v1.4b/c - DotA v6.77c AI 1.4c.w3x (6.96 MB)
v1.4 - DotA v6.77b AI 1.4.w3x (7.0 MB)
Download the The Frozen Throne (.w3x) map file and put it in (Warcraft III\Maps\Download) folder in order to play. You must have Warcraft v1.24e or v1.26a.
DotA 6.77c AI Features:
- Ported to IceFrog's DotA 6.77c
- AI owned private courier system.
- Improved AI item builds for heroes
- Cool Names mode, list updated [-CL mode]
- Many Bug fixes including 1vs1 bug.
- AI can use Sentry Wards in lane to counter invisibility.
- Recipe Prices have been fixed
- Tiny Aghanim Scepter fixed
Thanks to all the members in DotA AI Team for bringing us a new update. This version will be receiving more tweaks and language translations once it's confirmed bug-free/stable. Keep visiting DotA-Utilities for latest updates.
DotA 6.78
225 Comments yet..:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»First Blood!
was waiting for the new ai map.. Good job
KH.k!nG is in the house!! GREAT JOB CHEERS FOR THE KH CLAN
2nd blood
It was late but worth it. i hope this map runs on Lan without error :/
now i can practice against winter wyvern thnx pbmn
finally =D
big fan pbmn
I played Shadow shaman 2 minutes ago, a weird bug happened when my ulti mass serpent wards were not hitting and i died coz of it :@
so many bug [K]
AMAZING its release. YAY.. gotta download it
found a bug, bristleback can't cast first skill to hero, but can cast to creep.
Wish have a 6.78 version We Wish by Utong,Johan And Karl Me
Wish Have 6.78 Im Excited About it By Utong And Johan And Me Karl
Hello First Blood By Sand King DO you Want SOme Harlem Shake challage Challage me
vengeful first skill is gone while in the game
venge first skill gone while in the game
nice one there
Monter Kill!
Great map! been waiting for this map.
BB can't use 1st skill to heroes.
please fix the bugs
so mny bugs hahahaha but so cool ai are fast farmers"!!!
AI wont fight properly always backing out when players appear
hey... ahmf..... how can i download garena dota online game in my pc ? plsss help meh plss....
so sad!!!! chinese translated map 6.77 AI was far better...Tiny bot doesnt use spells at all!!!
how to download it fools!!!
long time to wait this map,,finally come!!!
keep good work!
windrunner and earthshaker first skill was gone when i played it
it had many bugs.
tq for the new maps............
Thanks PleaseBugMeNot although it's a bit late
When I played Atropos, the 3rd and last skill was gone too.
Good job men.
how to use -CL????
so many bugs... rubick and windrunner's first skill are gone when we had a clash
ai alwayz scared
ai doesnt lane when you are around wew
dude there are lots of bugs pls fix it or make a new better one. this map sucks as hell ive played earthshaker and lion we had a teamfight then it disappeared that ruined my whole game this map sucks as hell!
this map sucks! all towers always heal every seconds. i denied lots of creeps and still they can buy expensive items xD
great map wooooow
great map woooooow
well, it's great...!
thank's for you information...
good luck always...
ogre magi 1st skill is gone.... but when i got my aganims... it comes back
not CL but -cn
Right. It's "-cn". Thanks. :D
many bugs when i used storm and when clash started the 2nd skill uses itself automatically,, i think the AI did it or something then after that the 2nd skill (electric vortex) disappeared.....please fix so many bugs on many different heroes!
Rubick first skill gone, during game
so many bug.. rylai skill brostbite is missing
first skill bug, its missing during in game fight, happen to most of the heroes.
eredar first skill is missing... ai dont use skill that much..nor build good item...
When can you release the 6.78 map
Ai always clashes on lanes and never clashes on other places like jungles, roshan zone, etc.. Please improve AI's cooperativeness when clashing
earth shakers fissure was gone
lots of bug..its fun but so much bug in it..
lots of bug???
the only good thing about this map is how the ai lane..
Some of the hero skills are missing
play without skill it's the new meta!!
bug found
most of the heroes first skill automatically dissapeared :O
how to bring up new hero in this map ?
"Improved AI item builds for heroes"... so my allied meepo got 4 aghanims...4!
where's the dl link ?
there is a bug in this map its the bristleback's skill 1 (viscious nasal goo)wont work in enemy heroes pls fix TNX^^
Fix AP first skill bug
I Wish As Much As Possible That The 6.78 map was Fisnish I Wish, That Map Was Awesome
There missing skill in this map.. please fix it :) thank you
Bugs, Bugs and Bugs tis map, my Bane Elemental 1st pwr, 3rd pwr, & ult disappear after 15mins. This OFFICIAL maps has so many bugs..ai r noobs in OFFICIAL maps..
