- DotA v6.78c.w3x (7.88 MB)
DotA 6.78c Changelogs (Patch Notes)
- Rage cooldown increased from 15 to 17 seconds
- Flamebreak cooldown increased from 11 to 14
- Tether movement bonus decreased from 20% to 17%
- Living Armor damage block instances from 7 to 4/5/6/7
- Chemical Rage bonus HP reduced from 300/600/900 to 250/500/750
- Gyrocopter attack range reduced from 375 to 365
- Team 2 now bans second instead of first in Ban Phase #2. (All other phases and orders are the same)
Ban Phase #1 No Changes [Team A/B/A/B]Notes:
Pick Phase #1 No Changes [Team A/B/B/A]
Ban Phase #2: Changed [From Team B/A/B/A to Team A/B/A/B]
Pick Phase #2: No Changes [Team B/A/B/A]
Ban Phase #3: No Changes [Team B/A]
Pick Phase #3: No Changes [Team B/A]
- DotA 6.78c AI will take a few weeks to release
- DotA 6.79 will be the next map if everything goes smooth (no 6.78d/e/f version). It is likely to be released after the month of August.
- If you encounter any bugs or glitches in this map, report it to the author.
98 Comments yet..:
First Blood..
took so long to release.. anyway thnx
alchemist was fine, i dont know what he is trying to accomplish by nerfing star heroes..
should have increased the cooldown of treant's living armor instead of rescaling it
nice change though
Centaur is so Strong with locked items, he is unstoppable!
WE WANT AI WITH NEW HEROOOO Kaolin Earth Spirit come on release pls...
Nice <3
please have phoenix in the captain's mode
they should have changed huskar`s 3rd skill back ..
they made huskar useless to hitters ..zzzz
Huskar is overpowered in the new version fix him!!!
why do they nerf alchemist???
we need ai maps first to practice those new heroes
give as date to know approximately when map release
how can i download this map?
can u link me the URL?
i dont care about this nerfs, what i want and suggest is that gran magus, can have aghanims and he can steal his allies spells, but he can only use it within 15 seconds, please consider it, others pls support
huskar's goes bye bye :'(
We want huskar's 3rd skills damage back!!!!!!!!!!
no! your just making it so strong.,.,.,.,!GG
i need ai fo this
do something bad to visage please
PLS make awesome heroes in 6.79 because i dont like the bear and the priest!!
make 6.79 plss
wow !
Its Ok :)
Please release the AI sooner !
God Like
WE NEED AN AI VERSION OF THESE .. Please release it
Why the courier is slow when it carry empty bottle... i think its not good
please fix huskars 3rd skill ... too imba strong to skill base heroes that cant be killed by poison ... and too weak for that of hitters .
please back huskar in the captain!!!!
silencer third skill ... please have a disarm only effect ... when the target attack succesful 2 times ? .
no healing to towers please ...
and no holding of fountain ...
or have the well more hp and have damage reduction and 100% magic resistance but can be stunned and hold ...
but not that long as frost bite .
when is v6.79 will be released??
Hey Mr. Icefrog.. Don't you think viper's corrosive skin is too much? the poison duration is too long! how long was it? 5/6/7 seconds? plus, it slows movement & attack speed, it also has damage over time. it's pretty frustrating.. its already hard to fight viper with his vanguard on.. plus the corrosive skin??? its even harder.. especially when you're an int type-low hp hero, you need like.. 3 guys to take him on.. hard as f*ck. i like viper.. but please balance it in the next map.
life is so sad :(
In all seriousness why does lion have his ult cooldown on 20s isn't that a free kill every 20 seconds now c'mon that just sucks its already hard to kill a lion with all his disables and now we got a 20s finger lion seriously is too much :-(
Is There No AI Map For 78 Released Yet?
please remove spirit breaker from hero list
it is on all over the map and even a f**ing noob can play with it...
and ia hate that hero:P
Can you make a Hero that no more mana used?just a cooldown for a skills.
kindly make patch or tool that makes skills shortcut be like dota2 keys, with option to enable and disable much much better thnx
what do you mean with "locked items" ?
make viper more weaker...
make divine rapier more expensive
make AI VERsion
make 6.79
oracle was now one of my favorite hero..awesome
Please release the AI version of this please.
Thanks to icefrog
Please release the AI map sooooooneeeerr.
We Want Huskar's 3rd Skill Damage Back He is Useless now He can't Kill Traxex w/o that Damage.
have an aganims upgrade for tinker ... have lesser manacost ? .
aganims for phantom lancer ... heals a porion of hp evrytime having illusion .
aganims for riki ... have damage reducion while invisible .
please no healing of towers and no holding of well that long as frostbite .
