DotA Unused/Hidden Heroes:
Here are the unlisted heroes along with their spell details which are waiting to be included in next version, DotA 6.78. If you are looking to play them, you can check the bottom of this post for map download.
1. Dragonhawk [Sissy]- Intelligence

Conjure Force: Deals 300 damage and ensnares units in about between 600 AoE radius for 4 seconds .
Arcane Seal: Silences enemy unit and amplifies the damage done. Similar to Skywrath Mage 3rd spell.
Thrust: Force staff push combined with heal, can be target on self/allies.
Divine Wrath: Targets a single ally and causes the caster to begin to channel. The targeted unit takes no damage for the duration of the channel. At the end of the channel, Dragonhawk gains a sub ability that allows her to launch a projectile that deals the negated damage in an AoE.
Target Divine Wrath (Divine Wrath's Sub-Skill): Launches a missile in the targeted angle. Deals damage proportional to blocked damage. For best results, tank the fountain and then get a rampage.
2. Priest - Intelligence

Holy Shackles: Sends out beams of light to nearby enemy units in a chain effect.
Chill: Silences and deals damage to a single enemy unit.
Focus: Increases damage by 100 on an allied target for x attacks, but also lowers their movement speed.
Divine Intervention: Makes the targeted unit invulnerable. Similar to Divine Shield from Warcraft III.
3. Wyvern Outrider - Agility

Sonic Boom:
Rushes towards target point up to x range away, but stops at the first enemy unit it makes contact with, stunning and dealing damage. This skill seems to be blocked by trees.
Wind Blast: Deals damage in a small AoE after a short delay based of a formula that seems to be partially derived off of the hero's AGI.
Wind Barrier: Banshee's Anti-magic Shell on a target ally as well as increasing their movement speed.
Prevailing Winds: Cyclones everything in the area of effect (except buildings). After the cyclone ends, friendly units gain bonus movement speed whilst enemy units are slowed. Wind Barrier seems to apply some extra armor and attack speed based on some ability information.
4. Edgewalker - Intelligence

Death Watch: Targets an allied unit and places a buff on them for ~10 seconds. If the unit is killed by an enemy, the unit responsible for the killing blow takes damage and is stunned.
Reality Shift: Places a ward which causes nearby enemy units to become ethereal.
Fatal Attraction: Whenever Edge Walker casts a skill, all enemy units in an AoE of x are pulled y distance towards him.
Haunting Echos: This skill seems to passively spawn a wisp next to Edgewalker at intervals of x seconds. He can have up to a maximum of 3 wisps around him at a given time. Casting this skill destroys one of the wisps and silences and deals damage in a small AoE. The CD of this skill is very short, but it's limited by the wisp spawns.
5. Ghost Revenant - Intelligence

Wraith: Puts the hero into the Ethereal state for x seconds, at the same time increasing MS. The skill can be cast again to end the Ethereal state early, although at max level the CD and duration of the skill seem to be the same, allowing for the skill to be on all time.
Blackjack: Fires 3 orbs in parralel line that each move at 800 units per second. These orbs deal damage and stunn any units caught at the tip of the AoE.
Miasma: Deals damage to all enemy units in an x AoE and applies a buff. This buff reveals invis units and deals damage over time (It's essentially Dust with damage).
Exhaustion: Reduces the MS of all enemy units on the map to 100.
6. Mortar Team - Strength

Concussive Shot: Relevant information shows that it silences and slow enemy units.
Bomb Bomb: Unknown skill or incomplete skill
Flash Bomb: Relevant information shows it applies Drunken Haze that causes enemy units to miss 80% of their attacks.
Siege Form: A skill that toggles between two forms: base hero and Siege form. The toggle has a 4 second CD. Reduces ms of the Mortar team to 100 but also increases attack damage by 50/100/150 and raises attack range to 1000/1250/1500. The Mortar Team can be made to attack ground, and all attacks hit in an AoE. When we tried to test orbs with this attack, the game crashed.