Most heroes lose their skills when in early mid game....
ai opponent in mid wont come out at the start, it wont fight.
good job... but what is the perfect build for crystal maiden? tnx
full of bug
many heros first skill is gone while in the game
the skill is good, but the bug is, the magic wand and magic stick absorbed any skill damage and effect, while gaining it charge, i hate that item in this map
and also the AI is very weak, the last AI map is good, just improve it, and dont just make a new map that have a lot of bug and noob AI
yeah..i think this map has a lot of bug...some power are not functioning...n even some power are gone in the middle of game...hope u can fix it asap in the next map
Some skills disappear if you use bottle
WTF! Demon Witch Impale and Polymorph skill vanished when i used TP. Please fix it. O_o
Captains Mode not working properly,
it says "Not enough gold"
AI heroes are bunch of chickens. always running, do not engage....
buggy when i played atropos after i lvled up to 5 or 6 my skills disapeared only brain sap remained
What is (Cool Names mode)??
This map is perfectly working for me,I don't know why others
experiencing some bugs.
AI heroes are bunch of chickens. always running,they do not engage....
So many bugs, please fix ASAP!
theres some bug on the map.... sometimes my 2nd skill disappear just like i nvr up the skills.... this happen to any hero i used and before i reach level 11... =='
hey guys i think i found a way to prevent the skills of some heroes from disappearing. DONT FUCKING USE THE COURIER provided by the AI. Sell it immediately! I dont know why but i have not experienced any bugs ever since i've done that
Too many bugs!.... especially about that weird bug when a hero uses it's first skill involuntarily, then the skill banishes (not usable or be learned).
so many bugs, every second game vanish the spells
so many spell bugs
spells are vanished
BUG>>>> skill 1 earthshaker and skill 1 nerubian assassins can missing
BUG... Nerubian Assasin first skill vanishes after a few minutes. Please fix.
I dont experience bugs its fine with me. But fix shadow shamman when i used ss the(mass serpent ward) it attacks me instead i died while attacking roshan.
Pls. Fix bug
Insane AI are still weak 4 me!
Found a bug. Kunkka's 1st skill goes missing after a level ups.
you only just make lame reasons you weaklings because you can't even kill a single creep in the lane...this AI map is working good on me i dont have seen any bugs!!!
there so many bugs
ai were not fighting.. why?
Full of bugs.
Sir. Plz Fix :) Bristleback's Goo :) It costs mana but doesnt effect the enemy :) tnx :)
FULL of Bugs :)
i can't use 1st skill of tiny
plss fix this
ai not fighting in 1b1
so many bugs
6.77c contains a big bug, a bunch of commands appears as the game starts and continues to spam the screen. How can I play with it???
1v1 mode please with 603 money only.
1v1 mode please. 853 or 603 money only
Very frustrating to have your skills disappear during a game, makes the entire experience a waste of time. What's the last version of the AI map which doesn't have this bug? Because it's a game-ender as far as I'm concerned.
So Its Updated..? Will see..
The SS of batrider dissapear after just 15 minutes please fix it and also everytime I used Lanaya and used meld it's just weird that the AI used Skill even if they can't see me
I hate it when Me and AI are attacking roshan when I place an Item on the floor then get the aegis The AI is always breaking my Item Also when I have Divine reaper when I die the Enemy AI just ignore it
AI always suicide in clash please fix it
not -CL but ( -CN ) example = -APHEHGCN
too much bug
bot bug 2click tp to t1t mid instead of fountain
dagger 2click result to error
the updated one has so many command appearing and spamming on screen and continue as the game start(even i type "-clear" command) How can i play? please fix. :)
~Sorry for bad English. :/
why do AI stay at the mid lane and do nothing??
even when they almost dead they will stay at the same place..
both AI for sentinel and scourge do the same..
its like they r conquering the same place....
no chix anymore
please can u do 6.78 i like the new hero
but this maps AI look is freaking awesome
Use the latest Warcraft III patch (The version 1.26a) or version switcher for those having bug.
6.78....... hmm where is it?
6.78 map already download?
I hereby declared that the map DotA v6.77c AI 1.4b is free of major bugs. Nice work, AI team.. Loved the new AIs.
yup 2 many bugzZzZzzZzz
i wish ice frog to add atleast 3 or more heroes for dota 2....
its easy to complain... but we must also know that its not easy to make a map...thats why they're asking us if theres a bug so that they can fix it...
and BTW, youre downloading it FREE so you dont have a reason to make some Fuzz out of it...unless your paying for it thats a different story...