Wow!! Nice
ok ok
please fix huskar ... third skill .
and fix ogre aganims .
also murloc ... remove the passive ulti .
and oracle ... dont have an invi ...
please .
those makes dota worse and worst .
Hey icefrog please remove murloc's ult passive it is too imba not to mention his 3rd skill passive.think about it ...just give it to another hero in the 6.79
please create more orb effects only item ... buff placer only item ... and orb effect with buff placer item ...
and eye of skadii to be buff placer only on melee heroes ...
and please have an item that sees illusions ...
droppable item like gem of true sight .
Thanks for the ulti of Omni, Nortrom, Ancient.
please make Aghanim's Scepter for all heroes :)
Please remove the healing of towers ... and frostbite to be 1.5/2/2.5/3 sec only even on non-hero unit .
May I request for aghanims upgrade for heroes:
Dragon knight ... increase attack range and/or skills range .
Banehollow ... grants permanent invisibility like what is on the wolves ... and grant the summon units plus hit points while in phase shift .
Alchemist ... have a remove negative buff effects ... for every 4/3/2 sec not moving ?
Aghanims for Leviathan...
please fix huskar third skill it is too weak for a hitter...
please i need an ai for 6.78
icefrog can you please fix huskar 3rd skill we want the old huskar 3rd skill back
Can I suggest a kind if Int hero with all abilities based on creating specific wards?.. With some of them in changeable mode (can work single or together with other wards of it's kind, can switch effects).
Thnx for reading that:)
please remove the healing of the towers !!
Improve the casting speed of Lina Inverse's stun. Too slow, giving enemy advantage of everything. It's just Imba.
And somehow improve Pandaren's Manapool.
Change barathrum 2 skill back!!!so boring with this new skill!!!!
WAITING FOR ai version
pls have an 6.78 al
Why didn't ogre magi's head will be 3 if i agha it?
please release ai version :3
yeah ...
huskar is too strong for its 3rd skill so please fix it ...
murloc was paper but it didnt have to go to well for hp ... without mp using so please fix it .
please rework for some ultimate upgrades ...
ogre magi ... better if up to times 5 for small chance than another fireblast ...just upgrade it to level 4 .
furion ... have no bounce limit ? ...
pugna ... 22 sec cd is good ... have it not channelin gbut cant attack ang breaks its drain if it use any skill .
Isn't the manacost of Ryla's ulti too high? Please do reduce it even for a bit.
Additional request sire. Wisp already has a low hp and 0 armor. And doesn't last long in Battles. Please do put an armor for wisp or maybe increase it's strength. Either one of them can somehow be improved. Thank you. :)
Huskar's 3rd skill is too imba. Very very very hard to kill, especially for skill users like Tinker, Zeus, Akasha, etc.
In fact I already used sonic wave on him and still alive? WTF!?
Then after that he starts chasing me and kills me.
can dota have another wards , gem , or dust than can see illusions ? ...
suggest for aghanims upgrade ...
magnus ... improves damage and/or aoe .
treant ... be a field ... plus aoe .
magus ... improves cooldown and have instant steal .
mercurial ... removes cooldown on reality ... add duration .
and please rework on aghanims upgrade ...
alleria ... improves damage reduced and cooldown .
zues ... can damage invisible units .
ogre ... x2 50% , x3 30% , x4 15% , and x5 10%
"It is likely to be released after the month of August." and it's october now.
why phoenix is auto ban in Captain mode??????
can you get its auto ban!!!
don't autoban phoenix
in captain mode!!
just shut up already, we knew the fact long time ago that dota is already out of date. so the map as well, and for person whose said imba, you need more experience (like illusion, illusion take more damage than the real heroes).
aghanims ideas share
1. Magina - improves AOE and drains remaining mana
2. Davion - summons 2 extra small dragons when using ulti
3. Azwraith - immediately produces two illusions when attacked by a skill
4. Bane Hollow - increasing senses temporarily revealing all enemy heroes location on the map
pudge dagger omg im gona b godlike n no tym
I agree with aghanim for banehallow... Being a wolf he should get the power to reveal his enemy in whole map for a few seconds...
This Is Sparta!
Can it be palyed with bots?
Harpy Model and the Jungle stalker (Wendigo[Neutral in Farm{Ancients}, I Love the White One]) is a good Model for the Upcoming Version in 6.80 ..
Keep it Up ICEFROG ..
nc 1 but pls fix spiritbreaker,you made him weak
i wonder when will the aii map will be launched hope it will be very soon
I want ai version 6.79!!
u dun even know anything i laugh hard to this project
yes i like this
i hope dragonus have aghanim in this map..
i love this game..!
Weak all of the anonymous Except Me
grabe ang galing ko mag download direct to your pc pls.... download link of dota maps v6.78c.w3c
Weak all of the anonymous Except Me
Luma na 2 panget na !
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