the specializes in killing enemy heroes with speed...
please reduce the damage of third skill of traxex and make it not global..
Rikimaru needs some attention! he hasnt been buffed since ever, maybe cuz hes invisible you don't notice him.
Maybe a technical buff? higher movespeed? more agi gain?
Evasion while invisible and opponent has true sight?
MOve speed increase while invisible? bonus dammage on attacks when breaking invisibility? A blink strike that doubles as a blink?(maybe OP :P)
put heroes an upgrade towers and player to play 6v6
plz upgrade kardel sharpeye, add his third skill other effect!
i want to request Gryphon Rider as a new hero.
please improve/remake Icarus' skills.
please bring back Kardels Scatter shot but the slow remains. :) up to you.
DotA 6.78 Changelog (fake?)!
first Blood!! add some hero like Ghost freak his 1st skill is ghost walk that make hin invisible ang his 2ns skill is Arcane Smash that can slams the ground, the force of which knocks nearby enemies back and sends an arcane shockwave forward, damaging and slowing his enemies. his 3rd skill is possive.. that reduce their damage and increases the armor of my companions and his last skill is Infuse that lunges at an enemy Hero, stunning them, suppressing their skill and dealing damage for a few seconds.
Mortar team! new hero! Intelligence, habilities: Radar (to see invisible units for a short time duration // Fire canon: Shot a mortar bomb that explodes at impact causing fire the ground for a moment. // Megabombs (after 10/7/5/3 hits charges a big bomb that improves your atack) // Detonate ground: Mortar team destroys a part of the ground creating an impassable path, damage and stun.
New item: Arcane staff (staff of wizzardry + orb of venom x 2 + robes of magi + recipe). +15 int + Poisons the target, dealing damage over time and slowing, depending on whether your hero is melee or ranged + active: Your team gains mana regen and extra int (+5/+10/+15) (recipe level)for 15 secs. (4 charges) Recipe cost. 800g.
Alchemist seems to be tooo imba late game.. do something about that plzz
ohh yeah i just forget.. ghost freak is strength scourge 2. his 1st skill is cool down is 15/10/5/2 and his 2nd skill is cool down is 20/15/10/5 and is last skill cool down is 100/80/50/30
his items is:: Helm of dominator/Sange and yasha/Battle Fury/butterfly/cranium basher/phase boots
plzz kinly remake visage and treant protector...
then add new hero
also plzz increase the damage, health, and armor of the towers..
remove invoker lag
ice frog please put a new hero as ........ one star craft as well as the Venomancer, can be a terran.
also fly to Phoenix as was the 6.74 ............... please
also add new items
-make panda earth ( strength sentinel )
-make gondar handsome ( he is too ugly )
-make aghanim improve rubick's ultimate ( wtf he's son of aghanim why he can't use his father scepter ? )
-and make aghanim improve kunkka's ultimate buff: all damage taken reduced by 50% without kunkka take the damage
ice frog pls add this hero ...ghost freak
pls add new hero! mayb a cool carry!
They will have to patch the game itself to do that.. But idk if they can
ice frog!! add that hero ghost freak
remake draw ranger. she's too imba.
make a new hero,in warcraft 3 there is a long range bandit and a axe type bandit, this tips can help you to make a new hero in strenght scourge!!!!
to much speak you all, just play and enjoy the game
did you just can comment? just play and enjoy the game
i want new heroes
increase sand king damage in the sand storm…
lower skeleton king ultimate cooldown
increase boot ms back to 55%
added 1 hero form lol…Cho`gath(best gank,tanker and att)
fixed lag in invoker early game
add new item like in dota 2…deadulus….
thats all i want…hope to see co~gath in 6.78…:)
Maybe some extensions to Orb of venom, e. g. Hand of skadi or bite of skadi. All those skadi items are buff placers on ranged but orb on meele. Perhaps bite of skadi with increased poison damage that stacks pretty sick?