DotA v6.77b unreleased.w3x (7.83 MB)
• Download the .w3x map file and put it inside "Warcraft III\Maps\Download" folder in order to play.Note: You need to enter "-clear" command in game to spawn heroes. They will appear in the middle of the map.
It looks like IceFrog has not forgotten about the potential of unused Warcraft 3 models in DotA. These heroes especially Mortar Team can be a great addition in the upcoming new map. All they need is some proper spell animation and icons. What do you think about it? Share your views via comments!
Credits to Siraraz [source]
DotA 6.77b
95 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
lol.. just played Mortar, he has a 900 attack range O_O
3 rd!
Morphine time! I can't wait the next version
i think that if u will include mortar in next map he will be too imba, my opinion
woah! seriously?
Are these really reliable
Killing spree
is that compatible with original map?(sry for idiot question
is this the same map as the getdota map?
for real ?
what about the turtles, they are cool too
nah i played it, its not compatible with original dota because its modified to spawn hidden heroes...
I would like Marine (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LdVH0X3qxBk/ULDr41EMEDI/AAAAAAAAGVk/_jbSgOxLjA0/s200/human-marine.gif) to be included in dota 6.78.. make his 1st spell flamethrower, 2nd grenade launcher, 3rd rapidfire and ulti terminator (machine gun in arnold style)
dragonhawk or wyvern outrider??
i need sparda
I'm waiting for Cyborgmatt review, great news!!!
it would like the the gryphon rider to be included in new map.. they are so cool.
These hero models are going to be wasted because Icefrog and valve only care about dota 2 now
Now its time for other developer to stand up and take dota development further
It heard that all 6 heroes were added in at 6.73a. I don't know why or even the reasoning. Perhaps IceFrog simply forgot to remove them from the beta.
when is Dota 6.78 coming? i want to play the new heroes
Some of these are awesome! I think Ghost Revenant and Edgewalker should be combined, I love Edgewalkers design, and Wraith from Ghost Revenant seems much more fitting for the character then Deathwatch, as well as having better synergy with his skillset. Deathwatch is an interesting ability, but does not fit Edgewalkers design really, whereas Wraith would match Edgewalker's indirect control style of limiting his opponents, in this case by removing the ability to physically attack him, though he can't attack himself and is more vulnerable to magic strikes, so he has to try and use Haunting Echoes to prevent them from casting and taking advantage of that. I wish Reality Shift was a moderate to short range aoe, instead of a ward, it seems much more befitting of the character, in that you want to be casting near opponents to take advantage of Fatal Attraction, meaning actively casting rather then setting wards, more like sticking on top of your opponent rather then heckling or laying traps from afar.
What a Discovery!!!!!
holy dragonhawk's voice@_@ so manly yet have a women's body???
..mortar team it is an undefeated hero...
what is the command key?
any mode how to control 5 heroes in one ?
i see new hero...., great.
How to summon them?
what about the orc grunts?!.. they are cool too!
add earth panda :)
yeah... add earth panda and the mur'gul
add the wind element of panda
yeah, what about the turtles. the giant turtle. and the drum carrying hero. ?
we're waiting for mortor team :) :O
thanks for this informations, will try it now :)
also add the dragonturtle and gryphon rider
thank you so much for this, hope the next map will officially unveil this heroes :)
i am so amaze in mortar team i cant wait to play them.....
would love to play this new heroes on an official dota map..really love them
Fan Made -.-
How ?
Ah . So Nice Heros . I Just Hate The Sissy . To Weak. But I Want See The Wyren And EdgeWalker And The Prieest . They Are /Nice\ Heros
lies... like always here
New items and less orb effects
how about the kid char??it'll be awesome if icefrog included that
nice.... but how do we unleash that particular heroes?
We need the mortar team ingame srsly
I Am The Sidekick of BUDING :)
icant see the new hereos what the!!!...
how to summon them??
I Want To have auto-cast For ghost revenant...
I wanna to play this game immediate! Nice sharing!
I think, the skills needs some reworks.
the skills are so "IMBA"
But the new heroes are great ^_^
hope they are released in 6.78 with more balanced skills
i hope the new map coming next month
guys dota 6.77b AI official is now released.
fresh meat??
boring! -___- XD jk
do you have an alter-ego hero for icarus the phoenix? i would love to see if icarus has the element of ice same as rylai. like lina, has a counter part of icarus. i would like to request for that the whole time since i played dota thankyou and hope for the next coming maps^_^
i want to have a ice verion of never more and when you think the skills its cool
lol anyone remember cloud strife, terran marine, inky etc. from 6.68c AI fun?? Nerf this guys and add them... rly funny and innovative heroes with nice models
i think ghost revenant's wraith is too imbalanced....but i guess that's why he's called the "ghost" revenant....
all of the new heroes should be nerfed -_-
Release it ..
some skills are to "imba" i hope when they are released in 6.78 they have more balanced skills ^__^
thank you I like it but what item should I biuld to dragonhawk???
I can't wait for those new heroes
how to ply those hero? enter what command?
can't wait!
i can't wait
I Like Wyvern Outsider Spells..
the stone golem model is good also to make..
and also the Jungle Stalker..
(Jungle stalker (Sasquash) is the most fittest model for the Wyvern Outsider Spells..
i want this in ai map
Finally the wyvern , can't wait for it in the next version :D
I want Huskar's 1st level changed into Rikimaru's 3rd skill(backstab)
I thnk Backstab is xo suitable for Huskarrrrrr !!!!
I like Wyvern Outsider skills... IMBA..
^_^ i love dota
DotaHolic DamN!!!! 'cant sleep without playing dota......lol
lol nice
And what about the Undead grunt you have in list of heroes?
do you have AI version of this??
dragon hawk? (SISSY) Is she girl boy? But the face is girl. . . Compare to skywrath skills and voice. . . . Ill' download this map. . . I wish in ai version map :D
i can't see my c0mment?
you must relaease a AI map
This news is awesome
When is the release date of hidden heroes of dota
when r u going to launch the new dota 6.78 Ai map
Like this very much!!!!
6.81 still no heroes added, except oracle if you can count that...
how to download it?
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