Until then, you can download v6.79e and get rid of that annoying gold bug.

- DotA v6.79e.w3x (7.88 MegaBytes)
- DotA v6.79e.w3x (mirror)
Download the map (.w3x) in your PC then move the map file in "Warcraft III\Maps\Download" folder.
Before playing the new map, make sure your Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne has v1.24e or v1.26a patch pre-installed.
DotA 6.79e Patch Notes (Changelogs)
- Fixed a gold exploit with Arc Warden
If you encounter any issues with the new map, report them directly to IceFrog so they can fixed in the next update.Also, drop your suggestions about upcoming DotA 6.80 using the comment form below.
55 Comments yet..:
First blood!
I am pro you all are noob ^_^
First Blood!
31/6 Noobs :-)
Double Kill
You're not pro,just well played. ^_^
2nd blood XD
Many players didn't want all maps since 6.79 released
pls add a new hero, that have new skill build and not a boring hero to play with
decrease enigma's ulti cooldown or make its dps muck stronger or duration
AI map for 78 or 79 please
please release 6.8
nerf legion plz
Can you please lower down or balance the power of other heroes because they are so powerful not like the past maps .. everyone's complaining about it so please balance it ..
Please Release 6.78/6.79 AI.
monster blood lol!!!!
Release new heroes for 6.80
please release the AI map. either 78 or 79 map =D
when legion got lock item and have many kills.no one defeats him once he duel it. even void
realese AI map 6.79
still has bug with the TANGO thing...
still have the TANGO BUG...
How to open this dota files
please someone tell me how to open this dota files
6.79e bug not fix
6.79f AI please..... so much wait..... please please please....
AI maps, plz
when can we taste the new AI MAP please please please ?
One thing that bugs me is why slark has to be adjusted into a super strong and almost invinsible hero that even gem, wards nor dust cant reveal his appearance during his ultimate. F*****!!!!! this really freaks me out!!!!
Rampage ;-*)
@slark rant.
You do realise that slark's shadow dance cooldown is increased? its not 20 seconds anymore. Also Area of effect spells can counter him easily.
~_~ nice map
ai map please
beyond godlike!!!
i'm good from you...
let's battle...
no 6.79 AI?
i'm starting to get mad at dota-utilities, i've waited almost 6months, but still, no 6.78 and 6.79AI
no 6.78/6.79Ai?
i'm starting to get mad at dota-utilities from keep on waiting.
i almost waited 6months but still there's no 6.78 nor 6.79 AI
79d and 79e still has the TANGO BUG . please fix fix fix :3
AI please, please , stable AI, with perfect ganks
WoW! Awesome changes! thanks icefrog. YOU ROCK! more power!
I would like an explanation on how can Jugernaut cast his ulty on me (sven) while I am under avatar. Not to mention that the game was long and painful, but he just used abysal blade.. NO, I am 100% sure I had my avatar before he jumped.. It's like I had no items. So, can Jurnero cast ulty on heroes under avatar (bkb) and if yes - WHY?
Juggernaut's Omnislash is a PHYSICAL ATTACK, and BKB's Avatar ability only grants magic/spell invulnerability. :)
How can i play online WOW TFT
Where shall my BLOOD be SPILLED !!!!??
all of you noob
tango bug , please remove it ..
i cant download this maps <<<<< T_T
Viva troll warlod
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