im think no need to change heroes skill or add some skill of it.. most of hero have a weakness heroes and it depend on player when they play or use the hero...im suggest just cr8 a new heroes,update the new item(like add some item for mana,new creeps)also im thinking is it almost goodly player can control the ancient creep in dota except ROSHAN!...hope no too much
please make invoker more powerful iiuuuu
-Add New hero like Earth Panda
-Remove Invoker Lag
-Add Damage Armor Health Tower
-Add Damage For Raijin Ultimate
-Add Sccepter For Rubick (Can Spell Steal to Alies Hero)
-Add Damage and AoE for Kunkka ULtimate
-Remake Medusa Ultimate Like a Stun not Slow
It would be great if they added some strength caster whose ultimate enables him to use hp instead of mana...kinda' like huskar does:D
i like the hero "WIND RIDER" in sentinel and the "LAERNERIAN GUARD-HYDRA"
Add new Hero Earth Panda
new hero please
reduces damage to Traxex
improves fenix ultimate
improve 3er skil of fenix
Earth Panda would be nice. And maybe a strength Kodo Rider.
Also, please balance the non-captains mode heroes so they can join the capitains mode. I personally like a lot of them :]
Make Cent's Ulti not possible to terpass cliffs and stuff like that.
Nerf Phoenix's atk speed slow, and i think it will be ready for CM.
Nerf Azgalor's firestorm early damage. Make it damage towers like before, but only doing minor damage. Add him to CM.
Maybe a Item with global repercution would be nice for supporters :]
These are my ideas, the rest is up to you ^^7
Yeah, medusa is needing some buff. Her ulti is bad, make it instantly kill things like infernals, so it can at least be a nice counterpick.
And give orb of venom another use, :p
Reduce Skeleton's KIng ulty cd ? Are you daamn stupid? His ulty at level 3 is only 60sec cd... And also you want a damn hero from stupid lol game to be included in dota ? If you can;t kill yourself let someone else do it for ya.
Up to IceFrog it'd be cool if you add some new heroes as well as new items. At least add 3 or more new heroes soz items. cheers.
please icefrog! return the third passive skill(ANCHORs Smash) of leviathan !very useless when it come in hand to hand combat!Undying is more useful in clash!
Most people here don't know what they are saying. SRSLY. If we want a balanced and competitive game, please make it possible for pub match to have two supports atleast, and three carries (2 semi + 1 hard/3 semi). I'm really sick of people picking carries and no supports. That I am forced to pick support just to help cope up in matches. This is really obvious in DotA one and especially DotA 2.
please make medusa stronger shes to weak! plaese think about it! tnxzzzzz!
red kael as a hero maybe
hey dude PLEASE REDUCE THE damage of dagon 5 its so hard u know
reduce slark 3rd skill.it is too much imba.it sucks you know
hey dude PLEASE REDUCE THE damage of dagon 5 its so hard u know
please give a hero like san goku in dragon ball or naruto's nine tale. also add a skill like kamehame wave and rasengan . and please give 2 roshan for scourge and sentinel. scourge is cheating u know. . . .
give bonus damage to knight davion in dragon form and improve jakerio cooldown.
give bonus damage to knight davion dragon form and decrease jakerio spell cooldown give visage instead of familiars bonus damage and attack speed make new hero like fire dragon and ice dragon which are offensive and defencive . i will like to see these things in next dota map.plzplzplz
trax 3rd skill bug 6.77b..
Add Dancer from dota 5.84
Add more heroes
Holas a thing that always eh wanted see in provides is a hero who is Golem of granita or of stone ... not of siege for which serious I peeled ... with the skill of Throws piedra:el which deberia stunear at least 2.5 or 3 seconds. It throws of granita or of stone: which on having received assault of the opponent the golem extracts the thorns and avoids the hurt, beside having 75 % of posiblilidades send fragmenos of 15 % of the hurt to the enemy units. A liabilities of improvement of armor and speed index. And the ultiimate not ... you propose some kind of xd ... or weno if they want not serious golem changes the skill but one badly ... and if in honor they put him helger, rosbio or fabio xd weno this is one of my suggestions tiny is a giant of the mountain but not a golem for which it is not called me the attention. Thank you for reading myself
Cre8 a hero like dwarven
cr8 hero like dwarven
pls..!!! add damage to Winter Wyverns Skill .!!
plss..!! create this hero HYDRA ..!on the next map or other i hope ull read our sugestions..!!
new heroes like drow ranger but its already a boy.
please re-make skills of rubick.. replace any of his skills witha skill that brings crows and damge the enemy .. Also add a item that absorbs mana per hit
please make roshan a hero!LOL
add auto skill to roshan like AOE stun :D
necrolyte remake,..
