Good News: DotA 6.78 map is officially released.
DotA 6.78 will be bringing new content and some important balance changes in which will reflect on gameplay of both DotA and Dota2. Competitive heroes such as Magnus, Morphling, Phantom Lancer and Nerubian Assassin might receive remake. It will be a big patch considering the TI3 event, brace yourselves!
Keep an eye on DotA-Utilities for more updates.
DotA 6.78 AI
107 Comments yet..:
First Blood!
Can't wait
yeah, nerf magnus his ulti with skewer is too powerful.
can't wait this...
3 months.. -_- tired of playing 6.77
faster icefrog
TOTING with love
I was expecting sooner :( Anyway, fix skywrath mage, he's too overpowered
nerf pl agi gain
Hmmmm, too long -_-a [K]
Remake techies please and buff Viper
Please Change nevermore! 80souls! in 6.78
pls remove invokers lag ...... and remake skills.......he's too powerful........ 0_o
can i join?
I'm so excited !
First Blood!
Can't wait
WTF! im tired of playing 6.77c ... >.<
remake slark's third skill....so hate it...because of it this hero is overpowered -_-
make aghanim's scepter for more heroes and make necronomicon warrior blue damage to unit who kills it to 475/600/725....it would be nicer that way...
so there will be two patches in july ??? cool expecting for 6 or more new heroes and new patch for warcraft 3....
remake brood.....very useless at clashes...brood doesn't even have a role in gameplay
expecting for makrura and ghost revenant!!!!! :D
new items..
be hold~
brood definitely has to be remade. although it is a powerful pusher, its other skills are only useful against chasing 1 prey at most.
icefrog you must make the DOTA1 similar to DOTA2 so that this game will not be behind .
No New Hero?
icefrog pls make more heroes for 6.78 map
please fix a slark and of course a phantom lancer
how long should we wait just to release the new map
yeah!! men
please add 2 new heroes in each attribute..sentinel and scourge..
i wish this new map got 2new heroes in each att...sentinel n scourge.. ^^
good job admin! :D
good job admin !! :D
there will be new heroes such as "priest"
there will also be a q.o.p. w/ diff. color
can they make it june?
can you plase dont remove the corpes of hero when dying ?
Please Release Earth Panda!!.
excited :)
also remake visage
nice : ).... remake drow ranger plz
experiments for dota 2?
need aghanims for ancient apparition and winter
please new hero..and remark slark..3rd and 4rth skill are imba....make brood more killer in clashes..
more heros
please make a model Sasquatch.. it would be a cool model..
Increase damage finger of death..
Don't change Phase Shift !!! <3
I dont think PL need to remake , because he's style always push and late game heroes . his Health n mana in early game already prove that PL squishy in early game , without item PL like paper .
just suggestion.
please make it faster I cant wait to play with new heroes :F
please make pugna decrepify allie units w/o slow effect.... decrepify is inferior to ethereal or ghost scpeter for now
Ice Frog Can You Make The Dota like a Graphics of Dota 2 for its play for better use and not so lagg any more and also fix all hero and Put new items heros and better tower so its not so Fast to Be Pushed but dont increase damage of tower only the defence and attack speed to thnx Ice Frog !!
I cant w8 shacalum boom boom
Remark Terror skill to soul steal plz , powerfull hero .
please rework the aganims upgrade for ogre ... can have it less casting time ? .
and slark have greater str but no passive ulti when blind spot .
have aganims upgrade for apparition ... have greater aoe and dps ? .
and please immune to all type of skill to the well and towers ... and roshan not to be immune .
More Item slots...LOL!!
plz remake windrunner frst skill
can't wait ^_^
RElease map fast...plzz Dying to see new map T__T
Anonymous talks to himself most of the time. Whew!
Please release 2 heroes 1 from sentinel and 1 from scourge :D
Fix armlet on bear please, too cost efficient item for bear. At least make it so bear loses hp like heroes.
Cant Wait -.-"
C mon..better leave dota1 and go to dota 2 or league of legends...ur wasting ur tym in this old old ancient graphics and gameplay...
Nice Fanart
hell yeah ...
you should add the base damage of mirana
its difficult for mirana to farm fast if its base damage is low
PLesae ReLeaSe It I GoT BoreD with THe OLD Heroes -.-
you all are asking too much... :/
release earth panda!!! please!!!
whis there will be a new agi hero...
new items
release earth panda get a model hipogryph rider
rikimaru can't wait....
make dota to dota 2 gameplay much better.
please have aganims upgrade for medusa ... has damge to creeps .
aganims upgrade for spectre ... has extra illusion .
aganims upgrade for mortred ... has more critical chance .
aganims upgrade for krobelus ... has more damage .
aganims upgrade for never ... has greater aoe .
aganims upgrade for mirana ... can attack while invisible .
aganims upgrade for riki ... has fade time after attacking to be reveal .
lessen the illusion of PL but no rework .
aganims upgrade for batrider ... has max MS .
aganims upgrade for skywrath ... less manacost and more aoe .
aganims upgrade for bloodseeker ... has damage if the ruptured unit attacks .
new heroes ... and new buff placer only items .
and please fix invoker into 4 skills only .
Please ! Grow up the towers damage and their healths.
i can't wait can you add more items ?
nerf pl
please add a new "hard to be mastered" heros
it'll be boring if there's only many of them
Aghanims scepter for kardel (global assasinate) XD
Please Add the Earth Panda
please fix living armor ... for heroes only .
and fix all heroes be available to CM mode .
I can't wait ^^
Please the map v6.78b out on june 2013. we're lovers dota can't wait for the new patch.
I'm so excited :D
Please add INVOKER like HERO ...
this is goin' to be fun >:)
make a hero looks like the secret shop... LOL!!
Great Pleasure for playin' new map of DotA please reworked IMBA's Hero like visage or anything will rework we always LOVE DotA Like A DOTAMANIA!!!!!!! \=D/
tired of playing 6.77
Remake Freezing Field please...
please add a buff placer only item .
and make Skadii not an orb to melee .
make hero ghost rider
wow :D
heey make more iteams and 5 heroes pleaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
all your request just for your imagination.. you make it imba.. some suggestion are good but others are not agreeable
Can you please make Keeper Of The Light Stronger? Make his Special Skill upgradeable w/ Aghanims Scepter? Pls? xD
Techniques of kardel
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