DotA 6.79d map has been officially released. This is the 3rd attempt to tackle all those annoying issues that appeared after intense mechanics changes in initial v6.79 release. This map update comes with a two-line changelog in which IceFrog fixes widely reported performance issue while playing Skeleton King and a bug that involves Rubick stealing Slark's Shadow Dance skill.
As usual, get the DotA v6.79d map and enjoy smoother gameplay.
As usual, get the DotA v6.79d map and enjoy smoother gameplay.

- DotA v6.79d.w3x (7.87 MegaBytes)
- DotA v6.79d.w3x (mirror)
You must have Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne v1.26a or v1.24e patch installed in order to play this map.
Download the map (.w3x) in your PC then move the map file in "Warcraft III\Maps\Download" sub-folder.
Dota 6.79d Changelogs (Patch Notes)
- Fixed a bug that caused significant performance loss when Skeleton King was in the game
- Fixed a bug with Rubick stealing Shadow Dance
- 修复了当骷髅王在游戏中时游戏表现力显著降低的Bug
- 修复了拉比克偷取暗影之舞时的Bug
Let's hope this update remains last of 6.79 series so, IceFrog and AI makers can proceed further with development. The DotA 6.79d AI may take a few weeks before its release. Also, 6.80 is coming next you can drop your suggestions and comments in IceFrog's inbox.
26 Comments yet..:
First Blood
Thanks icefrog
no fix for hero lose control bug? zzz
Third blood! <3 hi ako si calibz heheheheheh
How about tranquill boots?
why are you guys reporting bugs here? go report it at the main site and stop complaining. theres a limit to what warcraft 3 can do.im amazed how this map can still be optimized.a few more updates i think maybe warcraft 3 cant handle all these contents anymore.at that time you guys have to move on to dota 2 no matter what
Yes iceFrog in a game of dota i with a teammate that had played ursa we ve destroyed the scourge well ...pls increase the damage of the wells ty
this whole 79 is full of bugs
Tranquil boot delay is too long
and there is a bug maybe
when i buy sceoter to skywrath mage the hotkeys will not be worked
it backs to the orginal key so 2nd skil and ultiy will be the same key so icant control my hope u fix this and ty
zet bug linken . until buff linken of shadow + showdow buff hero => linken
zet bug linken shadow
AI map please
PLEASE stop complaining guyz...they are doing their best to fix everything
yes,and now ultimate of barathrum is not good enough because magic immuned removed..
i hope you fixed the bug in 6.79c which has unlimited tango, when putting a tango with 1 left to a courier then clicking change courier will refill it into 4 tango, bugs bugs
there is an imbalance happens in this map .please bring back the old slark . . thankyou!
this is very excite map release 6.79d .. can't wait !
i hope 6.80 will be stable. thank you ice and others :D more powers
please update the ai maps as soon as you can , be a good help :)
6.79d still has the tango bug like 6.79c, hope it will be fixed soon thanks!
bugs are meant to be posted here... by the way.. linken bug ...trax had linken and ages... wen she died so did she drop the linken item.. then it was replaced by a dummy item scourge!!
Ghanta Bu G FIx IT
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