Necrolyte Remake!!!!!!
plz.. make a new hero Earth Panda plzzz>>
changes i want to see:
Kunkka - opponents hit by the incoming ship should take damage but only those that are inside the ship crash AOE shall be stunned.
Tauren - slight increase in Nature's Order AOE
Wisp - buff in his base strength and strength gain plus 1 starting armor
Huskar - nerf on his agility
Bristleback - needs some serious buff
Doom - slight nerf on Doom duration
Abaddon - slight increase on Borrowed time
Balanar - nerf on his strength. way too tanky
Magina - return the 6.74 magina
Yurnero - decrease on Omnislash cd
Syllabear - nerf on his true form
Luna - buff his base strength
Naga Siren - too imba, need to be nerfed
Traxex - make his ulti an active skill. need some serious nerf
Ursa - another imba hero, decrease his armor
Broodmother - return the 6.74 broodmama
Viper - nerf his strength
Slark - slight nerf on strength
Medusa - besides the slow can ultimately kill an infernal with her ulti
Rylai - increase in MS
for items:
a nerf on Sange and Yasha. . .this is seldom seen now on dota games :(
pls improve wisp and bring back the great fortitude of centaur,, stampede is very useless, give wisp an +20 str. And ban the map hack cheat, remove it, give us new hero the grunt and hero that can heal towerzzzzz, plz icefrog:))
please fix TRAXEX, she is very IMBA with the ulti +damn agi, silence, and slow is to strong
changes i want t see:
Sven- his 3rd Skill will be change to Stun or Blink or Slow.
Have many Heroes of Strength
Please remake SVEN.......:>
Please make a new Character in Strength
PLS Nerf Traxex
Pls make more Strength Heroes!!!!!!!
Add a new Hero in Sentinel's Strength like a Green Mhogul Kahn(AXE).....And pls remake Sven's 3rd Skill and make hs ss more Stronger.....Pls make the ss of Traxex active
Pls make a green Yurnero(Juggernaut)
Pls make a new hero,..... !!Earth Panda!!
Please add Fun heroes and fix the Invoker Bug. ^_^
please replace visage's summon familiars with revenants. visage sucks! please. return his skills to what it was before.
please return the old skills of terror blade and fix some skills of gorgon medusa. . . thanks!!! ^^
Please return TERRORBLADE skill, Silencer and centaur skill and add a new heroes that could heal a tower
i think ghost freak is the best hero!!
I dislke the casting time for some heros like chaos knight or jakiro it's pretty slow
plz make unique heroes !!!
mr icefrog pls add ne heroes and bring back the old centour i mean the old skills and treant old skilss...and pls add ne item....tnx
Make a 6 v 6 AI Maps thanks
Improve echantress!!!!!
please remake the skills of tauren chieftain and add some new heroes and new items
please make some advance items like combining 2 great items, for example buriza and basher
make tango to 4
Fix ursa not to change target when he use his moves like enraged
Less orb effect please and an item beyond sange and yasha
Ice Frog,
=> Limited number of guinsoos per team. 2 is good. And restrict rhasta and lion to guinsoo. ( like quellin blade restricted to kunnka)
=> Allow ring of basillus to combine wid null tullisman and bracer also, to form ring of aquilla
=> Rework etheral blade. like eagle horn for agi, reaver for str, mystic staff for int
=> Add new animation for MOM active, besides just the cry
=> Obviously we all wish to hav Great fortitude instead of stampede for cent
=> Drow has become too noob-friendly. Please rework trueshot aura or marksmanship. NOT BOTH PLZ
=> Please rework balanar's aghanim upgrade
=> Make TB's metamorphosis as his ultimate and give him sceptre to add a new demon
=> Please change the overhead animation for charge of darkness
Thank YOU
please add animation when SF razes
and souls that he get
please return phoenix rich first map 6.72 more fitting because it is useful for the team of the new folder
please return phoenix rich first map 6.72 more fitting because it is useful for the team of the new folder
pls give zeal back to tb and reduce meta time, And pls rework on bristle and winter wyrm(we all had high hopes from him as new hero but sadly he was introduced as support) no more support heroes pls.
