Heroes such as, Slark, Phoenix and Huskar have made a comeback in the Captains Mode. Also, performance issues and lags while playing on older PC's have been fixed, read the full changelogs for more details.
Update (1/8/2014) - IceFrog releases DotA 6.79d.

- DotA v6.79c.w3x (7.87 MB)
Download the map (.w3x) file. Go to Warcraft III\Maps\Download folder and move the map there.
DotA 6.79c Official Changelogs [Patch Notes]
- Hand of Midas recipe cost increased from 1400 to 1550
- Ancestral Spirit vision reduced from 600 to 450
- Ancestral Spirit damage reduced from 80/120/160/200 to 60/100/140/180
- Plague Wards night vision reduced from 1200 to 800
- Venomancer base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285
- Necronomicon night vision from 1300/1400/1500 to 800
- Necronomicon gold bounty increased from 100 to 100/125/150 (per unit)
- Magnetic Grip cast range reduced from 1400 to 1100
- Boulder Smash silence duration reduced from 5 to 3.5/4/4.5/5
- Boulder Smash unit knockback range rescaled from 800 to 500/600/700/800
- Crystal Maiden base Intelligence reduced from 21 to 19 (same base damage)
- Units in a Duel cannot be disarmed or Force Staffed away
- Visage movement speed reduced from 295 to 290
- Purifying Flames manacost increased from 30/45/60/75 to 55/70/85/100
- Added Slark in CM
- Added Huskar in CM
- Added Phoenix in CM
- Fixed Earth Spirit not functioning properly when used after Repick
- Fixed a case where you could get vision over the enemy team
- Fixed some lag issues on older PCs
- Fixed Monkey King Bar not being toggleable
- Fixed Tranquil Boots selling for more than it should when disabled
There is still a slight possibility of DotA 6.79d map as some players reported to have lose control of their hero in middle of the game. If you encounter any bug and find it annoying, report it to IceFrog. The DotA 6.79c AI will take time port due to new in-game mechanics and heroes that were added in v6.78.
P.S. The secret quest has been removed in this map.
DotA 6.79 Secret Quest
36 Comments yet..:
First blood
thanks ice <3
i too had lost control of my hero when i was playing with sf last night but it got fixed when i died and revived.. was annoying though
CM's Int reduced? WTF. :3
Is the gold stuck bug removed now? it is not addressed in changelog.
is the gold stuck bug fixed? it is not addressed in the changelog.
FAST update [K]
yeah.. how about the gold stuck bug?
did you buy back if you did thats the reason why your gold is stuck
Earth spirit when in rolling form and was voodooed, he will have 522 speed permanently unless he is turned into ethereal form.
what about slark being drowned?
I wanna AI 79 :/
slark behind u , visit me i am best slark
Please make ai map for 79
It's a total bull shit , I liked cm mode because there was not imbalanced heroes such is : Huskar , Pheonix . WTF is it ?!
Omg !!!
I hate the changes of Earth Spirit .. :(
Where is the AI map.
Are you run out of AI coder.
If you buy backed, that caused your gold to be strucked. That is stated in the changlog of 6.79
All heroes are balanced, if you know how to exactly counter them, right?
Really? You think Husk and Phoenix are imbalaced? Husk can easily die from pure and physical damage (timber, omni, impetus(ench), naix etc.)
Phoenix will die if the opposing team will have Troll or any other attackspeed buffer (even in teamfights team will go for the egg!)
-DotA 6.79b has a bug in -switch mode. When a hero switches to another team, the switched hero can be sighted anywhere by the enemy.
Did the new map also include the bug fix of switching players?
For those who got angry because I posted that I hated the changes of Earth Spirit. Well, its really none of your business! I am just expressing my reactions towards his changes. Not for you to criticize my post.
I have great amount of lag on my pc. It's true it's an older pc with 1gb ram and a 1,4 ghz processor with 64mb ram, but dota used to work just fine before the 6.79c version. now it's laggy and my internet is even better than before.
also, when a player, or me, chooses king leoric, it's even more laggy!!!
this map become HON game when butcher can use Dagger,,,==
fix skeleton king bug with vampric aura
fix obsidian destroyer bug, where it's ultimate will not go on cooldown if it hit heroes with blade mail active and obsidian dies
just try play slark vs rubick and see a bug
when slark use ult and rubick steall it from ruick ult then gg slark no easy die
Anyone have crash while chatting on 6.79c???
don't change shredder please ..
oracle is tough but why change the manacost on heal ? damn
what about lan ????
Why there's no changes on Razor(Lightning Revenont)?
Can't wait for the AI version , so that my younger bro can learn how to play.
Anyone reading this please make sure that the thing you complain is not really a bug.
The gold stuck bug is not a bug. It happens when you buyback. Buying back prevents you from earning realiable gold 'til your death timer is finished.
sad no christmas map this tme :(
when the AI map will be release ?
fix the unlimited tango bug!!! when tango is carried by the courier with atleast 1 left and then clicking change courier will refill the tango,
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