The second map focuses to eliminate bugs left in previous patch. Major flaws such as, Fatal error while picking Slardar and no item selling gold after buyback along with others are fixed in this update. Get hold of new map and keep on DotA'ing!

- DotA v6.79b.w3x (7.9 MB)
Put the map file in Warcraft III\Maps\Download folder after download.
Make sure you are running Warcraft 3 TFT 1.24e or 1.26a patch before you start a game.
DotA 6.79b Changelogs (Patch Notes)
- Fixed a crash on older versions of Warcraft when picking Slardar
- Fixed some performance problems when Bloodseeker was in the game
- Fixed Vampiric Aura and Linken's Sphere sometimes spawning runes on the ground
- Fixed Radiance not working on illusions
- Fixed selling items after a buyback not giving back gold
The DotA 6.79c/d version(s) are also likely, depending on the frequency of bugs. If you experience any bugs, save game replay and report.
42 Comments yet..:
Bug Nerub Vision http://rankedgamingparser.com/view_replay.php?file=1385540222.w3g
First Blood!
Thanks icefrog <3
icefrog didnt remove the quest in 6.79b :o
challenge accepted
what about slark being underground while ulti-ing? Count as bug?
I also need a 6.79 ai map
finally after a long time :D
clicking boots of travel then canceling it would make the boots of travel undropable, you can't switch it to other items either
dota 2. waddup
Can it possibly spawn during the game?
can it spawn during the game?
renew the model of the 3 spirits
thank ice frog
This map so lag...please fix
When I tried the quest... I had the peach and MKB then riki's smoke, the mkb and peach was gone but no sun wukong was there -.-
bug when you transfer your salve using courier..
not fixed?
yea u can use salve unlimited....
Thanks Icefrog
hey what if i awake sun wukong and kill him in a real game?
This map so lag...please fix
please can you update a Ai map for 6.79
Thanks icefrog
when I was ulti'ing with arc warden, I moved it about 1 screen distance, then thrall skilled me that the one who can backed the hero. but it was bugged, coz I was moved to somewhere else on map... It was really made me lose the game
please fix
oracle (false promise) dont have invisibility even if attacking or using skills
ogre (multicast aghanims) just upgrade to level 4
riki (permanent inviisibility) please have it can toggle ON and OFF ... its hard to pull creeps from base to the fountain for depending ?
murloc (shadow dance) have it like shadow blade(lothars edge) that has 12 seconds duration and 28 seconds cooldown ... but it can be seen by truesight ... have it an aghanims upgrade that can have the effect even if seen ... please remove its passive effect .
please fix the balances in dota
In my opinion, the more the updates, dota becomes more unbalance...
i just want a rescaling, balancing, and make it a good game for players.
if one hero is too imba, then it would become a dull game
one more, the map is very bad, lag, and buggy
bug when you transfer your salve using courier, Y and T control -_-
bug....sometimes gold income stucks...even after earning bounty
bug for silencer skills
When is the new AI map coming out? Is PBMN still active?
Maelstrom and Mjolnir will not cut its rays when you're done with items Mask of Death?
This bug was only fixed in DotA 2, why?
Nessaj Showing during whole game ! bugggggggggggggggggggg Not once but 3 matches in a rOw i played with nessaj n i was vissible to enemy team ! Like Nessaj is acting like a ward itselF :@ :@ :@
Pick a leoric and farm on lane and last game was laging so much on lan game plz fix it .., :/
please have gold when killing creeps after the buy back ? ... or only 25% of the time not the whole ... so buy back is for what ? ... just to kill or defend ? ... please rework .
Slark is to imba. having shadow dance totally invisible sucks. ruins the game every time. bara is always picked to. please remove drow rangers's negation.
there's a bug when switchon mode when other players switches sides the there are times that i can still see my former teammate hero even i am on the other side
Where i can get that quest????
how to downLOd 6.79b map??
he,user icon troll..
kakean bacod anjenk..
wtf is this
6.78 and 6.79 AI plus please
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