I Suggested you make new hero brother of Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit such as Earth Spirit or Ground Spirit.. i guess
pls add new hero ,items ,upgrade some skills and new courier ability
Add Sccepter For Rubick (Can Spell Steal to Alies Hero)
Ice Frog,
=> Limited number of guinsoos per team. 2 is good. And restrict rhasta and lion to guinsoo. ( like quellin blade restricted to kunnka)
=> Allow ring of basillus to combine wid null tullisman and bracer also, to form ring of aquilla
=> Rework etheral blade. like eagle horn for agi, reaver for str, mystic staff for int
=> Add new animation for MOM active, besides just the cry
=> Obviously we all wish to hav Great fortitude instead of stampede for cent
=> Drow has become too noob-friendly. Please rework trueshot aura or marksmanship. NOT BOTH PLZ
=> Please rework balanar's aghanim upgrade
=> Make TB's metamorphosis as his ultimate and give him sceptre to add a new demon
=> Please change the overhead animation for charge of darkness
Thank YOU
Please release this goddamn 6.78 faster please >.<"
Nevermore - Increase souls(80)
Midas - decrease cooldown (60)
add new heroes
fix Traxex
Thx (:
Drow Ranger is good....the new centaur is the one need improving...he's just so pathetic no use at all and as for luna..I think shes balanced so as drow coz they dont have survival skills..its just how you handle hero..SF???you can counter him(if your good) with QOP or SD
No backdoor policy :P
like in dota 2 ^_^ .
change drow ulti
Create more items that interact with hero skills like aghanims scepter.
A earlier game item (800-1800g) that someone interacts with one of your kills without making it too complicated. Like increasing range for a nuke by 200. Or giving a skill like disrupters nuke 4 instances of dmg instead of 3.
Or decrease cd of mirana jump and buff ms aura that it gives to allied heroes.
interaction between spells and items basicly.
make a 6v6 ai ..
a new form
Pick invoker against draw ranger, and make power treads, refreasher orb, blade mail, blue dragon, orchid and buterfly or sang an yasha. And use deafining blast and chaos meteor combination, use refreasher orb and use meteor and blast twice. =rampage
additonal cooldown time on huskar's SS please !!
please another option in the circle of power.....give it an additional glyph that can heal chosen or targeted tower, 250 hitpoints over 6 secs. and a 2 mins. cooldown
make it as fast as possible ICEFROG i knw u hav Dota 2 work too,but plz make it quicker
i hope you will fixes some hero for fun
add a new buff placer only item .
weaken the markmanship but add more bonus agi per level ? .
decrease some range from take aim and add some extra attack speed .
aganims upgrade for clinks ... have mana heal also ? .
aganims upgrade for assasinate ... can stop channel but damage only percentage of the channeled time .
slarks ultimate not have the passive ... but has no manacost ? .
winter wyvern aganims upgrade ... increase the aoe .
rubiks aganims upgrade ... can steal to allies .
lanayas ultimate ... slows unit when killed ... aganims upgrade ... increase aoe or have damage ? .
Make phoenix invulnerable while casting its ultimate skill!
creeps are important... change them now please
PLs Restore Terror BLAde that of 6.74c Plssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!
At least return his ZEAL :)
create a female strength hero
add aghanim at anubarak and add a new hero and remake medusa mana shield its less usable now and use the old ulti of centaur its kind of useless now. and decrease the duration of silence of drow ranger and bring BACK THE OLD HEART OF TARASQUE ITS FRIGGIN USELESS NOW
the amount of noobs in this comment is so damn high! in my opinion, the game is quiet balanced. There is nothing wrong with any of the heroes, every each of them have their cons and pros..though i agree with them about adding a new hero..a female would be nice :3
balance all hero so we can use it and any mode and add some heroes and items
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