The entire gameplay has took a 180° shift. Not only the heroes have received massive changes but the in-game mehcanics too. The DotA 6.79 features a Hidden Quest inside, completing it will give you Genuine Monkey King Bar item.
Some notable changes from changelogs:
- 25% of the remaining respawn time will add up to your next death when you buy back.
- When buying back, 25% of the remaining respawn time will be added to your next death
- Day/Night length decreased from 6 to 4 minutes
- Roshan will respawn at a random time between 8 and 11 minutes after death
- When Aegis expires unused, it heals the hero fully over 5 seconds
- Bloodseeker no longer has movement speed cap when Thirst is active.
- Starting gold increased from 603 to 625
- Your gold income is now 1 per 0.6 seconds, up from 1 per 0.8 seconds
- Tower last hit bonus gold increased from 100-200 to 150-250
- Ranged Heroes now get the same denied experience as melee heroes
- Pudge and Vengeful Spirit can now use blink dagger.
You can read the full DotA 6.79 changelogs. The changes are indeed fascinating.
Download Map:
DotA 6.79 Secret Quest Guide
The v6.79 is released after intensive public beta testing. However, bugs may still occur which are likely to be fixed in Dota 6.79b/c/d sub-versions. If you find any bugs, report directly to IceFrog.
How to play the new map:

- DotA v6.79.w3x (8 MB)
DotA 6.79 Secret Quest Guide
The v6.79 is released after intensive public beta testing. However, bugs may still occur which are likely to be fixed in Dota 6.79b/c/d sub-versions. If you find any bugs, report directly to IceFrog.
How to play the new map:
- Download the 6.79 map file (.w3x) from the link above.
- Open Warcraft III directory [the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III]
- Open Maps folder and then open downloads sub-folder. Move the map file there.
71 Comments yet..:
First blood!
i thought i have to wait more.....thanks icefrog for map ^^
That's bad.
Lol IceFrog did the code! Awesome!
I see some neutral creeps and a hero at bottom corner but killing them dooesn't do anything
nice one :)) keep it up
any has the 6.79 secret quest guide??
probably those sun wukongs will be part of the new secret quest
ill try first :)
nice one ice;D
keep it up...
waiting for the A.I version :)
Any bug in his map?
Thanks FOr Ze Map Sexy Update :D
wahahahaha .. not so nice ice frog .. !
Ahh with bloodseeker at high speed whenever we click on somewhere to go he turns back everytime he is going to be hit by a projectile - damage frm towers range creeps its hard to control him when he does that
tango BUG!!!!
buy tango give to courier and drop it then pick it up then unli tango
dagger for pudge is so awesome
Wish Icefrog update the same as what they update in dota 2 6.79 changelogs. nevertheless great to know they are still updates in dota1.
dude why whenever i open rot on pudge, the kelen get disabled
Keep it up..........
Wait for ai version
Keep it up..........
Wait for ai version
im so excited to play this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyone has a guide to find the boss?
damn map :D awesome
Waiting for the official version. :D
Healing Salve BUG!
Awesome Farming :)
Icefrog spirit breaker just ruins every game.. also the limitation of drow's marksmanship makes him very weak now.
Wew.. It has bugs!! Unlimmited Healing Salve and Clarity.. Try to drop and loot it after buying.. -________-
finally put it on my blog.
thanks icefrog
in your big fan!
Too many bugs.. hope IceFrog fix this soon... it is still a Test Map... :D
Wow Pudge and Vs
Nice Map!!!
Please update a new maps again if the new map release :D
There's a hidden quest on the lower right of the map but when i go,i'm stuck bec. of the trees, I use tiny and i use dagger to go there. Pls. Fix That IceFrog...................
waiting for official ver. Without bug . .keep it up ice frog. Ur the original of this game...thumbs up
pudge and vs O.o
fatal error on picking broodmother
fatal error on picking broodmother on 1.24b patch :(
i didn't agree for some of the changes.. i hope ice will change it back to a better patch..
Guys just be patient. can't you read it? it's just a TEST RELEASE duhhh so it has many bugs -_- just wait for the official release
Pudge and VS is now imba !!!
Is this map a test or the real 6.79 map?
Hahaha noobs always saying pudge and venge imba
yeah !!!!
its still a TEST map zz
LOL rhasta whose no limit on his SS that sucks ..
Please released the AI version..
i can't wait for version 6.80 ..
i want to suggest the jungle stalker model would appear..
or harpy model.. it would be nice!
OH ! there's many bug, zzzzz but we hope you will fix it :)
im so excited to play 6.79 yeah \m/
so many error
pls; real 6.79 map upload
i suggest that spirit breaker charge will be visible at the status of hero targeted . BTW bara is so annoying in PUBS .
pls make some huge changes about bara for his bash and charge
rollback his charge so that it can be visible so unfair in pubs xD
Nice Map. Please publish 6.79 as fast as posible
So excite
Bloodseeker have full vision on the 1st 50%hp hero and no vision on the others. The changelog said model vision for all 50%HP or lower heroes. but the movement speed bonus is working reached 1k+ MS.. :)
Only tried this on -test -dummy heroes being 5 lvl10 Centaur Warchief.
Hope this helps the test map. :D
pliss decrease bara skill,, that's so annoying..
Dota bad game. Unbalanced heroes. Every game should have heroes based on 1 vs 1. If you get a rune only Sniper Kardel versus Phantom Assassin Phantom Lancer or, for example, both after level 6, which would Kardel chance to win? Many heroes with a lot of HP, movement speed and attack speed, while other heroes has nothing similar. Some compensate for this lack with good skills, however, when you are playing with a French hero, slow to attack, slow to move and skills pessima as are those of Kardel, the desire is that DotA IMBA logo is to abandon fixed bugs of dota IceFrog forever because until DotA 2 is weak
For me it's a very good update until i see that pudge and vengeful can use daggers , it's sucks!
yeah men.?
why no changes to nevermore(sf,YAphets)..make some changes to nevermore power its request to iceFROG plz..
I played against opponents venge and pudge with dagger in Dota 2... no difefrence.. still can win if played well...
eleideol go play lol. its a dota page here. :D
kick that bara from game..icefrog...he ruins every game in pub!!!!!
Please give me more new heroes in Christmas so we can enjoy playing DOTA in this Christmas!! :)
brood spin web is buged
how download 6.79B??
guyz i found 5 eggs in this map but couldnt find how to strt the quest
Yeah! I Did It! I Finish Sun Wukong Quest! Fck
i Love this map!! .. Pudge <3 use Dagger !! :D
Fix bug!
i love Dota.
its become HON game..when butcher can use Dagger
pls make 6,78 AI
should finish 6.79 AI everyone is already tired of waiting for its release.
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