IceFrog rolled out a quick update in form of DotA 6.80b to get rid of bugs that appeared earlier, only two of them are reported to fixed in the changelogs.
The first one is Wards being visible to enemy without any need of True Sight while the other one is Viper Strike retaining vision if enemy has Linken Sphere. Now, you can play plant those ninja observer wards and start ganking your opponents. Download the new map below!
The first one is Wards being visible to enemy without any need of True Sight while the other one is Viper Strike retaining vision if enemy has Linken Sphere. Now, you can play plant those ninja observer wards and start ganking your opponents. Download the new map below!

- DotA v6.80b.w3x (7.88 MB)
Download the map (with .w3x extension) and place it in (Warcraft III\Maps\Download) directory. You must have Warcraft 3 TFT v1.24e or above to play this map.
Dota 6.80b Changelogs (Patch Notes)
- Fixed some bugs with Wards
- Fixed Netherstrike retaining vision if the enemy has Linken's Sphere
- 修正了一些关于守卫的问题
- 修正了如果对拥有林肯法球的敌人使用幽冥一击会始终拥有对方视野的问题
There is still a slight chance of DotA 6.80c/d map becoming reality. Anyway, the next map will be DotA 6.81 which will probably contain new heroes (Sun Wukong?). Let IceFrog know what would you like to see in next update. Regarding the DotA 6.80 AI, there is no update from development team, we'll post them if there's any.
25 Comments yet..:
First blood!
tango bug fixed o.O
2nd Blood :|
create new look heroes... not sun wokung.>!!!!
Thanks IceFrog... That bug about ward is so sad.... anyway map is nice to play... (y)
2nd blood , XD
how to download this map
THX!! Lion is totally awesome!!
pls fix the bug ward! they can buy anything they want..:(
When is the AI Map coming?
there is still a bug with wards. when you transfer one charge of wards in a hero or a courier with full item, it drops a ward with 2 charges.. please fix this bug issue.
eh, why gold is reduced when player late to choose hero?
spec 3thrd skill doesn't works
Nice Map but pls fix the bug....!!!
not nice
First BLOOD xD
is that real new hero Sun Wukong?
is that real new map got new hero name Sun wukong?
i wish there was a new hero
just a suggestion
phase shift - please do have a charge on magic stick/wand
split shot - please don't have a charge on magic stick/wand
wrath of nature's aghanims upgrade - no bounce limit (but have damage limit)
thundergod's wrath aghanims upgrade - damages invisible units
supernova sun aghanims - grant blind
phantom edge aghanims - chance to heal illusion or refresh some time life
just another suggestion
riki's aghanims - can not be detected by true sight if not moving
please make a new hero artras weeding litch king power
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