There is a tradition in DotA in which, after every 10 maps' series, IceFrog plants a secret quest in the game. The quests usually involve summoning and slaying of the boss which later gets added as a hero in next map, it also gives you a great reward item for its completion.
The DotA 6.79 has met 6.x9 requirement of Secret Quest so, it is now officially included in the map. This time, the quest is very tricky and looks impossible to perform in both Single Player and LAN mode. We had to use modified test map to complete it.
DotA 6.79 Secret Quest
It is a similar to previous DotA 6.69 Phoenix Quest. Our objective is to spawn Sun Wukong boss using the hints found in the map and then kill him for a reward item. Follow the guide below!
Sun Wukong does not spawn in Single Player mode and test command. Performing the quest without cheats is extremely hard and time consuming, so we need a modified version of v6.69 map that triggers the boss and allows us to use test commands at same time.
Game Requirements
- Modified 6.79 map (see download at bottom of page)
- Rikimaru's Smoke Screen
- Monkey King Bar Item
- Storm Spirit's Lightning Ball
Test mode commands to be entered at start
- Level up (-lvlup 25)
- Invincibility (whosyourdaddy)
- Unlimited heroes pick (-noherolimit)
- No cooldown/mana mode(-wtf)
- All pick heroes (-ap)
- Explored map (iseedeadpeople)
Sun Wukong Quest Guide
Now you have everything in order, let's begin with the quest.
Step #1 [Peach Collection]
Collect the 5 Peach items found on minimap, do not try to use/eat them. See the pictures below for their location in the map. When you pick the 5th Peach, the peaches will combine into a Greater Peach, don't use it either. See the pictures below for peach locations.
Step #1 [Peach Collection]
Collect the 5 Peach items found on minimap, do not try to use/eat them. See the pictures below for their location in the map. When you pick the 5th Peach, the peaches will combine into a Greater Peach, don't use it either. See the pictures below for peach locations.

Step #2 [Secret MKB Recipe]
Now, a triangle will appear at the top Rune location. Buy Monkey King Bar, and drop both MKB and Greater Peach in the middle of the triangle.
Now, a triangle will appear at the top Rune location. Buy Monkey King Bar, and drop both MKB and Greater Peach in the middle of the triangle.
Step #3 [The Bermuda Triangle]
After putting the items in the triangle, use Rikimaru's 1st spell Smoke Screen over it. Your items will disappear and Sun Wukong will spawn.
After putting the items in the triangle, use Rikimaru's 1st spell Smoke Screen over it. Your items will disappear and Sun Wukong will spawn.
Step #4 [The Amazing Race]
There will be a 20 pause, then Sun Wukong will randomly challenge any hero within 1800 Area for a race to the bottom Rune. Then a 5 second countdown begins, both Sun Wukong and hero gets lined up for a race. You need to win the race or else you will fail the quest. How? Read below.
- The 5 second race countdown begins.
- Sun Wukong starts running and ensnares you to ground for 5 seconds
- You have 6 seconds before he reaches the finish flag at bottom rune
This is where Storm Spirit comes in, the ensnare does not prevent Lightning Ball ability from functioning, you can use it to win the race.
Step #5 [Choose the right one]
After you win the race, Sun Wukong will generate 5 copies of himself near the Roshan. You need to attack the right one or else quest will fail once again. You can detect the real one easily, if you click him right before he multiplies.
Step #6 [Duel and Reward]
If you selected the real image, quest continues and Sun Wukong challenges you for a battle. Now, you have 20 minutes time to defeat him or quest fails and gives you Monkey King Bar back. If you kill him before duration, you get a reward Genuine Monkey King Bar item.
The reward item is very powerful. It gives you Active Truestrike, 90% evasion, 1100 area True Sight, auto-dominate nearby enemy illusions and +10000 attack damage. Also provides attack/movespeed aura for your allies.
Download DotA 6.79 Modified Secret Quest Map
It includes the quest replay and modified 6.79 map that forces Sun Wukong to spawn in Single Player mode.
Credits - All credit goes to Dracolich from PlayDota for unveiling this great mystery.
Step #6 [Duel and Reward]
If you selected the real image, quest continues and Sun Wukong challenges you for a battle. Now, you have 20 minutes time to defeat him or quest fails and gives you Monkey King Bar back. If you kill him before duration, you get a reward Genuine Monkey King Bar item.
The reward item is very powerful. It gives you Active Truestrike, 90% evasion, 1100 area True Sight, auto-dominate nearby enemy illusions and +10000 attack damage. Also provides attack/movespeed aura for your allies.
Download DotA 6.79 Modified Secret Quest Map
It includes the quest replay and modified 6.79 map that forces Sun Wukong to spawn in Single Player mode.
Credits - All credit goes to Dracolich from PlayDota for unveiling this great mystery.
75 Comments yet..:
first blood
WOW !!
play this on single player custom game.
NC ONE!! :D im excited to complete that quest :D
Map is too big...
So.. basically you need Bloodseeker, Storm Spirit and Rikimaru in same team (with 6x inventory) to do this quest Impossibru!!!
dota customkeys 6.79
wow that was fun. now gotta try in lan
the Geniune MKB is useless if you're going to accomplish this task with a -test mode :v
Map is too bug. How Can I handle it?
