These bugs can be easily performed in a live game and require no assistance from your teammates.
Infinite Gold Exploit

You can get infinite gold without doing anything but first you need to have the following:
- Zet, Arc Warden with Tempest Double (Level 6 - ultimate spell)
- Complete Linken Sphere
- Pick Zet, Arc Warden and put Linken Sphere in his inventory.
- Make sure you at least have Level 1 Tempest Double skill.
- Use Tempest Double and wait 3-4 seconds (not more or less)
- Now immediately select the clone created by Tempest Double and use/cast Linken Sphere buff on your original hero.
- Wait 20 seconds and let the clone disappear, you will see another Linken Sphere dropped on the ground.
- You can repeat same steps and sell those extra Linken Sphere(s) to get your free gold.
Note: Linken Sphere item can now be cast on allied units in the newer maps. Also, proper timing is important to perform this exploit, if you fail you can try again.

Unlimited Tango Charges
It's a very simple bug which will give you infinite tango charges.
- Buy a courier and a set of Tango (4 charges)
- Use 3 charges of Tango and put the last one back in the courier
- Change courier type by selecting courier and pressing 'G'
- Tango charges will be refilled. Repeat the steps if necessary
IceFrog may release DotA 6.79e in near future to fix these bugs.
11 Comments yet..:
First blood.
major bug should be fixed
Damn it ice!
killing spree
Please release 6.79e AI.... what happen PBMN?
tango bug isnt fixed on 6.79e, oh yeah!!! i love unlimited on AI MODE!!! HAHA
so sad
Cool Nc
time is outa hahahhaah nice!
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