There's a little bit bug on Nerubian Assasin's First Skill ( Impale ) i played it a while a ago.. and i was shock because at the middle of the game its first skill was gone.
please change Pit Lord item build and skill build. Pit lord should max atrophy aura during the laning phase. The item build for Pit Lord should be Shiva, Assault Curiass, Helm of Dominator, Power Threads, Hood of Defiance, Vanguard. This build is designed for soaking tremendous amount of damage. With this build it would be very difficult for Pit Lord to die if the enemy doesn't have damage auras.
Don't Save YOUR GAME
what bugs none of the bugs above have ocurred to me
it crashes when it's late game
i play using kunkka and after i use 1st ability(torrent) at lv10then that ability is lost
In 6.77c AI 1.4, Earthshaker has a funny bug...
In my case, while you were farming at btm lane, lvlup Fissure, then keep farming, then lvlup enchant totem, then aftershock, then enchant totem, then u used Enchant Totem skill once or mybe a couple of times, and suddenly....
some skills are missing....
hey guys.....I think I saw a bug.
It is ......the automatic mana burning.
use older patch
Bristleback's first skill not working on enemy heroes. And fix some heroes' skills suddenly going missing. :(
when rikimaru ai joins the game....there will be lots of text saying commands of what that ai is gonna do....very spammy and even though you (-clear) it....it wont disappear ....makes gman very confusing so dota 6.77c v1.4b AI....isnt free of bugs....so dont let rikimaru ai play with you in this map version! OK??!!
Earthshaker skill-1 disappears after it reaches the last level of this skill...
how to download this ??
how to download this???
AI DotA 6.77b is better than this...
is there a new map for bleach vs onepiece?....
map is super, played couple of games with 1.4c, no bugs for now, it's great how the AI have their courier now. thanks a lot
bring back the WTF ai from 6.59 version .
You know youre doomed if your skills is missing, thats why its called DOOMSDAY.
RAmPAge!!! :D
Thanks for the map
Missing skill bug only happen on patch 1.26. On patch 1.24e, rikimaru command spam bug only happen if ai use it! Dont let ai use rikimaru repick it! and what with auto attack on ai hero!? Is that new bug? It happen rarely though.
Thank you very much ICEFROG
you are the best ever aahahah!!
Thank to ai team PBMN and Ciel :)
when i play dota 6.77 ai i use eredar the first skil is lost!!!
download 1.4c version of this map! no more bug! thanks pbmn
DotA AI >> place the best to learn :D
I install the dota 6.77map
how to install this map?\
Killing spree
always error at mid to late game
listen here this i have wrote this letter to ask some thing is there a shells hack plzz if there is give me i need plzzzz gyes help im on ggc garena gaming client my user name is CHAOS-ASSASIN nick nake monkey d luffy plzz give me shells
where i can choose this file..?
I have AI
Riki BUG!!!!!!!
6.78 ai.??
bug on RIKI
Guyz, How Do I Get New Map Size 3,00?
Guyz, CAn You Please tell where do i found new map size 3.00 mb?
you download v1.4b/c - DotA v6.77c AI 1.4c.w3x (6.96 MB) OR
v1.4 - DotA v6.77b AI 1.4.w3x (7.0 MB)
I connot play all map that i download from this site
i connot play all map that i download from this site please help me
Haahah this was so nice
hahahaha =D ang galing ko mag puck kanina ! rampage kami lang ni naix ang mag kasama :P
i don't kow how to download this map.. how to download it can anybody help me??
how to download maps??
hoooo!! so hard to get map on 6.77c ai help me plss :D
tell me whats the item of traxex and i'll make your fb a nice one
Wow this map is suck, i am uninstall WarCraft 3 dan not Play DoTa again
Putangina nyung lahat!
I wan't new Ai map.........
And new hero?
how to download ai maps? plss tell me
did not start in my v1.24!
what's -cn????
wating 4 78 AI map fuck when does it will be releasing
Ultrakill:OFuck u pbmn I WANT 6.78 AI NOW.
AI don't help me even if I fight right beside him. They just keep on creeping?????
thx ja
Ally AI Davion gone missing when he was Level 10.. Weird.
Sentinel: Ursa Warrior (ME on Blue), Juggernaut, Skywrath Mage, Furion, Davion
Scourge: Bane Elemental, Nerubian Weaver, Shadow Demon, Tidehunter, Spectre
Anybody have answers?
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