I played single player (custom game) and local area network but sun wukong doesn't appear.
Any idea?
I made him appear in single player, only with riki and using commands for gold (before knowing the race is imposible, to give rikimaru speed with yasha and travel).
After that, I added the nonherolimit and he didn't appear, even if the peaches and mkb disapeared.
map is too big error
i complete the 5 items then its turn into 1 then i buy mkb and put into triangle and i use rikimarus 1st skill then wukong doesnt appear :(
its impossible just time pass!!!!!
map is fine u need to extract it with winrar noob
it's really impossible to do in a lan game only in this modified map stupid icefrog :/
not true
collect all of those 5 Peach items found on minimap then put it in the middle of the triangle with the monkey king bar, the use the smoke screen at the middle also where you put the 5peach and mkb then after that Sun Wukong will spawn.
Cant kill him without cheats...SO Sienz...hope can fix it .. we all buy full item and try to gb him ...5 time hex hp still full..hit also hp no out...how to kill him? can walk through tree also...he hit we all also will make we item drop automatically..HOPE FIX
This will only work in single player - custom game not in multiplayer
How to download this one ??
Did it :P
How to extract it with winrar?
The Wukong does not appear in test mode, single mode with cheatcode. You should download the re-map in bottom of page. But war3 version 1.244 have a error, the map too big to create. So what can I do?
LOL...noobs....it worked for me....and its MKB .....not BKB...dont get confused...
why i cant summon sun wukong?
Easy. use dominator and get a neutral creep. place it at the end point. Then use travel to portal to your creep.
Wu Kong is supposed to be unbeatable in this map. It's made that way..
only those specific heroes( riki martin and storm spirit) do this?
only those specific heroes ( rikimartin and stomr spirit ) can do this?
I can will all the challenges easily
Race: Use Ember Spirit
Illusion: Save/Load
Battle: Picked Huskar and Necrolyte. Bought aghanim's scepters for both. Bought eblade and orchid for Huskar. Then, casted the amplify/silence using orchid to him, ether blast him, casted life break, then casted reaper scyhte, and he died within seconds :D
After that, he kept spawning and destroyed sentinel and scourge's fountain :(
I can win all the challenges without whosyourdaddy
for race, pick ember spirit
for illusions, save/load
for battle, pick huskar and necrolyte
buy aghanim's scepter for both
buy eblade and orchid
cast soul burn using orchid to sunwukong
cast ether blast using eblade
cast life break to him
cast reaper schyte to him
and he was PWNED (without whosyourdaddy) :D
IceFrog is genius
Why Can't I Summon Sun Wukong .... The Items Only Disappear
will spawn?? -_-
IT was FUn GooNa TrY IT tomorrow In lan :x
i can't win the race:(
i cant summon it,,,items only disappear
I can't get the flag
I made the quest in a 5 vs 5 game , a couple of times
I made the quest a couple of times , http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/xq90/585/bmj4.jpg
how do u take a peach from an oponent?
Retards, One Word : Sunder.
the only way to play in single mode is when LOD 6.79 is apppear... lol
aaghgh!!! items disappear but no WuKong!!!..only in LoL
i have a 1.26 map patch but the 6.79 secret quest its too big?so how is it now?
amph I have a warcraftIII 1.26 patch but the 6.79 secret quest map is too big...so how is it now?i can't try it.... :3
sun wukong not spawn :(
Not Working Items Only Disappear -.- what a fake?
The map is to large, I cant start it
I have tried for many time, but still no sun wukong.. :'(
Whooo.. I get the quest item.. but can't be play by LAN mode.. FILE TO Big.. or something like that.. keep it up bro...
you cant spawn wukong if your on test mode noobs -_-
you cant summon wukong if your on test mode noobs. the item will just disappear but no wukong. zzz
If you use -test Wukong doesn't appear and im pretty sure it doesnt work on single player now either...BattleNet Only... So get a private hosting bot and farm up the items with a friend (Note -wtf also makes Wukong not appear) and have him counter push so you can prolong the game and farm.... As for killing Wukong GL idk x3
Its Too Cool
I try to do it...but the items just disappear there is no one that spawn\
no you cannot do it.olo
Awesome !!!
er....... is dota trolling us? that mission is imposible without cheats
it did not work, the items just disappear :(
lol people still write first blood WTF!!!!
i cant do this wtf and test with noherolimit
Error fail.:(
could that be possible using no cheats at all???
Easy, just use necrolyte's heartstopper aura, n wait till his health drop in half, ulti. Done.
Ok guyz let me give you a recap of your complainments first of all you can
use Boots of Travel to travel across the river and buy Helm of Dominator
then make a creep to be your ally then put him in the other side of
the river after that the game starts you can teleport to the creep
then choose the smaller one then use whosyourdaddy cheat but
note you can miss time to time best use Blink Strike with Rikimaru
then buy 6 divine then after hes dead drop all items then get the Geniune Monkey King bar tada Rampage!!
i cant respawn sun wulkong
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